Biblical Principles of Finances - 4 - Cynthia Brazelton

  • l’année dernière


00:00 If you would, just let us bow our heads in prayer.
00:04 Let's get into the Word of God this morning.
00:06 Father, we're so blessed and so thankful to be in the house of God this morning, to be
00:11 in your presence, Lord God, and to sit at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ, to hear
00:16 the words, Lord God, that will change our lives forever.
00:19 Holy Spirit, we give you free course to move as you desire and as you will in and through
00:24 our lives, make real the reality of the kingdom in our hearts and in our minds.
00:30 God, we thank you that you anointed our eyes to see, you've given us ears to hear and a
00:35 heart to understand.
00:37 And I believe, Lord God, and decree that our lives will never be the same again.
00:41 And for this, God, I give you much praise and thanksgiving and let the church say, "Amen,
00:48 amen, amen."
00:51 You may have your seat.
00:53 We've been talking about this area of God's financial plan, having a kingdom mindset for
00:58 prosperity and the will of God concerning what he has for every one of us in our lives.
01:04 Have you been blessed by the Word of God?
01:07 Hallelujah.
01:08 Our objective is to raise your faith, as Marvin has said this morning already, to stretch
01:15 your faith and to raise your faith to a level where you are now experiencing what God has
01:21 for you in the financial arena.
01:24 And we've been talking in the Bible study nights on the practical side of financial
01:29 planning and the important things that you have to do and we need to do from a natural
01:35 point of view.
01:36 But we are so going after the supernatural, we're going after what God has already provided
01:42 for—are y'all hearing me?
01:43 I said what God has already provided for us.
01:47 And yes, it is a stretching of our faith to believe God beyond what you can see just in
01:54 this physical, natural realm.
01:56 There's so much more that God has made available to us than what you can see.
02:01 There's so much more than living from paycheck to paycheck.
02:05 There is so much more of begging, borrowing, stealing.
02:09 There's so much more that God has for you and I.
02:14 But you have got to literally use your faith to believe beyond what you can see in this
02:19 natural realm.
02:22 And it takes of us cultivating and having and shifting and having a different mindset.
02:28 It really is based on the way you and I have been thinking.
02:33 It's not only the way you think, it's why you think the way you think.
02:37 Hallelujah.
02:38 It's how you think, you know, that is literally stopping you or hindering you from receiving
02:44 what I believe to know that God has already provided for us.
02:48 There's a way of living in this life that God has made available to you and I where
02:55 you have all your needs met in every area of your life that financial money is never
03:03 a concern.
03:04 How many want to get to that place?
03:07 Hallelujah.
03:08 Well, in order for us to do that, you have to have a mind shift.
03:13 You got to change the way you've been thinking.
03:17 You know, he says in Matthew chapter 6, "Take no thought for your life."
03:23 That's the place we want to get to, where we take no thought for our lives, what we're
03:28 going to eat, what we're going to drink, and what we're going to wear, and how you're going
03:33 to provide for yourselves.
03:34 He says that the Father knows that you have needs.
03:38 But he said, "I'd rather you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything
03:46 else will be added unto you."
03:49 As you walk with God in this walk that we have with him, that God says, "Whenever a
03:55 need rises up in your life, I already know you have it and I already provide it for you.
04:00 All these things will be added unto you.
04:03 But you've got to not take thought for your life."
04:08 How?
04:09 He said, "Take no thought saying."
04:13 You know what's in your heart and in your mind by what comes out of your mouth.
04:18 You can't think poverty and expect prosperity.
04:24 And so it's what's coming out of your mouth that you realize that has developed your thought
04:29 life maybe from your past experiences, maybe from your upbringing, maybe not having enough
04:36 or not experiencing what God has for you.
04:39 But it is shaping the way you are thinking and it causes you to handle money differently
04:44 when God is calling you to use money as a means or a tool for influence in other people's
04:51 lives and in your life.
04:53 But it's never the means by which you take care of yourself.
04:57 The Bible says that God takes care of me.
05:00 Hallelujah.
05:01 I know your natural mind shifts a little bit when you hear this, but I want to shift it
05:09 back into the kingdom and live by kingdom's realities and kingdom principles.
05:15 Take no thought for your life saying, "What am I going to eat?
05:19 What am I going to wear?
05:20 What am I going to drink?"
05:21 He said, "Seek the kingdom."
05:25 He said, "Seek the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you."
05:36 So God says, "If I continue to seek him, he will add these things unto me."
05:44 Seeking the Lord provides for you and I things that God has already provided for you through
05:50 his word and his kingdom, but you've got to shift the way you are thinking.
05:55 Psalms 34 and 10, it says, "Those who seek the Lord shall not lack."
06:00 Oh my God.
06:03 Those that, let's just stop right there.
06:05 Those that seek the Lord shall not lack.
06:08 And then he said, "You won't lack any good thing."
06:11 Hallelujah.
06:12 So if you seek the Lord, you will not lack.
06:16 Those are just some nuggets that before I get into my message today, but I just need
06:21 you to know that when we seek the Lord, the reality of his kingdom manifests in your life
06:30 because God begins to release the you and I, the things that he's already provided for
06:35 you.
06:36 So he says to you and I, "Listen to me.
06:38 It's not an easy thing to do, especially if you have financial needs, especially if they're
06:42 going to knock on your door tomorrow for something."
06:45 It says, "Take no thought for it.
06:50 Take no thought for your life."
06:54 In other words, stop worrying about how you're going to meet your needs.
07:02 Now that's hard to do when you have needs and what you think is pressing needs.
07:08 Got real quiet in here.
07:09 It's like, "Okay.
07:10 All right, Pastor Cynthia."
07:14 Take no thought.
07:15 Don't worry about your life.
07:19 He said, "Don't even worry about tomorrow.
07:21 Tomorrow has enough problems of its own.
07:23 It'll take care of itself."
07:24 I need you to be present.
07:28 I need you to seek first the kingdom of God and his way of doing things, his way of being
07:34 right and all of these things that you have need of will be added unto you.
07:41 Things that seek the Lord will not lack.
07:45 That's a promise from God.
07:48 You seek the kingdom, you will not lack any good thing.
07:53 So what is he saying?
07:55 Stop looking to this physical world to meet your needs in your life.
08:03 Stop looking to the bank.
08:04 Stop looking to your mama.
08:05 Stop looking to your neighbor.
08:07 Stop looking to your job.
08:09 Stop looking to your accounts.
08:10 Stop looking to this physical world to meet your needs.
08:15 It is the spiritual world, it is the kingdom of God that meets the needs of God's people.
08:22 Paul got a revelation in Philippians 4, 19.
08:25 He says, "God takes care of me."
08:28 Hallelujah.
08:29 Somebody shout, "God takes care of me."
08:35 And so listen, whether you have a job or don't have a job, you got to have a revelation that
08:41 God takes care of you.
08:44 Now working is very important.
08:48 By no means am I telling you not to work, not to get a job.
08:53 If a man don't work, you shouldn't be eating.
09:00 Work is good, but the Bible tells us in Ephesians 4 that we work with our hands so that we will
09:05 have something to give because it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.
09:12 Work has its place in your life, so God uses the avenue of work to provide seed, oh my
09:20 Jesus, for your life.
09:24 But you ought to be seeking the supernatural, seeking the spiritual realm and not the things
09:30 in this physical realm to provide for you.
09:33 It is the spiritual realm that controls this physical world that we live in, and God has
09:41 given us access to the spiritual realm to get all of your physical needs met in your
09:47 life.
09:48 But it doesn't come by you worrying about it and about you thinking about how you're
09:53 going to make ends meet, what am I going to eat, what am I going to drink, and what am
09:57 I going to wear?
09:59 Somebody shout, "God takes care of me."
10:03 So then in order for us to really grab a hold of this, to experience this, we have to have
10:07 a mind shift.
10:09 You can't think the way you've been thinking, and it takes us a lot, it takes a lot to renew
10:15 our minds concerning this.
10:18 He says, "Don't be like the people of the world.
10:22 Don't be conformed to the people of this world, but be what?
10:26 Transform."
10:27 How?
10:28 Transforming of your mind so that you will come to learn, so that you will be able to
10:34 prove out or come to learn what is God's good and acceptable and the perfect will of God
10:41 for your life.
10:42 God says, "You get to prove it out.
10:45 You get to learn.
10:47 You get to experience God's good, acceptable, and His perfect will for your life, but you
10:56 can't do it the world's way, and the world has a whole lot of ways for you and I to prosper.
11:03 And we've tried the world's way, and we're trying the world's way, and it don't always
11:09 work out the way we want it to.
11:11 But there is a guarantee, oh my Jesus, there is a guarantee in the spiritual realm that
11:17 if you would work the word of God, it will produce for you prosperity in every arena
11:24 of your life, especially in the financial world.
11:29 And God has set us up.
11:30 There's so many nuggets in the word of God that we kind of like overlook when we're reading
11:37 the word concerning this area of prosperity that God has made available to us.
11:43 Sometimes we just get to the end result of what took place, but we didn't see the principles
11:49 that God is unfolding to us over and over again so that we will focus our attention
11:56 on the spiritual realm and not this natural realm.
11:59 He uses natural illustration to provide for you some spiritual truths so that you can
12:05 walk in the truth every area of your life, every single time of your life.
12:13 The vision of this house taken from Matthew 13, he used a natural illustration to unfold
12:20 to us a spiritual truth.
12:23 There was a man that took seed and he planted in the ground.
12:26 Some of it fell by the wayside and the birds came and it devoured the seed and it didn't
12:32 produce anything.
12:33 Some of the seed falls on stony ground and because it has no depth of earth, when the
12:38 sun came out, problems came up, afflictions came up, persecution came up, stuff happens.
12:44 It choked the seed or it causes the seed to wither and it doesn't produce anything.
12:50 Then some of the seed falls among stones, I mean thorns, and it grew up.
12:56 But then the thorns, the life overwhelmed it and it doesn't produce anything.
13:02 He that have ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying unto you.
13:09 They didn't understand what he was talking about.
13:11 He said, "Listen, it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven."
13:18 I want to give you some spiritual truth but you understand natural things.
13:24 So let me tell you what's happening here.
13:27 The sower is sowing the Word of God and if you have an ear to hear what is being sown
13:34 in your heart, more will be given to you.
13:37 God says, "I'm always about giving you more.
13:39 I'm always about increase.
13:41 I'm always about you prospering.
13:43 I'm always about you experiencing everything that I have for you."
13:48 But if you don't have an ear to hear, what you do hear will be taken away from you.
13:53 Why?
13:54 Because people's eyes, I mean their hearts have waxed gross and their eyes, they have
13:59 closed.
14:00 Less than any time.
14:01 Hallelujah.
14:02 You should hear.
14:03 You should see with your eyes, hear with your ears and understand with your heart.
14:07 You should be converted.
14:09 You should be changed.
14:10 You should not be thinking the same way.
14:14 When you see what God is saying, you should not be thinking the same way.
14:17 When you hear what God is saying, it ought to shift the way you think from now on.
14:22 When you have an understanding of what God is saying to you, you are not the same anymore.
14:28 You should be converted and I should heal you.
14:33 I'm sowing the Word of God on the inside of you.
14:37 It's got to shift the way we think from looking at things from just a natural point of view.
14:43 Now I'm looking to the spiritual realm.
14:46 I'm seeking the kingdom of God and His way of doing things and God adding all things
14:52 unto me.
14:54 And so he says you and I, when your mind is renewed, you get to learn the will of God.
15:01 You get to know what's God's will.
15:02 You get to prove the will of God for your life.
15:08 You have to know that if somebody said it is the will of God that I prosper.
15:13 Remember he said, "Beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health
15:20 even as your soul prosper."
15:23 So yes, it is the will of God that I prosper.
15:26 It is the will of God that I be in good health.
15:29 But my soul has to prosper.
15:32 My mind has to change for that to be a reality in my life.
15:37 God says He's given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.
15:41 How do I get it?
15:42 Through the knowledge of Him.
15:46 I've got knowledge on some stuff, but it wasn't God.
15:50 There's some upbringing, some things you've learned about money that wasn't God.
15:55 So now I've got to shift away.
15:57 I've been thinking the things that I've learned and I've got to learn by the word of God and
16:02 understand what the will of God is for my life.
16:05 First thing is that God's will is that I prosper.
16:09 You can't talk me out of my prosperity.
16:12 I'm like David.
16:13 I say, "In my prosperity, I cannot be moved."
16:16 Hallelujah.
16:18 You can't move me out of the will of God.
16:20 I know God's will, hallelujah, is to prosper.
16:26 Listen, there was a man in the Bible and he said, "Lord, if you will, you can make me
16:31 clean."
16:33 And the Lord said, "I will."
16:36 Hallelujah.
16:37 "Be thou clean."
16:40 And sometimes we feel that same way when it comes to our area of our finances, when it
16:45 comes to prosperity.
16:46 "Lord, if you will, you can deliver me from debt.
16:50 You can pay my house off.
16:52 God, you can prosper my life."
16:55 He says, "I will and I did."
16:59 Hallelujah.
17:00 "Be free."
17:02 Glory to God.
17:05 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
17:07 You know, this is—it's really interesting because we hear—we know the will of God
17:12 concerning it, but yet we doubt His will.
17:16 You know, one thing about the will of God is if you think about it in the natural, and
17:19 we've been talking about the importance of having wills and trust.
17:24 You know, you want to prepare your family for the future, and you ought to have a will
17:29 or you ought to have some type of trust that you would leave your assets to whomever you
17:35 desire.
17:36 And you know, for us, we're leaving our assets to our children, to our church.
17:40 Did I say church?
17:41 To our church.
17:43 Hallelujah.
17:45 Glory to God.
17:46 And so we have certain things that we have set aside, certain assets, whether it's financial
17:52 money, assets, homes, assets, cars, assets, jewelry, assets, whatever you have.
17:57 We've got certain things that we leave set aside for our family in a will and in a trust.
18:07 But the thing about having a will and a trust, I can't leave them what I don't have.
18:14 I can't wish that I could give them a million dollars when I go home to be with the Lord
18:18 if I don't have it.
18:22 You leave what you have.
18:25 Glory to God.
18:27 God has left us in His will everything you would need for life and godliness, everything
18:37 you would need to live life like God, and He left you what He has.
18:42 Hallelujah.
18:43 I hope I get to that part this morning.
18:47 Hallelujah.
18:48 He's leaving you what He has made available to you, not what He doesn't have.
18:54 And you know, a will is no good until the person dies.
18:56 Oh my God.
18:59 But my Bible tells me that my Jesus died, but on the third day, He rose again.
19:07 Glory to God.
19:08 Hallelujah.
19:09 And everything He died for came into force, came into being for you and I to receive everything
19:19 that God has for us.
19:22 And so you'll come to know the will of God.
19:26 John 8, 32, it says, "You'll know the truth and the truth will make you free."
19:34 I hope I'm not going too fast for you.
19:36 I'm just talking right now.
19:37 I'm going to get to some notes in a minute, and then when I do, I'm going to slow down.
19:42 And John chapter 8, verse 32, he says, "You'll know the truth and the truth will make you
19:50 free."
19:51 You will know and experience truth.
19:55 I just gave you a lot of truth already.
19:58 And that truth will make you, somebody say financially free.
20:03 Oh, glory to God.
20:05 You know that truth will make you debt free.
20:08 Hallelujah.
20:10 The reality of owing no man nothing but to love becomes a reality in your life, and you
20:16 get to live by that word or live by the truth of that word.
20:21 How many want to live that word in your life?
20:25 We all do.
20:27 So now we have to seek the knowledge that God has made available to us so that we can
20:33 live financially free in every area of our lives.
20:40 He said, "You'll know the truth and the truth will make you free."
20:44 And you know, when he was talking to those disciples, they was like, "What you talking
20:48 about Jesus make us free?
20:50 We ain't in bondage to no man.
20:51 We ain't never been in bondage to no man."
20:54 I don't understand that because he was in bondage for 400 years in Egypt.
20:57 And I was like, "What they mean?
20:59 What they talking?
21:00 They forgot?
21:01 They was in bondage in Babylon for 70 years."
21:04 But anyway, that's neither here nor there.
21:05 They said, "We are not in bondage to any man."
21:10 Some of you might say that too.
21:11 "I ain't in bondage to nobody.
21:12 Can't nobody tell me what to do?"
21:15 But don't pay your mortgage and see what happens.
21:18 "Ain't nobody got no control over my life."
21:22 Don't pay that credit card bill and see what happens.
21:26 But anyway, that's neither here nor there.
21:29 They said, "We're not in bondage to any man.
21:32 We're the seed of Abraham."
21:34 Glory to God.
21:35 He said, "I know you belong to Abraham, but yet you seek to kill me because the word has
21:43 no place in you."
21:47 You can't just hear...
21:49 You've got to give the word of God place in you.
21:54 Lift your right hand to the Lord.
21:55 Say, "Father, in the name of Jesus, I give your word first place in me.
22:04 I seek first the kingdom and your righteousness.
22:09 I believe everything will be added unto me.
22:16 I receive from the reality of the kingdom of God, the spiritual realm to affect this
22:27 natural, this physical realm that I live in.
22:32 I'm not moved by what I see.
22:36 I'm moved by what you said."
22:39 Hallelujah.
22:42 Glory to God.
22:43 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
22:46 Hallelujah.
22:47 Those declarations of your faith, they matter in your life.
22:50 All right, Psalms 119, verse 45, write it down, easy reading version.
22:56 He says, "I will live in freedom because I do my best to know your instructions."
23:03 You can live financially free when you do your best to know God's instructions.
23:09 Remember your prosperity, Pastor Tony just said, is found in the instructions.
23:14 What is God saying to you?
23:16 What is His word declaring unto you?
23:19 It's important that we follow the instructions that God has given to us.
23:24 I know it takes a lot to hear from God and to follow God.
23:29 And this is an area of our lives where sometimes we struggle the most when it comes to our
23:34 trust in God.
23:36 It's hearing Him when He tells us to do something with the money that He has provided for us.
23:42 First problem is you think it's yours.
23:45 And we're not really, that's another message, but we're not realizing that we're just stewards
23:50 over it.
23:51 But when I know that God takes care of me, it allows you a lot of freedom to do whatever
23:59 God is telling you to do because I'm not worried about my life.
24:04 I take no thought for my life.
24:07 God takes care of me.
24:09 And so it says, when you and I follow the instructions, you will find the freedom that
24:15 God has given us.
24:16 But Hosea 4 and 6 says that my people are destroyed because they lack the knowledge.
24:23 You're not destroyed because you lack money.
24:25 Just get that right now.
24:28 You're not losing anything because you lack money.
24:32 Your house has not been taken away from you because you lack money.
24:36 Your car is not coming, the snatch man is not coming to get it because you lack money.
24:43 Your water is not getting ready to get cut off.
24:44 Your electricity is not cut off because you lack money.
24:48 You lack knowledge.
24:52 So the question now is not God, how can I get the money I need to pay my electric bill?
24:57 God, what do I need to know?
25:00 Oh, I got two people that believe with me.
25:05 Somebody said, "I need knowledge."
25:12 You need knowledge.
25:14 We think money is our answer.
25:16 You need knowledge.
25:17 My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge.
25:23 You lack knowledge.
25:24 Somebody said, "I need to know some stuff."
25:25 Hallelujah.
25:26 And first of all, we've already discovered and we've been talking about it for weeks,
25:34 Pastor Toy and I both, that you need to know again that it is the will of God that you
25:38 prosper.
25:39 And I wish above all things that you...above all things, above all things, above all things
25:43 that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.
25:47 So I got to prosper in the area of my soul, my mind, my will, and my emotions.
25:52 I got to prosper in my heart and in my mind.
25:55 I've got to change it.
25:57 My heart, got to change my mind in order to see what God wishes above all things that
26:03 I would prosper.
26:04 He said, "Let them shout for joy."
26:06 Hallelujah.
26:07 "Let them who favor my righteous cause, let them say continually, 'Let the Lord be magnified,
26:16 who takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants.'"
26:21 Psalms 35, 27.
26:22 He said, "Let them say continually, 'Let the Lord be magnified.'"
26:28 Hallelujah.
26:29 "Who takes pleasure in the..."
26:33 Why am I saying that over and over again?
26:35 Because too many of you are using the words, "I'm broke."
26:40 Too many of you are using the words, "I can't afford."
26:42 That costs too much.
26:43 Who's going to pay that for that?
26:46 I don't make that kind of money.
26:48 You think money grows on trees?
26:50 He said, "Let them say continually, 'Let the Lord be magnified.'"
26:55 Hallelujah.
26:59 When know, for me, when I come up against something that's more than I can...that
27:04 I have naturally speaking, I say, "Let the Lord be magnified."
27:09 Hallelujah.
27:10 Glory to God.
27:13 And I'm telling you, He's magnified every single time.
27:17 Let the Lord be magnified.
27:19 He takes pleasure in my prosperity.
27:24 You ought to look that electricity bill right in the eye and say, "Let the Lord be magnified."
27:29 Hallelujah.
27:30 Glory to God.
27:32 Glory to God.
27:34 Do you know God has given you dominion in the earth?
27:40 He's given you that kind of dominion.
27:43 Hallelujah.
27:44 Somebody shout, "Let the Lord be magnified."
27:49 He takes pleasure in my prosperity.
27:55 What does that mean?
27:56 He's pleased when I prosper.
28:00 How many want to please the Lord?
28:03 Hallelujah.
28:04 Have pleasure in me, Jesus.
28:07 But we need knowledge.
28:08 We need instructions.
28:09 We need to hear from God.
28:11 Psalms 119, again, He says, "I will live in freedom when I learn or know His instructions."
28:18 We'll live financially free when we get the instructions from God as He would have us...what
28:25 He would have us to do.
28:27 Proverbs 13 and 18, He says, "Poverty and shame will be to him that refuse instructions.
28:35 But he that regardeth reproof shall be honored."
28:39 You'll be blessed.
28:41 Poverty comes to you when you don't follow the instructions, when you don't have or you
28:45 refuse instructions.
28:48 You'll be in poverty.
28:49 Hear me, people.
28:52 You're going to remain trying to make ends meet from one place to another place, from
28:58 one time to another time when you don't follow or get instructions or what God would have
29:03 you to do.
29:04 I've shared this testimony before.
29:05 I had a family member who asked me for money for whatever, and they would ask for this
29:10 and for that.
29:11 And you know, I'm blessed.
29:12 I'm going to help you and help a lot of family members.
29:16 How many got family members like that?
29:19 Always asking you for money.
29:20 Anyway, so you help them, you help them.
29:24 And then it came to, "Wait a minute.
29:25 I'm always helping you.
29:27 And I know you.
29:28 And I know that you got a good job.
29:31 You make good money.
29:32 Something's wrong.
29:33 What you doing with your money?
29:35 You spending your money and asking me for money?
29:38 What you doing?"
29:39 And so I'm like, "You need some help?
29:41 Let me sit down with you, go over some things with your money so you could have here so
29:47 I can, you know, budget it out for you so you'll have some money.
29:51 Because you make plenty of money.
29:52 Your rent ain't that much.
29:54 And you don't have a car.
29:55 Now I don't understand why you don't, why you always need money.
29:59 Let me help you work it out."
30:01 They said to me, "I don't want your help.
30:05 I want your money."
30:06 Now you saw your reaction, but that's what you do to God.
30:12 "I don't want a word.
30:13 I just need the money, God."
30:14 And you don't understand one word from God will change your whole life.
30:24 Listen, God is not trying to just give you fish.
30:29 He want to show you how to fish so you can have food all the time, so you can have it
30:34 all the time, that God would meet your needs all the time.
30:38 Let me show you how to get your needs met all the time.
30:45 They literally said to me, "I don't need your help.
30:48 I don't need you to show me nothing.
30:50 I just need some money."
30:53 I said, "You don't need my help and you sure ain't going to get my money.
30:58 Sure ain't going to get my money.
31:01 I'm a better steward than that."
31:04 But we do God the same way.
31:07 You need his instruction, poverty and shame.
31:11 It's not an easy thing, you know, when you're not doing, following the instructions.
31:16 I know stuff happen, but it's not a good feeling when your neighbors drive by and all your
31:20 stuff is on the curb.
31:25 Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuse instruction.
31:29 I know this is hard.
31:31 My people destroyed, they are destroyed because they just lack knowledge.
31:37 But he that regardeth reproof, correction, instructions shall be honored.
31:47 I'm not trying to offend nobody.
31:49 Stuff happens, I understand.
31:52 But when we get instructions from God, when we have a word from God, how many know the
31:57 word of God works?
32:00 That'll work for anybody that works for the word of God, that works the word.
32:06 And so you can't make excuses.
32:07 "Well, I know my cousin, she believes, she believes, she believes, she did everything
32:11 God said and she still got put."
32:13 You don't know what your cousin is doing.
32:16 You don't know what instructions your cousin got from God.
32:22 Everybody has different instructions.
32:26 God will speak to us and tell you what to do.
32:30 And most of our issues is just simply a trust issue.
32:35 Just trusting in God and what he'll do for you even in the midst of adversity.
32:41 Proverbs 8 and 10, he said, "Choose my instruction rather than silver and knowledge rather than
32:49 pure gold."
32:50 "No, but you want the money."
32:52 He said, "No, seek, choose my instructions and knowledge rather than the money."
33:02 We don't seek money, we don't think money, we think kingdom.
33:06 We think spiritual, we think God.
33:08 We think God takes care of me.
33:11 God takes care of everything I have need of.
33:17 He said, "For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies."
33:22 Nothing you can desire, nothing you desire can compare to it.
33:28 I don't care what you desire, nothing can compare to the wisdom that God will give you.
33:36 Knowledge is giving you information.
33:38 Sometimes we just lack the information.
33:41 We know, we got to have information.
33:43 What is word saying?
33:44 What is God saying?
33:46 And then God will give you the wisdom to know what to do with the information that he gives
33:51 you.
33:52 You need knowledge, you need wisdom.
33:55 Lift your right hand to the Lord, say, "God, give me knowledge and wisdom to know what
34:04 to do in my life."
34:10 Hallelujah.
34:13 Glory to God.
34:14 So, he says, "You have got to choose my instructions."
34:18 You got to choose that.
34:19 You got to want his instructions.
34:20 I know it's hard.
34:21 You just give me the money first and then I'll listen to what you have to say later.
34:25 No, you got to choose instructions.
34:29 And it's never too late for all of us in here.
34:35 Let's begin to choose instructions.
34:37 Fill yourself with information.
34:40 Get knowledge.
34:41 Study the word of God.
34:42 We've said, you know, God spoke more about money in the Bible than any other subject
34:47 there is.
34:48 How many times have you studied the word of God concerning this area of money?
34:55 Get the instructions, get information, fill yourself with the information.
34:59 And when you're flooded with information, God will give you the wisdom to know what
35:03 to do with it.
35:06 He'll give you the wisdom of God to know exactly what you need to do.
35:09 So, we need knowledge.
35:11 We need information.
35:12 We need the wisdom of God to know what to do with it.
35:15 And so, you've got to flood yourself, flood your being with the word of God.
35:20 Meditate on the word of God.
35:21 Come on, medicate on it.
35:25 Psalms 1, verse 1, New Living Translation says, "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow
35:32 the advice of the wicked."
35:34 Oh, the joy.
35:37 Don't follow the advice of the wicked.
35:40 I know they got a lot of money.
35:41 They did it.
35:42 They did that.
35:43 They did this.
35:44 They tell you how to do that.
35:45 Don't you follow the advice of the wicked.
35:50 They don't know Jesus, but they rich.
35:55 Don't follow the advice of the twisted, of the wicked.
36:05 Don't stand around with sinners or join in with mockers, but they delight in the law
36:14 of the Lord, meditating on it.
36:17 How often?
36:20 Meditating on it day and night.
36:22 They are like trees planted along the riverbank bearing fruit each season.
36:29 Hallelu, you always got fruit.
36:32 You're prospering in every season.
36:35 When the economy is good, you're prospering.
36:37 When the economy is bad, you're prospering.
36:40 Because God is your source, you prosper no matter what the season is.
36:45 You're like Isaac, I can sow in a famine and receive in the same year a hundredfold because
36:51 I'm not moved by what's happening in the world.
36:55 I prosper in every season.
36:59 Glory to God.
37:00 I bear fruit in every season.
37:03 And he said, my leaves will not wither and whatever I do, whatever I do, whatever I do,
37:10 whatever I do, whatever I do, I will prosper.
37:17 Glory to God.
37:18 How did you do it?
37:20 Whatever I do, whatever I put my hands to, it's empowered to prosper.
37:28 Why?
37:29 Because I touched it.
37:31 Hallelujah.
37:32 I put my hands on it.
37:36 And you cannot go into a business deal, you cannot do anything wondering if it's going
37:41 to prosper.
37:42 I hope it works out for me.
37:44 I hope this well, I hope this does.
37:47 No, whatever I do, whatever I do, prosper.
37:54 So he gives us these instructions that here's this person who is meditating on medicating
38:01 on the word day and night.
38:08 Day and night.
38:10 I'm meditating God's will is that I would prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers.
38:19 I'm meditating on that thing.
38:21 I'm thinking about it.
38:22 I'm saying it to myself.
38:24 I'm saying it out loud.
38:26 Let the Lord be magnified.
38:28 He takes pleasure in my prosperity.
38:32 God is his will is that I prosper in every area of my life.
38:37 In my prosperity, I will not be moved.
38:41 Everything I do, it prospers.
38:43 I'm talking to myself.
38:45 I'm dreaming about my prosperity.
38:48 I'm thinking about what God has made available to me.
38:52 Poverty is far from me.
38:54 There's no such thing as poverty in my life.
38:57 God didn't create me to be poverty minded.
39:00 He didn't create me to be poor.
39:03 God blessed me, richly blessed me.
39:05 He provided all things for me for life and godliness.
39:10 God has blessed all the works of my hand.
39:13 I am blessed of God.
39:14 I was blessed when I came in here.
39:16 I'll be blessed when I go out, when I go out of here.
39:21 Everything about me is blessed.
39:23 The fruit of my body is blessed.
39:25 My children is blessed.
39:26 My home is blessed.
39:28 My babies are blessed.
39:30 My church is blessed.
39:31 My husband is blessed.
39:33 We are prospering in every...
39:40 There is nothing that God has not already provided for me.
39:47 I seek first the kingdom of God.
39:50 And what you've already made available to me.
39:53 And now God, I'm seeing it in this physical realm.
39:57 I'm medicating on that word.
39:59 Day and night, whatever you do will prosper.
40:06 Joshua 1 and 8, "This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall
40:11 observe to do all that is written therein.
40:15 Then you will make your way."
40:18 You will make your way.
40:20 I'm making my way prosperous.
40:22 Every time I open my mouth and speak the word of God, I'm making my way prosperous.
40:27 I will have good success.
40:30 I cannot fail.
40:35 I cannot fail.
40:38 There's no way you can start a business and fail.
40:41 You cannot fail prospering and medicating on the word of God.
40:46 Listen, I know stuff failed before, but here's what the word of God says.
40:55 You will make your way prosperous.
40:57 You will have good success.
41:02 That means you will have a good journey in life.
41:04 You will have everything that pertains to life and godliness.
41:08 God takes care of you.
41:09 I'm not worried about what I eat, what I drink, and what I wear.
41:13 I'm seeking the kingdom of God.
41:15 God takes care of me.
41:17 I am his ambassador, and as his ambassador, I preach the gospel, the good news of Jesus
41:23 Christ, and I have every need met in every area of my life.
41:28 I'm not lacking anything, because everyone that seeks the Lord shall not lack any good
41:33 thing.
41:34 The young lions lack.
41:36 They suffer hunger.
41:38 But they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.
41:50 Shall not want any good thing.
41:52 People ask me, "Pastor Cynthia, it's your birthday.
41:57 Pastor Cynthia's Christmas.
41:58 Pastor Cynthia's anniversary.
41:59 What you want?"
42:00 I'm like, "What I want?
42:01 I don't know.
42:02 I shall not want any good."
42:05 Oh my dear.
42:06 I ain't got no—my God supplies.
42:16 If it come up, I'll let you know what I want.
42:19 But by the time I think about what I want, he already.
42:35 So knowledge, having the knowledge of what God has provided for us, so key.
42:43 I'm not talking about quoting a lot of scriptures.
42:46 I'm talking about medicating it to the point where they become inside of you.
42:50 It is the very makeup of who you are.
42:53 You are prosperity.
42:55 It is how you think.
42:59 You don't think lack.
43:00 You don't think poverty.
43:02 You don't think it can't.
43:03 You don't think it can't be done.
43:05 You don't think you can't afford.
43:06 You don't—it's a matter of choice.
43:11 Having the knowledge of God.
43:14 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who have blessed us with all
43:20 spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ.
43:29 The Passion Translation says it this way.
43:32 Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished upon us as a love
43:40 gift from our wonderful heavenly Father.
43:45 Hallelujah.
43:46 The Father of our Lord Jesus, all because he sees us wrapped up in Christ.
43:54 This is why we celebrate him with all of our hearts.
44:01 He's already blessed us with all spiritual blessings.
44:06 Why spiritual blessing?
44:07 Things—listen, it is the spiritual realm that controls this physical realm.
44:13 You and I seek the spiritual realm and it will manifest in this physical realm.
44:18 He's already blessed you with all spiritual blessing.
44:22 He's already made the deposit that the heavenly—listen, it's already been lavished.
44:31 Isn't that good stuff?
44:33 Somebody say it's already been.
44:38 So you—to me, when I hear and I read Scripture, I think, "God, you already lavished all spiritual
44:46 blessings upon me because your wonderful heavenly Father, you are good God."
44:52 Now, God, I need the knowledge of getting what you've already provided to manifest in
44:59 this physical realm of existence.
45:02 I need some instructions because you've already given it.
45:07 Let me read this—my time, y'all.
45:09 Second Peter, and I'm going to stop here.
45:11 My first close.
45:12 Hallelujah.
45:13 That's how I feel about it, too.
45:18 I keep telling y'all one of these days, somebody going to sit here with me and just let it
45:24 rip.
45:25 Hallelujah.
45:27 Hallelujah.
45:29 Glory to God.
45:31 Second Peter chapter 1 verse 3, he said, "As His divine power has given us all things,"
45:39 His divine power, "has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness."
45:46 He's given me everything to live life like God.
45:50 Hallelujah.
45:52 Are you living life like God?
45:57 Are you representing the kingdom?
46:01 I've given you all things.
46:02 Well, God, if you've given me all things, there's something missing because I ain't
46:06 got all things yet.
46:08 You've given me all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of
46:13 Him who have called us by glory and virtue.
46:19 Passion Translation says, "Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has
46:24 already been deposited in us by His divine power."
46:29 Oh, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
46:34 Everything you could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us
46:45 by His divine power.
46:49 "For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing Him who has
46:58 called us by His name and invited us to come to Him through a glorious manifestation of
47:06 His goodness."
47:07 Let me say it again.
47:08 For all that...
47:09 Was it on the screen?
47:10 No, it's not.
47:11 For all this...
47:12 Come on, open your Bibles.
47:15 For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing.
47:25 You get to get what was lavished when you know.
47:31 By knowing Him who has called us by name and invited us to come to Him through the glorious
47:42 manifestation of His goodness.
47:47 Okay.
47:48 He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished
47:58 upon us.
48:00 Everything that I would need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us
48:07 by His divine power.
48:09 Lord Jesus, I don't have time to tell you what's going on in my head.
48:15 I don't have...
48:16 I'm going to tell you it, but I don't have time.
48:18 You have to catch it by the Holy Ghost.
48:21 He's already deposited...
48:23 Listen, I don't need you to see right now a picture of money being deposited inside
48:29 of you.
48:31 I don't need you to see a house deposited inside of you.
48:34 I ain't trying to get you to see a car deposited inside of you.
48:39 He has already deposited out of that spiritual realm.
48:44 I've blessed you.
48:45 Come to me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm in Christ Jesus.
48:55 The seed, Christ Jesus, has already been deposited on the inside of you.
49:16 Don't let the seed fall by the wayside.
49:18 Don't let the seed fall among thorns.
49:21 Don't let the seed fall on the stony ground.
49:24 The seed has already been deposited on the inside of you.
49:28 The Word of God has everything it has to reproduce itself on the inside of you.
49:35 That Word will give you every...
49:43 The seed of His Word has been deposited.
49:50 I've already deposited on the inside of you.
49:53 You got Christ Jesus living on the inside of you.
49:57 I've blessed you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places.
50:02 They're in Christ Jesus.
50:04 Where is He?
50:05 He's living.
50:06 Oh my God.
50:09 My God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches.
50:13 Where are they?
50:14 In glory.
50:15 How?
50:16 By Christ Jesus.
50:17 Where is He?
50:18 Oh my God.
50:27 It's impossible for you to fail.
50:29 It's impossible for you to be poor.
50:31 He's already deposited the seed that will produce the prosperity that God has already
50:38 provided.
50:39 Jesus.
50:40 Hallelujah.
50:41 Somebody said, "I got that.
50:45 I got it.
50:46 I got it."
50:47 It is the knowledge of Him.
50:52 The knowledge of Him.
50:55 Who is He?
50:57 Who is He?
51:00 Hallelujah.
51:03 The knowledge of Him.
51:05 The knowledge of Him.
51:06 The knowledge of Him.
51:09 He's El Shaddai.
51:12 He's the all supreme God.
51:14 He's the God that nourishes and supplies.
51:18 Oh, in the knowledge of Him, who is He?
51:22 Who is He?
51:23 Oh my God, He's Jehovah.
51:25 He's my covenant-keeping God.
51:27 He's a God who keeps covenant to a thousand generations.
51:31 He's Jehovah Jireh, the God that saw ahead of time and already—knowledge of Him.
51:41 Knowledge of Him.
51:44 God's Word.
51:46 I've already made the deposit in us.
51:49 How did He do it?
51:51 I'll pick it up next week.
51:52 It was by—it was by—you can read the Scripture yourself.
51:57 It was by—by His divine power.
52:05 Somebody say, "Power."
52:08 He said, "You shall remember."
52:12 It is the Lord your God.
52:14 Not by the works of your hand, not by your job, not by anything you could do.
52:20 Deuteronomy 8, 18, "You also remember."
52:23 That means that you can forget, but you ought to remember that it is the Lord your God,
52:27 for it is He that giveth you what?
52:31 Power.
52:33 Give you power to get wealth.
52:41 By—oh my Jesus.
52:43 There is an establishment of what He said that He wants to bring about in your life
52:50 and in my life, and I've given you everything you need.
52:56 It's according to His divine power for all of this was lavished upon us.
53:07 And He said, "You will experience it."
53:11 Glory—I gotta stop.
53:13 No, really stop.
53:15 Hallelujah.
53:16 Come on, stand on your feet.
53:18 I don't want to stop, believe me.
53:20 I don't want to stop.
53:23 Hallelujah.
53:25 Somebody shout, "I got the power."
53:33 Say it like you mean it.
53:34 Say, "I got the power."
53:35 Hallelujah.
53:36 Thank you, Lord.
53:38 Hallelujah.
53:41 Thank you, Jesus.
53:43 You shall remember.
53:45 He said, "Listen, it's not by your hand, not by your might, not by your work, but remember."
53:53 Remember.
53:56 Somebody shout, "Remember."
54:00 When God tells you to remember something, it's because you could forget.
54:04 And when you get in those hard places, you forget sometimes.
54:07 Well, God, if you said you give me power to get well, and it's power through the knowledge
54:14 of Him, I need some instructions.
54:18 I need some wisdom.
54:20 I need to know what to do.
54:24 You gotta be like Jehoshaphat.
54:25 "God, I don't know what to do, but my eyes.
54:31 I seek first the kingdom.
54:33 I ain't gonna worry about this house note.
54:34 I'm not gonna worry about that condo.
54:36 I'm not gonna worry about that.
54:37 I'm not gonna worry about what we gonna eat.
54:39 I'm not gonna worry about what we gonna drink.
54:41 I'm not gonna worry about it.
54:42 I take no thought for it.
54:44 I set my affections on things above, not things on the earth."
54:49 I'm looking to you, Jesus.
54:53 Hallelujah.
54:56 Come on and give God a shout of praise.
54:59 Hallelujah.
55:00 Glory to God.
55:02 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
55:04 Thank you, Lord.
55:06 Bless you, Lord Jesus.
55:09 Hallelujah.
55:11 Listen, we will really pick this up, but there's an element of your faith that I wanna talk
55:19 to you about and how it relates to the power of the Spirit of God in your life so that
55:26 you and I could live not based on what you see in this natural realm, but what God has
55:33 already provided for us.
55:37 Already blessed you with all spiritual blessings.
55:39 It is the Spirit that controls this natural realm.
55:44 It's not the other way around.
55:47 We've allowed this natural realm to control our lives.
55:52 Where you live, what you eat, what you drink, what you wear, where you vacation, if you
55:56 vacation, where you are educated, how you are educated.
56:00 You've allowed the world to tell you based on how much money you have in the bank what
56:04 you can and cannot have from God.
56:07 But when you seek the kingdom of God and all that He has provided for you, it doesn't matter
56:14 how much money you have or don't have in the bank.
56:17 We just need the seed of His Word that has already been deposited on the inside of you.
56:26 Hallelujah.
56:27 Hallelujah.
