Disparition de Lina: "Elle est blessée au niveau des jambes et se trouve dans une usine désaffectée"

  • last year
Disparition de Lina: "Elle est blessée au niveau des jambes et se trouve dans une usine désaffectée"
#Aujourd'hui #Lina


00:00 Lina's disappearance, she is injured at the level of the legs and is in a house or a disused factory, the strange hypothesis of the mother of Tao.
00:08 While several people participating in the research were wondering where to look for the teenager, the mother of her little friend would have issued this theory.
00:19 Where is Lina? The 15-year-old teenager has evaporated into nature on Saturday, September 23 in Plaine, in the Barin.
00:29 According to the Shirmek police brigade, the young girl left her home at around 11.15 to join the Saint Blaise-la-Roche station, located about 3 km east of her home.
00:44 There, she had to take the train to join her little friend in Strapzour. But she never made it to the station.
00:57 Indeed, according to the Saverne police station, the young girl would not even have gotten on a train.
01:02 Tuesday, September 26, the prosecutor of the Republic of Saverne made a point on the investigation.
01:10 Two witnesses saw Lina on the train between 11.15 and 11.30. She was walking.
01:23 Her phone, which was not found, stopped emitting at 11.22, on her itinerary, no trace on the ground floor or the ground floor was observed at that time evoking the occurrence of a road accident of which she would have been a victim, indicated Aline Clairaut, adding that no track was set aside at this stage.
01:47 She was injured at the level of the legs, in a house or a disused factory.This Wednesday, September 11, we learn in the Figaro that several people participating in the search went home and helped the mother of the teenager on Sunday evening, a little over 24 after her disappearance.
02:04 These volunteers then wanted to know or look for to try to find Lina, the daily report indicates.
02:15 If it is so that the mother of Tao, the little friend of the young girl, would have come up with an amazing hypothesis, according to the words of our colleagues.
02:23 Indeed, she would have said that Lina was injured at the level of the legs and was in a house or a disused factory in a radius of 20 km.
02:33 A theory based on no basis, to believe the Figaro.
02:40 Figaro.
