Israel Conflict: Helit Barel, former director NSC says attack took Israel by surprise| Oneindia News

  • last year
Helit Barel, former director at the Israeli National Security Council says "It is quite clear that this attack caught Israel by surprise. There is no way that such terrible consequences would have occurred if Israeli forces intelligence were at the kind of readiness that we know and expect. Currently, we are in a state of war...There is a sequence of challenges and tasks at hand beginning with still getting all the areas down south where there were terrorist infiltrations completely cleared. The forces are walking house by house and corner by corner making sure terrorists aren't hiding anywhere. We have the larger task of making sure that all other arenas that Israel faces stay calm including the internal arena...I think it is inevitable that there will be very strong retributions within the Gaza Strip and I think it will be of a magnitude that we certainly have not seen before." Watch the full video here.

#Israel #Hamas #GazaStrip #HelitBarel #HelitBarelOnIsraelConflict #HelitBarelOnIsraelAttack #IsraelStateOfWar #IsraelGazaConflict #IsraelDefenceMinister #YoavGallant #OperationAlAqsaFlood #BenjaminNatanyahu #OperationIronSwords
00:00 You know, we're trying not to get into analysis of exactly how and what went wrong.
00:05 At this time, we don't have all the information.
00:08 And with people in such a bad state and needing stabilizing all over families from all over the country has been hugely affected by this.
00:18 We have a number of wounded, dead and hostages that we are unused to.
00:25 We haven't seen before.
00:26 I don't think it is yet time to analyze exactly what happened that although I'm sure that is going on as well.
00:33 But I will say, I think everybody from the public to anybody in the security establishment is searching for answers about this.
00:45 And certainly we will not rest until we understand what exactly transpired because the security of the citizens of the state has been severely impaired.
00:56 Ma'am, what about the peace in the West Asian nations since we have seen some big changes like the Abraham Accords?
01:03 So do you think that the entire West Asian nations will witness the fallout of this?
01:09 Well, we'll have to see what the responses are.
01:13 I think to the extent that nations involved in this understand that this kind of attack cannot and will not go unanswered.
01:23 And when I mean unanswered, I don't mean the usual stuff.
01:27 I don't mean another round of what we've seen before.
01:29 I mean, this will be obviously qualitatively different.
01:33 And that's just going to have to happen.
01:36 So sometimes it's hard to tell if some of the nations involved in all of this are able to sustain their commitments even under those kind of circumstances.
01:46 So certainly this is a test.
01:48 We'll have to see what happened.
01:50 There are certain things that are going on that to begin with perhaps weren't as stable as we thought.
01:56 So, for example, there's a lot of talk about a new accord with Saudi, which I think under the best of circumstances probably had a 50 percent chance of passing because of all the obstacles involved.
02:06 And now we are not under the best of circumstances.
02:10 So things seem to be at the very least delayed.
02:13 My hope, of course, is that we can withstand this and move on.
02:18 But a lot still has to come to pass before we know what the answer to that is.
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