• last year


00:00 peacefully, even though it takes two years.
00:03 If there are more than six years of practice and friendship,
00:07 therefore, Ayu Dewi's friendship with Luna Maya is what won this competition.
00:12 Difference doesn't mean you can't be together.
00:18 These are the two characteristics that eventually brought these two women into the same gang.
00:23 Like Luna Maya and Ayu Dewi,
00:25 who would have thought that the love and the love could be combined like salt and water.
00:30 Instead of the celebrity gang they formed,
00:35 the cheerleader minister gang, Luna Maya,
00:37 Mrs. Ayu,
00:38 actually also compete with other members such as Melanie Ricardo, Adi Chandra, and Iwet Ramadhan.
00:44 Often doing killing time from all the tiredness of work,
00:47 this gang is sometimes the most compact and most exciting celebrity circle,
00:51 even though it has gone through a break-up between them.
00:55 Okay guys, we're celebrating Luna Maya's birthday.
00:58 We're celebrating Luna Maya's birthday, we're going to blow up the concept, Bang.
01:01 Next, Ramlad and Nidhi Ayunda,
01:21 who are united in their socialite gang, namely Cuan Sister.
01:25 Despite being a heavy competitor to form the celebrity cheerleader minister gang,
01:28 this socialite gang doesn't want to lose the competition,
01:30 especially when it comes to their wealth.
01:33 Unlike Ceria,
01:34 this gang is sometimes more rich than the Sultan's chendol gang.
01:38 Starting from small lines to becoming a group of women with a lot of money,
01:43 this gang consists of Ola Ramla, Nidhi, Usi, Ririn, and Bunda Ashanti.
01:47 There was a personal problem between Ola and Nidhi,
01:51 but in the end,
01:52 the brotherhood brought them back together from the gang.
01:56 It was my birthday,
02:01 and there were Ririn, Nidhi, Usi, but no Ashanti.
02:07 I saw Nidhi was happy when I sang with her.
02:13 I saw her chatting with me several times,
02:17 but I didn't reply.
02:19 I just gave her a gesture that I kissed her cheek,
02:24 and it showed that I had forgiven her.
02:28 Although they are in the same gang,
02:31 it seems that these four women prefer to spend their time together.
02:35 Like the wife of Maxim Boutia,
02:37 Luna often invites Ayu Hangout to various recreational places,
02:42 as well as Ola and Nidhi,
02:44 who seem to be more clingy to their twin sister when they are together.
02:48 So, who is the one who has a longer friendship?
02:52 Luna Maya, Ayu Dewi, and Ola Ramlan, with Nidhi Ayunda.
02:58 These two couples can make a netizen.
03:01 When there is a conflict, it is not a destructive one,
03:04 but a mutual strength that comes.
03:07 That is the value taken from the journey of Ola and Nidhi's friendship.
03:11 As well as Luna and Ayu,
03:12 who support each other and stand up for each other
03:16 from all possible disasters that can hit their screen.
03:20 Although Ayu's role here is much bigger
03:22 because he loves Luna so much as his sister and friend.
03:26 That's the story this time.
03:29 Although their paths and stories of friendship are different,
03:32 but the so-called friends are not one who want to meet separately.
03:36 Hopefully this story can inspire the general public
03:39 to understand more about the importance of friendship.
03:43 (The story of the friendship)
03:48 That's it.
03:50 Everyone's friendship has different styles.
03:53 Some people are cheerful, some are very close,
03:56 until they can enter the room like Ayu Dewi and Luna Maya.
03:58 There are also those who are just like a line.
04:02 But what we are sure is that we are very happy.
04:04 Nidhi and Ola Ramlan have talked again,
04:07 have communicated again.
04:08 Moreover, yesterday they celebrated their birthday,
04:10 they sang and danced together.
04:12 That's right.
04:13 Because friendship must not be limited by time.
04:17 Agree.
04:18 There must be a shift.
04:19 As humans, wherever we are, there must be a shift.
04:23 But that's what sharpens our friendship
04:26 and makes us better people in the future.
04:28 Agree.
04:30 Well, for you who want to be better again
04:33 about information,
04:34 whatever it is,
04:36 about artists,
04:37 it's right to watch INSAPTODAY.
04:39 And this time I'm here, Jess Lenin.
04:41 Also with me, Opah Jeju.
04:43 As usual, for the next one hour,
04:46 the two of us will try to entertain you
04:48 with useful information about your favorite celebrity.
04:51 And this is indeed a very viral news.
04:53 Who hasn't watched Ice Coffee?
04:57 Ice Cold, right?
04:58 Yes, that's right.
04:59 I always remember Ice Coffee Vietnam.
05:01 It's on online streaming.
05:02 And I think Indonesia has also watched it.
05:04 This is attracting international attention.
05:06 But here are some new questions.
05:09 Is it really a murderer?
05:11 Is it Mirna Jessica or someone else?
05:16 Well, there are a lot of people who are taking notice
05:19 from netizens.
05:21 Let's see who is the one who is paying attention
05:23 to who is on the computer.
05:26 Here we go.
05:36 The murder case of Mirna Wayan Salihin
05:39 by the accused Jessica Wongso
05:41 is now back in the spotlight.
05:43 Seven years have passed since this case
05:45 became so phenomenal in 2016
05:48 with a documentary about the murder case
05:50 with the copy of cyanide that shocked the public.
05:53 The mystery of this case is like a flash in the eye of the organ.
05:57 The details of what actually happened
06:00 are being discussed in the mass media.
06:02 Not only about the case,
06:04 the appearance of Edi Darmawan Salihin,
06:06 Mirna's father in a suit and a suit of a man in an interview session,
06:09 is not hidden from attention.
06:11 He is a healthy boy.
06:18 Very healthy.
06:20 Why did he have to die?
06:23 I have decided that.
06:25 I will investigate.
06:27 I will find out who did it.
06:28 The most prominent is Mirna's father.
06:31 Because he is the most sought-after.
06:33 Maybe until now in the film,
06:35 there will be the same expectation.
06:38 I mean, I think that
06:40 Mirna's father is something
06:43 that is hidden from him.
06:44 The certainty of who the perpetrator is
06:50 that made Mirna die
06:52 has even emerged from the figure of Edi Darmawan
06:54 since the beginning of 2016.
06:56 At that time, when this case was still going on
06:58 in the police force,
06:59 Mirna's father was so eager to point out the perpetrator of his son's murder.
07:03 Even when he hadn't seen the CCTV footage,
07:06 there was a tendency that Mirna's father had stolen Jessica's body,
07:09 who was finally sentenced to 20 years in prison.
07:12 The arrest?
07:17 Yes, the perpetrator,
07:19 if not a coffee shop, it's him, right?
07:21 Who else will he leave?
07:22 Actually, Jessica is quite straightforward with me.
07:25 Why did he kill?
07:27 What did my daughter do wrong?
07:30 And then, why did he kill?
07:32 Maybe I can be considerate.
07:35 The important thing is that I'm satisfied, you know?
07:37 If he keeps going around like this, it's troublesome for us.
07:40 I'm more consistent.
07:43 Because my son is always fighting
07:46 and wants...
07:47 His father doesn't want to be killed by anyone,
07:49 but he's definitely a man of justice
07:51 who wants to seek justice.
07:53 And he wants to be proven
07:55 how he was killed.
07:57 The court has decided on this matter,
08:02 but all the doubts are still there.
08:05 One of the things that was then leaked to the netizens
08:07 was a video of Edi Darmawan's interview
08:10 on one of the TV stations.
08:12 Mirna's father's statement that went viral again
08:14 was when he seemed to be so arrogant
08:16 that he claimed to have a cyanide bottle
08:18 similar to the one Jessica Wangso used.
08:21 I have the bottle.
08:25 The bottle used for?
08:27 Poison. It looks similar.
08:28 The one that contains poison?
08:30 Yes.
08:31 Do you have the bottle?
08:32 Yes. No, I'm using the bottle...
08:35 Oh, like this?
08:35 Because it's from Australia.
08:37 It's small. So it's a sample of perfume.
08:40 It's small, but it's clear.
08:42 How did you know that
08:45 this is the bottle you're using?
08:47 It's just my instinct. I rarely miss it.
08:50 But I...
08:51 In my company,
08:53 I rarely miss it.
08:56 Various assumptions are going wild in the Maya world.
09:00 It's strange that this case is getting more and more complicated
09:03 when two graves appear now.
09:05 One that is sure that Jessica is behind Mirna's death
09:08 while another grave is saying that Jessica is not at fault at all.
09:12 The netizens' interpretation is so shocking.
09:15 So shocking when they mentioned Mirna's autopsy.
09:18 In the movie, Mirna's father is called a "pastor"
09:21 if the investigator wants to perform an autopsy.
09:23 But in another scene in the trial,
09:25 the accusation of Edi Darmawan in 2016
09:28 by the family is actually challenging the rejection of the autopsy process.
09:32 If you want to do an autopsy again,
09:34 you have to go through my body first.
09:36 What do you want to do?
09:38 You just want to know if there's poison or not.
09:40 If you watch the movie, you'll think the same way about his father.
09:44 Because it's different from the original story.
09:49 In the movie, the phenomenal case in 2016,
09:53 another accusation against Mirna's father
09:55 is about Edi Darmawan's apology at Mirna's funeral.
09:59 On the news, Edi Darmawan told about his struggle to seek justice.
10:04 Even Edi Darmawan also complained about the money that has been embezzled.
10:09 But then what made the people upset
10:11 was Edi Darmawan's accusation about the corrupt cop replacing a woman.
10:16 (The power of the father)
10:18 (The power of the father, the power of the father)
10:20 (I want to challenge the father)
10:22 (I want to challenge the father)
10:24 (I want to challenge the father)
10:26 (I want to challenge the father)
10:28 (I want to challenge the father)
10:30 (I want to challenge the father)
10:32 (I want to challenge the father)
10:34 (I want to challenge the father)
10:36 (I want to challenge the father)
10:38 (I want to challenge the father)
10:40 (I want to challenge the father)
10:42 (I want to challenge the father)
10:44 (I want to challenge the father)
10:46 In the early days of this case becoming a news magma in 2016,
10:53 various news circulated, including about Jessica's illegal relationship with Mirna.
10:58 Now, 7 years have passed, the fate of this case is still full of mysteries.
11:02 Some feel that this case has been thrown on the green table.
11:06 But there are also those who question,
11:08 until revealing some gaps, hoping that the truth can be solved in a simple way.
11:14 My daughter is normal, why is she abnormal?
11:19 Why is she my daughter? Because she killed my father.
11:22 What is the mission?
11:24 What is the plan?
11:26 I will tell you later.
11:28 Yes, it's just not good to be heard.
11:31 Let everyone know who is right and who is wrong.
11:38 That's all.
11:39 From the many gaps that have occurred,
11:43 it seems that we need to deepen the new facts.
11:48 With new sources and new evidence.
11:52 This is a new evidence, right?
11:55 So maybe there can be efforts for name cleaning or anything to explain
12:02 how this problem really is.
12:09 The name is documentary, right?
12:16 If a documentary always wants to find the left and right sides, it must be balanced.
12:22 Maybe it makes you wonder if Jessica Wong So is the killer of San Mirna.
12:28 But the decision was made in court a few years ago.
12:34 So this documentary makes us add more information about what really happened.
12:40 And there is a lot of information that is not included in the documentary.
12:43 Sometimes when we watch a documentary, we can't be too serious.
12:47 Sometimes we don't get an answer, but we get a new question.
12:51 But this is Indonesia.
12:53 If you have new evidence, you can still raise your hand.
12:56 Go ahead, why not.
12:57 I agree.
12:58 Next, we have a live report.
13:00 There is a press conference where Dimash Anggara welcomes the second baby from Nadine Chandrawinata.
13:06 Her name is beautiful.
13:08 Jala Anggara.
13:10 Nadie Jala Anggara.
13:12 Maybe for those of you who are curious about what it means,
13:15 it can also be an inspiration for your children.
13:18 Stay tuned on Insert Today.
13:21 We'll be back.
13:22 [Music]
13:29 [Music]
13:34 [Music]
13:37 [Music]
13:49 [Music]
13:51 TransTV is always with you with the sweetest program.
13:55 There is Putri Salju, there is Liliput.
13:57 Wow, wow, wow, I'm sleepy.
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14:09 [Music]
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18:34 [Music]
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18:43 [Music]
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18:49 Islam is beautiful every day at 5 am.
18:52 [Music]
18:54 Continue to the talk show that makes your morning spirit.
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19:05 [Music]
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19:19 Do not miss the talk show that discusses everything that is becoming viral.
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19:31 [Music]
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19:48 [Music]
19:56 Guys, welcome back to Insert Today and as a father of two children.
20:01 I want to say congratulations to Dimash Sanggara for the birth of his second child from Nadine Cerdawini.
20:07 With a very unique name, Nadie Jala Anggara.
20:12 So actually the last name is the same, Anggara.
20:15 But the middle name is different.
20:17 If the first child is Jiwa, the second child is Jala.
20:21 So this means Jala and Jiwa, the guardian of Jiwa Jiwa.
20:25 That's awesome.
20:26 And this is in line with the day of the Pancasila's power on October 1st.
20:31 And the baby was born healthy, the mother was also healthy.
20:34 All are healthy, even Fiat.
20:35 It's so happy to see their Instagram, their little family postings.
20:39 It's always romantic, always warm, and always an inspiration.
20:45 Well, this is added again, the second daughter, this finally adds happiness to the family.
20:50 The more full, and what I like is the way they raise their children is full of nature.
20:54 No gadget at all.
20:56 Agree.
20:57 I remember back in the day, we always went to the warnet.
21:00 If they don't, life is like in nature.
21:03 And what I like the most is that most of their names are all Indonesian.
21:07 So it's not possible to use a Bule name or a Gag name.
21:10 This is very local, amazing.
21:12 What is the happiness of their little family? Let's see.
21:16 Here we go.
21:17 Hello everyone.
21:19 We got a caronia, the second child was just born, with the name Nadi Jiwa.
21:28 The first one is Nadi Jiwa Anggara, the second one is Nadi Jala Anggara.
21:33 The name Jala, everything went well.
21:36 And Jala was born on the day of Pancasila, October 1st, 2023.
21:44 So, at 8.15 in the morning.
21:48 Yes.
21:49 Before that, thank you for taking the time.
21:52 Can you tell us about the process of giving birth?
21:58 Was it planned or not?
22:02 Actually, we had a plan.
22:07 I was the one who contacted the media.
22:13 We were waiting for the baby to be born.
22:19 The baby was supposed to be born in mid-October.
22:26 But when we checked last week, the baby was already in the second trimester.
22:34 So, the baby's head was already down.
22:37 It was already calculated.
22:40 So, we decided to give birth on Saturday.
22:45 And it was on the day of Pancasila.
22:49 So, it was according to the plan.
22:52 We were in Pancasila.
22:54 We were wearing a rainbow.
22:56 The baby was supposed to be born in Pancasila.
22:59 So, for our first posting, we used local fabrics.
23:09 We like the difference between the fabrics.
23:19 It was a good experience.
23:21 And fortunately, Jalah was born on the day of Pancasila.
23:27 So, we decided to give birth on the day of Batik.
23:35 So, we combined the birth date of Jalah and Pancasila.
23:40 We are proud of Indonesia.
23:43 So, we combined the birth date of Jalah with the birth date of Batik.
23:46 So, we published the good news on the second day of Batik.
23:52 What is Jalah?
23:54 I will tell you about Jalah.
23:57 Jalah is the soul that gives life.
24:02 It gives meaning to the family.
24:07 What is the meaning of Jalah?
24:11 Nabi Jua Anggara gives life to our family.
24:17 Nabi Jalah Anggara gives meaning to our family.
24:23 It is special.
24:25 Do you think Jalah's face is similar to Nadine's or Dimas's?
24:30 I don't know.
24:37 But, I think Jalah's face is similar to Nadine's.
24:42 At first, I thought Jalah's face was similar to Nadine's.
24:48 But, I think Jalah's face is similar to Nadine's.
24:54 I don't know.
24:57 What about the eyes?
24:59 We have different requests.
25:01 I request Jalah's eyes to be round.
25:08 I also want Jalah's eyes to be round.
25:12 I didn't know that Jalah's eyes are round.
25:15 I want Jalah's eyes to be round.
25:19 So, it will be easier to give birth.
25:25 My request is to have Nadine's eyes.
25:29 So, it will be a bit crossing.
25:32 I don't know whose face is similar to Nadine's.
25:34 But, I hope it is similar to Nadine's.
25:36 Whether it is similar to Dimas's or Nadine's,
25:39 the feeling of love is the same.
25:42 Parents love their children.
25:46 So, the first child is Jiwa.
25:48 The second child is Jalah.
25:50 The third child is Pandawa.
25:54 He is local.
25:56 He is Indonesian.
25:58 Pandawa is famous for cleaning the beach.
26:07 Banten, Bandung, Lampung, Cirebon.
26:13 It is said that there is the fourth dirtiest beach in Indonesia.
26:17 The beach that is being cleaned by Pandawa is Lodji Beach.
26:22 But, the local government doesn't agree.
26:26 Maybe because if Pandawa has to be cleaned,
26:29 it will be a bit of a bad name from the local government.
26:33 But, there is a reason.
26:35 The reason is that there is no agreement with the government.
26:39 We know that Pandawa is very viral out there.
26:42 They clean the dirty areas without the government's permission.
26:48 Without asking for any compensation.
26:51 The purpose is to clean.
26:53 They even invite young people to join.
26:58 As long as they have the right process,
27:00 they can clean and maintain the environment.
27:02 That's very cool.
27:03 I agree.
27:04 The local government even wants to send a summons to their group
27:08 if they don't give a clarification.
27:10 So, only in Konoha, they want to make a good deal.
27:14 But, they are summoned.
27:15 That's it. Let's go and see.
27:17 Let's make a head turn.
27:19 The milk water is replaced by the old water.
27:22 That's the fate of Pandawara Group.
27:24 After their good intention, they were rejected by Rawayang.
27:27 What's wrong with that?
27:29 If the beach that is very dirty is cleaned by the five members of Pandawara,
27:34 will the village head be upset?
27:36 Because the beach is called the fourth dirtiest beach in Indonesia?
27:40 Or, is there another purpose that makes them reject the good intention of Pandawara Group?
27:45 Sukabumi, are you ready for this event?
27:59 We want to play football on a clean beach.
28:03 Basically, this dirty beach will never be clean if we clean it.
28:09 Therefore, for all the people that we respect,
28:13 we are waiting for their visit and cooperation to help reduce the garbage on this beach.
28:18 Thank you.
28:19 For the complete address, it's in Cibutun Village,
28:21 Sangrawayang Village, Simpenan District, Sukabumi District, West Java.
28:25 The event will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 6th and 7th, 2023.
28:31 From 7 am to the end of the event.
28:33 We are waiting for your visit.
28:35 In his rejection narrative, the head of Sangrawayang Village, Muhtar,
28:41 insisted that the reason for not allowing the movement of Pandawara Group
28:44 is not involving the local government in cleaning the Lodji Beach.
28:48 Not only that, the fourth dirtiest beach in Indonesia
28:52 has also polluted the reputation of the village of Sangrawayang that is led by him.
28:56 Viral in the media, Muhtar's rejection ended with insults and slander from the villagers.
29:01 After the viral rejection,
29:03 several moments later, the village government clarification narrative appeared
29:07 which said that the actual rejection was a misunderstanding.
29:11 According to the village secretary,
29:13 at that time, the village head only said wrong when giving an opinion.
29:17 But actually, what makes the Lodji Beach so dirty and filled with all kinds of garbage?
29:23 The reason is based on the simple fact that the local government cooperates with the villagers
29:27 who have been routinely cleaning the beach area every year.
29:30 But what happens after that is always the same.
29:33 The Lodji Beach is dirty again.
29:35 What is actually the source of the problem that makes the Lodji Beach
29:39 continue to be polluted with garbage from human hands?
29:41 Garbage is either spilling or ending.
29:46 This garbage is a shipment from the past where there are several rivers that flow to this dam.
29:55 Garbage on the Lodji Beach mostly comes from river garbage.
29:59 So even if the beach is cleaned several times, the dirt will come back and come back again.
30:04 Maybe this is what the village head actually meant by rejecting the visit of the village head.
30:09 According to him, rather than having to clean the beach,
30:11 it is better to find the main source and cut off from the roots
30:15 so that the garbage does not come back and accumulate on the Lodji Beach.
30:19 Most importantly, I hope there will be a Dinas LH, Indonesia Power, and SEDA,
30:28 to conduct a small survey.
30:31 What is the problem? The solution must be clear.
30:34 Because in the future, this must be cleaned all the time.
30:37 So don't just do it today, clean it tomorrow, and then again.
30:43 There are many people here, so we can use this as a way to visit the community.
30:48 So before the arrival of the Pandawara group,
30:51 the local government has repeatedly carried out joint activities
30:54 to remove garbage from the river.
30:57 But every time it is cleaned, the problem comes back.
31:01 So can the Pandawara group solve the problem that has not been solved so far?
31:07 The Pandawara group is famous for their concern for environmental cleanliness.
31:11 Five young people are involved, they travel around Indonesia
31:15 just to clean the garbage-filled locations without any obstacles.
31:19 Before arriving at the Lodji Beach,
31:21 the Pandawara group has visited a number of beaches with the dirtiest conditions in Indonesia.
31:25 Labuan beach in Banten is listed as the dirtiest beach number one in the world.
31:30 Filled with garbage, the Pandawara group finally invites the local community and the local government
31:34 to get involved in eliminating all kinds of dirt that damage the beautiful scenery of this beach.
31:40 On a full day, they work hard.
31:42 Some dig, some collect,
31:44 some even move the garbage into the bags that have been provided.
31:48 This is the change of the conditions, the dirtiest and dirtiest beach number one in Indonesia right now.
31:56 [Music]
32:04 Alhamdulillah, the conditions are now better.
32:08 The previous conditions were very bad, but now it's better.
32:12 The great efforts of the community, the government, have made significant progress.
32:17 Although there is still a lot of garbage,
32:20 according to some information and reports we have received,
32:22 the garbage is deliberately left to be anticipated if there is an abrasion on this beach.
32:27 When the Pandawara talked, everything seemed to be heard.
32:31 It seems not so difficult for the group of five people to gather as much time as possible.
32:37 This clearly confirms that in fact,
32:40 what most of our community needs is a leader who not only talks, but also wants to work.
32:46 Imagine, just capitalizing on social media,
32:49 plus words and actions,
32:52 they were able to gather around 3,700 people when cleaning the beach in Lampung.
32:58 So, can the Lodji beach be as clean as before after the Pandawara took their hands off?
33:04 [Music]
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34:50 I support Rainer for fast, focused, flexible,
34:54 so that he can create various great ideas now and later.
34:57 I give S26 Prokel Gold, which is formulated by Wayan's Nutrition Expert,
35:01 to be a great child now and later.
35:03 [Music]
35:05 Just filled my stomach, already empty again.
35:07 Little by little, hungry.
35:09 Just had lunch, but still hungry.
35:12 Little by little, hungry.
35:13 [Music]
35:36 Follow the latest information with CNN Indonesia.
35:40 Accompany your afternoon, we present current issues that are being discussed in the community.
35:46 Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim,
35:50 create a new regulation regarding the condition of completing college on the S1 and D4 lines.
35:54 Watch CNN Indonesia News Update, Monday to Friday at 4 PM,
35:59 live on TransTV and CNN Indonesia on Transvision.
36:04 The weather makes me sick.
36:07 Be grateful, every day is soft.
36:10 Be grateful, give milk 7 korma.
36:12 The goodness of sterile milk and korma becomes one.
36:15 Give sterile milk 7 korma.
36:17 God willing, double the benefit.
36:20 Yeah, where is it?
36:22 Just point it out.
36:23 Only Teh Pucuk Harum from Teh Pilihan.
36:26 [Music]
36:28 Keep your spirit up to face the challenge.
36:31 Make your day more exciting.
36:33 Teh Pucuk Harum.
36:34 I want to eat outside.
36:37 I can't shop either.
36:39 Let's cook.
36:40 What do you cook?
36:42 Just wake up.
36:44 [Music]
36:46 Only with a touch of bango, made from quality natural ingredients.
36:51 [Music]
36:54 Make a simple dish more special.
36:59 [Music]
37:01 How?
37:02 Add more, mom.
37:03 Because taste never lies.
37:05 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
37:08 So we don't use any soap.
37:11 Our soap is sanitized together before refilling.
37:15 [Music]
37:17 Aqua 100% pure.
37:20 Let's have an energy cereal breakfast.
37:22 I made it, mom.
37:23 I want vanilla.
37:24 I want the brown one.
37:25 Energy, the number one cereal in Indonesia.
37:28 Made from Australian wheat.
37:30 Nutritious and oily.
37:32 [Music]
37:35 To get the best water source,
37:37 LEMineral does hundreds of explorations.
37:40 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals,
37:43 which are important for the body.
37:44 New gallons and free of BPA.
37:47 This is the commitment of LEMineral.
37:49 I have prepared a series of information to accompany you.
37:52 Don't go anywhere, stay with us only on TransTV.
37:55 We are with you.
37:57 TransTV is always with you with the infotainment that is always waiting.
38:02 Starting from the morning, we are the first to report the world of your idol artist.
38:07 Insert morning every day at 7.30.
38:10 In the afternoon, we have prepared the latest celebrity life update.
38:14 The shadow is following.
38:15 Insert afternoon, now present at the following time.
38:18 Accompany your rest, enjoy various news of artists that are packed differently.
38:24 Today, Monday to Friday at 3 PM.
38:27 What happened in the world of celebrities today,
38:30 get the information only on Insert Story.
38:33 Monday to Friday at 7.30 PM and Saturday and Sunday at 7 PM.
38:38 A deep analysis of every celebrity problem.
38:41 Insert Investigation, Saturday and Sunday at 3 PM.
38:45 The latest infotainment is only on TransTV.
38:49 Every house has its own family.
38:53 The one that warms the house, the one that always serves delicious food.
38:58 Perfect the family taste with Masako.
39:01 With special broth for the delicious food that is waiting.
39:06 The taste of Indonesian family, the taste of Masako family.
39:15 Insert News Highlights
39:19 Welcome back to Insert Today.
39:30 Next, there are some news that we summarized in Insert News Highlights.
39:33 One of them is this.
39:34 Pratama Arhan, lately there are a lot of discussions from netizens.
39:40 From the one who is a bully, from the one who posted a picture of his ex-wife.
39:46 Now it's the turn of Pratama Arhan's ex-wife who has to apologize.
39:53 Because yesterday he was on live, and then he was on live, maybe his friend was kidding.
39:58 Maybe he was kidding.
40:00 Or maybe he was serious, we don't know.
40:02 But the point is, he said that his ex-wife, Pratama Arhan,
40:06 which is Ziza's father, was talking about money.
40:11 How much is her salary?
40:13 The term is to lower Pratama Arhan and his family.
40:18 That's why when you become an ex-wife, it's good to talk about it.
40:22 When we are still in a relationship, it's normal, maybe the attention is less.
40:29 But when you become an ex-wife, "Do you know my ex-wife is like that?"
40:32 "She's like that?"
40:33 "She's just a mufon."
40:34 "She's a mufon, she's married."
40:37 "She's married."
40:38 "That's right."
40:39 "We also want to tell you about musician Dodi Hidayatuloh who said that he's married again."
40:45 "But he's silent."
40:46 "And even his wife said that she can't see his face first."
40:50 "Posting a real video of marriage, holding hands."
40:54 "But his wife's face is covered with a sticker."
40:56 "Sticker, why?"
40:57 "But the reason is so that his wife is not being chased by the netizens."
41:01 "But if it's just a fake, why is he afraid of being chased by the netizens?"
41:05 "That's right, so that he can talk to them."
41:08 "Because netizens +62 is because there is no forgiveness."
41:11 "That's right, even his daughter."
41:13 "Even his daughter, why? Because she's also being chased."
41:15 "Selling on Laptop is also being chased."
41:17 "If she doesn't work, she's also being chased."
41:19 "That's right, let's see the video."
41:21 "Insert News, hello."
41:22 "Here we go."
41:27 Embarrassed, Marcella Aprilia to the public, finally became a reality.
41:31 After the netizens were shocked by the moment
41:33 Marcella and her friends who were harassing the late wife of Pratama Arhan
41:36 and called the ex-wife of Marcella a poor figure.
41:39 When they were doing a live broadcast.
41:42 Once in a while, there will be no clarification and apologies.
41:45 It was said from Bibir Valdi, Marcella's friend.
41:48 It was the ex-wife of Pratama Arhan who immediately apologized to the public.
41:52 Through a story on her personal language, she admitted her mistake.
41:55 "I'm sorry for this one friend of mine, guys."
41:58 "Because her response was not very wise to the likes and dislikes."
42:02 "She offended the other party."
42:04 "I also realized this is wrong."
42:06 Marcella gave an explanation that it was just a defense of her friend against her.
42:10 The direct advice has spread on social media.
42:13 Many people regret Marcella's attitude and her friends who seem to have failed to move on
42:16 after Arhan married Aziza Salsa.
42:24 After the GKR news, there was a sexual harassment and divorce.
42:28 Until it was removed from the group Ada Musik, Dodi Hidayatullah, again surprised the public.
42:32 Ex-friend of a band with Reim Bayang, Nata Reza and Anandito Dwi,
42:36 revealed the news of being remarried.
42:38 The public was curious who the woman who has replaced the position of aulia,
42:43 the ex-wife who together carried the burden of the marriage for 11 years.
42:47 The public's curiosity is getting more and more.
42:49 The face of the new wife has never been seen in public.
42:52 In a post on social media, Dodi, who was found to be married on September 30, 2023,
42:57 always secreted the face of his beloved wife.
43:00 Not only that, the public, especially the netizens, became more curious when the netizen asked questions.
43:05 Dodi revealed the reason for hiding the new wife's face.
43:07 "If, for example, the marriage is immediately opened, the wife is also pitiful."
43:11 "There are questions, what and so on from the netizen."
43:15 "Meanwhile, let's calm down first, because I don't want my private area to be mixed with the public area."
43:20 "I'm a singer, right?"
43:22 "I want to be known as a singer with my works."
43:24 Dodi was found by the media.
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44:06 Dodi's answer was that if he was anxious,
44:14 he would hide the wife in his personal affairs that he once revealed.
44:17 He didn't want his new family to be bullied by the netizen.
44:20 Meanwhile, his ex-wife, Aulia, didn't even comment on the news that Dodi had built a new marriage.
44:25 [Music]
44:28 He has popularity, beautiful, voice,
44:34 and even a fan of music with songs not as easy as that.
44:38 In fact, the singer Anggi Marito is not familiar to the public.
44:41 Anggi doesn't change the expression if the song is more calm and popular than the singer.
44:46 This condition is what makes Anggi not recognized by the public
44:49 when he appeared at the Carvery Day event in Jakarta while singing the song "Not as easy as that".
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45:23 In the video that was circulated,
45:37 the singer's voice and beautiful face were not at all intimidating to the public.
45:41 They didn't recognize him,
45:43 they considered him as an ordinary singer,
45:45 not a singer who was rocking.
45:47 Not long after, Anggi's video was posted publicly on the Carvery Day event,
45:50 the flood of netizens' comments.
45:52 For example, if I was there, I immediately knew from the color of his voice,
45:57 the writing of a netizen.
45:58 On the other hand, Anggi continued to sing without getting confused by the public's reaction.
46:02 On the other hand, Anggi was seen using a mic and a speaker
46:05 which is far from the standard of a top singer.
46:07 Even so, Anggi's voice is still pleasant to hear.
46:10 So when Anggi continued to sing,
46:12 some people began to be amused and recorded his appearance.
46:15 Unfortunately, not one of them realized that the one singing was Anggi,
46:20 the owner of the song, not so easy.
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57:31 Hello, good afternoon.
57:40 We will present some interesting information,
57:42 which is of course sharp, deep and entertaining.
57:44 For the next half hour with me,
57:46 Iqbal Kurniadi,
57:47 on CNN Indonesia News Update.
57:49 [Music]
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57:56 Situs Akiwether,
58:01 says the temperature in Surabaya is predicted to reach 42 degrees Celsius
58:06 on October 12, next week.
58:09 However, BMKG calls the prediction a hoax.
58:13 Deputies in the field of meteorology, meteorological body,
58:16 climatology and geophysics,
58:17 Guswanto said,
58:19 that there is very little chance that the temperature can reach more than 40 degrees Celsius.
58:24 Because statistically,
58:25 the maximum temperature in Indonesia has never reached 42 degrees.
58:30 He also said,
58:32 Akiwether does not have a temperature detection or observation device in Indonesia.
58:36 Because I got it from other website information,
58:46 the temperature in Surabaya is up to 42 degrees.
58:49 It turns out I checked,
58:51 the temperature is not.
58:53 So this is like a hoax,
58:57 and make the atmosphere hot.
58:59 How can other people who do not have the device,
59:02 can measure the temperature?
59:03 They rely on modeling.
59:05 Hot weather that has recently become a hotbed of the people.
59:10 Even the temperature in some areas in Indonesia,
59:13 is predicted to reach 40 degrees Celsius.
59:17 BMKG also said,
59:19 the phenomenon of hot weather is expected to continue in October.
59:23 The highest air temperature record in the north-central Java coast area is predicted to occur in October.
59:34 The air temperature is expected to reach 40 degrees,
59:38 or break the previous record of 39.5 degrees in 2015.
59:44 Actually, Kalimantan is also hot,
59:46 but compared to this time,