When will the Elections be held?

  • last year
When will the Elections be held?
00:00 So now back to the pavilion.
00:03 Yes, back to the pavilion.
00:04 Let's talk about politics.
00:05 And the biggest topic in politics is elections.
00:08 And for elections, when will the election date come?
00:11 The date for the election is set for a week, but the date is not set.
00:15 What happened?
00:16 You are giving such energetic political news in the morning.
00:19 You mentioned India in the beginning, so it is said like this.
00:22 What is Pakistan doing at this time?
00:25 What is the people of Pakistan doing?
00:27 So we are asking what is the election commission thinking in Pakistan?
00:31 What is the political party thinking?
00:33 The very interesting thing is, whatever, which is my observation,
00:38 My God, give me the entire dollar.
00:40 I mean, I don't have the entire dollar.
00:43 We are not seeing any action from the political parties,
00:47 except for the Noon League,
00:50 because that too is being made for Nawaz Sharif's return,
00:54 that is, for 21st October.
00:56 But here we are not seeing any such thing,
00:59 in which the preparations of the political parties are being discussed.
01:02 Earlier it used to be that Mr. Zardari has reached Lahore,
01:04 a meeting has been held there, now see about the party ticket.
01:07 There is no such news.
01:08 There is no discussion now.
01:10 Now the issue is that the demand of the People's Party is that
01:13 if there are no general elections in January, then it will clear the roads.
01:16 Now the matter has come to this.
01:18 Yes, the matter has come to this.
01:19 Fazlur Rehman Sahib says that in the current situation,
01:21 the electoral process can be stopped.
01:23 And the outcome and the results should be thought about.
01:26 And the country will have to think.
01:28 He also mentioned the seriousness of the matters.
01:30 Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa says that
01:32 the Election Commission has to decide on the election dates in January and February.
01:35 The roads will have to be cleared in the snow-covered areas.
01:39 And from November to March, Naran Kaghan and other areas will be closed.
01:43 That is, he mentioned until March.
01:45 For the betterment of the political and economic situation,
01:51 elections must be held.
01:53 I said this in an interview a month ago.
01:58 There is a demand, but the implementation has not been done.
02:01 So, even if it is a month late, it is okay.
02:04 The Election Commission said that we will have elections in the end of January.
02:09 Now, if someone else says it,
02:16 who will implement it?
02:21 Like you said, the elections have already been held.
02:24 Similarly, the government, our institutions,
02:28 our election commission, will sit down and tell us everything.
02:34 But I...
02:36 Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa raises very innocent questions.
02:41 He talks very little, but he comes to these issues.
02:44 Mohammad Zubair, the leader of the Muslim League,
02:48 has a very concise conversation.
02:51 But he said that he will confront.
02:54 Who will he confront?
02:55 He will confront the People's Party in Sindh.
02:57 Who will he confront?
02:58 No one.
02:59 We will compete with the People's Party in the upcoming elections.
03:05 We will tell them that Mian Mohammad Nawaz is not only the leader of Punjab,
03:12 not only the leader of KPK, not only the leader of Balochistan,
03:15 he has as much support in Sindh as he has in Punjab.
03:20 Mr. Shehbaz Sharif, promise the people of Karachi and Sindh
03:23 that if they vote for Muslim League Nawaz,
03:26 they will make Karachi like Lahore.
03:29 They can say.
03:30 We will tell Bilawal Bhutto to go to Lahore and say the same thing.
03:34 Vote for Lahore.
03:36 I will make Lahore like Karachi.
03:39 I think everyone will understand that he is joking.
03:42 We did not do a press conference.
03:44 We did not give an interview to anyone.
03:46 That Mian Nawaz used to do bad work or he forced us to do wrong work.
03:52 Mr. Shehzain, so very...
03:53 Ask an innocent question that Bilawal will stand in Lahore and say that we will make Lahore like Karachi.
03:58 Basically, there is a discussion of acceptance.
04:01 Sharmila Farooqui is joining us.
04:04 Thank you so much for joining Sharmila.
04:06 I will come to this statement first.
04:08 We have to do more discussions.
04:11 But Mohammad Zubair is saying that he will come to Karachi and show acceptance.
04:16 Noon League will be as much accepted as People's Party.
04:20 We have not seen their footprint here before.
04:23 Has anything changed for you?
04:24 Has Noon League been accepted in Karachi?
04:26 Look, the atmosphere of the election is such that every community is waiting for the election to start.
04:34 In such an atmosphere, there are political statements that are not so important.
04:41 We have seen in the past that Karachi is a far off place.
04:45 We have not seen PM Randh's presence anywhere in the whole of Sindh.
04:50 Before every election, we see that Mr. Mian will come and will conquer Sindh.
04:57 We have heard many stories.
04:59 Many coalitions were formed.
05:01 Many battles were fought.
05:03 A lot of hard work was done.
05:05 But nothing was of any use.
05:07 This is also one of the political statements that will come from PM Randh.
05:10 And more will come.
05:11 You can expect more like this.
05:13 But unfortunately, if you look at the ground realities, then it is zero.
05:18 But on the ground, we can see Noon League.
05:21 Maybe the reason that Nawaz Sharif is coming is to create an atmosphere.
05:25 But you are a political party, the People's Party.
05:28 What are you preparing for the election?
05:31 I don't see any such movement, Sharmila.
05:33 Sir, at the moment, I think that the only party is the People's Party of Pakistan, which is demanding the election.
05:40 The rest of the parties have been suspended from the election.
05:45 Some say that the elections should not be held in winter.
05:48 Some say that there is no atmosphere of the election.
05:50 Some say that there are security issues.
05:52 The People's Party is the only party that is standing firmly on the issue that the election commission should give the date of the election and start the election schedule.
06:01 But one thing I am unable to understand.
06:03 It is being said from the leadership that if there are no elections, we will go out on the roads in January.
06:09 So if the mirror is seen from the soul of Pakistan, then it should have come out in November.
06:14 Because the 90 days are completed in November.
06:16 So how can we wait till January if there is no confidence?
06:19 The first demand of the 90 days was that there should be elections on the 90th day.
06:26 But since delimitation is also a responsibility, the election commission of Pakistan has to fulfill it.
06:33 Because the voters who have been included have a right to vote in the next election.
06:39 But when that was not possible and the delegation of the People's Party also went to them,
06:44 they contained the process of delimitation and did it two weeks earlier.
06:49 Which is a good thing.
06:51 We thought that it could have been done earlier and the process could have been contained more.
06:56 Anyway, if it is not in the 90 days, then give the date of the election.
07:01 Just giving the month and week is not the solution to the problem.
07:04 Look at the situation now, the statements that are coming that it should not be in winter.
07:10 But this is also showing concern like you.
07:12 When you are saying that if it is not even in January, then we will protest.
07:15 So they are also concerned that this can happen, this can be the reason.
07:19 So this is your protection.
07:20 Don't you think you are standing in the same row as all the parties?
07:23 Look, the thing is that there were elections in this country in the winters before.
07:27 There were more winters in 2018-2018.
07:30 And the areas that we are talking about, people there live in the winter environment.
07:38 They are used to that life.
07:40 And if there is any serious concern, then the Election Commission should approach Pakistan.
07:45 Giving statements, doing press conferences, creating confusion and anxiety in a country,
07:50 we can't afford this at this point in time.
07:52 The thing is that if the date of the election does not come and the schedule of the election does not continue,
07:59 then the People's Party will decide its next step and that will be decided in the CC,
08:03 which is our highest decision-making forum.
08:05 Apart from this, when do you expect the preparations, preparations, and the presence on the streets, meetings, etc. to start?
08:14 Look, as soon as the date of the election comes, obviously, political campaigns will start.
08:20 But apart from that, the People's Party is only for today's election.
08:24 Our manifesto is ready, our programs are ready, we just have to go inside the public.
08:28 At this time, the most important priority of ours is that the ECP should be given on the date of the election.
08:35 Thank you so much, Sharmila Farooqui was with us and the People's Party has come to the fore.
08:41 The People's Party claims that we are the only community that is demanding the election.
08:45 The rest of the communities can see the statements.
08:48 And the Noon League is busy with some other work right now, that is, they are waiting for their leader.
08:53 Is that so?
08:54 Absolutely. So the rest is that the weather will also be harsh in the future, so we will also mention it.
