• 2 years ago
Pet Sematary Episode 3
00:00 My sister Zelda.
00:01 I know, she died.
00:02 Spinal meningitis.
00:03 She was in the back bedroom like a dirty secret.
00:08 My sister died in the back bedroom,
00:15 and that's what she was, a dirty secret.
00:21 I had to feed her sometimes.
00:23 I hated it.
00:25 But I did it.
00:28 We wanted her to die.
00:30 We wished for her to be dead.
00:35 It wasn't just so she wouldn't feel any more pain.
00:38 It was so we wouldn't feel any more pain.
00:41 It was because she started to look like this monster.
00:44 Even now, I wake up and I think, is Zelda dead yet?
00:52 Is she?
00:56 My parents were gone when she died.
00:59 Rachel.
01:00 She started to-- she started to convulse.
01:10 And I thought-- I thought, oh my god, she's choking.
01:15 Zelda's choking.
01:17 And they'll come home, and they'll say,
01:19 I murdered her by choking.
01:21 They'll say, you hated her, Rachel.
01:23 And that was true.
01:25 And they'll say, you wanted her to be dead,
01:27 and that was true too.
01:28 And then she died.
01:32 And I started to scream.
01:37 I ran out of the house screaming, Zelda's dead.
01:40 Zelda's dead.
01:41 Zelda's dead.
01:43 And the neighbors that came out in the end, they looked.
01:48 They thought I was crying.
01:51 But you know something?
01:53 I think maybe I was laughing.
01:57 I think--
02:00 [sniffling]
02:03 [sigh]
02:05 [music playing]
02:09 [music playing]
02:12 (upbeat music)