Court métrageTranscription
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01:01 (Bruits de pas dans la télé)
01:04 Rex Reid of the New York Daily News wrote,
01:07 "As an 18th century rakes progress,
01:10 Barry Lyndon catalogs the rise and fall of a likable scoundrel,
01:13 liar, cheat and social climber,
01:16 transporting the viewer into a world of long ago,
01:19 and creating the kind of magic few movies accomplish,
01:22 and few directors attempt in a lifetime.
01:24 It is a magnificent entertainment,
01:27 sumptuous, lush, gorgeous and haunting,
01:30 a classic of inestimable value."
01:33 (Cris de joie)
01:36 (Cris de joie)
01:39 (Cris de joie)
01:42 Liz Smith of Cosmopolitan called it,
01:45 "A perfect movie.
01:46 Beautiful, breathtaking, brilliant.
01:49 Like a gorgeous, fulfilling dream of life,
01:52 a dream you never want to end.
01:54 It is not comparable to any other film I can recall.
01:57 I ask you to turn yourself over to the experience."
02:00 (Musique)
02:03 "Barry Lyndon", a film by Stanley Kubrick
02:05 based on the novel by William Makepeace Thackeray,
02:08 starring Ryan O'Neill and Marissa Berenson.