Northamptonshire testing tunnel marks anniversary with a special event

  • last year
00:00 It's really exciting to have so many vehicle manufacturers and race teams in one place
00:06 all wanting to use the facility for something new.
00:09 We're not a wind tunnel, we're not a proving ground or a race track,
00:11 we're somewhere in the middle to make really repeatable testing.
00:14 It's nice to have people, all people that are local that can use the same facility
00:18 so they can provide services or support, manufacturing or testing themselves.
00:23 So just a way of getting local businesses to hopefully reach some new customers.
00:30 So as we sit today, we've been up and running for a year, we've got very little debt.
00:35 The tunnel is pretty much sorted, there's a few things to do, but we're ready for business.
00:42 Condition-wise, we have to do some rig work repairs, but not a lot.
00:46 So the tunnel as it sits today is 12.5m width road width development.
00:51 We're building the access road for the tunnel.
00:53 There's lots of ideas for things to come next, so force plates for the road, we're looking at those.
00:59 We're looking at systems to spin the air in the tunnel and create side gusts.
01:03 An anechoic section is something on the list as well, so 100 or 200m of panels that don't reflect noise
01:10 so that you can put microphones in and look at the drive-by noise.
01:13 We just need the right customer to come along.
