Plants with Beautiful Berries for Fall & Winter Interest (+ Hartley Pathway is DONE!)
00:00 They are awesome. I mean look at that
00:02 And that and this oh
00:06 So I'm gonna go through all the details real quick of these plants and then before we head out to actually plant
00:11 I want to show you the finished pathway between the Hartley in the house Pedro and his crew finished last week
00:16 And it's gorgeous, but plants first. Okay, so first one
00:20 This is a brilliant red chokeberry, right? Yeah, brilliant red chokeberry
00:27 We were down at the Garden Center on Saturday, and I walked past these they had two left and I had to have them
00:31 68 feet tall and wide these are edible for people to I guess they're fairly bitter and tart when ripe
00:39 But you can use them in preserves
00:40 I think pretty much anything works as a preserve add some sugar and you got it made
00:45 But I really want these more for their very interest
00:48 I'm excited to see how long they hold through the winter or you know if the wildlife like to come and clean them up right
00:52 Away, I don't really care. I just think they're gorgeous. They get covered in white blooms in the spring
00:57 And then the leaves actually turn a bright red as well. So they are a four season
01:01 Plant I think that's great. And I can't remember the zone four through something I think
01:06 Four through nine that really spans quite a distance and I think some of the other chokeberries out there grow a bit bigger
01:13 So this one stays more on the compact side
01:16 Then we have an aronia
01:20 Look at that. First of all, it's starting to show some fall color there, but then look at these berries. They're gorgeous
01:27 So here's the the tag right there
01:30 This one will grow about 14 inches tall and then it spreads out three to four feet
01:35 And I really like these woody kind of ground cover shrubs
01:39 Especially for the pond area because I feel like they have such a woodland look
01:43 Especially this one that has some kind of a berry plant that's rooted in there are some wicked thorns
01:48 I'm gonna pull that out because I don't want berries running amok around the pond, but this one is a zone three through nine
01:54 It rarely needs anything. I mean you don't even have to prune it
01:58 You just let it do its thing and that's kind of what I'm looking for
02:01 Then we've got the Mahonia repens and I'm not sure if I'm saying that name, right?
02:07 It's a creeping Mahonia or creeping organ grape. So unlike the traditional organ grapes that get to be a big shrub
02:13 This one will grow I think 18 to 20
02:16 Yeah 18 to 24 inches tall and about 4 feet wide and while it doesn't have berries on it right now
02:21 It will once it's you know in the ground. I mean, this one's a little baby. Look at this
02:25 This is gonna be a pleasure to plant
02:27 But yellow flowers in the late spring and then they get clusters of blueberries their leaves kind of turn this fall color
02:34 But they are evergreen. So another nice low woody shrub and
02:38 this one is the same a
02:41 Low woody shrub beautiful pink berries. This is a type of coral berry
02:45 called Hancock Chenault coral berry
02:48 Grows two feet tall and ten feet wide and it's supposed to help with erosion control
02:54 Weed suppression our coral berries that we have out in the landscape already. The variety is proud berry. They perform
03:00 So well, all we have to do is cut them back once a year
03:03 That's it and they just perform and get loaded up with these pink beautiful berries
03:08 Now this one blooms in the summer kind of light pink flowers and if it performs like our proud berries
03:14 They're fairly insignificant flowers. They're not super huge. It's the berries that we're after once they start to form up
03:20 Can you imagine 10 feet of that in your garden just loaded up with the pink berries and I love the dainty
03:26 Leaves as well
03:27 And then we have the second to last rose from heirloom roses that they sent out early this season
03:32 That I want to get planted. This one's a darlows enigma and while it doesn't look like much now
03:37 It gets big like 10 by 10
03:40 White flowers it will have hips
03:43 So we'll have that berry interest in the fall and winter and I've been putting off planting that one because of its mature size
03:50 I mean 10 by 10 that's significant and I wanted to make sure that it was somewhere where it could just grow it could do
03:56 Its thing I think the best place for that is gonna be worked into the border that we're creating out on the new property
04:01 The very last rose I have from heirloom that I need to find a spot for is the polka
04:06 Which is a type of climbing rose and again
04:09 That's a commitment because you have to have somewhere where it can climb you have to have something for it to climb on and I
04:13 Haven't just decided exactly where that is yet. Okay, let's go
04:17 Take a look at the pathway real quick and then we'll head out and plant and you guys this pathway is so good
04:23 Oh, I love it so much you guys it has the perfect curve. I love it so much
04:28 They did a beautiful job and just watching how they piece these pathways together
04:32 I mean, I've talked about it before but they're definitely very good at what they do and they're artists
04:37 I mean they really
04:38 Take the time and make sure that all of them fit nicely that all the curves on the outer part look really good
04:44 They have us come look at it a lot. Like do you like how we're doing it here?
04:48 Do we need to shift things and then once they got the stone set?
04:51 Before they did the sand they let them sit for I think it was I had a full day
04:55 between when when they were done and when they were gonna sand it in and they do that so that we can live with
05:00 it for a full day and we can make adjustments if we need to and they're the type of people who don't make you feel
05:04 Like we've got to shift things again. They truly want you to love it, which is great
05:09 And then when they do the sand they do it in thirds
05:12 So they they brush very carefully sand between all the stones and then they wet it down
05:16 So settle it all in and then they do that two more times so that we don't deal with sand settling and you know
05:23 Little gaps forming in this hand. It's just a really precise wonderful job
05:27 And the thing I really love about it too is that like this area is not going to be balanced
05:31 It's not going to be very formal. So it'll be a really beautiful contrast to what you know, just lies beyond it
05:37 Okay, so let's walk this they always like to start it with some great big stones and then they do intersperse big ones throughout
05:44 It kind of ties in and you know, clearly we have some work to do. There's Benjamin's sweater right there
05:50 Just in case and then there's mounds of dirt
05:53 We need to smooth all this out and then we'll putting be putting compost in as a top dress and that will be
05:58 Beautiful because that will really make this pop because a lot of our soil it dries white. So it kind of
06:03 Steals focus stills focus a little bit. Look at how beautiful
06:07 You can see the colors a little bit better in the shade and right here, too
06:13 I know it does not look centered because one the windows off but also the flowerbeds very different on either side it is
06:21 Centered between the two beams here
06:23 We'll just need to plant both sides so that it looks a little bit more balanced right there so that it doesn't look as off
06:30 It's hard to make everything match right here when the window doesn't exactly line up and then here's a look from the house back to the Hartley
06:37 We are also going to be doing you know
06:42 The pathway to the fireplace and the pathway over to that garden through the boxwood opening there
06:47 So we'll be able to refine the grass edge. I think it might even diminish a little bit more than it is
06:52 Now it'll be a little smaller because I think we'll do the pathway and then everything on this side of it will be flowerbed
06:58 And we'll smooth out that corner as well. And all of that will be flowerbed. Anyway, that is the pathway
07:03 I could not be happier with it. Love it so much and now
07:07 We're gonna go plant. I think we're gonna start at the pond area. PS
07:13 Quick thank you to Kathy for sending out this kneeling pad. Do you guys remember?
07:17 I used to have one like this and it's been my favorite one that I ever had and
07:21 It flew out the back of our truck years ago, and I have never been able to locate another one Kathy had an extra
07:27 I couldn't believe it when we opened up that box so fun
07:30 Okay a little quick look over here, you know, we just recently planted the cotoneaster
07:38 Which are another short, you know, six to twelve inch tall three to four foot wide woody shrub
07:44 One on that side as well
07:48 This area is just magic in the morning and at night all day long. It's magic. I love it. See the fish
07:54 And you can see little touches of Benjamin all over he loves to display things
08:06 Decorate so backing up a little bit. I do think I want some more evergreen interest right in here
08:11 So I might leave that space open. I want to check out the other side. There's lots of space
08:17 We are gonna be putting more boulders in though, too
08:20 So we need to keep that in mind
08:22 Like I want to put another grouping of boulders right in here and probably a couple right in here and then one on the backside
08:29 So I just want to keep yeah, keep that in mind. So I don't
08:33 Plant up an area where we need some of that really weighty, you know interest out here
08:39 So I think what I'm gonna do is just kind of walk these plants around and find the best spot where I think they would
08:44 Fit in keeping in mind the mature sizes of these things that we already have in this area
08:48 Yeah
08:51 Let's do it
08:53 (birds chirping)
08:55 (wind)
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08:59 (wind)
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09:07 (birds chirping)
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09:33 (birds chirping)
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10:00 (wind blowing)
10:12 (wind blowing)
10:17 (wind blowing)
10:20 - All right guys, so I ended up planting
10:44 the three low growing shrubs in here.
10:47 I think I'm gonna pop the chokeberries out
10:49 by a Norway spruce in our entryway.
10:51 I think they would look really beautiful out there,
10:53 so we'll try them out there first.
10:55 I'm just at a point with this space
10:57 that I don't know exactly what I wanna block view-wise.
11:01 I mean, I want this whole area to be secret in the end,
11:04 so that like this berm out here is very thick,
11:07 but I wanna let the birch have a chance to, you know,
11:09 grow and fill in a little bit.
11:10 And I don't wanna do too much too quickly
11:12 because like for example, I mean,
11:14 I think one of those would look beautiful
11:16 planted right in here,
11:17 like kinda in between these two rocks,
11:21 but I'm not sure that I actually want to block that view yet.
11:24 I might wanna keep the plantings a little bit low
11:27 so that out here it's nice and thick
11:29 and you don't really see in,
11:31 but as you're walking down this pathway
11:34 to get little glimmers of what's beyond,
11:36 I think that might be kinda nice.
11:38 I don't know yet, but I did put the Oregon grape right here
11:42 so that can just fill in, you know, four feet wide
11:45 and just about, I mean, upwards of two feet tall,
11:48 so it'd be perfect.
11:49 And it's a type that's adaptable to shade.
11:51 It does really well in a shady spot.
11:54 So as this oak tree grows, this will be fine.
11:57 The Russian sage will not.
11:59 We'll have to move that out eventually.
12:00 And I'm okay with that,
12:02 but it is nice to put some things in
12:03 that can just hang out and stay.
12:05 Okay, going this direction,
12:07 I tucked the Aronia in right here and it's so pretty.
12:13 Look at that.
12:14 We've got a Plumbego right next to it on the left.
12:16 So that will be the shortest.
12:18 And then this will be a little taller.
12:20 And then we've got the red, Blackhawk or Redhawk.
12:22 I can't remember, it's grass, obviously.
12:25 That gets like four to five feet tall.
12:27 So this will just kind of fill in this space
12:29 right behind it.
12:30 And then we'll have a nice grassy texture
12:32 and some flowers in there.
12:33 And then going even further, we've got the Coralberry,
12:35 which can just fill in this space right here.
12:38 It can come to the path.
12:39 It can go underneath the oak.
12:40 I think this will be the perfect spot.
12:43 And it still leaves all of this open over here
12:45 to get our rocks placed
12:47 before we do anything major, planting wise.
12:49 I'm really happy with where all those ended up.
12:51 So let's head out to where the Chokeberries
12:53 and the Rose can go.
12:55 (upbeat music)
12:58 (upbeat music continues)
13:01 (upbeat music continues)
13:04 (upbeat music continues)
13:08 (upbeat music continues)
13:11 (upbeat music continues)
13:15 (upbeat music continues)
13:19 (upbeat music continues)
13:39 (upbeat music continues)
13:42 Both Chokeberries are in.
13:47 Here is one of them.
13:49 I think this is gonna be so pretty right here.
13:52 So eight by eight, it will fill in this space
13:54 like quite a bit.
13:55 - What's that?
13:57 - A Chokeberry.
13:58 - Oh, nice.
13:59 - You like it?
14:00 - Yeah, that was the one you got at Andrews.
14:01 - Uh-huh, isn't it pretty?
14:02 - Yeah, I like it.
14:02 - The other one is on the other side.
14:03 We're gonna go look at that one next.
14:05 Yeah.
14:06 What do you think about,
14:07 I've got some Barberries
14:09 and I was just going to mention
14:10 that I need some red foliage in here
14:13 as well as some blue.
14:14 I could do red Barberries around the base.
14:16 Would that be too formal?
14:19 Maybe too formal?
14:20 - No.
14:21 - Possibly.
14:22 - I like Barberries.
14:23 I used to not like them,
14:23 but I like them now.
14:24 - Well, out here,
14:25 they could just kind of do their thing.
14:27 I don't know,
14:28 we might just set them out here and try it
14:29 before we plant it.
14:30 Barberries are not invasive in our area.
14:32 I know they are for a lot of you guys,
14:34 but they do bring a tremendous amount of color.
14:36 They also have berries on them
14:37 and they just kind of keep to themselves here.
14:40 Either way,
14:41 I do need something with red in here
14:43 because our closest red is not that close.
14:47 I think it might be the Black Lace Elderberry
14:49 that's all the way over there.
14:51 So I need something,
14:52 maybe red right in here.
14:54 That would look really nice.
14:55 And then we need to put something blue in here.
14:57 We do have the Totem Pole Grass,
14:59 which has a blue tone to it,
15:01 but I really would like to have something evergreen,
15:04 even if it's a small evergreen,
15:06 right in here so that we have that blue tone.
15:09 We've got the beautiful Hoops,
15:10 I think that's a Hoops Eye, right?
15:11 Or is it a Bacchari?
15:12 I can't remember.
15:13 The Blue Spruce that's over there.
15:14 I want that same kind of vibe over here somewhere.
15:16 And you guys,
15:17 the Heptacodium,
15:18 this is the Temple of Bloom.
15:20 Look at this.
15:22 So the blooms are actually white
15:24 and they're very fragrant.
15:26 And then once the blooms fall,
15:29 these are the sepals, right?
15:31 That hold the bloom on.
15:33 And they turn this beautiful pinky red in the fall.
15:37 I just love it.
15:39 And it really has come into its own.
15:41 This was really little when we planted it.
15:43 Okay, let's go take a look at the other Chokeberry
15:45 and then I might go grab those Barberries
15:47 just to set out here,
15:49 just to see if we like it.
15:50 I don't think I'll plant them today.
15:52 You know, I kind of love them right here
16:02 because they only get three to four feet tall and wide.
16:05 These are the Sunjoy Tangelo Barberries.
16:07 And look at the color when the sun shines through them.
16:11 So they'll just be like this nice little mound over here.
16:14 And right there, possibly,
16:17 I might just let them sit out here for a day or two
16:19 and think about it.
16:19 I put one right over here as well
16:21 because I've got the perfect spot
16:23 next to a Montana Moss Juniper.
16:25 That red with the blue.
16:27 That contrast is so beautiful.
16:30 And these are the Ostia,
16:31 the Bright Lights Horizon Sunset, right?
16:35 They've really filled in.
16:36 These are an annual, which is a shame.
16:38 I wish they were a perennial.
16:40 They are so pretty.
16:41 But I think that that would look really nice right there.
16:43 Really nice.
16:44 We do not want to get too ahead of ourselves though.
16:47 So I just might wait on it for a day or so.
16:49 Just take a look at them.
16:50 We've wintered these over though from last year.
16:52 So they've been in containers for a long time.
16:55 They could probably benefit from being popped out
16:57 and put in the ground.
16:59 And here's the other Chokeberry
17:00 just in between the Bonnie Blue, Blue Spruce,
17:03 and the Norway.
17:04 There is a little Willow in the back shrub,
17:06 and then the Miss Ruby Buddleia.
17:08 And this one's closer to the road right here.
17:11 I think that's gonna be really, really nice.
17:13 I initially thought I was gonna pop
17:14 the second one right there.
17:16 But I'm such a trio person
17:18 that I either want to put them really close together
17:20 or I want to do one, two, and then three.
17:23 But I only had two.
17:24 So separating them seemed like a better idea.
17:26 Look at these berries.
17:28 Oh my gosh, it's so pretty.
17:30 Oh, I love it so much.
17:31 And I already want to cut those off
17:32 so I can use them in an arrangement.
17:34 I will not.
17:35 I will wait till the shrub gets bigger,
17:36 but that will be another fun use for it.
17:39 Okay, we just have the rose left now.
17:41 Right out here.
17:42 We just need to real quick appreciate
17:44 the light coming through this red bud
17:46 and the sweet gum just behind it.
17:48 Oh my gosh, it's just so pretty.
17:50 I love it so much.
17:51 And I'm thinking the rose, we could just pop in
17:54 maybe close to where that pine is over there.
17:57 I don't know.
17:58 It doesn't much go anywhere out here.
18:00 Yeah, I think that's good.
18:02 Here's the question.
18:04 Do I plant it high?
18:05 (wind blowing)
18:09 (leaves rustling)
18:11 (leaves rustling)
18:14 (leaves rustling)
18:17 (wind blowing)
18:46 And there it is all done.
18:47 Now this one, I did not plant high
18:49 because roses, you don't want to do that with them.
18:52 In fact, I usually bury them a little bit lower
18:55 just so that the crown is just barely under the soil.
18:57 It kind of helps them with, for winter protection,
18:59 protects them against the cold
19:01 and helps them to not rock.
19:03 And they can root in really nicely.
19:05 So I think this will be a really sweet rose
19:07 to have back in here.
19:08 And you guys, other than getting those barberries
19:10 in the ground, which I'm going to wait on,
19:12 I think that's it for planting today.
19:14 I just wanted to show you guys some new,
19:16 not new, but just different options
19:18 for plants that would bring some fall and winter interest
19:20 into your landscape in the way of berries.
19:22 Because all winter interest doesn't have to be evergreen.
19:25 It can be berries or really pretty branch color
19:27 or branch structure.
19:29 It's fun to have all of those different elements
19:31 in the garden to look at.
19:32 And it's still a beautiful time of year to plant.
19:34 In fact, we keep planting until we can't dig holes anymore.
19:37 So like I said, today is supposed to be 81.
19:39 In fact, I'm going to take this vest off
19:41 because it's getting really hot.
19:42 I'm getting really hot.
19:43 It's heating up decently fast,
19:45 but we are heading into the 10 day,
19:48 which is like mid 60s, mid to high 60s,
19:51 which is also really welcome.
19:53 I'm excited for that.
19:54 And we're getting closer to bulb planting too.
19:55 It's just been too warm to get our bulbs in the ground.
19:59 So that will happen maybe toward the end of this month.
20:01 Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed seeing those plants
20:03 go in the ground and we will see you in the next video.