Top 10 Bloopers Caught in the Background of Movies

  • last year
Out of foreground, out of mind? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the best background bloopers left in movies.
00:00 You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of.
00:02 But you have heard of me.
00:05 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the best background bloopers left in movies.
00:12 These aren't continuity errors, but rather little oopsies not part of the main focus of the scene.
00:17 The prisoner wishes to say a word.
00:20 Number 10.
00:24 Not really dead.
00:25 The Patriot.
00:26 And how did King George reward me?
00:30 He cuts off my other leg with his taxes.
00:33 When it comes to Mel Gibson movies where someone dies and comes back to life,
00:36 you'd probably think we were talking about The Passion of the Christ.
00:39 However, in this case, we're discussing the extended cut of the Gibson-led war epic The Patriot.
00:45 Take this one to Camden. He's a spy. Hang him, put his body on display.
00:48 But unlike the former, the guy in The Patriot was supposed to stay dead,
00:53 at least until the scene faded completely to black.
00:56 Was it the actor's fault for moving too early, or the editor's fault for not fading to black quicker?
01:01 We're not sure. All we know is that the dead guy lifts his head while we can still see him.
01:06 Why should I trust a man who betrays neighbors?
01:08 Well, those neighbors of mine who stand against England deserve to die a traitor's death.
01:15 Number 9.
01:16 Ladder to the Head.
01:17 Christmas with the Cranks.
01:18 Um, we're taking a break.
01:24 Um, we're not gonna do Christmas this year.
01:27 Being a real fireman is a dangerous job.
01:30 But it turns out being a pretend fireman isn't always smooth sailing either,
01:34 as one extra found out on the set of the 2004 holiday comedy Christmas with the Cranks.
01:40 Why Tim Allen's character is hanging upside down in the scene doesn't matter.
01:44 What matters is what happens when the firemen get there to save him.
01:51 Watch as one of the guys takes the ladder off the truck and walks towards the action.
01:55 Now watch the other firefighter standing there minding his own business.
01:59 It's like we're in a Three Stooges movie within another Three Stooges movie.
02:04 Stoog-ception.
02:05 - Got him? - Huh?
02:06 - Oh! - Luther, are you okay?
02:11 Number 8.
02:12 Camera Guy.
02:14 Bad Boys.
02:14 Hopefully you will realize that what you did was wrong.
02:20 Hopefully you will never do anything like that again.
02:22 Not to be confused with the Will Smith and Martin Lawrence movie,
02:26 1983's Bad Boys starring Sean Penn is set in a juvenile detention center.
02:31 And while it's normal for detention centers to have cameras watching the inmates,
02:35 we're pretty sure none of them have, or have, actual camera guys roaming around.
02:40 All right, this is Supervisor Wagner.
02:43 Sir will also do.
02:44 O'Brien Terrell.
02:45 Gentlemen, enjoy your rehabilitation.
02:49 But maybe the detention center in Bad Boys was a new kind of center
02:52 that used actual cinematographers to capture the goings-on.
02:56 Or maybe no one noticed the camera guy in the shot during this fight scene.
03:00 Maybe you never noticed him either, but you sure will from now on.
03:04 All right.
03:04 You'll serve the remainder of your time in this program in solitary confinement starting now.
03:10 Number 7.
03:11 I Shouldn't Be Here.
03:12 Terminator 2.
03:13 Judgment Day.
03:18 Stay here.
03:18 I'll be back.
03:20 You'd be forgiven if you never noticed this one, given the intensity of the moment
03:25 as Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator walks towards a firing line of police officers.
03:30 But after the cops tell Schwarzenegger to get down,
03:33 and just before they start shooting, take a look through the windows behind them.
03:36 Okay, drop them!
03:45 What you'll see is some random guy who just walks right into the scene outside the building.
03:51 A lost extra?
03:52 A wayward crew member?
03:53 A Schwarzenegger fanboy?
03:55 Who knows?
03:56 But regardless, we feel pretty confident saying that they weren't supposed to be there.
04:01 Hasta la vista, baby.
04:03 Number 6.
04:10 Just Fall Down.
04:11 The Dark Knight Rises.
04:13 No one cared who I was till I put on the mask.
04:17 There's a scene in The Dark Knight Rises that finds Batman and Catwoman on a rooftop,
04:21 taking on a bunch of Bane's henchmen.
04:23 In the end, they're the only ones left standing after knocking out the barrage of bad guys.
04:28 I'm not bluffing!
04:31 They know.
04:33 They just don't care.
04:35 Well, actually, they didn't really knock them all out.
04:38 Look closely at the background here.
04:40 As Batman is fighting off a couple of foot soldiers, a third approaches the Caped Crusader
04:45 from screen left.
04:46 But before Batman is even able to knock him out, the guy stops, stumbles backwards, and
04:51 falls to the ground.
04:53 We get it.
04:54 We wouldn't want to fight Batman either.
04:56 Number 5.
05:02 Cowboys and Pirates.
05:03 Pirates of the Caribbean, The Curse of the Black Pearl.
05:06 What you were supposed to keep to the colony, we figured they were more actual guidelines.
05:14 As a kid, did you ever play Cowboys and Pirates?
05:17 No, we didn't either.
05:20 But that must have been what they were playing on the set of the first Pirates of the Caribbean
05:24 movie just before shooting this scene.
05:26 Captain Sparrow.
05:27 The Black Pearl is yours.
05:34 Either that, or some random crew member wearing modern clothes and a cowboy hat was standing
05:39 in the background on the ship and got caught in the shot.
05:42 As much as we'd like to imagine it was the former, the more likely answer is the latter.
05:47 Either way, it's a mistake that no one noticed before it was too late.
05:51 Number 4.
05:57 Spidey Web Shooting.
05:58 Cherry.
05:59 In case you didn't know, actor Tom Holland played Spider-Man in multiple movies between
06:04 2017 and the release of Cherry in February of 2021.
06:08 There's Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow.
06:11 Whoa, who's that new guy?
06:13 That's me.
06:14 I gotta go, I gotta go.
06:14 Hey everyone.
06:18 With that in mind, we can now check out the scene from Cherry, which sees a military-clad
06:22 Holland lying on the ground as other army personnel walk by, ignoring him completely.
06:27 I started to get this weird feeling like it was all just make-believe.
06:30 That we were just pretending to be soldiers.
06:34 Well, almost all of them walk by and ignore him.
06:36 You might notice three of the guys moving past him who, not only do they not ignore
06:42 him, they move past while doing the Spidey shooting out webs motion at him.
06:46 We guess with great power comes great idiocy as well.
06:49 Kevin, are you okay?
06:56 I'm good now.
06:57 Number three, the car, Braveheart.
07:01 William Wallace.
07:03 Can't be, I'm not tall enough.
07:05 Just to be clear, the film Braveheart takes place between 1280 and 1314.
07:12 The automobile was invented in the 1800s.
07:15 Why is this important?
07:17 Well, remember the famous hold scene in Braveheart?
07:20 You know, the one where William Wallace has his men hold until the very last second before
07:24 switching their swords for long spikes and impaling the attacking forces?
07:28 That they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!
07:34 Great scene, right?
07:37 Yes, it is.
07:38 But if you look in the lower left-hand corner of the screen as the opposing army attacks,
07:43 just a few moments before Wallace gives the now command, yep, that's a car.
07:47 There was also a car in Middle Earth in the theatrical version of The Fellowship of the Ring,
07:52 although it was removed for the DVD version.
07:55 If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been.
08:00 Come on, Sam.
08:06 Number two, Horse Kick, The Last Samurai.
08:11 You ride against us, and you are the same as they are.
08:14 I'll look for you on the field.
08:16 It's something you'd expect to see on an episode of America's Funniest Home Videos,
08:20 not a big budget period drama.
08:22 But alas, check out the 2003 film The Last Samurai,
08:26 and you'll see a horse kick a guy in the naughty bits.
08:28 No, it isn't Tom Cruise.
08:34 And even if it was, we assume that's one stunt he wouldn't do himself.
08:38 No, instead it happened by accident to a poor extra who just happened to be in the wrong place
08:43 at the wrong time.
08:44 The place being beside a horse.
08:46 The time being when the horse kicked out his hind leg.
08:49 Captain.
08:50 Godspeed.
08:54 Mr. Grant.
08:57 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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09:13 Number one, Psychic Kid, North by Northwest.
09:18 By the way, I want to compliment you on your colorful exit from the auction gallery.
09:22 Thank you.
09:24 When Eva Marie Saint pulls a gun on Cary Grant at the Mount Rushmore Visitor Center
09:29 in 1959's North by Northwest, no one knows if she's actually going to pull the trigger.
09:34 Wait, that's not true.
09:35 Do you see that little boy with the blue shirt sitting at the table in the background?
09:39 Watch what he does the second Eva Marie Saint pulls the gun from her purse.
09:47 Are you a little fool?
09:48 Will you just stay away from me?
09:49 While everyone else looks scared, the kid sticks his fingers in his ears
09:55 in anticipation of the loud bang that is to come.
09:59 Alfred Hitchcock was known for plot twists, but the kid apparently saw this one coming.
10:04 Hello.
10:05 Hello.
10:07 Are you all right?
10:09 Yes, I think so.
10:12 Have you ever noticed any of these background bloopers before we mentioned them?
10:16 Let us know in the comments.
10:17 No.
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10:38 (upbeat music)