Why does Fazal ur Rehman 'Wants' Delay in Elections?

  • last year
Why does Fazal ur Rehman 'Wants' Delay in Elections?
00:00 So first of all, let's give a clarification on January and February.
00:03 Has the administration of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa held elections before?
00:08 Why does it seem that if there are elections in January, they will face problems due to cold?
00:14 Is there a capacity of the administration of the province to hold elections in January or February?
00:20 In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
00:24 Thank you very much, Maria. You have addressed an important topic today.
00:32 I thank you.
00:34 Look, there are different political parties in the country.
00:39 And their thinking is in agreement that the only solution to the current political situation of the country is elections.
00:54 Now, the thinking is seen to be a little different.
01:00 And if a party leader is saying that in January and February elections cannot be held in these areas, that is, half of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
01:18 there will be snowfall, there will be snow, the roads will be closed, then this was their suggestion.
01:25 Now, it is the job of the Election Commission and the government to see this suggestion and implement it.
01:36 That is, a good tradition has been established by Moulana Sahib that the problems that are facing the Shahid at that time,
01:48 he has told them from today. Now, if he tells, who will implement it?
01:55 As you said, the elections have already been held.
01:59 So, in the same way, the government, our institutions, our elected officials, the Election Commission, will sit down and tell everything.
02:08 But I, Governor, I did not understand the problem because last year, we also took out this year 2022,
02:15 this JOIF took part in the elections in 2021 and 2022 and at that time, good results came in your favor too.
02:24 The problem is that this time, where did this winter factor come from?
02:28 Because when you say that it will be winter, it seems that the elections are being talked about not to be held on time.
02:33 Because it is not factually correct.
02:35 It is not like that. You are saying that the data you have will be correct.
02:45 But I want to tell you myself, you can check it yourself, that from September, from November, from the next month to March, all the areas of Naran, Kagaon will be closed.
03:08 And there will be no traffic on it. You can see.
03:14 Similarly, if you look at Kalam, if you look at the rest of the areas, then this is one thing.
03:22 For this, you will have to find some way to get the election done.
03:26 If you take the ballot paper at that time and you cannot reach there, then this is a big misfortune for us and our country.
03:37 In 2008, the ballot paper reached, the results came.
03:42 In 2022, the ballot paper reached, the results came.
03:46 So I don't understand why it is good this time that the ballot paper did not reach, the roads were closed, while in the past, the elections were very successful.
03:53 See, you are right, you are also right.
03:58 But there is one thing, if a political leader says something, if a political leader of another party says something, then who will check its responsibility?
04:12 These are our institutions in our provincial government, they will check and say, is what I am saying, then it is accepted.
04:23 Then the Election Commission has given full authority to it and they are also saying that we will have an election, so there is no harm in it.
04:33 So it is difficult to put a stop to someone's opinion, it should not be done.
04:38 But sir, as a governor of KP, what is your personal opinion?
04:41 Because now the date will also come in November, at the end of January or in the middle of February, the election should be held.
04:47 Can it be done? Is there so much capacity? Because obviously, when manpower is needed from the governments, then the election can be held in January or February, technically.
04:57 See, now because the law, the constitution has given the authority to the Election Commission of Pakistan and it will give its opinion on it.
05:12 When I had this authority and you were asking me for a date, then this was my opinion.
05:20 I wrote and sent, sent five letters, I said, check.
05:26 So, as a political activist, I agree that there must be an election for the improvement of the current political and economic situation.
05:43 I said in an interview a month ago that if the election is held before the lockdown, then people will say that the lockdown was not implemented for five years.
05:58 And the implementation of the constitution of the Human Rights Commission was not done.
06:04 So, even if a month is late, then the Election Commission said that we will have the election in the end of January.
06:13 Now, on behalf of Mullah Fardaman or on behalf of any other leader, if any suggestion comes from anywhere, then the Election Commission of Pakistan and the Provincial Government will sit on it.
06:29 And in the future, we say that there should be a full election in this country.
06:36 Elections will be necessary.
