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00:00 Today in Roblox we are playing Simon Says.
00:03 We have to do everything Simon Says
00:04 because if we don't, we die.
00:06 Now guys, I'm gonna be honest with you though,
00:08 this Simon Says is a bit weird,
00:10 so make sure you watch until the end.
00:12 Let's do this.
00:13 All right guys, Simon Says, save burning billies.
00:16 Save them, save them all!
00:17 Save the burning billies, push them into the water.
00:19 Oh, guys, we don't have time!
00:21 All right, nice, get this brother over here.
00:23 There we go, you're safe my friend, don't worry.
00:25 I will save all of you.
00:26 I will save every single one of you.
00:28 All right, one more second and we're done.
00:30 I win, let's go!
00:31 Simon Says, walk when I look?
00:33 'Cause you have to walk when he looks.
00:34 Oh my God, everyone's controlled.
00:36 You have to walk when he's looking at you.
00:38 It's the opposite.
00:39 Okay, oh no, why did I move, why did I move?
00:41 Oh, that was so close, that was so close.
00:42 I was about to die.
00:43 Okay, stop moving, stop moving.
00:45 It's opposite day, guys.
00:46 Oh, someone next to me just got sniped.
00:48 Ah!
00:49 Oh, how did that person just die?
00:52 We win!
00:53 Oh my God.
00:54 Okay, this game is super weird.
00:56 Simon Says, prepare to select the person I say.
00:59 Select pig.
01:00 Ah, pig, pig, pig, there we go, select.
01:02 Simon Says, select monkey.
01:03 Where's the monkey, where's the monkey?
01:04 There he is.
01:05 Simon Says, select cow.
01:06 Okay, where is the cow, where is the cow?
01:07 Oh, it's right over here, okay, nice.
01:09 We win!
01:10 Simon Says, catch my head.
01:11 Yo, everyone, catch the head.
01:13 Otherwise we're gonna die.
01:14 Catch it, catch it, go!
01:16 Come on, I caught one.
01:18 I caught another one.
01:20 Get this one, get this one, that's mine.
01:21 And I got another one, nice.
01:23 Wait, I already have a head.
01:24 Did I win?
01:25 Yeah, I did, let's go.
01:27 All right, Simon Says, do high fives.
01:28 Yo, give me a high five, give me a high five.
01:30 Woo, okay, okay, let's just high five everyone.
01:33 Yo, come over here, let me high five you.
01:35 Let me high five you as well, let me high five you.
01:37 There we go, boom, boom, boom.
01:39 Yo, so you're looking very lonely up there.
01:41 And who else needs a high five?
01:42 Oh, this person.
01:43 High five, high five.
01:45 Okay, we still win, we're good.
01:46 Let's go!
01:47 All right, Simon Says, find marbles.
01:49 Okay, we gotta find these marbles.
01:50 I found one, there we go.
01:51 Come on, there's another one over here, okay.
01:53 We found two, oh, nice.
01:55 More marbles over here?
01:56 Is there maybe an orange marble?
01:57 That would be so cool.
01:58 Come on, give me more marbles.
02:00 Where are you, marbles?
02:01 I cannot find any more marbles, but I still won.
02:04 Let's go.
02:04 All right, Simon Says, prepare to count, okay.
02:07 Count the number of bricks.
02:08 One, two, three, four, right?
02:10 One, two, three, four, yeah, it's four, it's four,
02:12 it's four, it's 100% four.
02:13 All right, now count the number of hammers.
02:15 Okay, one, two, three, four, four.
02:18 Wait, is it always four?
02:19 Is this a troll?
02:20 Count the number of locks.
02:21 One, two, three, three, it's three.
02:24 Wait, one, two, three.
02:25 Wait, what?
02:28 There was three, but the answer,
02:29 am I going crazy right now?
02:31 All right, Simon Says, cross to the other side.
02:33 That should be easy enough.
02:34 Guess we just have to go onto the red.
02:37 There we go, just keep moving like that.
02:39 There we go, and we made it to the finish line.
02:42 I'm too good at this, man.
02:44 Come on, quick, guys, you only have two seconds.
02:46 Oh, you guys suck.
02:48 All right, Simon Says, collect all my body parts.
02:50 What?
02:51 I don't even know which ones are mine.
02:53 This one, maybe?
02:54 Uh, okay, I found my head.
02:57 Where's my leg?
02:58 Okay, I'm guessing I'm finding a lot of body parts.
03:00 I'm just bulking over everything right now.
03:02 Okay, come on, come on, my torso.
03:03 Is that it, is that my torso?
03:04 No, it's not, oh my God.
03:06 Whoa, I did it.
03:07 Nice!
03:08 Oh, we collected Simon's body parts, not mine.
03:11 We win, let's go!
03:13 All right, Simon Says, make the lumbest rainbow.
03:15 Okay, that should be easy enough.
03:17 Well, I have to collect these things.
03:18 Oh, okay, okay, I see how it is.
03:20 Come on, come on, come on, I'm trying to be
03:22 the lumbest rainbow in this universe.
03:24 Oh, let me get that, let me get that, nice.
03:26 Are we the lumbest right now?
03:26 I'm pretty sure I am, come on.
03:28 Yes, I'm also the lumbest, let's go!
03:31 All right, Simon Says, make the tallest sandwich.
03:34 Go, okay, I don't really know what I'm doing right now.
03:39 I'm guessing I just have to click on go.
03:41 Okay, there we go, boom, boom, boom.
03:43 There you go, that's my sandwich.
03:45 Wait, how did these guys get way bigger sandwiches?
03:48 Oh, man, I didn't know how that game worked.
03:51 I just click on go.
03:52 Simon Says, swap back your clothing.
03:55 Who has my clothing?
03:56 Give it back!
03:57 Oh, the other people are wearing it.
03:58 Okay, we just have to kind of run into them and,
04:00 wait, is that it?
04:01 We got it back, nice.
04:03 I mean, to be fair, my clothing is the simplest out here,
04:05 so this one, we definitely win.
04:08 My Simon Says, find your shadow.
04:10 Okay, which one is my shadow?
04:12 Well, there is a lot.
04:13 Okay, you know what?
04:14 I'm just gonna run into every single one I see.
04:17 I'm not even gonna try and look.
04:20 So, can we find it?
04:21 No, I'm not gonna find it.
04:22 No, I didn't find it this time.
04:24 No!
04:25 Simon Says, pop my pimples.
04:28 Ew, that's disgusting, but I'll pop them.
04:30 All right, there we go, pop every single one we see.
04:33 Every single one.
04:34 There we go.
04:35 Pop that one up there.
04:36 Keep popping them.
04:39 I can't even climb up his pimples.
04:41 Ooh, oh, there's a lot of pimples here.
04:42 On to the next round.
04:43 Simon Says, when the music stops, sit where I say.
04:46 Sit on the stool, okay.
04:47 Stool, the toilet maybe?
04:51 Oh, I don't have the music on,
04:53 so I don't know what I'm supposed to do here.
04:56 Sit on the wooden chair, okay, I already sat down on it.
04:58 We're good.
04:59 Sit on the rock, sit on the rock.
04:59 Where's the rock, where's the rock?
05:01 There is no rock.
05:01 Oh, there's a rock here, but someone already sat down.
05:03 Oh man, we did win that one.
05:05 We got really bad points.
05:06 All right, Simon Says, touch my face.
05:09 Okay, just need to dodge all of these people.
05:11 I'm gonna be the first one.
05:12 I'm gonna be the first one.
05:14 I touched his face.
05:15 No one can beat me, I'm the best.
05:17 Oh my God, what are you guys doing?
05:18 What, you're running back onto the road.
05:19 The winner is QuabbleGump.
05:21 Of course it is.
05:22 All right, Simon Says, get through the maze.
05:25 Okay, interesting.
05:26 Let's just go through the blue and then this one
05:30 and then let's go through this one and then,
05:33 no, that was the wrong one.
05:34 No, no, nevermind, it was the right one.
05:36 Okay, well, I guess I'll take the dub.
05:38 I just completely guessed that one,
05:39 to be honest with you guys.
05:40 And I win again.
05:41 Simon Says, don't stop me.
05:43 Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will not stop you.
05:45 I will dodge all the Simons.
05:47 I will never stomp on him, man.
05:49 Simon is my brother.
05:50 I would never stomp on him.
05:52 All right, but wait, are these points that we can collect?
05:54 Oh, it is.
05:55 Nice.
05:57 I just collect all the points, dodge all the Simons,
05:59 and we win again.
06:00 Yo, I'm on a roll.
06:02 All right, Simon Says, step on the right stones.
06:04 Okay, I'm gonna let everyone go first.
06:08 All right, so this one, this one, this one,
06:10 and then this one, and then I'll go here,
06:12 and then I'll go here, and I'll go here, here.
06:14 Oh, no, I was so close.
06:17 That was so close.
06:18 No, I died again.
06:19 Are you kidding me, bro?
06:21 Oh my God, I could have been the first one.
06:25 Well, at least we came second.
06:26 Wait, what is this?
06:27 Simon Says, take over tiles.
06:29 Oh, okay, I understand.
06:30 So I just have to walk over as many tiles as I can.
06:33 Wait, what if I make a box?
06:34 Then no one can get inside of that box, right?
06:36 Is that how it works?
06:37 No, it isn't.
06:38 Okay, that was stupid,
06:39 but I'm pretty sure we should still win this one.
06:41 Oh, what?
06:43 Oh, she won by two tiles.
06:45 Are you serious?
06:45 All right, Simon Says, go home.
06:48 Wait, I'm a monkey, so I need to go into the trees.
06:52 All right, boom, there we go.
06:53 Wait, I have to find a vacant tree.
06:54 No, no, no, let me go there, no.
06:57 Oh, luckily there's another tree there.
06:58 Okay, we're good.
06:59 This is my home.
07:00 All right, now I'm a princess.
07:02 Okay, where does a princess live?
07:04 Oh, wow.
07:05 Okay, that was a really weak round.
07:07 I'm very sorry, guys.
07:08 I didn't understand the concept.
07:09 All right, Simon Says, merge your clothes.
07:11 Oh my God, I hate this one.
07:12 I don't know how this works.
07:14 What am I supposed to do here?
07:15 I don't know.
07:16 Oh, I'm just supposed to pick up the ones
07:17 that look like me and I become bigger and bigger.
07:20 Okay, that's easy enough.
07:21 There we go.
07:22 But we didn't even make it in the top three.
07:23 Okay, we suck.
07:24 All right, Simon Says, aim with face, then bowl.
07:27 Okay, let's just aim there and then bowl.
07:30 All right, bowl.
07:31 Okay, and then bowl right over here.
07:35 There we go.
07:36 And then bowl right over here.
07:38 Nice.
07:40 Let's also get that one all the way back over there.
07:42 Come on.
07:43 Oh, someone already got it.
07:44 Are you kidding me?
07:45 Oh, there's one more here.
07:45 Oh, I couldn't do it.
07:46 Oh, we didn't even make it in the top three again.
07:49 All right, Simon Says, get the biggest number.
07:51 Okay, I'm good at this.
07:52 I'm good at this.
07:52 Okay, let's just go right over here.
07:56 Six.
07:57 Nice.
07:58 Okay, well, we have to get that one again.
07:59 We have to get that one again, boys.
08:00 Where am I?
08:01 Where am I?
08:02 This is so confusing.
08:03 Six, six, six, six.
08:04 No, I got two.
08:05 All right, come on, come on.
08:05 I'm just gonna stand right here.
08:06 I'm gonna leave it up to chance.
08:08 Oh my God, I got nine.
08:10 I win.
08:11 Easy.
08:12 All right, boys, the final round.
08:13 Cross the lava.
08:14 Okay, that is not how you're supposed to cross.
08:17 You're supposed to go on these things,
08:18 then go on these things.
08:19 Just jump up and down.
08:20 Notepad, and oh my God, jump on the tire.
08:22 Jump on the notepad again.
08:23 Jump on the pizza, and then make it to the finish line.
08:26 You guys suck.
08:27 All of you, I'm the best.
08:29 Oh yeah, the winner is Kwebbelkop.
08:32 The overall winner is Kwebbelkop.
08:34 We won, guys.
08:35 I'll see you in the next one.