“投资大师”设全套骗近60万 退休老翁负债10万卖公寓还债

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 柔佛新山一名68岁的退休老翁,因为误信了看起来很专业的“投资大师”,就砸大钱投资,将老婆、兄妹的家当全部押进去,最后不只损失将近60万令吉的棺材本,如今还要卖公寓来还债!(主播:蔡心惠、黄界錤)


00:00 People have two hearts
00:02 One is greed
00:03 The other is unwillingness
00:05 I believe those who have watched the recently popular
00:08 anti-fraud movie "The Lonely and the Uncertain"
00:11 should be familiar with this classic dialogue
00:14 The reason why fraud groups can succeed repeatedly
00:17 is that they use the two human weaknesses
00:21 In the case of Roppongi Hills
00:22 A 68-year-old retired husband
00:24 because he mistrusted a professional investment master
00:28 he invested a lot of money
00:30 and mortgaged all his wife and brother's property
00:34 In the end, he not only lost almost 600,000 RMB of his property
00:38 but also had to sell his apartment to pay off his debt
00:41 This old man, under the assistance of the political party
00:44 held a press conference
00:45 to thank everyone for the embarrassment he got from his own greed
00:49 He hopes that no more victims will fall into the same investment scam
00:52 The old man said that he was in business before he retired
00:55 and he always had small investment stocks
00:57 In May this year, he saw an investment advertisement on his phone
01:01 At first, he didn't click to understand the advertisement
01:05 But when he came to the third time
01:07 he couldn't help but click to understand the advertisement
01:10 This is the first step of falling into the investment scam
01:13 This old man said that after clicking on the relevant investment advertisement
01:17 someone contacted him immediately
01:19 and asked him to join the investment course group of WhatsApp
01:22 After joining the group, there was a person who claimed to be an investment instructor
01:26 He shared the good results of stock investment every night
01:29 This picture on the screen is one of them
01:32 Other students in the group also shared their tips
01:36 and how much they made with the tips given by the investment instructor
01:40 Some even claimed that they made a lot of money and could buy a house
01:45 The old man saw the investment analysis of the investment instructor
01:48 and thought it was very accurate
01:50 and believed it, so he followed the investment
01:53 This old man said that when he got the second investment
01:56 he had already thought of quitting
01:58 But when he was in a daze and he was not willing to take back the money
02:02 the investment instructor introduced a new encrypted currency platform
02:07 Because the new platform has a VIP discount code
02:09 the old man followed the investment
02:12 At first, he made a lot of money
02:14 He made 1.4 million dollars, about 6.82 million dollars
02:18 In the process, the old man also raised 100 dollars
02:21 He thought there was no problem with taking back the money
02:24 This made the old man more confident in this investment plan
02:27 Then, the story everyone knows
02:30 The old man was getting deeper and deeper and invested more money
02:33 Until early October, when the old man proposed to take out 100 dollars out of 1.4 million dollars
02:39 The other party delayed the withdrawal for various reasons
02:42 Including the frozen account and unable to withdraw
02:45 If you want to withdraw, you have to give another 200 dollars, etc.
02:48 Then, the old man asked the so-called investment instructor for help
02:52 He also asked other classmates in the group to look into this matter
02:56 But everyone's attitude was cold-blooded
02:58 It seems that they were not worried that the money invested would be wasted
03:02 The old man claimed that this made him in a daze
03:05 After he was surprised that he was cheated, he immediately reported to the police
03:09 The old man recorded 20 different bank accounts that he had paid back
03:13 After searching through the police-established fraud site
03:17 He found that 11 of them had been listed as ex-girlfriends
03:21 The old man was still investing in the group
03:24 He also informed other 50 classmates
03:26 But no one paid attention to him
03:28 Even a man who claimed to be a former member of the parliament of Malacca
03:32 He did not reply to the old man's message
03:35 Therefore, the old man believed that more than 50 people in the group
03:39 Including investment instructors and students
03:41 All are old friends
03:43 They all cheated him by playing tricks
03:47 The old man thought that he was in a daze because of greed
03:51 Of the 580,000 RMB lost
03:53 450,000 RMB was his savings
03:55 100,000 RMB was borrowed from his wife
03:57 The rest was borrowed from his brother or sister
04:00 The old man woke up after the incident
04:02 He said that the tuition fee was too expensive
04:05 But fortunately, his family did not blame him
04:08 [Music]
