Mr Hands Reveals His Identity To V Scene - Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty 2023

  • last year
Mr Hands Reveals His Identity To V, Scenes from Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty game 2023 that I have recorded and edited by myself.
All raw footage used in this video were recorded and edited by me in a transformative and synthetic manner. All outcome of this scene and both choices were recorded and included in this video.
00:00 [Game audio]
00:29 Maybe the one thing I didn't expect.
00:31 To see the man behind the hollow curtain.
00:33 The elusive Mr. Hands in the flesh.
00:36 Not only did you rescue those clowns in blue, you also managed to eliminate Dodger.
00:43 Calm, collected, and professional. Bravo.
00:47 You have proven to be a person I can trust.
00:52 Hence my decision to drop the veil and meet in person.
00:56 A rare occurrence, I assure you.
00:59 Were I to have more virtuosos like you, I wager I'd have more than Doctown in my grasp.
01:06 Doctown, Pacifica, then I'd line up the rest, snort, and it'd be done.
01:23 Working with bona fide professionals. Positively a treat.
01:27 Quixote y admirado. How do they solve your Hansen sitch?
01:33 Take a boxer. He can't knock out his opponent. What then?
01:39 He goes to work on the body.
01:41 Once his adversary's stamina wanes, he looks for his opening, connects fists with jaw.
01:51 I know it may not seem all that clear from where you stand, but...
01:56 The "gigs" you have completed will allow me to audaciously shift some of the pawns and figures on the chessboard that is Doctown.
02:08 Checkmate is but a few moves away.
02:11 Take it you'd prefer Doctown with no Hansen at the helm?
02:15 Hansen wields much power, greedily so.
02:19 He's also clever. These traits I tolerate, even value, when occurring in isolation.
02:27 But all at once? No.
02:31 Especially not in one who grips an entire district in the palm of his hand.
02:36 It makes business... trying.
02:40 Interest you in some tea? It's my own blend.
02:47 Sure, why not?
02:49 So... how did this combat zone become Doctown? Do you know?
02:55 I heard this and that. Something to do with the war?
03:04 2069. Colonel Hansen led an operation colorfully called "Midnight Storm".
03:14 The objective? To occupy this combat zone and establish an NUSA staging ground in Night City.
03:22 Soon after, the sides agreed to a ceasefire. Hansen's force was left to fend for itself.
03:30 Headquarters, the public, everyone feigned ignorance, pretending Hansen and company were never here.
03:37 But our good colonel decided to put down roots.
03:42 He declared this combat zone an NUSA territory.
03:46 In our terms, he carved out an enclave for himself and went from soldier to arms dealer overnight.
03:52 Marooned he was. Two weeks for a bullet to reach his brain, everyone thought.
04:02 But his brain remained intact, and he became a force to be reckoned with.
04:08 A man whose existence is a threat to many is a dangerous man indeed.
04:13 Let's table politics for now, huh? Go straight to biz?
04:18 Business? Of course.
04:22 The Black Sapphire. Hansen's stronghold, guarded by elite soldiers.
04:29 Military quarters are situated on lower levels, while top floors are a decadent haven for the ultra-rich.
04:37 The building's blueprint was not easily procured, I should say.
04:41 Hansen guards his hotel secrets as if they were an embarrassing rectal itch.
04:47 But, given a will, ways are usually found.
04:54 You help a client of mine, they reciprocate, and I gain latitude.
04:59 Quid pro quo in full effect.
05:04 The building plans are yours. I'll even throw in vulnerabilities to watch for, a token of my appreciation.
05:11 And, though this goes without saying, the data, its source, are completely secure.
05:19 No one knows you have it.
05:22 Data leaks, or lack thereof, are the difference between myself and, say, the late Mr. Deshawn.
05:32 The Shard. Black Sapphire info and blueprints. All nooks and crannies.
05:37 I trust it's all you need to waltz in and perform your planned pirouettes.
05:43 Yet, a word of caution.
05:45 Even fully prepared, you'll be marching into a pit full of vipers. Watch your step.
05:51 Thanks, Hans.
05:55 I only hope this won't mark the end of our friendship.
06:00 Truth be told, a few new assignments seem imminent.
06:04 Let me guess. More local political gaming?
06:08 Activity is abundant in Docktown, and behind closed doors, plots and schemes.
06:15 Should change ever occur, as it inevitably must, someone really ought to pave the way for a smooth transition.
06:28 Nice meeting you. Finally a pin and a face on the name.
06:32 You should count yourself lucky. Few have done so and lived to tell the tale.
06:38 And V, whatever happens at the Black Sapphire, make sure you come back alive, hmm?
06:48 You're going where local and international politics mix.
06:55 Strong Kurds, both.
06:58 Make sure to plant my feet firmly, then. Later, Hans.
07:02 - Set my feet firmly then.
07:04 - Later, Hans.
07:04 (whooshing)
