What to do if power lines fall on your car

  • last year
Safety experts say drivers need to know what to do if power lines fall on their vehicle during a severe storm or strong winds. AccuWeather's Bill Wadell reports.
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 What should you do if power lines fall
00:07 on your car during a storm?
00:09 911, what's your emergency?
00:11 I'm stuck on a road with power lines in front of me.
00:14 The safest place to stay is inside of your vehicle
00:18 and call 911.
00:20 Erin Hollinshead with Safe Electricity
00:22 says try to stay calm
00:24 and don't touch anything but your phone.
00:26 Only utility crews can determine
00:29 if the lines are energized.
00:31 Hollywood has given us some sort of idea
00:33 that if there's a downed power line,
00:35 it's gonna be crackling and smoking
00:36 and there's gonna be flames shooting out of it.
00:38 That's not how it works.
00:39 It really is a silent killer.
00:41 Wait for the all clear.
00:43 The only time you should try to escape
00:45 is if there's smoke or fire inside your vehicle.
00:49 Put your arms across your body.
00:51 You wanna make a clear hop from your vehicle
00:54 to the ground with both feet together.
00:56 Then you wanna make hops away from that vehicle.
01:00 For AccuWeather, I'm Bill Waddell.
