Plant ‘Em High, They Won’t Die! Planting More Trees on the New Property!
00:00 reason there's no theme to what we're planting today it's just get through
00:03 some of the plants we have left and I'm excited about each one of these though
00:06 because they're all really beautiful. You'll notice that we are in the back 40
00:10 of the new property because that's where we're gonna be planting the first tree
00:13 the heritage oak and the reason why we're planting it back here is because
00:17 it gets huge 50 feet tall by 40 feet wide. There it is looking like it already
00:22 needs to be staked up just standing there but you know what this is what
00:26 sold me right here the acorns. Aaron loves big trees so he was really
00:32 interested in this one now this one is not supposed to hold its leaves for the
00:35 winter it turned they turn yellow which they're starting to do right now and
00:39 then they drop them. The other reason why we decided to put it back here other
00:42 than its massive size because it's gonna make a great backdrop tree is that all
00:47 the acorns that it does produce they can drop anywhere they want they're not
00:51 going to be on a lawn or a walkway or in anybody's way back here which makes it
00:55 kind of perfect so if you are picking a tree that maybe makes a little bit more
00:59 of a mess like this one if you can put it somewhere where it's just not gonna
01:02 bug you that's kind of ideal. And Aaron is on his way out here I think he was
01:06 gonna grab an auger to get the whole dug out here should be pretty soft though
01:11 it's been raining this morning you can see the sky is still overcast it's a
01:14 beautiful day let me show you the other things we've got going. We've got one
01:18 more Asian moon buddleia butterfly bush we're going to be finishing a hedge that
01:22 I planted earlier this summer. I was able to pick this one up oh boy probably a
01:27 month ago just haven't had a chance to get it in the ground. We've got oh this
01:31 is one of my favorites you guys luminary opalescence phlox. Now these grow like
01:36 30 to 32 inches tall and they spread out you know like clump out quite wide how
01:41 wide like 30 inches I think 28 very close and we do have these up in the
01:47 Versailles garden I'll show them to you I think they still are in bloom and
01:49 they're such good performers for us that I was really excited to get my hands on
01:54 a few more to tuck in they just bring this pink sparkly vibe to a flowerbed
02:00 and these do not get powdery mildew I've not had any issues with this variety at
02:04 all. And then we have a vanilla twist red bud which I don't have a spot quite
02:08 picked out for it but when I saw it I just had to pick it up because I hadn't
02:11 seen this particular variety. It grows 12 feet tall by 8 feet wide with kind of
02:16 that weeping appearance there or weeping structure white blooms in the spring
02:20 here comes Aaron. Now do you guys remember when we had power poles there
02:27 were three in the South garden and then this one here. What year did we remove
02:31 those power poles was it 2019 or 2020 probably? It wasn't that long ago it was
02:38 like was it three years? Yeah it was right after we it was one of the first
02:43 things we did after we finalized purchasing the South garden. Had we even
02:46 finalized? Yeah we did. We finalized. That was the weirdest thing when we were like
02:54 already putting in the fence before we had signed papers yeah and I was like oh
02:58 I sure hope this thing goes through because our neighbor was cool about it
03:02 but you just never know if you know somebody at the city's gonna say oh but
03:07 this or the county level say but you can't do this or you know you just I
03:11 don't you know until you sign you just don't you don't know yeah the other
03:14 thing that I'm so glad we did and this is one of your you know Aaron is the
03:19 king of planning ahead and like putting a lot of thought into infrastructure and
03:23 he thought well if we ever did have the opportunity to buy the land I'm standing
03:27 on right now we should just go ahead while they're out here and get that
03:30 fourth one taken out I'm so glad you did that which seemed really odd at the time
03:35 because we were essentially burying power lines on other people's property
03:39 uh-huh just in the hope that one day we might own it we might benefit from it
03:45 yeah we just figured that at that time it would probably be less expensive
03:49 while they had all the equipment out here just to go ahead and take this one
03:52 extra one out rather than have them come back out and do it like a second phase
03:57 of it it probably would have been way more expensive so anyway I'm so thankful
04:01 for that and I'm glad our neighbors were I mean we paid for it so they were
04:04 amenable to the idea I think it's alluring to have any power pole taken
04:08 out of a property I would imagine so anyway we're gonna decide placement on
04:12 this oak tree and and this one you like it where it's at I think so we're gonna
04:18 it's like got a definite lean look at it like it's face it toward the wind
04:26 oh worse yes it's kind of it's like almost whip style you need to do a
04:36 little bit more clockwise I think yeah no a little bit less there right
04:42 usually come from the south it comes from that from the white he's right like
04:47 south south what is that West that looks good so we do intend you guys on we're
04:55 gonna clean up this border a little bit I like the wild nature of it but you
04:58 know there's some dead things in there there's a dead tree in there we're gonna
05:01 just go through that eventually kind of root out the dead stuff and then we're
05:07 gonna be planting more evergreens and things like that back here just to kind
05:10 of amp up the hedge okay we're gonna get this planted high and then we'll move on
05:16 to the next thing
05:18 [Sawing]
05:42 so how much rain did we get look at how look at how puffy this is it was like
05:48 just the very tippy top surf soil surface that was wet well I think you
05:54 need to go a little a little bit more
05:58 are we?
06:00 yeah and I'll get a bucket load of compost
06:02 okay we need to go grab some land and sea I forgot to grab that
06:07 [Sawing]
06:09 [Sawing]
06:11 I'm gonna grab some compost I'll meet you over there
06:13 okay
06:15 [Sawing]
06:17 [Sawing]
06:19 [Sawing]
06:21 you want to hop on bud?
06:23 [Sawing]
06:25 [Sawing]
06:27 I got some mud
06:29 oh my gosh we're not gonna get on there
06:31 I know it's really messy
06:33 did you get your shoes all muddy?
06:35 oh yeah I got my shoes all muddy I'm daddy's waiting for me over there so I got a I got a run bud
06:39 okay you gonna run?
06:41 oh yeah you got the real shoes on good
06:43 no sandals today
06:45 [footsteps]
06:47 [footsteps]
06:49 [footsteps]
06:51 bud why don't you just tiptoe on and sit in the chair so that daddy knows where you're at so he doesn't have to worry with the tractor okay just tiptoe and then sit in the chair and put your don't put your feet on the ground that's easy enough there you go
07:03 [Sawing]
07:05 [Sawing]
07:07 [Sawing]
07:09 [Sawing]
07:11 [Sawing]
07:13 [Sawing]
07:15 [Sawing]
07:17 [Sawing]
07:19 I don't like it
07:21 that is not too deep
07:23 I don't like it
07:25 I didn't even hollow out the bottom I just made the hole wider
07:27 [laughing]
07:29 I think it might be okay
07:31 somehow all the other plants that we've planted
07:33 that I've planted are still alive
07:35 But we are done digging right here. You can use my shovel.
07:40 Is this the acorn tree?
07:42 It says the acorn tree. It's called an oak tree, bud.
07:44 I'm gonna...
07:46 (sounds of digging)
08:14 There it is all tucked into its pile of compost.
08:18 You know the wind will take care of some of it.
08:20 But yeah, for sure. Let it go. Let's see.
08:23 Oop! (laughs)
08:26 It's just a little weak.
08:28 I think that's gonna be a great tree right there, though.
08:30 Let's go grab a tree stick real quick.
08:33 Okay.
08:34 (sound of digging)
08:43 How's that?
08:45 It looks like it could pull on it a little bit.
08:49 Yeah, it looks like it could, yeah, be a little bit pulled.
08:52 That looks good.
08:54 Okay, first one is completely done.
08:56 Staked up, it looks really good.
08:58 Let me show you from the side.
09:00 Looking much better, Aaron. Yeah.
09:02 Oh, I'm excited for that.
09:04 It's gonna be perfect back here.
09:06 Okay, so we are going to find a spot for the redbud
09:08 and then plant the three Spartan junipers, I think, next.
09:11 Okay, we've got the three junipers loaded up.
09:13 And we're not sure exactly how we're gonna place them,
09:15 except for we think we're gonna do it between these two.
09:18 We've got the sweetgum and the birch trees,
09:20 so we've got two deciduous trees.
09:22 It would be nice to have something evergreen in the gap.
09:25 And also, different shapes.
09:27 Like, the Spartans will be very columnar and tight,
09:29 while these will be a little bit more fluffy.
09:31 So we're just gonna mess around with placement a little bit.
09:33 We'll get 'em planted, and then we'll take a look.
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10:52 Look at those layers, Aaron.
11:14 We are missing some blue.
11:17 Yes, we need blue, for sure.
11:19 Some Colorado blue spruce.
11:21 Yes, we do, like a nice big one right back here.
11:23 Don't you think? I think so.
11:25 I think there's enough space to get one back there.
11:27 Oh, yeah, definitely.
11:29 So we've got, you know, these two will be green in season,
11:32 but this one has a lighter green leaf in the season
11:35 than the Whirlpoolston sweetgum,
11:37 which that one will grow, like, what did it say?
11:39 40 to 50 feet tall? Yeah.
11:41 Something like that, and like a 20-foot spread.
11:43 So we did place this one in front to where they'll probably touch,
11:46 which we want in the end a little bit, like they'll overlap,
11:49 but not a ton.
11:51 Same with the Spartan junipers.
11:53 Those typically grow 5 to 6 feet wide,
11:55 and they'll be at the end of the canopy of this sweetgum.
11:59 I don't know why I have a hard time remembering that.
12:01 But if you take a look at the leaves here...
12:03 Let's just take one.
12:05 They're so pretty.
12:07 Got the red fall color,
12:09 and we'll have nice, bright, yellow, vivid fall color here on this one.
12:13 But look at the difference in texture right here.
12:16 Even though they're both in the green tones during the season,
12:19 they're so different that they'll still be set apart from one another.
12:23 I love that.
12:25 And you guys, all I have left are the little things.
12:27 So Aaron, I think I can tackle these on my own.
12:29 Before we leave this space, though, I'm going to run back over to the oak
12:32 so I can show you what Aaron used to stake it up,
12:34 because we do use this--actually, do we have one right here?
12:37 Do we have a tree strap?
12:39 I just get these on Amazon.
12:41 They're just little tree straps.
12:43 So you just put this around the trunk,
12:45 and then put your string through here
12:47 so that the trunk is resting in something nice and soft that won't cut in.
12:51 And then the string hooks there, and then it goes down to a stake in the ground.
12:55 Six months. Don't leave this on for more than six months.
12:58 In fact, during the springtime, I don't even know if I would let it stay on.
13:01 This is a temporary solution.
13:03 You should pull these off and re-stake them.
13:06 I mean, like six months is the max.
13:08 Maybe every three months, maybe.
13:10 Pull it off, find a different location.
13:13 Because otherwise, if you leave these on too long,
13:15 it's amazing how quickly trees will grow around them,
13:18 and then you can't get them out.
13:19 And I don't think that's good for the tree.
13:20 And tree staking is just meant to be a temporary, like, helping it along solution.
13:24 In the end, you shouldn't need to use it.
13:26 We have a couple of these staked up, like the parotia tree,
13:29 because it's planted so high, it's kind of rocking in its hole, or it was.
13:33 No.
13:34 Yeah, so it's not now.
13:35 But the sweetgum hasn't, and I think that one was planted higher than anything.
13:38 So, you know, every tree is a little bit different.
13:40 And we typically don't stake things unless we see a lean, like with the oak.
13:44 And now it's starting to get warm out here.
13:45 The sun is out.
13:46 I'm like, "Okay, I'm going to have to shed a layer."
13:48 So, like, the oak tree today we staked up.
13:50 We'll check it.
13:51 We'll leave it through the winter.
13:52 Yeah.
13:53 Because it's not putting on active growth right now.
13:54 And we'll check it, you know, once it starts taking off in the spring.
13:57 But, yeah, the rest of these we just planted, and then you just wait to see a lean.
14:01 And then you just stake them up if they need it.
14:04 And typically, I would say, I don't know, most of them don't need to be staked that we plant.
14:09 Yeah.
14:10 Yeah.
14:11 Maybe, like, 30% of the things that we plant.
14:13 Well, the autumn blaze for sure, because along the lane, like, you were pretty diligent.
14:17 Like, he really wanted them to be very straight and very, like, in line.
14:21 Even then, I don't think it was more than 30% that we staked.
14:23 Yeah.
14:24 Yeah.
14:25 So, anyway, that's our philosophy on staking.
14:27 Oh, look, there's a honeybee on the phlox in the gator.
14:30 See, it knows what's good for it.
14:32 Okay, now we will go get the rest of these planted, and then I'll show you where they all ended up.
14:36 [wind]
14:56 [wind]
15:06 [wind]
15:16 [wind]
15:39 All done planting, and it's been such a pleasant afternoon.
15:42 Oh, my goodness.
15:43 I want to start here with the opalescence phlox.
15:46 That's what I planted last, and we'll work our way back.
15:50 So, we're here on the west side, and I'll run up to Versailles to show you the ones I already have planted.
15:54 But I did a little pocket of the opalescence right here.
15:58 Now, I had a fourth one that I tucked in back behind this midnight masquerade penstemon,
16:03 because I didn't want to put a fourth one here, because I didn't want it to look like they were all lined up in a row.
16:08 So, just a little grouping here, and then draw some of that interest there.
16:11 And then I do intend on putting some iris right in this area,
16:14 and then I'll put something else that's lower in this space,
16:17 because I kind of want, as you walk up on this urn, just to see a little hint of the bottom.
16:22 If I were to put the phlox right here, that fourth one, and it grew up to its full size,
16:27 it would block the entire bottom.
16:29 And I don't mind it being blocked from one side, but I like to have a visual of it from at least one angle.
16:34 But I think this is a really sweet color down in here.
16:37 Behind it, there are purple delphiniums. We've got a pink mary rose, which has a deeper pink flower than the opalescence.
16:44 You can see right here.
16:46 We've got ladies' mantle just in front of it, and it should be a perfect stair step down,
16:50 because this one will not get quite as tall as that.
16:53 So, oh, and then the brandywine viburnum, I was just noticing.
16:57 How beautiful.
16:59 Well, the leaves are one, and these leaves will turn like the most beautiful red, but the berries, oh.
17:06 The pink and blue, I just think it's so pretty.
17:10 Oh, and I am just so thrilled with the surefire white begonia.
17:14 You can kind of see it peeking from every little well around the maple trees.
17:17 It really has outdone itself, and it's going to be very hard to not want to repeat this exact same plant next year.
17:24 It's just so controlled in its growth.
17:27 It doesn't get in the way of anything, it doesn't bully anything out, and it's gorgeous.
17:32 [rain falling]
17:37 Okay, we're inside the loop in the South Garden.
17:39 Look at the sparkling amethyst supervena.
17:42 Oh my gosh.
17:44 This is another one that's going to be really hard to not repeat because of how it's performed in this area.
17:50 There's the evening rose hibiscus.
17:53 We've got the limelight prime hydrangeas, which did all look like beautiful round shrubs all season
17:59 until we got that last really heavy rainstorm, and it just made them collapse.
18:04 So I'm going to just be doing a really nice prune job this winter to hopefully strengthen up their network of branching.
18:11 But oh, this one. Look at this.
18:16 It's just, they're gorgeous.
18:18 But the Asian moon budleia went right there.
18:21 So I've got one, two, three, four, five, and I just felt like I needed a sixth right behind here.
18:26 It was just kind of an empty spot.
18:28 I am going to be removing this because it's a little too jarring.
18:32 I've got some Miss Ruby budleia over here that have a very cool pink.
18:36 This is a very warm tropical pink.
18:38 And I kind of want to finish, I kind of want to keep going with the hydrangea hedge.
18:44 So I think I'm going to be moving that.
18:45 I know it looks glorious, but you know what? It'll look glorious in another spot too.
18:49 And these die all the way back down to the ground in the winter, so it's not like I'm, I don't know,
18:54 going to lose a huge winter structure piece out here. That would make me more sad.
18:59 So anyway, that's the plan there, but the budleia really did help finish it off down there.
19:04 And I think that's going to be really beautiful because these will grow, you know, five to seven feet tall.
19:08 So we'll have a nice tall bank of purple.
19:11 And then these usually grow, I think, what did the tag say? Like four to five-ish?
19:16 But they'll be a little shorter than the budleia.
19:19 So we'll have a nice stair step down there.
19:21 Everything's looking really healthy.
19:23 There's that cinnamon curls birch tree we planted not long ago, and it's doing great.
19:28 I swear that blue sky Serbian spruce has put on a tremendous amount of growth this year.
19:34 I don't know, everything seems happy when it's overcast.
19:37 It all of a sudden doesn't look hot and dry and, you know, harsh shadows.
19:42 And I'll do one more spin by the trees out in the new property.
19:46 Honestly, that redbud, when you're driving down the lane, it looks like it glows out here.
19:51 But it'll be fun to have that trio, and it won't be the only thing back there.
19:54 We'll have things planted in front.
19:56 So in the end, it'll be just like green spires coming up from behind some other things.
20:01 And they'll tuck a little bit behind the canopies of the sweetgum and the birch tree that are right there.
20:06 We just want it to be a big old intermixed-looking hedge of beautiful things.
20:11 And there's the heritage oak. We've made it full circle.
20:13 Now, we don't have any water run to this tree yet.
20:16 So we will be hand watering this tree in this corner.
20:19 The other ones will be on drip.
20:20 But this one we'll hand water, but we'll only have to do it a handful of times before it goes dormant for the winter.
20:25 And then we'll probably run a water line kind of from the same area that we have the drip tape.
20:30 And we'll run one over to this tree in the spring.
20:33 So that should work out just fine.
20:35 And then we'll want to start in, you know, planting a little bit more in this corner anyway, probably next spring.
20:40 And, you guys, that is it for today's video.
20:42 What a fun afternoon out here.
20:44 It's just so pleasant in the fall.
20:45 And October, October is generally a really nice month for us.
20:49 I think if you look on Google, now let me Google it again.
20:53 If you search for your average first frost date, I want to say ours is like October 4th or October 9th.
20:59 Well, the National Garden Association said that our risk of frost begins around September 15th.
21:04 And by October 9th, you're almost certain to have received at least one frost event, which we're not even close this year.
21:10 Let me look at Old Farmers' Almanac and see what they say.
21:13 October 4th. Yeah, and our forecast is beautiful.
21:17 Like, our lowest temperature in the next 10 days is 42.
21:22 And most of them are in the low 50s.
21:25 So it's going to continue to be a beautiful month.
21:27 And I'm here for it.
21:29 That just means planting can go on longer.
21:31 Being out here can go on longer.
21:32 Flowers will go on longer. It's just great.
21:34 So, anyway, thank you guys so much for watching this video.
21:37 And we will see you in the next one. Bye.
21:39 Alright, guys, it's getting dark out here, but I did realize that I completely forgot to bring you up here and show you the opalescence phlox.
21:46 So you can see how tall the boxwood hedge is.
21:49 I want to say it's, I don't know, a little over two feet.
21:52 And the phlox just peaks over the top.
21:55 And while it's not in peak bloom, it still does have some color.
21:58 And, you know, going in to October, that's pretty awesome.
22:01 So that's the first batch of phlox I put in.
22:04 And then I did add a few more, I think it was last year.
22:07 So they haven't fully matured and gotten tall yet, but they will.
22:10 Got some gorgeous oak leaf hydrangeas in between.
22:14 I just love them. Don't they just glow?
22:17 Hey, what are you doing there, girly?
22:20 We just got done playing around the pond.
22:22 Say goodnight to everybody.
22:33 Goodnight.
22:35 - Good night.