• 2 years ago
With Tragically, I Need You, Lewis Black brings his inimitable insights to the post-Pandemic state of the world. Picking up where he left off with the Grammy-nominated Thanks For Risking Your Life. This time Lewis has the view of someone who spent entirely too much time in isolation during the Pandemic, where the irksome details of life drew his acute attention. As the world shut down in the spring of 2020, Lewis went on a quarantine-tinged journey of self-discovery which led him to many personal revelations, including that he is old, that solitary confinement is a punishment, and that all recipes are made for a happy family of four, and most importantly, never look directly in a cat’s eyes.

Despite the trials of quarantine, Lewis’ feisty streak has not faded. In the “new” normal, he is quick to acknowledge that he’s feeling a significant level of frustration at the thought of creating comedy in a world where the reality of events exists only in the minds of the viewers. His job now is to nightly counteract the daily narratives presented by the former president, the current Ghost of Christmas Past, and the conspiracy theorists and Walmart shoppers who span the political and social spectrum.


