• 2 years ago
Struggling to conserve your energy? We all have a finite amount. This is how you invest it wisely.


00:00 you have someone who's inherently an energy vampire in your life.
00:04 Some people consume tremendous amount of energy.
00:06 That's what a vampire does, right?
00:08 Bites you in the neck and sucks the life out of you.
00:10 There are three types of people.
00:11 They are uplifting people, they are neutral people, and they are not uplifting people.
00:18 Let's define what this is.
00:20 An uplifting person, I spend five minutes with an uplifting person, I walk away, I feel
00:24 great and go like, "Wow, that was an amazing conversation."
00:27 A neutral person, I spend five minutes with them, I walk away, I'm still the same.
00:32 A not uplifting person, I spend five minutes with them, I walk away, and I go like, "Oh
00:36 my God, that was exhausting."
00:39 You've probably experienced that in your life.
00:40 The next question is, are they a transient energy vampire or inherently an energy vampire?
00:46 What's a transient energy vampire?
00:48 Just say John is going through a hard time in life because his dad is dying of cancer,
00:52 for example, and for three years he consumes a lot of energy.
00:55 He's always down, you need to uplift him, he's feeling very sad.
00:59 It's okay.
01:00 You give him that energy because he's your friend and that's what we do.
01:04 We express compassion, empathy, and love, and we support our friends during difficult
01:08 times.
01:09 What's someone who's inherently an energy vampire?
01:12 Someone who's inherently an energy vampire has always been this way.
01:16 For decades, they just haven't changed.
01:18 They're just not an uplifting human being at all.
01:22 My guru taught me the best way to do this is to practice the art of being affectionately
01:26 detached.
01:27 So the concept of being affectionately detached is to not engage with someone, right?
01:33 Just to be kind, to be gentle, to be sincere and loving towards them, but not engaging
01:38 with them.
01:39 What's another way to protect yourself from an energy vampire?
01:42 Is to place the burden of responsibility on them.
01:45 They fulfilled their task and come back to you, then go out of your way to help them.
01:50 To treat energy the same way you treat money.
01:52 It's a finite resource that needs to be wisely managed, wisely reallocated, and wisely invested.
01:58 If I took 10% of my energy and I gave it to John, that's 10% I could have given to my
02:04 spouse, my business, the things and people that I love.
02:08 Energy has no ability to discriminate between what's positive and what's negative.
02:12 If I took a watering can and I watered a garden bed, would the weeds grow or the flowers grow?
02:17 Both, right?
02:18 Water has no ability to discriminate between the weeds and the flowers.
02:22 Whatever I water starts to grow.
02:24 Energy is the same way as well.
02:25 If I took energy and I invested it into something negative, it will grow and become more negative.
02:31 If I took energy, invested it into something positive, it will grow and become more positive.
02:37 Whatever you invest energy into starts to grow and manifest in your life.
02:42 To know yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
02:46 Divide your energy between people who uplift you and people that don't uplift you.
02:51 Life is meant to be lived joyously.
02:54 Pursue a lifestyle that results in happiness.
02:57 I never chase happiness.
02:58 I pursue a lifestyle where the byproduct of the lifestyle is happiness.
03:02 In order to find out what the lifestyle is, I need to know what my purpose in life is.
03:07 In order to do that, I need to spend time with myself each day to find out who and what's
03:11 important in my life.
03:13 Take that finite amount of energy that I have each day, focus it into those things, and
03:18 also believe in your ability to manifest something in your life.
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