• 2 years ago
Check out the announcement trailer for Commandos: Origins, an upcoming game in the real-time stealth tactics series. Commandos: Origins transports players back to World War II, where the original characters unite to form the legendary Commandos squad. Engage in close-quarters combat with The Green Beret, Jack O’Hara, and as the Commandos join forces take down enemy soldiers with brute strength and calculated efficiency.

Commandos: Origins will be available on day one on Xbox Game Pass for console and PC and on Xbox Series X/S, Windows PC, and PlayStation 5 in 2024.
00:00 So, tell us how this all began.
00:07 Well, it started with a sergeant sharing a vision for a special unit.
00:15 He travelled all the way to Africa to recruit me in military prison.
00:19 You know, it's not exactly common practice.
00:23 It didn't take long until things went sideways and all hell broke loose.
00:30 Sure, the odds were stacked against us, but, you know, we made it out.
00:35 And what was this special unit formed for?
00:39 The, um, you know, the too risky for the ranks, covert stuff.
00:44 Strategic targets behind enemy lines, extreme climates, you know, you know the drill.
00:49 But no one thought it was possible.
00:52 We went in and we got it done.
00:56 Only a few have the guts to dance in the lion's den.
00:59 But those that do, you can trust them with your life.
01:05 [Music]
01:07 [Gunshot]
01:09 [Music]
01:12 [Explosion]
01:15 [Music]
01:22 (music fades)