Athletics referee rushed to hospital with shattered leg after being hit by stray HAMMER

  • 9 months ago
Huang Qinhua was stretchered out of the stadium following the incident but has since been snapped in good spirits from hospital. The official was injured after a misthrow from Kuwait's Ali Zankawi during Saturday's men's final at the Asian Games in Hangzhou, China.Qinhua, who had been stood behind loose netting surrounding the throwing circle, was left with a shattered leg.The netting is fitted loosely in order to prevent hammers and discusses from flying back at athletes.Blood could be seen pouring from his leg after he was struck by the 16lbs hammer. Zankawi immediately ran over to the 62-year-old official and was on hand to help apply a tourniquet to restrict the blood flow.Visibly shocked by the incident, the 39-year-old athlete is said to have repeatedly asked about Qinhua after he left the Olympic Stadium.Other officials had helped him onto a stretcher and out of the venue whilst he clutched himself in agony.In a statement, an Asian Games official said: "He arrived at the hospital at 20:15, where was diagnosed with a right open tibiofibular fracture. Currently his vital signs are stable."
