Satgas di Papua Tangkap 3 Pembunuh Aktivis Perempuan Michelle Kurisi Doga

  • last year
Satgas Penegakan Hukum Operasi Damai Cartenz berhasil menangkap tiga dari tujuh terduga pelaku pembunuh aktivis perempuan Michelle Kurisi Doga.
00:00 I am a member of the Spirit of Papua.
00:03 The SADGAS of the Damai Cartens Operation has arrested 3 out of 7 suspects
00:09 of the murder of the activist Michelle Kurisidoka.
00:13 The initial suspects, PM, AW and RK, aka RM, were arrested at different locations.
00:20 The SADGAS of the Damai Cartens Operation, AKBP Bayu Suseno, in Mimika, Central Papua,
00:25 said on Monday, October 9, that the suspects were members of the National Committee of West Papua,
00:31 or KNBP, the militant of West Bali.
00:34 The victim, named Michelle Kurisidoka, was killed by the suspects using sharp weapons.
00:44 We see that this is a very cruel act.
00:49 Based on the investigation, the 7 suspects are members of the KNPB,
00:58 which has been actively spreading negative propaganda about Papua through its social media.
01:10 The AKBP Bayu added that it is still hunting down 4 other suspects, namely KW, JW, DW and K.
01:19 The suspects were arrested on the 338th case of the KUHP,
01:23 about the planned murder with death penalty or life imprisonment.
01:28 It was found out on August 29 that the activist Michelle Kurisidoka was killed in Kolawa Village,
01:35 Lanijaya District, Papua Pegunungan. She was suspected as an intelligence agent of TNI Polri.
01:41 The suspects killed the victim in a sadistic manner by recording the action and spreading the video through social media,
01:48 as if it was done by the KKB armed criminal group.
01:53 The police insisted that the victims were civilians who were helping the victims in Papua Pegunungan.
02:01 The office team reported.
02:04 For more information, visit
02:09 [end]
