Happy Nabilla parle du premier sourire de son fils Leyann ❗

  • last year


00:00 Nabiya Vergara is a real mom.
00:02 On her social media, the influencer is ecstatic in front of her son Leyan, who smiles for the first time.
00:09 Nabiya Vergara, her son Leyan, already makes her life hard.Nabiya and Thomas Vergara are the happy parents of two boys.
00:29 Two months ago, the reality TV candidate gave birth to her second son, Leyan.
00:35 Besides, the little family celebrated the two months of life of the young boy in a big pump.
00:52 Indeed, Nabiya posted a photo of her with her two sons and a gigantic birthday cake.
00:59 What to make the Internet users react?
01:07 "In three months, it's a car."
01:10 Close the quotation marks. Too much exaggeration just for two months. A cake for every month?
01:15 Close the quotation marks. But the cake could be read in comment.
01:19 If Nabiya is a complete mom, that does not mean that everyday life is easy.
01:24 Besides, little Leyan seems to have a very trampled character.
01:41 "We yell at his mom, we're not happy, we pee on him, when she changes the diaper, we pull his hair, we know how to be heard here.
01:50 There, we are on a very big character, I think it's a bit of mine, let go of the influencer on his social networks. "
02:10 Nabiya Vergara, her son Leyan smiles for the first time.
02:14 And, two months later, Leyan has already made his first plane trip.
02:18 A trip that turned out to be particularly difficult for the Vergara.
02:29 Indeed, the baby only cried during the whole trip.
02:39 "I got judged on the plane, Leyan was only screaming, I was too ashamed, I became the person that people hate on the plane, I take everything out, I could say about people who had babies who were screaming, I should never have blown, I was punished, here are his subscribers. "
03:02 Not to mention Milan, who also comforts the young mom. "But mom's life is also full of beautiful moments. "
03:09 On August 18, Nabiya shared one of her first smiles on her social networks.
03:27 "Look, he's smiling. Now he's smiling, it's too beautiful. He made us the first smile a week ago.
03:35 I did not give up. And since then he has been smiling to us from time to time. "
03:52 "We are happy. "
03:58 "We are happy. "
04:02 "We are happy. "
04:05 "We are happy. "
04:18 "We are happy. "
04:28 "We are happy. "
04:31 "We are happy. "
04:44 "We are happy. "
04:56 "We are happy. "
04:59 "We are happy. "
05:05 "We are happy. "
05:12 "We are happy. "
