• last year


00:00 To buy water from the roundabout, the residents have to pay up to 250,000 rupiah.
00:06 From that amount of money, they can get 5,000 liters of water.
00:11 To meet the water needs, in one day, Yosep can cut down 4 to 5 banana trees.
00:17 CNN Indonesia
00:20 Next, we present an update from the first country,
00:26 where the residents are willing to queue to get cheap rice.
00:30 The residents who are dominated by these women, have been queuing since Friday morning.
00:35 In the area of Wira Raja Lumajang, East Java,
00:39 they are willing to line up to get cheap rice from the government of the Lumajang regency.
00:45 The rice sold for 10,200 rupiah per kilogram is much cheaper
00:50 compared to the market price, which reaches 15,000 rupiah per kilogram.
00:55 To avoid fraud, the residents have to dip their fingers in the ink,
01:01 as a sign that they have bought the rice.
01:04 Next, there is a case of a container truck tire exploding on a train track.
01:11 The tire of a truck exploded when it passed the train track in Sekaran village, Central East Java.
01:18 The explosion was spontaneous. The police immediately ran to save the victim.
01:23 We met the victim in the location on Thursday evening.
01:26 Bripka Danangnovianto, who is in the video you see,
01:30 admitted that the incident happened when he wanted to report
01:34 the condition of another truck that collided in the middle of the train crossing.
01:38 After the incident, the truck that collided on the train was evacuated by using a direct car.
01:44 Next, the residents' house was immediately flooded.
01:50 When a number of areas in Indonesia experienced long floods,
01:54 the Galiserdang North Sumatra was flooded.
01:57 The rain that has been happening since Thursday until Friday,
02:00 made the Tangguh River flood and immediately flooded Tanjung Selamat village.
02:05 As many as 135 families were affected.
02:08 The BPBD officers had to evacuate the residents
02:12 by using a rubber boat to the emergency evacuation post.
02:16 [News]
02:21 Next, the official Surabaya news agency caught the murderer Dini Serah Afriyanti,
02:27 a woman who was suspected of committing suicide in the parking area of the mall.
02:33 The suspect is the victim's lover, GR.
02:37 In a press conference on Friday afternoon, the police said
02:40 the suspect murdered the victim Usai Karaoke at one of the malls in Surabaya on October 4.
02:47 Based on CCTV footage, the police said the suspect had kicked the victim
02:53 until he fell and then hit the victim's head with a bottle of drink
02:57 while standing in the elevator to the parking lot.
02:59 In the car parking lot, the victim was helpless,
03:02 then hit by the suspect using a car up to five meters.
03:07 The victim was taken to the hospital but his life was not saved.
03:11 The suspect is still in police custody.
03:34 President Joko Widodo has accepted and also signed the resignation letter of Syahrul Yassin Limpo.
03:41 We will present the information in a moment.
03:44 We will help you to return your safety.
03:58 [Pepso Den]
04:00 It's time for Pepso Den.
04:15 I'm sleepy.
04:17 Let's sing.
04:18 Let's go.
04:19 I brush my teeth at home.
04:22 Pepso Den everyday.
04:24 I brush my teeth 10 times.
04:27 10 times?
04:28 Ask for Pepso Den for free consultation from Dr. Gigi.
04:31 Hi Zee's Scan Pack.
04:33 Pepso Den is new.
04:34 It's a new treatment for small eye bags.
04:36 10 times stronger.
04:37 Brush your teeth with Pepso Den.
04:39 10 times stronger.
04:41 Check your hair.
04:46 Keep your hair secure.
04:48 Use Rejoice 3 in 1.
04:50 Your hair will be soft, fragrant and nourished.
04:53 Free and secure all day.
04:55 Hair-loving baby.
04:57 Rejoice 3 in 1.
04:58 10 out of 10 women want soft skin.
05:01 L'herbia milk soap with goat milk extract.
05:04 Soak faster, deeper before rinsing.
05:07 L'herbia.
05:08 The more you use it, the softer your skin.
05:10 There's also a milk lotion.
05:12 With the beautiful goat.
05:14 Little sister.
05:16 Good.
05:18 For whom?
05:20 For Mrs. Uro.
05:21 Drink milk first.
05:22 Great, Bebelak.
05:23 Contains Phosgos that is certified clinical.
05:25 And AAA with higher DHA.
05:27 Support good skin, creative mind and big heart.
05:31 Happy birthday.
05:33 Hey, I don't have a birthday.
05:35 Why should you wait for a birthday?
05:37 You can give a gift anytime.
05:40 Great.
05:41 Bebelak. All-new great.
05:43 Wow, there's a new one.
05:45 The skin is so smooth.
05:49 This brightening cream not only makes your skin brighter, but also softer.
05:52 Voice Luminous White Brightening Cream.
05:54 New.
05:55 With new formula, 8 times hyaluronic acid.
05:58 8 times more moist and clear.
06:01 Bright luminous.
06:02 SPF upgraded to 36.4+.
06:05 Maximum protection.
06:06 Recommended for warm skin.
06:08 Love you.
06:09 Voice Luminous White Brightening Cream.
06:11 Love my voice skin.
06:13 Great, Bebelak.
06:14 Contains Phosgos that is certified clinical.
06:16 Support good skin, and AAA with higher DHA.
06:20 Stimulate your creative mind.
06:22 Both help you build a big heart.
06:25 Bebelak. All-new great.
06:28 I thought mineral water is the same.
06:31 But it's different.
06:33 It's so warm outside.
06:34 After drinking mineral water, it's so smooth.
06:36 It's not warm.
06:38 Yes, it's like sweet aroma.
06:41 Mineral water is different.
06:44 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals.
06:47 Important for the body.
06:49 And make the water taste fresh.
06:51 So fresh.
06:53 Make the body lighter.
06:56 Protected mineral goodness.
06:58 New.
06:59 SOGWIN SofterGent Double Perfume.
07:01 With 2 times more fragrance.
07:03 Maximum clean.
07:05 Softly expand.
07:06 SOGWIN SofterGent Double Perfume.
07:09 Provide fragrance burst.
07:10 2 times more fragrance.
07:11 Hold longer.
07:12 Wingscare.
07:13 Welcome.
07:14 Please.
07:15 Is there a time for headache?
07:18 Panadol Extra.
07:20 Quick to relieve headache and easily disturbing.
07:23 Panadol Extra.
07:24 Quick to relieve headache.
07:26 Drink before eating.
07:27 Arlo, what's wrong?
07:29 The doctor said it's not suitable for cow milk.
07:31 My child too.
07:32 Try it.
07:33 SGM Explore.
07:34 Isoprosoid.
07:35 New.
07:36 The right nutrition.
07:37 As good as cow milk.
07:38 Support small children.
07:39 Optimal body.
07:40 SGM Explore.
07:42 Isoprosoid.
07:43 The taste of takoyaki is sweet, salty and creamy.
07:49 Sprinkle with sushi.
07:51 The taste is really noble.
07:53 Indomie Ramen Series.
07:55 The authentic taste.
07:57 Bang Sogok.
07:58 Dan, that means I'm with you, right?
08:03 Who do we want to meet?
08:05 They share.
08:06 Yes, you.
08:08 Buy Oreo Waffle.
08:09 Scan and check the way on Instagram.
08:11 Let's go.
08:12 Meet my girlfriend and her grandma.
08:15 Can you cook?
08:18 Let's cook.
08:19 Cook?
08:20 Like this.
08:21 Ketchup Sedap.
08:22 Thick and savory.
08:23 Make the taste unrivaled.
08:25 It's more delicious.
08:26 Always use Ketchup Sedap and Mix Food.
08:28 This is Minggu, Dad.
08:33 Stop working first.
08:34 Hi, Dad.
08:35 Everyone, let's have fun.
08:37 Wow, Oreo.
08:39 Wow, Oreo.
08:42 I always choose SGM Explore.
08:45 Because with Iron Sea,
08:47 my child's support grows maximally.
08:50 Let me do it.
08:52 Come, let's tie it here.
08:54 Wow, cool.
08:56 SGM Explore.
09:05 You're back with us on CNN Indonesia News Update.
09:08 President Jokowi Dodo has accepted and denied
09:11 his resignation letter from his office as Minister of Agriculture.
09:16 The president admitted that he received the letter from MSSNEC on Thursday night
09:21 and signed it on Friday morning.
09:23 This was conveyed by President Jokowi at the presidential palace in Jakarta on Friday afternoon.
09:28 Jokowi admitted that there is no special schedule to meet directly with Shahrul Yassin Limpoh.
09:33 The president has appointed the head of the National Defense Agency, Arif Prasetyo Adi,
09:37 as the Minister of Agriculture until he is elected as the Minister of Defense.
09:42 Jokowi also denied to report about the arrest warrant
09:46 that was committed by Shahrul Yassin Limpoh by the head of the KPK, Firli Bahuri.
09:51 I have accepted and the morning has been moved on.
09:58 I have signed it too.
10:01 The replacement is still the PLT.
10:05 The PLT is Arif Prasetyo, the head of the Defense Agency.
10:11 There is a case of arrest warrant from the KPK to the Minister.
10:15 What does the president think about this?
10:18 I don't know.
10:20 Just ask the law enforcement.
10:24 Meanwhile, the head of the KPK, Firli Bahuri, denied the accusation
10:28 that he was arrested by Shahrul Yassin Limpoh.
10:32 Meanwhile, Shahrul said he was checked by the Metropolitan Police Department
10:36 regarding the arrest warrant.
10:39 The arrest warrant from the head of the KPK against Shahrul Yassin Limpoh
10:46 was issued a few days ago.
10:48 Shahrul said there was a social report
10:50 related to the arrest warrant case on August 12, 2023.
10:54 Shahrul Yassin Limpoh came to the Metropolitan Police Department on Thursday afternoon
10:58 to ask for clarification from the investigator for three hours.
11:01 So it was only August 12, 2023
11:06 related to the things reported by the public
11:11 related to the events,
11:21 the reports related to the arrest warrant case, and so on.
11:27 I have told you everything I know.
11:30 The head of the KPK, Firli Bahuri, denied
11:33 that he was arrested by Shahrul Yassin Limpoh.
11:36 Firli claimed that no one ever found him
11:39 to give him a sum of money.
11:41 To protect my health and my privacy,
11:44 I often do weightlifting.
11:48 At least twice a week.
11:51 And the gym is open.
11:53 So I thought there would never be
11:56 people meeting me
12:00 or if there is a problem
12:03 that I received a sum of $1 billion.
12:09 I made sure it wasn't there.
12:12 I made sure it wasn't there.
12:13 It was a lot of $1 billion.
12:16 Meanwhile, CNN quoted
12:19 a photo of a meeting between the head of the KPK, Firli Bahuri,
12:22 and Shahrul Yassin Limpoh
12:24 who were discussing on the field of weightlifting in Central Jakarta.
12:28 The meeting is expected to take place in December 2022.
12:32 Shahrul Yassin Limpoh officially issued a self-defence letter
12:35 from the chair of the Minister of Agriculture to President Joko Widodo
12:38 through the Minister of State Security, Pratik Noh.
12:41 The self-defence letter was immediately delivered by Shahrul Yassin Limpoh
12:44 on Thursday evening.
12:46 He gave a press conference at Nas Timur Tower.
12:49 CNN Indonesia coverage team.
12:51 The case of child poisoning
13:04 which was confirmed by the CIMIN or ACIMINI
13:08 on 28 September,
13:10 has become a concern for parents.
13:12 What should parents pay attention to
13:15 in monitoring the child's diet?
13:17 Let's see in the next update.
13:20 At least 34 students from Jatitiga Saguling Elementary School,
13:33 West Bandung,
13:34 were poisoned on Thursday, 28 September.
13:39 It is suspected that dozens of students were poisoned
13:42 after consuming CIMIN or ACIMINI around the school.
13:47 As a result, one student died.
13:51 This incident makes parents worried and anxious
13:54 because they can't monitor what the children are consuming.
14:00 My wife had her own way of eating.
14:06 But I think she should be more careful.
14:13 Yes, she should be more careful.
14:15 Because we know that children can be poisoned
14:18 because of their calories and other factors.
14:21 According to the lecturer of microbiology
14:23 at the Faculty of Medicine, Pajajaran University,
14:25 Adi Imam Chahiyadi,
14:27 food poisoning is caused by microorganisms
14:30 that are made from bacteria or fungi.
14:33 Both can be avoided by paying attention to the food.
14:38 It can be seen from the preparation method.
14:42 According to Adi, the safest way to avoid poisoning
14:45 is by preparing food at home,
14:48 so that the food is kept clean.
14:51 The poisoning process does not cause symptoms.
14:55 The bacteria need to multiply
14:57 and it happens in 10 to 30 minutes.
15:02 Of course, if it's just one, it's not.
15:06 Maybe because we have a complex body,
15:10 the immune system doesn't cause disease.
15:14 But if there are many, it will be problematic.
15:20 According to Dr. Fikka Leviassima di Brata,
15:23 food poisoning is caused by stomachache, vomiting, and diarrhea.
15:28 The most important thing to be taken care of
15:31 in this condition is not to have a deficiency of fluid.
15:36 If the dehydration status is still in good condition,
15:43 it can be treated at home.
15:45 The first treatment is with active and oral carbon
15:50 to maintain fluid.
15:52 If there is a menstruation or diarrhea,
15:54 if it continues and cannot be entered through oral,
15:58 we have to install an infusion.
16:01 Intravenously, it can only be done in the hospital.
16:05 Deficiency of fluid can cause blood pressure to drop
16:09 and the body's organs lack oxygen,
16:11 so that the function is lost.
16:14 CNN Indonesia coverage team.
16:23 In the next episode, we will explore the luxury suite class compartment train.
16:29 Even, here it is.
16:31 It's interesting that there is a massage chair.
16:34 We will be back with the complete information.
16:36 See you soon.
16:38 We will help you to return your safety.
16:51 Are you sure you have washed your face?
16:53 Use Garnier's number one water mist.
16:56 With a nozzle like a magnet,
16:58 99% of makeup, even dirt that is not visible,
17:01 is removed.
17:02 Stay soft without feeling attracted.
17:04 Use Garnier's water mist.
17:06 To face various conditions every day.
17:11 Make sure the purity that accompanies you.
17:18 Barebrand, feel the purity.
17:21 Arlo, what's wrong?
17:22 The doctor said it's not suitable for cow's milk.
17:24 My son too.
17:26 Try SGM Explore Isoprosoy.
17:28 New, the right nutrition for cow's milk.
17:31 Small dose, optimal fat.
17:33 SGM Explore Isoprosoy.
17:36 Are you sure your deodorant can be fresh all day?
17:38 Let's compare it with Rexona.
17:40 From morning to night.
17:43 The usual deodorant is not long-lasting.
17:45 With Rexona, it's still clean and fresh all day.
17:48 Okay, I believe you.
17:49 I'll use Rexona after this.
17:51 Adek.
17:53 Good, right?
17:56 For whom?
17:57 For my mom.
17:59 Let's drink milk first.
18:00 Great, Babyluck.
18:01 Contains a clinical-referred false dose
18:03 and triple A with higher DHA.
18:05 Support good digestion, creative mind and big heart.
18:08 Happy birthday.
18:11 I don't have a birthday.
18:13 Why do I have to wait for my birthday?
18:15 I can give you a present anytime.
18:18 Babyluck.
18:19 The beginning of all wonders.
18:21 This, that.
18:22 Shampoo that fights against itchiness and itchiness.
18:24 Or shampoo that fights against stiff hair?
18:26 I want both.
18:27 Complete package.
18:28 New, anti-itch shampoo with pro-vitamin.
18:31 Fight against itchiness and stiff hair.
18:34 Complete.
18:35 For my heart, I want the best drinking water.
18:40 To get the source of your eyes.