Korang rasa Rahim koyak ke Kecik yang koyak? Nampak macam Rahim tembak Kecik kaw-kaw. #LawakAtauKoyak
00:00 From 1 to 10, what's your favourite number?
00:02 7
00:03 Not 2?
00:04 Why 2?
00:06 We're here with...
00:14 Castello!
00:16 Oh yeah!
00:17 But what's the name of this segment?
00:19 This show?
00:20 Lawak atau Koyak
00:21 I don't know if they told you, but Lawak atau Koyak is a hot topic
00:25 And the questions are all embarrassing
00:27 I don't believe it
00:28 We all have our own jobs
00:30 Because they're doing this, they have their own jobs
00:33 What's the first question?
00:34 The first question?
00:35 Are you a brain?
00:36 I'm a brain, that's right
00:38 No, actually, 2, 3, 4 weeks ago, I got an enzyme
00:42 It was the first time
00:43 The skin?
00:44 Not because of eating, but because of overexposure
00:46 Sunlight
00:47 Sunlight
00:48 That's not a dishwasher, it's sunlight
00:50 From 1 to 10, what's your favourite number?
00:55 7
00:56 Not 2?
00:58 Why 2?
01:00 Because my username is Rahim Artu
01:03 You're thinking of something else
01:06 Usually, the numbers on the username are like birthdays or favourite numbers
01:11 No, Rahim Artu means Rahim and Rizwan
01:14 Oh, you just started in this field?
01:18 No wonder
01:20 Oh, Artu is a group?
01:21 With who? Your siblings?
01:23 Yes
01:24 Where did they go?
01:25 It's not funny
01:26 Then you joined Sepah2?
01:28 I didn't join, it's not my name
01:30 I'm going to die
01:33 No?
01:34 Why didn't you change your username to Rahim Sepah2?
01:36 I did
01:37 Tell me more about you, Rahim Artu
01:39 I'm Rahim Artu, I can't forget things easily
01:42 You don't forget yourself
01:45 I'm a humble person
01:47 You're thinking of something else
01:48 He's like a different person
01:51 I'm a humble person, he said he's humble
01:54 I'm a different person, he said he's humble
01:56 You're thinking of something else?
01:59 No, I'm not
02:01 I have my own job
02:02 He has his own job
02:04 What's his job?
02:05 I don't know
02:06 If you don't scream, it's not funny?
02:11 I don't know
02:12 I'm thinking of acting
02:13 Oh, acting?
02:14 I have to learn this
02:16 I have to learn acting, comedy
02:18 That's what I'm thinking of
02:20 I don't want to know that
02:21 I'm pranking you this time
02:22 Because I know you don't sleep
02:24 You always sleep
02:26 I have to learn acting
02:28 Acting
02:29 This is content
02:30 You're lucky to be on my show
02:33 Because you learn a lot
02:34 I have a question
02:36 Because I always see you with other girls
02:38 You're so girly
02:40 I'm not like that with girls
02:42 Maybe you're gay
02:43 No
02:44 I have a lot of friends who have curly hair
02:47 They wear specs, like if you buy a nose and eyelashes
02:50 You wear it once, right?
02:52 A lot of gay people
02:53 Don't lie to me
02:54 You can lie to yourself
02:56 But you can't lie to me
02:57 Like that?
02:58 Don't shake it
02:59 Why do you know more?
03:00 Don't shake it
03:02 I know you're not
03:05 Because you're always like
03:07 "Let's go, bro"
03:09 Don't you have a lot of protectors?
03:13 I'm not like you
03:15 Not only you
03:16 Even girls like men like you
03:19 Before I go on
03:21 Promote your shoes
03:23 I'm promoting you
03:25 You're promoting me, you're promoting men
03:27 I don't want that
03:28 You can promote women
03:30 Don't forget to watch "Sepatu Penyokongan"
03:32 We have one last tour
03:33 Still at JB, on the 13th of this month
03:35 You can buy tickets at tickettoyou.com
03:37 Actually, I like
03:39 Because you're a cute guy
03:41 I like your character
03:43 You're the bravest
03:45 And the most chubby
03:46 You're the bravest
03:48 You're the bravest
03:51 You're the bravest
03:53 you