The Ultimate Guide To Reverse Dieting: IS IT FOR YOU? - Syktohealth

  • 8 months ago
So, the idea is the opposite of going on a diet. When you go on a diet and lose weight, your body adapts to the food you eat. So not only do you burn fewer calories because you’re smaller, but your body also tries to make up for it to keep you from losing more fat. So your metabolism slows down even more. But when you’re trying to lose weight, this makes it harder. It also makes it harder to keep the weight off once you reach your goal.

So, “reverse dieting” is one way to help keep the weight from returning. And in this way, when you slowly and steadily add calories, your metabolism will start to creep back up. You’ll be able to regain some of the muscle and lean mass you lost while dieting since you always lose some. Then you don’t have to worry about getting hungry. Because when that lean mass comes back, it tells your body, “Hey, we’re getting fed, we’re right where we want to be,” and your weight goes back up to where it was.

So your metabolism speeds up, and you start to feel less hungry. This makes it much easier to lose weight and keep it off for longer periods of time. But reverse dieting is not magic. In some places on the internet, it has become something of a cult. Some people think it can make things better, right? It seems to go against the laws of thermodynamics, physics, and the energy balance equation. How can you lose or keep off weight if you start eating more calories? Well, that’s because the energy coming in and the energy coming out don’t cancel each other out.

When you slowly and gradually eat more, your body will adjust slowly and gradually, making you do even more so if you’re putting back some lean mass. As we do this, it will really help keep your metabolism going. And it helps you keep your energy up. But again, you can’t just eat many calories and think your activity level will magically increase to match it. So, for this to work, it has to be slow and planned out.

►►► Hi, everyone! We are Syktohealth, and our main goal is to teach you a sustainable way to lose weight using our 3 1/3 strategy. This strategy is composed of three fundamental pillars, which include Intermittent Fasting, the Ketogenic Diet, and the third pillar that we'll discuss in our FREE E-book. If you'd like, you can get our FREE E-book by visiting our website, SYKTOHEALTH.COM.

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