Playing Tetris Can Cut Maternal Postpartum Stress

  • 9 months ago

Women traumatized by an unplanned caesarean section enjoy significant emotional benefit by playing just 15 minutes of the electronic game Tetris during the first 6 hours following delivery of their babies. Swiss obstetricians and psychologists studied 146 women, and approximately half of them played Tetris while the control group was kept busy completing a journal of their activities and thoughts.

All participants were surveyed for PTSD symptoms at 6 weeks and 6 months postpartum by clinicians blinded as to the treatment each participant had received. At 6 weeks, the Tetris playing group evidenced only smarginally less PTSD compared with controls. By 6 months, the differences were significant with the Tetris players recording fewer PTSD symptoms and enjoying significantly better moods and cognitive skills.

While the emergent need for a c-section is stressful for expectant mothers and fathers, nearly every childbirth is emotionally trying. That being the case, don’t be afraid to brandish a Tetris game in the immediate aftermath of all such blessed events. Come to think of it, this strategy won’t hurt following any stressful event.

#ptsd #tetris #stress #childbirth #emergency #caesarean
