17 Again- Health Class
Short filmTranscript
00:00 (school bell rings)
00:03 (students chatter)
00:05 (school bell rings)
00:14 - Hey guys.
00:15 - Okay, settle down everybody, take your seats.
00:18 Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:21 Stand, thank you, thank you.
00:23 Okay, today we will be continuing our discussion
00:26 on human sexuality.
00:28 And as we discussed, the official school policy
00:31 is abstinence.
00:33 - Now that is very sensible.
00:35 I'm glad that someone here has their head
00:37 screwed on straight.
00:38 I think all of us should make a pact to abstain from sex.
00:42 Now who is with me, you guys?
00:44 (students chatter)
00:46 Maggie?
00:50 - However, let's get real.
00:54 I know asking high school seniors to be abstinent
00:57 is like asking a porcupine to poop goat cheese.
01:00 Yuck.
01:01 So, since the majority of you are
01:04 or will become sexually active at some point--
01:06 - That point should be way, way in the future, right?
01:10 - Well, the official school position
01:13 is that we prepare you for safe sex now.
01:17 So please take one and pass it down.
01:19 (students chatter)
01:26 - I have needs.
01:27 - You don't need these?
01:31 - Stan, get one tomorrow.
01:33 - No, no, you know what, he's right.
01:36 He's right, I don't need one.
01:38 You know why I don't need one?
01:39 Because there's no one that I'm in love with.
01:42 It's called making love, isn't it?
01:44 Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I think that means
01:46 that you do it with someone you love.
01:49 And preferably when you're married.
01:52 You know, when you're ready to take that love
01:54 and turn it into a baby.
01:56 Because that's what love is.
01:59 It's that first moment when you hold your baby girl.
02:04 And you didn't know that anything could be so small
02:08 or so delicate, and you feel that tiny heartbeat.
02:13 And you know that you couldn't love anything more
02:15 in the whole world.
02:17 And you hope that you can do right by that little girl.
02:22 And always be there to catch her when she falls.
02:25 And that nothing ever hurts her.
02:26 Not a broken arm, or a bad dream, or a broken heart.
02:30 - I don't even want these, just take them.
02:44 - No, I'm serious.
02:46 - Great, fine, wonderful.
02:48 More for me.
02:52 I got enough for the whole weekend.
02:55 - Stop it!
02:58 - Get him off!
02:59 - Stop it!
03:03 Break it up!
03:03 Get off him, Stan!
03:05 I'll get him off the way!
03:08 Stop it!
03:08 - Come on, stop it!
03:10 - You're gonna go to jail again!
03:15 (screaming)
03:17 - Look at that baby slap you on the bottom.
03:21 - I'm not thinking of myself.
03:24 - Check this out, my cousin in New York sent it to me.
03:32 (dog barking)