I Tried Etiquette School
00:00 Challenge accepted.
00:01 (air whooshing)
00:02 Portion of this video is sponsored by State Farm.
00:05 Hello, my name is Lisa Gachet.
00:07 I am the founder and CEO of Beverly Hills Manners.
00:11 Lisa, it is so lovely to meet you.
00:13 Today's a very special challenge accepted
00:15 because I'm not by myself.
00:16 I brought my lovely friends, Chris and Kelsey.
00:20 Do you want your dress zipped all the way in the back?
00:22 - Oh my God.
00:23 (laughing)
00:23 - We've already, we haven't even introduced ourselves
00:27 yet Lisa and I've already failed etiquette school.
00:30 So what Michelle and her friends don't know
00:33 is that I'm going to be scoring them.
00:35 - Watermelon rutabaga.
00:40 - And what they also don't know
00:41 is that I might've set a few small traps.
00:44 I just wanna get into the handshaking because I just-
00:48 - We're gonna have a great time.
00:50 - Well, I know, right?
00:51 You come in first, second, already a learning moment.
00:55 So we'll have Michelle face Chris here.
00:57 So right hand from the elbow down.
01:00 - These look like Barbie dolls.
01:01 - When we shake hands, we want to go into this area here
01:04 called the web.
01:05 So we want to meet hands web to web.
01:08 - Ooh, that's not intimate.
01:09 (laughing)
01:10 - I'm sorry.
01:11 You know what Michelle?
01:12 That's really interesting that you mentioned that.
01:15 And here's why.
01:17 Men are supposed to actually wait for the woman
01:20 to initiate the handshake.
01:22 And the reason for that is because men should not assume
01:25 that women want to have any type of physical contact.
01:29 - I love that.
01:30 - Right?
01:31 - Take note.
01:31 - So if Michelle did not initiate the handshake,
01:34 then you simply nod.
01:36 Exactly.
01:37 Okay.
01:38 Now how many pumps do you think
01:39 is the perfect Goldilocks number?
01:42 - Three?
01:44 - I'm gonna say two.
01:44 - Okay.
01:45 So let's see two pumps.
01:46 One, two.
01:47 Okay.
01:48 Those are very weak pumps, people.
01:50 Okay.
01:50 We need two proper pumps.
01:52 So one, two, and then release.
01:55 Then let go.
01:56 - Okay.
01:57 - Well not like this.
01:58 We're not scaring each other.
01:59 - Okay, okay, okay.
02:00 It's nice to meet you.
02:03 - You too.
02:04 Goodbye.
02:05 (laughing)
02:07 - Goodbye.
02:08 - So dramatic.
02:09 - Kelsey, you have to try.
02:10 - Okay, now Kelsey get in here.
02:12 - Hi Chris, it's nice to meet you.
02:14 - Nice to meet you.
02:14 - Beautiful.
02:15 - Whoa!
02:16 - Look at that.
02:17 (laughing)
02:18 - That was like a meet cute.
02:19 - I know, exactly.
02:21 - There are so many crazy montages
02:24 that take a girl or a woman from zero to hero
02:27 through an etiquette makeover transformation.
02:29 I'm talking princess diaries, Miss Congeniality,
02:32 even the aristocats.
02:34 Yes, the cats have etiquette.
02:36 It seems like this is such an important part
02:39 of history and society
02:41 and something that feels incredibly untouchable.
02:43 - People are forming opinions about us
02:46 within the first seven seconds of meeting us.
02:49 They're actually not concerned with what we're wearing
02:52 or what our hair looks like.
02:53 They're actually noticing something
02:56 that begins with the letter P.
02:57 - Poise.
02:58 - Politeness.
02:59 - Posture.
03:00 (laughing)
03:02 - I'd like you all just to take a seat
03:03 and let's see what that looks like.
03:05 Manspreading, when we are sitting nicely,
03:10 there is no spreading of any kind.
03:12 We actually do not have contact with the back of a chair.
03:16 So that means everyone should be sitting up.
03:18 For Chris, you wanna try and keep your feet
03:20 in a parallel position and hands on your knees.
03:24 Just like that.
03:25 Doesn't he look present? - This is incredible.
03:27 - He looks present, just very interested
03:30 and excited to be where he is, right?
03:32 Versus kinda lean back in the chair.
03:34 Doesn't that look like entertain me
03:36 or eh, I'm not so sure I wanna be here.
03:39 Versus the other way, he's all in, right?
03:42 Right?
03:43 Okay.
03:44 So etiquette, the way you treat others,
03:45 the way you behave, these are all elements
03:47 of what makes a good neighbor.
03:49 So I'm gonna try and maintain perfect posture
03:51 while telling you all about today's sponsor, State Farm.
03:53 And thanks to State Farm
03:54 for sponsoring a portion of this video.
03:56 Dink, working out at the gym,
03:58 mint chocolate chip ice cream.
03:59 These are all things I don't wanna give up
04:01 and neither should you.
04:02 And thankfully, you don't have to with State Farm.
04:04 Can I be Michelle from State Farm?
04:06 Kinda has a nice ring to it, just saying.
04:08 State Farm has options to give you
04:09 a surprisingly great rate that fits your budget
04:11 so you don't have to give up the things you love.
04:13 You can insure your home, your car,
04:14 you can even personalize your policy
04:16 'cause y'all know, like a good neighbor,
04:18 âȘ State Farm is there âȘ
04:21 All you gotta do is call or go to statefarm.com
04:25 to get a quote today.
04:26 And thank you so much to State Farm
04:27 for sponsoring this portion of the video
04:29 and making episodes like this one possible.
04:31 All right, back to etiquette school.
04:33 If you've ever seen the Duchess of Sussex
04:36 or the Queen of England, they sit with perfect posture.
04:40 And imagine how long they have to sit
04:42 in those positions, right?
04:44 So you'll tie this around your knees there.
04:46 - And it should be like tight, right?
04:47 - Yes, yes.
04:48 And around your ankles.
04:50 Okay. - I keep trying to spread
04:51 my legs out of my way. - Exactly, right?
04:53 If you have ever watched a female politician,
04:55 they are sitting with their ankles crossed.
04:58 Turn a little bit to the side, facing me.
05:02 Our heels are flat on the ground.
05:04 And now we're going to cross one behind the other.
05:08 Gorgeous.
05:09 Now, if you did want to cross your knee, okay,
05:12 it's a lift and it's a squeeze, okay?
05:15 So you're crossing.
05:17 Okay, careful, don't spread that too far.
05:19 Okay, so.
05:20 Okay, now. - You're not wrong, okay.
05:23 - This foot should be pointed.
05:25 - And in contact, oh, wow.
05:27 - Excuse me, with the foot that's on the floor.
05:29 Now lift this thigh.
05:31 Sorry, I'm getting close.
05:31 Lift it all the way up.
05:33 Yes, you feel that?
05:34 - I'm holding up my leg.
05:35 - Yes, you are.
05:36 - So it's not resting?
05:37 - Nope, your left thigh should not be in contact
05:40 with your right thigh.
05:41 - There's a gap. - I don't know.
05:42 - There's a space here.
05:43 - There's literally like a space in between.
05:45 - Toe should be pointed down, ladies.
05:47 Suck it all in, chin up, and smile with your eyes.
05:50 All of these things, you don't have to look at them
05:53 as male-specific or female-specific.
05:56 If you're walking through a door, no matter who you are,
05:59 and you notice there's a person behind you,
06:01 you hold the door open because it's courteous to do so.
06:04 These behaviors, we just do them for others.
06:07 They should come naturally,
06:08 regardless of what you look like
06:11 and how you identify.
06:13 That was all just about posture,
06:16 but next we're going to move into some interesting dining,
06:20 because I'm sure we've all worked up
06:21 a bit of an appetite at this point.
06:23 Right?
06:24 Okay, wonderful.
06:25 There's a story that dates back to 18th century France.
06:29 King Louis XIV would throw these lavish parties at his home,
06:32 and he would invite the townspeople to come.
06:34 And instead of them walking on the path,
06:36 they would walk on the lawn.
06:39 They would maybe stomp on the occasional flower,
06:41 and this really upset the king.
06:43 So the king consulted his gardener,
06:44 and the gardener said, "Let's build a little sign
06:47 "that said, 'Please stay on path.'"
06:49 And so the word etiquette developed over the years
06:52 to mean the little signs or guidelines
06:56 to help us to know how to behave in every single situation.
07:00 I'd like to direct you to the place setting.
07:06 I'm going to teach you once and for all
07:08 where your bread plate is located
07:09 and your glasses are located.
07:11 - My father taught me this one.
07:13 - Okay, tell us, Kelsey.
07:14 - So my dad, one time, he grew up in a rural town,
07:17 and it was his first big business dinner.
07:19 And he reached for his bread plate on the right,
07:21 and all of the men saw him do that and then switched plates.
07:26 And he was totally humiliated,
07:28 'cause he had made everyone have to switch
07:30 what plate they were using as well.
07:31 So ever since then, he drilled into my mind
07:34 that if you hold up your two hands,
07:35 one is a B, and that's for the bread plate,
07:38 and one is a D, and that's where your drinks go.
07:39 - Whoa. - And his will always be.
07:41 - The number one rule of etiquette is,
07:43 if you're in the know, you never want to shame someone
07:46 for not knowing this information.
07:48 And so everyone politely just switched it up
07:52 in order to make your dad feel good.
07:54 And that's what this is all about.
07:56 Manners are designed to help put other people at ease.
07:59 All righty, let's get down to business
08:01 and get some food into our bodies.
08:03 So, Kelsey, may you please pass the bread.
08:07 - Yes. - Thank you.
08:08 So the rule of etiquette says
08:10 that everything gets passed to the right.
08:12 So if I'm the person holding the bread,
08:14 I want to offer it to the person on my immediate left first,
08:16 and then it goes all the way around the table to the right.
08:20 - Thank you. - Thank you.
08:21 - Oh! (laughs)
08:22 Oh, I should tell you all,
08:24 we're dining on my wedding china and my wedding crystal,
08:29 and so everything here is super valuable and meaningful,
08:34 and so you break it, you buy it.
08:36 So good luck. (laughs)
08:37 - Mistakes were just raised just now.
08:40 - Okay.
08:41 - We're going to have our soup course momentarily,
08:45 which I'm going to bring out.
08:47 How are you guys doing?
08:48 - I'm fine.
08:49 - I'm just stressed.
08:50 - Okay, so everything was fine
08:52 until this was wedding china.
08:54 - Yeah.
08:55 (chopsticks clinking)
08:56 - Careful, please.
08:58 - Panic eats bread. (laughs)
09:00 - Okay, so we're back.
09:01 Let's break out the white wine, shall we?
09:03 - Yeah, please.
09:05 - I don't drink at all.
09:07 - Oh!
09:08 - So what would be proper etiquette for that?
09:09 - Then you would say, "No, thank you."
09:11 - No, thank you.
09:11 - And you would pass it down.
09:12 - And I say, "Thank you."
09:14 (laughing)
09:15 - Michelle's like, "I'll be drinking for you, Chris."
09:18 And Chris, I have Martinelli sparkling cider
09:21 we're going to pour for you for the champagne substitute.
09:24 Okay, Michelle went for a little bit more of a club pour,
09:26 or no, okay.
09:27 - A club?
09:28 - Okay.
09:29 (laughing)
09:30 - Looks sensible.
09:31 - Feel free to take a sip if you'd like.
09:32 Well, let's just see how you do it, and then, you know.
09:36 - That's the wedding try, I'm not doing that.
09:38 (laughing)
09:40 - Did I even hear anything?
09:41 - No, we didn't.
09:42 We backed out, we were like,
09:44 we remember it's the wedding try.
09:45 - Okay, okay.
09:46 Let's get into the soup, shall we?
09:48 - This is the most beautiful spoon I've ever seen in my life.
09:50 - I found this in an estate sale.
09:52 Now, when we pick up the soup spoon,
09:54 we are balancing it on the middle finger here.
09:57 This is where you can do a little pinky raise,
09:59 and it's purely for balance.
10:00 - So the pinky raise is real?
10:01 - Well, it's not for affectation, but for balance.
10:04 So when we scoop, we are going to scoop away.
10:07 So you want to tilt, you start in toward you,
10:10 and you fill the vessel about three quarters of the way,
10:13 and now drink from the side of the bowl.
10:15 If you are worried about a drip,
10:17 before it gets into your mouth,
10:19 you have seven seconds before the drip will drop.
10:23 - Should we time ourselves?
10:24 - Here we go, we're scooping.
10:26 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
10:31 (screaming)
10:33 - Photo finish, but I did it.
10:34 - Did you see it?
10:35 - Photo finish.
10:36 - Yes, I saw yours was seven, mine was about three.
10:38 - Mine was three.
10:39 - Maybe it's the average drip, the average drop.
10:42 In any case, we're going to actually four.
10:46 Okay, so Miss Kelsey.
10:48 - I didn't make it all the way to the, I'm just trying.
10:51 - Oh my goodness, we don't do that
10:53 when we're blowing our nose.
10:54 We don't need to because we have
10:56 what I call our blast shield.
10:58 - Blast shield.
10:59 - Blast shield, love that.
11:00 - So we can use it forever.
11:01 - Very sci-fi.
11:02 - Here are my hands, I wrap underneath.
11:04 Nice, everything happens to the right.
11:08 So, and or, or yawn.
11:13 - You can hide a yawn in a napkin.
11:16 - You can.
11:17 - Lisa.
11:19 - So we are now going to enjoy our entree.
11:22 And I'm gonna turn up the heat here a little bit.
11:25 Okay, we do this and then we go under the armpits.
11:27 So this is going to help us making sure our body is upright.
11:31 - I feel like I'm in a harness.
11:32 - The princess diaries definitely have this scene.
11:34 - So I'm going to have you hold these
11:36 in your armpits on either side.
11:39 This is to remind yourself to keep your arms from flapping
11:44 when you are dining.
11:45 Can you pick those up?
11:46 - No flapping.
11:47 - No wings should be flapping.
11:49 - This is all you get, this is it.
11:50 - And now all I have to say is good luck to everybody
11:53 because you're going to try and eat.
11:56 - Is this Squid Game?
11:57 (laughing)
11:59 My body is tense right now.
12:01 - I am unable to do.
12:03 - Right?
12:04 - I feel it like in my lats, in my back.
12:05 - Right?
12:06 - My hands are shaking.
12:08 - If you've watched any of those episodes of Downton Abbey,
12:10 they are stick straight.
12:12 Their movements are so discreet.
12:15 They're not shoveling it in like a lot of us do,
12:18 standing over the sink in our kitchen, right?
12:20 I know, it's crazy.
12:22 Can you even get the rice?
12:23 Do you think it's going to happen?
12:24 Is that a rice bite?
12:26 An attempt at a rice, uh oh, the rice is falling.
12:30 - Maybe my elbows, my biceps are just shaking.
12:33 - Dude, my arms are on fire.
12:34 - I can see it, I can see it.
12:35 Everything's about to drop.
12:37 Let's see, breathe.
12:38 - We're breathing.
12:39 - Okay, breathe, try.
12:40 I'll take these out just so you can enjoy your meal.
12:43 - I am so aware of my body.
12:45 - Awareness is actually the biggest thing
12:48 because a lot of people don't acknowledge
12:51 others' personal space.
12:52 I think we're ready for dessert.
12:54 - Yay.
12:55 - Does everybody still have room in their bellies?
12:56 - Yes.
12:57 - Okay, and we'll get into our champagne toast.
12:59 (laughing)
12:59 - Ooh, nice.
13:00 (laughing)
13:03 Very worthy of applause.
13:05 - Thank you.
13:05 - Yes, and then I have to show you all
13:07 what to do with your silverware.
13:09 And then the board.
13:10 Oh, goodness me, did you chip my china?
13:13 - No, no, no, no.
13:14 - Okay, good.
13:15 (laughing)
13:17 All right, let's talk about toasting.
13:18 There are the three Bs, begin, be brief, and be seated.
13:23 (bell ringing)
13:26 Sounds so nice, doesn't it?
13:28 We open with the lines, "I would like to propose a toast."
13:31 - Aw.
13:32 - And then we say, "Thank you to Michelle
13:35 "for inviting us all to learn how to
13:38 "kind of elevate ourselves in the new year."
13:40 Please raise your glasses.
13:42 Hear, hear.
13:43 - Hear, hear.
13:44 - Hear, hear.
13:45 - Now, Michelle, the recipient of the toast.
13:49 - Oh, thank you.
13:50 - You do not drink.
13:52 I wanted to see what you were going to do.
13:54 - What?
13:55 - If you are drinking, it's the equivalent of,
13:58 "Yay me, I'm so fabulous," right?
14:01 - Oh, no.
14:02 - So instead, it's okay, I know you didn't know this,
14:04 Michelle, instead, your drink just ever so gently
14:08 goes back down on the table,
14:09 and then when all eyes are off of you
14:11 after the toast is finished,
14:13 then you may drink as you wish.
14:15 Who wants to go first?
14:16 (bell ringing)
14:17 Nice.
14:18 - I would like to propose a toast.
14:20 Lisa, thank you so much for welcoming us into your home.
14:23 I've learned so much that I will carry forth
14:25 throughout the rest of my life.
14:27 (bell ringing)
14:28 - Ooh, Chris, you know why?
14:30 - Why?
14:31 - You know why, Chris?
14:32 I'm gonna tell you why right now.
14:33 - Tell me.
14:34 - Either something's off in the way you're doing that,
14:36 or Martinelli's does not give you the same tone.
14:39 - Oh.
14:40 - As the champagne.
14:41 - Try mine, try mine.
14:42 See if it's the one.
14:43 - Or he filled it too much.
14:44 - The champagne flute is choosing the wizard right now.
14:46 - Okay, let's see.
14:47 (bell ringing)
14:48 See?
14:48 - Yeah, that's crazy.
14:49 - Isn't that interesting?
14:51 - Wow.
14:52 (bell ringing)
14:53 - I would like to propose a toast
14:55 to our entire lovely crew,
14:57 who has so kindly filmed this entire experience today.
15:02 I think it's going to educate a lot of people,
15:04 and I've certainly learned a lot as well.
15:06 You're here.
15:07 - You're here.
15:08 - Lisa, it's time to reveal our individual grades.
15:13 I'm gonna start with Kelsey,
15:14 just because she's at the end there.
15:16 I was undecided about Kelsey,
15:18 just because, first of all, you were yawning a lot,
15:21 hint, hint, but you did perk up
15:22 now that we got some food in you.
15:24 But you did redeem yourself in the dining arena.
15:27 I'm gonna just say a 78.
15:29 - Oh.
15:30 - I don't know, I'm just kind of picking numbers up.
15:32 - Kelsey.
15:33 (laughing)
15:34 - That's pretty good, it's a C plus.
15:34 - We passed, we passed.
15:36 - We could flip it, 87.
15:38 87, 87, that's a B plus.
15:40 And now we have Chris.
15:42 I really liked his turtleneck ensemble at the beginning,
15:45 and he looked very prince-like.
15:48 But then Chris had a little bit of a kind of
15:53 lessening of the point system,
15:55 or decreasing, rather, of the point system
15:58 when it came to the dining portion of the program.
16:01 I'm gonna say an 85.
16:03 - I will take a solid B.
16:05 - Okay, right, that's so solid.
16:07 - Here, here.
16:08 - Let's all hear, hear to that.
16:09 - Hear, hear.
16:11 - So now we have Michelle.
16:12 Michelle, well, first of all, Michelle,
16:15 just the fact that you organized this,
16:17 that already shoots you into the very high score numbers
16:20 because you had this on your radar,
16:22 regardless of any little faux pas you had.
16:24 - My dress was unzipped at the beginning of today.
16:27 (laughing)
16:28 - That is so true.
16:28 - That's an F.
16:29 - Okay, right there, you did start at a deficit,
16:32 but you did say such beautiful things to me at the end,
16:35 so that actually did take your score quite high.
16:38 So I'm gonna give you a 93.
16:41 - Oh.
16:42 - 'Cause again, numbers are just kind of
16:44 flying into my head.
16:45 We all graduated in the A's and B's category.
16:48 So applause, applause, applause.
16:50 - My perfectionist heart is dying inside.
16:53 - And that's the goal with all of this,
16:54 to get you to be confident and comfortable
16:59 and feel like you fit in wherever you go.
17:03 And I hope that this gave you a taste
17:06 of the fascinating world of etiquette.
17:09 (clapping)
17:10 There we go, yes.
17:11 (upbeat music)