Matt Eberflus's Job Security in flux After 14 Consecutive Losses

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - So of course, when you lose 14 games in a row,
00:06 people are gonna start talking.
00:08 You know, how much longer is this guy gonna have his job?
00:10 Matt Iberflues isn't listening to any of that talk, Scott.
00:13 He's just not listening to it.
00:15 - You know, in this business, you know,
00:16 you've been, I've been doing this 32 years, right?
00:19 So I understand the business,
00:20 but I understand that to do it right,
00:22 you gotta focus on your job
00:24 and you gotta focus right here, right now.
00:26 So you can think about a lot of different things
00:28 that's gonna do nobody good.
00:29 And you focus on your job where your feet are right now.
00:32 And that's my sole focus is on Washington.
00:35 - Have you gotten assurances from higher ups,
00:37 ownerships, presidential level,
00:39 that they see where this team is going
00:42 and that they buy into this?
00:42 - Yeah, I just, I feel the support.
00:45 I haven't, you know, talked to anybody
00:46 about any of those things.
00:47 - That means you don't have support
00:49 if you haven't talked to anybody.
00:50 - Right.
00:51 - That's what that means.
00:52 You don't have support.
00:54 - Now listen, one thing he's right about,
00:57 he's been in the business 32 years
00:59 and he matters so little that in 32 years,
01:03 none of you have ever heard of him.
01:05 And then he got this job and he's done such a horrible job
01:09 that no one will talk to him,
01:11 but he's not worried about his job.
01:14 I mean, my ass, okay?
01:17 I mean, my effing ass.
01:19 This guy is worried about everything.
01:21 He don't sleep, look at him.
01:23 I mean, he needs some, I think he needs some Stoli, rocks.
01:27 I think he's obviously, he'd be the odds on favor right now
01:30 to be the first guy to get chopped at this point.
01:33 Like he just, when you lose that,
01:34 but I mean look at this guy.
01:35 - How many did they lose?
01:36 - 14 games in a row.
01:39 And they haven't even been profitable, you know,
01:41 even though, even the teams can lose,
01:43 but at least they still cover for you once in a while.
01:45 Two 11 and one against the spread in those 14 straight losses
01:50 this guy can't even cover for us
01:52 with some of these big numbers that they get handed.
01:56 (upbeat music)
01:58 (bells chiming)
