How to Make More Money as an SEO Consultant or Freelancer

  • last year
As an SEO consultant or freelancer, your income can be unpredictable.

One way to bring some stability and increase your income is to get more customers. But that also comes with more work, more stress, and taking on clients you probably don’t want to work with.

But the easiest and most stress free way to make more money as an SEO consultant for that matter, is to charge more for your services and sell more to your existing clients.

Note that if your skills aren’t up to scratch, then trying to become a high paid SEO consultant probably isn’t the best first move. Focus on honing your skills in a specific area of SEO.

This will help you become a master of your craft faster and it’s also easier to build authority in a tight niche like link building as opposed to SEO as a whole. Plus, you’ll want to get tangible results which you can use for detailed case studies.


