• 2 years ago
Israel says it has regained ‘full control’ of Gaza fence


00:00 So what Mohammed was just talking about the idea there are still individual
00:06 fighters left inside Israeli territory that is something that the military has
00:10 acknowledged but what they've been saying in the last hour or so Darren is
00:13 that they have now got control of the border there have been no more people
00:16 traveling from Gaza into Israel over the last 24 hours you'll remember of course
00:21 there were large numbers of locations across that barrier fence Hamas breached
00:27 on Saturday in order to launch their attacks in the time from then until now
00:32 we've seen drones and tanks being used by the Israeli military to target people
00:37 and vehicles approaching those breaches in the fence they have now started to
00:41 mine the areas around those breaches and say they have stopped any infiltrators
00:46 over the last 24 hours. Willem let's talk about some of the politics if we can
00:50 because Prime Minister Netanyahu has been talking about stepping up Israel's
00:54 response and so far Israelis seem to be united behind them despite their big
00:58 political differences. Yeah those political differences are going to be
01:05 very challenging for the government here in Israel. Mr. Netanyahu has a narrow
01:09 majority inside the Parliament the Knesset he relies on support from two
01:14 far-right parties and has members of those parties inside his cabinet some of
01:20 his most high-profile and experienced political opponents who have previously
01:24 worked with him this is men like Avigdor Lieberman, Benny Gantz the former
01:28 defense minister as well as Yair Lippid they've said they would potentially be
01:33 willing to join what's known as an emergency government something we often
01:36 see at times of tension here in Israel but they've also insisted they will only
01:39 do so if some of the members of those far-right parties are excluded from
01:44 security related decisions inside a special wartime cabinet Darren. Willem
01:50 just a final thought to you before you go we've seen several escalations on the
01:53 northern border with Lebanon how big a worry is that then for Israeli military
01:58 planners Willem? Well Darren you can have 300,000 reservists being called up they
02:05 have a massive active pool of people they can draw from in the Israeli
02:08 military but in terms of having two separate fronts they would have to guard
02:13 against that does make it far more challenging for the logistics and the
02:17 strategy for those military planners over the course of the last 24 hours we
02:20 have seen artillery traded back and forth between southern Lebanon where
02:24 Hezbollah has a presence and also of course the Israeli military Hezbollah
02:28 acknowledging three of their members have been killed vowing retaliation we
02:32 also had two individuals traveling from southern Lebanon into Israeli territory
02:37 they were killed by the Israeli army six soldiers wounded one deputy commander
02:42 killed so that does really complicate the efforts ahead for the Israeli
02:47 military if they are fighting on two separate fronts. Alright Willem Marks
02:50 live for us there in West Jerusalem Willem thank you
