FTS 12:30 03-10: UN Security Council approves Military Mission in Haiti

  • last year
FTS 12.30
*Guatemalan Court ratifies date for transition of power
*King Felipe VI of Spain tasks Sanchez with forming Govt.


00:00 The United Nations Security Council approved with 13 votes in favor and the abstentions
00:14 of Russia and China to deploy an armed multinational force to Haiti.
00:22 In Guatemala, the Supreme Electoral Court ratified that the constitutional procedures
00:25 for the transition of power were completed.
00:31 And in Spain, King Philip VI tasked outgoing socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez with
00:36 forming the next government.
00:43 Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Sous Studios in Havana,
00:47 Cuba.
00:48 We begin with the news.
00:49 The United States has qualified deployment of force in Haiti as progress but calls for
00:54 more help.
00:55 U.S. State Department Secretary Antony Blinken called the authorization of the deployment
00:59 of a multinational force in Haiti an important step, but called for more help from the international
01:05 community and the collaboration of Haitian political forces.
01:09 With 13 votes in favor and two abstentions, China and the Russian Federation, the United
01:13 Nations Security Council approved the resolution drafted by the United States and Ecuador.
01:18 According to Blinken, this critical mission will meet Haiti's need to address insecurity
01:23 and create the security conditions necessary for long-term stability and growth.
01:28 The deployment of the force would last for one year, with a review after nine months.
01:32 This would be the first time a mission has been deployed to Haiti since the one approved
01:37 by the United Nations 20 years ago.
01:44 In the meantime, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America, seen in its social
01:49 media X, condemned the authorization of the United Nations Security Council to deploy a
01:54 multinational armed force in Haiti and demanded its withdrawal from the Caribbean nation and
01:59 to respect the right to self-determination of the Haitian people, with a new attempt
02:03 of interference commanded by the United States.
02:11 In Guatemala, the Supreme Electoral Court ratified the constitutional procedures for
02:15 the transition of power, which will take place on January 14, were completed.
02:20 Authorities affirmed that it is unlikely that the handover will be reached since the official
02:24 results of the elections have already been made official.
02:28 The event took place in the middle of the popular rejection of the attempts to invalidate
02:32 the results of the presidential elections by the judiciary.
02:35 At the same time, the authorities of the Supreme Electoral Court rejected the versions stated
02:40 in public forums and social media, referring to the fact that the legal transfer of power
02:46 will not take place due to the recent raids by the public ministry.
02:56 In the last few days, disinformation, manipulation of facts and attacks against officials and
03:02 personnel of this institution have intensified, perpetrated by individuals or groups that
03:08 use virtual social networks and hide behind the apparent anonymity of accounts that call
03:14 themselves net center.
03:16 In addition, the harassment they carry out coincides with formally established interest
03:20 groups which threaten the rights of individuals by exposing them publicly and presenting spurious
03:27 disinformation.
03:28 These denunciations seek to generate censorship, affect people's honor and exercise psychological
03:35 violence, attacking the dignity of our collaborators and of the institution itself.
03:42 Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro congratulated the joint relationship with the Government
03:45 of Colombia for the productivity of the economy.
03:52 I was telling President Petro that this is a great achievement of the work we are doing
03:56 jointly, the Government of Colombia and the Government of Venezuela, to open the doors
04:02 of the border, to open the doors of trade, to open the doors of associated investment
04:08 of Colombian capital in Venezuela, of Venezuelan capital in Colombia.
04:13 More than 1,200 business meetings were held.
04:17 Five hundred and thirty Colombian businessmen participated.
04:21 The most important Colombian businessmen were in Caracas and 410 Venezuelan companies participated.
04:28 The most important Venezuelan companies participated in the Colombia-Venezuela macro business meeting.
04:36 Also the Venezuelan President said that the first international telecommunication fair
04:40 was a total success for the world.
04:45 Total success.
04:46 The first international telecommunication fair.
04:49 Ninety-nine companies, among which there were 16 companies from around the world, top-level
04:55 international companies.
04:56 Ninety-nine stands.
04:57 There were more than 30,000 people who passed through there between Thursday, Friday and
05:03 Saturday.
05:04 It could have been open for 15 days and who knows how many people would have passed through
05:10 there.
05:11 So the international fair has been a total success and it showed where Venezuela is going,
05:17 not only how we are improving, how we are growing, but we are going to the highest technology
05:23 in the world.
05:25 The President of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela, Elvis Amoroso, reaffirmed his
05:29 commitment to the Venezuelan people and democracy.
05:36 The National Electoral Council is prepared to guarantee the primaries and any other election
05:41 and we reaffirm our commitment to the Venezuelan people to strengthen democracy.
05:47 Venezuelans should be proud to have the best automated system in the world.
05:51 The President of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela affirmed that the electoral power
05:56 is willing to provide technical service in the upcoming primary elections of the so-called
06:01 United Platform of the Opposition.
06:06 The National Electoral Council is ready to carry out any national, state, municipal,
06:11 primary or trade union election as long as the constitutional, legal and technical requirements
06:17 are met, thus guaranteeing the right to elect.
06:21 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok @TelesurEnglish where
06:25 you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
06:30 Other stories coming up, stay with us.
06:35 Welcome back to From the South.
06:58 In Spain, King Philip VI tasked outgoing socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez with forming
07:04 the next government.
07:05 If Sánchez is to be reinstated as Premier, he will need to pass a key parliamentary vote
07:10 for which he will need the backing of a Catalan separatist party.
07:14 The move comes just four days after right-wing opposition leader Alberto Núñez-Feijó failed
07:20 in his own bid to win parliamentary support to be inaugurated as Prime Minister.
07:25 Sánchez will now have to seek support from at least 176 lawmakers within the 350-seat
07:32 parliament in the vote which must take place before November 27.
07:36 If he fails, Spain will automatically be forced to hold new elections, most likely in mid-January.
07:41 His Majesty the King, having completed the consultations with the representatives of
07:51 the political forces present in the Congress of Deputies who wish to attend this meeting
07:55 and in accordance with the provisions of our Constitution, has informed me of his decision
08:01 to propose Mr. Pedro Sánchez as candidate for Prime Minister.
08:05 Spain's incumbent Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez accepts His Majesty the King's commission
08:10 to try to form a government.
08:14 As you know, I'm appearing before you to inform you that I have accepted His Majesty the King's
08:19 commission from the head of state as a candidate to be sworn in as President of the Government
08:24 before the Parliament and before the Congress of Deputies.
08:28 And I want to tell you that I do so with enthusiasm, with the hope of knowing how much Spain can
08:34 advance over the next four years with a progressive government.
08:40 On Monday, thousands of doctors took to the streets across Germany complaining about the
08:44 rising costs amid the relentless surge in inflation.
08:47 Under the rallying theme of "clinic crisis", nearly 20 medical associations, statutory
08:51 health insurance organizations and a multitude of pharmacies participated in this nationwide
08:56 strike.
08:57 Organizers said that the mounting cost of energy, failed digitization endeavours and
09:04 scarcity of skilled professionals have left the clinics teetering on the edge of insurmountable
09:10 strain.
09:11 Demonstrators said if the current crisis continues, several clinics could shut down and those
09:15 that remain open could be overburdened.
09:23 The clinics have no choice but to protest because we have to make sure we have money
09:28 by the end of the month to pay all the staff and house rent.
09:42 On Tuesday, Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shogun pointed out that Kiev's attempts to
09:46 penetrate Russian defences on frontlines in the east and south of the country had failed.
09:53 Russian traps have significantly weakened the enemy's combat potential and inflicted
09:58 serious damage.
10:00 The enemy's attempts to break through our defences in the areas of Belpoboye and Robotino
10:05 on the Saporizhia Front have failed.
10:09 On Tuesday, early boarding opened across Australia in a reform that would recognise indigenous
10:14 people in the 1901 constitution for the first time.
10:17 Early boarders in Sydney and other parts of the country have already begun casting their
10:22 ballots to decide on indigenous rights in a vote that will run until October 14.
10:27 If approved, the reform would recognise indigenous peoples and Torres Strait Islanders in the
10:33 country's constitution and would establish a permanent body to advise the government.
10:38 The so-called "voice to parliament" was recommended by a landmark 2017 document called the "Uluru
10:45 Declaration from the Heart" which was drafted by over 250 indigenous leaders.
10:54 I'm really passionate about voting yes in this referendum because the constitution in
11:02 1901 was written at a time that didn't recognise indigenous people at all.
11:09 It is an out of date document and it's time to recognise the longest living culture in
11:16 the world.
11:17 It's an opportunity for change.
11:18 I feel the status quo has kind of been the same for a very long time and constantly going
11:24 through this cycle of conversation about something without real action and it's probably the
11:29 most stable action or substantial action I've seen in my lifetime.
11:33 In the United States, automotive companies laid off more than 500 employees under the
11:38 pretext of the impact of social protests.
11:41 General Motors and Ford Authorities took this measure after 18 days of demonstrations by
11:45 the Automotive Workers Union.
11:47 According to local media, both companies have had a loss of more than $30 million due to
11:52 the stoppage of four assembly plants.
11:55 The union reiterated its demand for a wage increase and labour benefits.
11:59 They say they will continue the strike indefinitely if they do not reach a consensus with the
12:03 companies.
12:04 The last month has not been good for the industry, which has seen hundreds of thousands of jobs
12:09 lost as companies look for ways to reduce costs, among slowing sales and fears of an
12:14 economic downturn.
12:20 We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
12:23 channel at Telsword English, there you'll be able to rewatch our interviews, top stories,
12:27 special broadcastings and more.
12:28 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
12:32 world's most recent events.
12:34 Found your break?
12:35 Don't go away.
12:57 Welcome back from the south.
12:59 Local media in Thailand reported on Tuesday that one person was killed and six injured
13:05 in a shooting at a major shopping mall in Bangkok.
13:08 In the meantime, Metropolitan Police Bureau Police Colonel Nopadol Thiammaka confirmed
13:14 they arrested a 14-year-old boy linked to the shooting at a busy luxury mall in the
13:18 centre of Bangkok.
13:20 Yuthana Stretthanan, director of the Erwan Emergency Centre, told reporters that one
13:25 woman had been killed, correcting his initial report of three deaths.
13:29 Shootings have become a growing concern in Thailand over recent years.
13:32 In October last year, 22 young children were killed during a gun and knife attack by a
13:37 former police officer at a nursery in Uthai Sawan in northeast Thailand.
13:42 Prime Minister Sreerata Thavasin, through his social media, shared his deepest condolences
13:47 to the victims and their families and assured he ordered to solve the crime.
13:56 The Iran government expressed its willingness to resume dialogue with the US in order to
14:00 reach a new nuclear agreement.
14:02 "If the United States returns to the Iran nuclear deal in a resolute and responsible
14:09 manner, we are ready to fulfil our responsibilities and resume negotiations.
14:14 However, negotiations are only related to the nuclear deal and won't limit Iran's other
14:20 diplomatic efforts."
14:23 Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi announced Monday his candidacy for a third term in office,
14:28 ahead of December elections.
14:29 He is widely expected to win.
14:32 State-aligned television showed thousands of people celebrating the announcement in
14:36 ready-built stages across the country.
14:39 Earlier on Monday, rallies were held in Cairo, calling for Sisi to declare his candidacy.
14:45 The president, whose security forces have been accused of harassing and detaining opponents,
14:50 applauded other candidates and hailed a real beginning to a vibrant political life full
14:54 of pluralism.
14:55 Sisi urged Egyptians to head to the polls on December 10th and 12th, even if not to
15:01 vote for him.
15:02 Without parliamentary backing, the 44-year-old will need to collect 25,000 nominations from
15:07 Egyptians across at least 15 governorates by October 14 to be eligible.
15:13 "I announced my intention to run and complete the dream in a new presidential term.
15:21 I promise you that this term will be a continuation of our common mobilization for the sake of
15:27 Egypt and its people.
15:31 I urge all Egyptians to participate in this democratic process and to choose with their
15:36 own biased national conscience the candidate who is best suited for the role and good appoints
15:41 the best suited."
15:43 Nigerian unions agreed on Monday to call off a planned strike in protest at the rising
15:48 cost of living after the government offered a package of measures to cushion the impact
15:53 of its economic reforms.
15:55 Since coming to power in May, President Bola Afmetinubu has ended fuel subsidies and liberalized
16:01 the Naira exchange rate in reforms that officials say are painful but necessary to help revive
16:07 Africa's largest economy.
16:09 The measures have tripled the cost of fuel and inflation now stands at 25%, prompting
16:14 the Nigerian Workers' Congress and the Congress of Trade Unions to call an indefinite strike
16:18 starting on Tuesday.
16:19 But after talks on Sunday and Monday, the unions and the government agreed to suspend
16:25 the labor strike.
16:26 The NLC and the TUC accept to suspend for 30 days the planned indefinite nationwide
16:38 strike scheduled to begin Tuesday, the 3rd of October, 2023.
16:44 And 15.
16:47 This memorandum shall be filed with the relevant court of competent jurisdiction within one
16:54 week as consent judgment by the federal government.
17:15 [music]
