Mean Girls Episode 5

  • last year
Mean Girls Episode 5
00:00 Gina, we have to talk to you.
00:03 Is butter a carb?
00:05 Yes.
00:06 Gina, you're wearing sweatpants.
00:09 It's Monday.
00:11 So?
00:13 So that's against the rules and you can't sit with us.
00:15 Whatever. Those rules aren't real.
00:18 They were real that day I wore a vest.
00:21 Because that vest was disgusting.
00:23 You can't sit with us!
00:24 (Gina's sweatpants are all that fits me right now.)
00:27 These sweatpants are all that fits me right now.
00:33 Fine.
00:41 You can walk home, bitches.
00:44 That's where you're going, fat ass!
00:47 (laughter)
00:49 (laughter)
00:52 (laughter)
00:54 (music)