Kriminelle nehmen gezielt ältere Menschen ins Visier

  • last year
Beinahe vier von fünf Menschen über 55 haben laut einer aktuellen Studie in den letzten fünf Jahren einen Betrugsversuch erlebt.


00:00 Nearly four out of five people over 55 have experienced a fraud attempt in the last five years, according to a recent study.
00:08 The damage amount has increased massively.
00:10 Almost a fifth of those interviewed were found to have been victims of fraud, according to the ProScenicTutte.
00:17 The results of the study pointed to an alarming trend, which the organization shared with us on Monday.
00:25 Although there are fewer victims than in the last study from 2018.
00:30 However, the damage amount has increased massively, from 400 to around 675 million francs a year.
00:38 78.2% of the respondents were confronted with a fraud attempt in the past five years, according to the data.
00:47 This frequency is striking, according to ProScenicTutte.
00:52 The increase in the damage amount was likely to be contributed by the Corona pandemic.
00:57 Because it has promoted digitization, which has created new opportunities for criminal activities.
01:04 The proportion of Internet crime in the counted fraud attempts doubled according to the study compared to the last survey.
01:13 In the latest survey, it was 52.3%.
01:19 "There is a discrepancy between the public perception of the problem and the actual situation," wrote ProScenicTutte.
01:26 So, one-trick cheaters or false police officers are relatively common in the media.
01:32 But the largest crime amounts refer to cases in which the victims are dependent on the perpetrators.
01:40 Mostly because of their professional activity or because they are close people.
01:47 Accordingly, older people are often forced to buy overpriced or useless goods.
01:52 The basis of the study is a survey.
01:55 1,216 people were asked online and by phone.
02:01 The question mark was worked out by the Institute for the Combation of Economic Criminality in Neuenburg.
