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00:00 Thank you, Father.
00:01 Original content and material unlike ever before
00:12 is gonna come out of our worship arts department
00:16 like a flood,
00:17 such that other ministries are gonna come
00:24 to sup at this pool of worship.
00:28 And this environment that we create
00:33 because of his purity, because of his purity
00:38 and lack of show, but rather showing God.
00:45 Ecclesiastes three, are you guys there?
00:51 Are you all there?
00:53 Are you there?
00:56 Verse one.
00:56 We're continuing on with our lesson giving helps.
01:04 Verse one reads, to everything there is a what?
01:09 A season and a what?
01:13 Time to every what?
01:15 Purpose under the heaven.
01:17 Let's read that one more time or let me read it
01:24 and then you all highlight a few words for me again.
01:29 To every what?
01:32 There is a what?
01:34 A what?
01:36 For every what?
01:38 For every purpose under heaven.
01:40 To everything there is a season,
01:43 a time for every purpose under heaven.
01:45 When you define season in the Hebrew,
01:49 it's defined as season and time.
01:54 When you define time in the Hebrew,
01:56 it's defined as time and season.
01:58 Why is that?
02:00 Seasons consist of time.
02:03 Time pushes forward through seasons.
02:08 Notice that to everything and every purpose,
02:13 there is season and time.
02:15 Under where?
02:16 Under heaven.
02:18 Under heaven.
02:21 One of my dear brothers in the faith,
02:26 big brothers in the faith who really likes
02:30 to study the word pointed something out to me
02:31 I never considered and it makes sense
02:34 that there is some kind of time in heaven.
02:40 It's just not time like we know it here.
02:44 Because in heaven, there's progression in heaven.
02:51 There's learning in heaven.
02:56 I don't fully know what that looks like.
02:59 When we enter into heaven, does it all come to us at once
03:01 or are we learning over heavenly time?
03:05 Who know, the only one, think about this,
03:09 the only one who would not be bound by time
03:11 would be the maker of time.
03:12 Everything else is created.
03:17 So time and season applies to them,
03:22 but above heaven, not above heaven, but in heaven,
03:26 it just operates differently.
03:29 We though in these tents, these buildings,
03:35 these houses of clay, we live on the earth
03:39 which is under heaven.
03:40 And we know that even before sin came into the world,
03:46 the luminaries, the sun, the moon,
03:49 these were given to make a distinction
03:51 between day and night and season,
03:53 so that's referring to time.
03:55 We who live on this earth, living under heaven,
04:00 exist in a realm of time and season.
04:02 So to everything, there is a season,
04:06 a time for every purpose under heaven.
04:08 All of the universe is under heaven.
04:11 What we call outer space is under heaven,
04:12 other galaxies and nebulas and solar systems,
04:16 it's all under heaven.
04:17 And there's a time and a season
04:22 for everything and every purpose.
04:24 Look at verse two.
04:25 It says that there is a time to be born
04:29 and there is a time to die.
04:30 Let's stay here for a second.
04:34 There's a time to be born.
04:39 Is there anyone in this room, you were not born?
04:43 (audience laughing)
04:47 No, okay, I don't see any hands,
04:50 so it appears that all, online, any of you all?
04:53 Let us know in the comments.
04:54 Any of you, you weren't born?
04:56 So we were all born into this world.
05:00 We all had a physical birth, okay?
05:07 Did you pick your time?
05:11 You didn't pick your time?
05:13 If I'm not mistaken, I was born at 525 a.m.,
05:16 is that right, mom?
05:17 Something like that?
05:20 Oh, a little bit later than that?
05:22 My son, Frederick, he was born at 711 a.m.
05:28 711.
05:37 A specific time on a specific day.
05:39 Interestingly, I don't recall whether it was 525 a.m.
05:43 for myself or somewhere around that time
05:45 or a little bit later than that time.
05:47 I didn't choose the time, neither did I choose the day.
05:51 I didn't choose the year.
05:52 I didn't choose the month.
05:54 I didn't choose the week.
05:57 I didn't choose the season.
05:59 But I was born, just like you were born.
06:03 So there is a time of birth.
06:05 There's a time for, watch this,
06:08 not just people but things to be born, to be birthed.
06:12 But watch this, there's also a time to die.
06:16 Now, we all know that if the Lord
06:21 doesn't appear in our lifetime,
06:26 we know he's gonna appear.
06:27 Many of us believe he could show up in about three seconds.
06:34 The way things are going.
06:36 But we know that he's going to appear.
06:38 And many of us, while we may believe
06:43 that he will appear in our lifetime,
06:45 we can't put our finger on it
06:48 'cause no one knows the time or day
06:50 he's gonna manifest his appearing in his own time.
06:52 Paul said that in writing to Timothy.
06:54 But we know that if he does not appear in our lifetime,
07:01 then we are all going to die physically.
07:04 We're gonna die physically.
07:05 The Bible says it is appointed for man to die once.
07:10 And then after that, the judgment.
07:13 Now, I didn't appoint this time to die.
07:17 And I'm pretty sure you didn't appoint this time to die.
07:20 So why then do we die?
07:24 That's right, good sir, you said it, Adam.
07:29 We can thank Adam for that.
07:34 Romans 5.12, what does that tell us?
07:36 For by one man, you got it, sin entered the world.
07:41 And what else?
07:42 Death through sin.
07:44 Because of one man's disobedience,
07:48 sin entered the world and death entered the world.
07:50 That's Romans 5.12.
07:54 First Corinthians 15.21 says, "For by man came death."
07:58 Lowercase m.
08:02 Therefore by man, capital M,
08:05 shall come the resurrection of the dead.
08:08 In other words, by man, the Christ shall come life.
08:11 Shall come eternal life.
08:14 But for by man came death.
08:17 What Paul is writing to the Corinthians
08:19 in first Corinthians 15.21 is exactly what he's telling
08:24 the Romans in Romans 5.12.
08:26 That it is because of a man we were all in,
08:31 it's because of his actions that we are all
08:34 born into this world appointed to die.
08:38 Now, I believe that there are some things
08:45 that we can do to lengthen our days.
08:50 I believe that left up to the devil,
08:58 our appointment with death would be very soon
09:01 and very quick.
09:02 But I believe the scriptures give us a number of things
09:07 that we can do to reschedule the appointment
09:12 the adversary, the God of this world system,
09:16 would have scheduled for us.
09:17 For example, Proverbs 18.21 says,
09:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue."
09:24 Literally, the word power means hand or grip.
09:27 Death and life are in the grip of the tongue.
09:29 Death and life are in the hand of the tongue.
09:32 Your tongue has a hand.
09:34 What is it holding?
09:35 What is it wielding?
09:36 Death or life.
09:37 I choose to speak life.
09:38 What do you choose to speak?
09:41 I believe speaking life can contribute to longer days.
09:46 Psalm 91, the first verse says what?
09:50 "He who dwells in the secret place of El Elyon,
09:54 "of the most high."
09:56 Shall what?
09:58 Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
10:00 Okay, so the verse is telling me
10:01 that if I wanna abide under the shadow of the Almighty,
10:05 I must first do what?
10:06 Dwell in, see, that's my responsibility,
10:09 to dwell in the secret place of the most high.
10:12 Whatever verse two says is contingent
10:17 on me dwelling in the secret place of the most high.
10:19 As a matter of fact, there are 16 verses in that Psalm.
10:23 And the second half of verse one,
10:26 all the way through verse 16, are contingent on me,
10:29 if I wanna see it manifested in my life,
10:31 they're contingent on me dwelling
10:34 in the secret place of the most high.
10:35 Well, verse 16 says he'll satisfy us with long life.
10:38 So there's something else I can do.
10:43 I can make the choice to dwell in the secret place
10:45 of El Elyon, God most high,
10:47 and he'll satisfy me with long life.
10:51 So look at that, I can speak life to my life.
10:53 According to Proverbs 18, 21,
10:56 I can choose to dwell in the secret place of the most high
10:59 so that he'll satisfy me with long life.
11:02 And then Peter quotes in Old Testament scripture,
11:04 he says, "For he who would love life and see good days."
11:08 Anyone interested in loving life and seeing good days?
11:13 Or would you prefer to see bad days?
11:15 I choose good days.
11:20 Says, "For he who would love life and see good days."
11:23 And I believe good days are good long days,
11:27 satisfying days, days of life.
11:30 He said, "Let him refrain his tongue from evil
11:35 "and his lips from speaking deceit."
11:37 So there's some things it appears that I can do
11:40 that will contribute to me living a long, healthy
11:44 and prosperous life, even with the challenges that come,
11:47 I can overcome those challenges by the power of the word.
11:51 But even in enjoying that long life,
11:55 if the Lord does not appear, I will see the grave
11:59 because it's been appointed for man to die
12:02 because of the sin of Adam.
12:04 Death is here, which means what?
12:07 There is a time to die or there's a time for death.
12:11 And watch this, it's not just referring
12:14 to the death of people, but also the death of things.
12:19 This word born, oh, watch this.
12:26 It has a number of meanings,
12:30 but here's one that I really like.
12:33 There is a time to bring forth.
12:37 There's a time for bringing forth.
12:44 This word death or die, watch this.
12:47 There is a time to put to death.
12:55 There is a time for something to be executed.
13:05 There is a time for something to be removed.
13:13 Because there's also a time for something to be added.
13:16 Time to be born, time to die.
13:21 Look at the rest of this verse.
13:22 There's a time to plant,
13:24 and there's a time to pluck what is planted.
13:26 So there's a time for it
13:27 because we live in a realm of time.
13:29 There's a time to plant
13:32 and a time to pluck what is planted.
13:35 This word plant can also mean, watch this, establish.
13:38 How many of you know there is a time to establish?
13:43 There's a time for it.
13:45 And then there's a time to do what?
13:47 Pluck what is established.
13:48 Oh, watch this.
13:51 Some things are to remain.
13:54 Some things have an expiration date.
13:57 Oftentimes we get caught up in
14:06 wanting to see the same thing happen again.
14:11 And we wanna see the same thing happen again
14:13 in the same way it happened before.
14:14 Now there can be a case for it,
14:18 but it's not always the case for it.
14:20 There's some things in scripture,
14:23 and I'll just drop some of these on you
14:24 as we make our way through this lesson.
14:26 I'll give you one right now.
14:28 Does anyone recall what Jesus said to his disciples?
14:33 You know, they asked him the question,
14:35 all right, so Jesus,
14:37 now is God gonna restore the kingdom to Israel?
14:39 And he said, it's not for you to know the times and seasons.
14:42 I'm summarizing, which are in the hand of God.
14:45 Here's what you should focus on,
14:49 receiving power when the who?
14:51 Holy Spirit has what?
14:56 Has come upon you.
14:57 So Jesus was talking about
15:00 when the day of Pentecost would fully come.
15:02 And when the day of Pentecost fully came,
15:05 meaning Pentecost was fulfilled,
15:08 we see this in Acts chapter two,
15:10 verses one through four.
15:13 When the day of Pentecost fully came,
15:17 is there anything about that day
15:20 from your reading of those scriptures?
15:22 Is there anything that you recall
15:25 from your reading that happened
15:27 when the day of Pentecost had fully come?
15:30 Oh yeah, they were what?
15:33 They were filled with the Spirit.
15:38 And they what?
15:39 And they, they surely did.
15:42 They spoke with other tongues
15:43 as the Spirit gave them utterance.
15:46 And you know, today, the Holy Spirit is still here.
15:51 People are still being filled with the Holy Spirit.
15:54 And people are still speaking with other tongues.
15:57 Oh, but there's one thing that did happen
16:00 during that time in which the day of Pentecost
16:03 had fully come that we have never seen again.
16:06 Not only today, but nowhere else in scripture.
16:11 'Cause watch this.
16:12 I'll tell you what it is in a second.
16:14 Maybe some of you have already figured it out.
16:17 Over in Acts chapter 10,
16:19 when Peter went to the house of Cornelius
16:20 and he got that household saved,
16:22 he also got him filled with the Spirit.
16:23 And you know what they did?
16:24 They spoke with other tongues.
16:26 But there was something that was missing
16:27 from the day of Pentecost.
16:29 If you've ever read Acts 19,
16:31 when they said, well, the only baptism
16:33 we're aware of is John's baptism.
16:36 And then they would go on to be filled with the Spirit.
16:38 And the Bible says they spoke with other tongues
16:40 as the Spirit gave them utterance.
16:41 Or they spoke with other tongues,
16:42 just like when the day of Pentecost had fully come,
16:45 except like Acts 10, there was something that was missing.
16:48 You only saw it when the day of Pentecost fully came.
16:51 We haven't seen it since.
16:52 Cloven tongues of fire.
16:55 They saw them.
16:58 They saw cloven tongues of fire over each of them.
17:05 We haven't seen cloven tongues of fire again.
17:07 The household of Cornelius
17:10 didn't see cloven tongues of fire.
17:12 Those filled with the Spirit in Acts 19
17:15 didn't see cloven tongues of fire.
17:17 'Cause watch this, some things only happen once.
17:19 And you can't conjure up something that happened before
17:28 'cause you like how it sounded.
17:29 'Cause you like how it was.
17:34 (sighs)
17:36 Oh, if we could just see the glory days of Crenshaw.
17:39 The 70s and early 80s of Crenshaw.
17:44 It was spectacular, wasn't it?
17:46 (congregation murmurs)
17:48 You all would know better than me 'cause I don't remember.
17:50 (congregation laughs)
17:52 I know I was there.
17:53 I can remember sitting by my mama.
17:58 I don't remember getting pinched.
18:00 (congregation laughs)
18:03 (congregation applauds)
18:05 But I can see myself in the building,
18:08 but I don't particularly remember how the services went.
18:13 I mean, I can see John Paxson on the keys.
18:17 And I can hear, "We're together again,
18:23 "just praising the Lord."
18:25 I can hear that.
18:26 But for the most part,
18:28 many of the things that you all describe,
18:30 I still don't remember.
18:31 I don't remember the gifts of the Spirit flowing
18:33 the way they were flowing then.
18:35 I don't remember daddy calling out witches
18:36 right there in the service.
18:38 Oh, I would have paid to see that.
18:39 (congregation laughs)
18:42 Oh, the glory days of Crenshaw.
18:45 And we wanna see it happen the exact same way.
18:48 Oh, we're gonna have some glory days.
18:50 But if I'm not mistaken,
18:51 your latter days are supposed to be greater
18:52 than your former.
18:53 (congregation murmurs)
18:59 Some things happen, and they might happen again.
19:03 Maybe they'll happen three or four times.
19:06 Some things happen once, and that's it.
19:08 And you can't make it happen again.
19:12 You can't force it to happen again.
19:14 Are you here?
19:16 - Yeah.
19:18 - There's a time to plant, there's a time to establish.
19:20 But there's also a time to maybe pluck something
19:25 that has been established,
19:26 so you can establish something else.
19:29 (congregation murmurs)
19:31 Look at verse three, there's a time to kill.
19:34 Hmm, that sounds violent.
19:38 (congregation laughs)
19:41 Well, unfortunately, there is a time to kill,
19:43 but this doesn't only mean the loss of life.
19:45 Sometimes you have to kill.
19:49 You might have to kill an agenda.
19:51 You might have to kill a relationship.
19:57 (congregation murmurs)
19:59 You might have to put it out of its misery.
20:01 (congregation laughs)
20:04 There's a time, why?
20:06 Because we exist under heaven,
20:08 and there's a time and season for everything under heaven.
20:12 So there's a time to kill.
20:13 This word kill means exactly what you think.
20:17 It can mean slaughter, it can mean murder,
20:19 or it can simply mean killing.
20:21 It can mean slain.
20:26 But then it says there's a time also to what?
20:28 To heal.
20:29 We know what healing means.
20:33 There's a time for healing.
20:35 We experienced a time for healing a few minutes ago.
20:38 (congregation murmurs)
20:41 Some individuals read these scriptures,
20:43 and they figure God's ordained every one of these times.
20:46 No, he has knowledge of every one of these times,
20:49 'cause God has foreknowledge.
20:51 I wonder why he's ordained every one of these times.
20:55 I wonder why it's so difficult for some people
20:57 to separate God knowing all things
21:00 and having all power from causing all things.
21:02 Well, if he had known about it, he must've caused it.
21:09 If he allowed it, he must've caused it.
21:10 No.
21:11 Not necessarily.
21:14 Have you ever allowed something to happen?
21:18 But you didn't cause it, did you?
21:19 But you allowed it to happen.
21:23 How many of us as parents,
21:25 you allowed your children to,
21:31 you might've allowed them to fail
21:35 because of the lesson, you didn't cause them to.
21:38 But you allowed something to play out
21:43 because you knew how nourishing
21:45 it would ultimately be for them.
21:47 You allowed it to, you had the power to fix it,
21:51 but you allowed God who has more power than us as parents,
21:56 who could, he could fix it with a snap of his finger,
22:00 with a thought, but he does it
22:03 because of his commitment to his own word.
22:08 He's bound by his, his word is covenant.
22:11 He's bound by it.
22:13 So there's a time to kill, there's a time to eliminate.
22:20 There's a time to put something to death,
22:23 just like there's a time to die.
22:25 And there's a time to heal.
22:26 There's a time to, to, to restore.
22:31 There's a time to make whole.
22:33 Watch this, there may be a time,
22:35 there may be time for a relationship to be restored,
22:37 to be made whole, just like there's a time
22:39 for a relationship to be put to rest.
22:41 It says there's a time to break down
22:48 and there's a time to build up.
22:50 Now what's interesting about this word,
22:54 or these words break down,
22:56 is that they're not just limited to,
23:02 to breaking down in the way we think of breaking down,
23:06 like my car broke down.
23:08 Anyone ever look forward to your car breaking down?
23:10 Like it's one of the highlights of your life,
23:11 your car breaking down?
23:13 I don't think anyone in here looks forward to that.
23:18 And if it's ever happened to you,
23:19 you were not excited about it, right?
23:23 You can, you can, you can break down
23:26 in the sense of taking something apart,
23:28 dismantling something, that meaning is there,
23:31 but it's not limited to that.
23:33 Because in some cases,
23:35 breaking down can also mean breaking out.
23:38 And breaking out can sometimes mean bursting forth,
23:43 spreading or distributing.
23:48 Then there's also a time to do what?
23:51 Well, there's a time to build up,
23:52 which means, watch this,
23:55 there is a time to build
23:56 and then there's also a time to rebuild.
23:58 Not everything that was built needs to be rebuilt.
24:03 Some things should be rebuilt.
24:08 They should be rebuilt and upgraded.
24:10 But not everything needs to be rebuilt.
24:13 Are you hearing me?
24:15 Look at verse four, there's a time to weep,
24:17 a time of weeping, and there's a time to laugh.
24:22 There's a time of laughter.
24:23 There's a time to cry.
24:26 There's a time to grieve.
24:30 There's a time to sorrow.
24:32 Thank God for us as believers,
24:34 our sorrow is not without hope,
24:37 but there's a time for it.
24:40 And there's a time to laugh.
24:42 There's a time to mourn.
24:45 Mourning or lamenting or wailing,
24:47 that may follow the tears, the crying, the weeping.
24:50 And then there's a time to dance.
24:53 Normally you dance when you're happy.
24:56 I haven't seen anyone who grieves and dances.
25:02 (congregation laughing)
25:04 So it looks like the weeping and the mourning
25:08 go together in the laughing and the dancing.
25:12 And many of us, of course, we would prefer the laughter
25:16 and we prefer the dancing because we know the environment
25:20 we're in when we're doing that
25:21 and how we feel when we're doing that.
25:23 But I'm here to tell you there's some healthy weeping.
25:27 There's some healthy grieving.
25:30 Some people have still been dwelling with trauma
25:35 because they didn't grieve properly.
25:37 You haven't been healed from something that happened
25:41 eons ago because you didn't grieve correctly.
25:44 Or you didn't grieve at all.
25:49 There's a time for it.
25:50 Look at verse five.
25:53 There's a time to cast away stones.
25:54 There's a time for it.
25:56 And there's a time to do what?
25:57 To gather stones.
26:00 Casting away, hurling, flinging,
26:03 and then the gathering or collecting of them.
26:05 We can look at stones as actual stones or anything else.
26:12 As a matter of fact, why don't you focus on this?
26:14 There's a time to cast away and there's a time to gather.
26:17 There's a time for it.
26:18 Sometimes you have to cast away your circle
26:24 and gather a new one.
26:27 You know, many of us will go to God and pray
26:38 that he remove someone from our lives.
26:41 We'll go to God, we'll bring it to God,
26:45 we'll tell God, "You gotta get 'em outta here.
26:47 "Get 'em outta my life."
26:49 But you know, it might be much faster
26:51 for you to just remove yourself.
26:52 I'm just saying.
26:55 You need to know when you need to move.
27:06 Look at this, there's a time to embrace.
27:08 But there's also a time to what?
27:11 Refrain from embracing.
27:14 When you think of embracing, what do you think of?
27:19 You embrace the ones you love, the ones you care for.
27:23 You might embrace ideas.
27:26 There's a time to refrain from it as well.
27:30 As a matter of fact, when thinking of ideas
27:36 and things creative, you might have to refrain
27:39 from embracing because you've been embracing too much.
27:42 There's a time to pause on the embracing
27:48 and refrain from it.
27:49 There's a time to gain and a time to lose.
27:53 There's a time for it.
27:54 In a sense, no one likes the idea of losing,
28:02 but you can lose something negative or positive.
28:06 You can gain something negative or positive.
28:08 There's a time in which we gain.
28:10 There's a time in which we lose.
28:11 A time for gaining and a time for losing.
28:15 There's a time to keep and then there's a time
28:16 to throw away.
28:17 Time is a valuable commodity.
28:22 You need to be very aware of the time that you need to keep
28:29 and the time you need to get rid of.
28:31 How much time have some of us wasted?
28:36 On idle things.
28:37 There's a time to tear and there's a time to sow.
28:45 There's a time to keep silent.
28:52 The Lord just spoke to a number of people right now.
28:56 He just spoke to so many of us, didn't he?
29:04 There's a time to close your mouth.
29:07 There's some stronger wording I wanna use.
29:15 There is a time to shut the door.
29:20 There is a time for it.
29:21 There's a time to keep silent
29:26 and then there's a time to speak.
29:29 My father mastered these two.
29:33 I mastered these two.
29:34 If words came out of his mouth, they counted.
29:38 How many words do men use in a day
29:42 and how many words do women use, supposedly?
29:44 What is it?
29:47 Come on, Angie, you know the numbers.
29:50 Tell me the numbers.
29:51 What do they say?
29:52 - I don't know, I'm not sure of the number.
29:53 He always says I finish mine by morning time.
29:55 - Let's just say, let's say men use 5,000
30:00 and women use 10,000.
30:01 And some of you women use 5,000 of your 10
30:04 in the first quarter of the day.
30:05 Two, first two hours.
30:10 There's a time in which we need to just be quiet,
30:21 keep silent, oh, so that not only can we hear,
30:27 but so that we can listen.
30:29 Too many believers here, but they don't listen.
30:31 One of the best examples that I can always give
30:37 is I'm at home, it's family night, it's family movie night.
30:40 I got surround sound, it's up loud,
30:42 but I hear a noise, I know it's not the movie.
30:44 I hear something.
30:47 Oh, what was that?
30:48 What do I do?
30:49 I pause my movie so that I can now listen
30:53 for what I just heard.
30:55 I heard a noise.
30:56 I heard a sound.
30:59 I'm not sure what that sound was,
31:00 but if this environment can become silent now,
31:03 I can listen intently to see if I can pinpoint what I heard.
31:07 There's a time in which we need to hear and then listen.
31:13 Then there's a time in which we need to speak.
31:14 There's also a time when we need to speak up and speak out.
31:17 Sometimes the church is too quiet about things.
31:23 (congregation murmurs)
31:26 There are very fitting times when the church
31:31 needs to open their mouths and proclaim.
31:33 Look, there's a time to love and a time to hate.
31:37 What a time to hate.
31:38 I get the time to love, God is love.
31:43 But don't you hate the devil?
31:47 I hate him.
31:48 Don't you hate hate?
31:51 I hate hate.
31:53 Yeah.
31:54 These six things the Lord hates.
31:59 Yay, seven are an abomination to him.
32:03 There's some things God hates and I'm to be like God.
32:06 So I hate what God hates.
32:08 Ooh, I hate it.
32:09 Was that a thank you?
32:14 Sounded like a thank you or a bless you, one of the two.
32:16 Oh, me too?
32:18 Say it again, precious.
32:19 Me too.
32:20 (congregation laughs)
32:23 And there was a yeah.
32:25 I hate what God hates and I love what God loves.
32:28 God I've observed in Scripture loves people and hates sin.
32:37 Now, sadly,
32:41 Paul does tell us to be cautious or careful of our conduct
32:48 because like your word, you can't separate
32:50 your conduct from you.
32:51 And unfortunately, there are some people
32:57 that will experience the hate of God
33:00 because they never separated themselves
33:02 from the things God hates.
33:03 Ooh.
33:07 God's not looking to hate anybody.
33:12 But some people are in league with the devil.
33:16 We gotta remember that.
33:18 You know, there's a difference between the person
33:19 who's being carnal, right?
33:22 The person who doesn't know anything about Jesus,
33:25 not really, they're not saved.
33:27 So they're just living according to their sinful nature.
33:30 But then there are some people,
33:32 they have said yes to the devil.
33:35 I am serving him, that's their choice.
33:37 They have secured their spot in eternity.
33:43 In eternity apart from God.
33:46 There's a time of war and a time of peace.
33:51 You know, it appears God is a God of war and peace.
33:59 Now think about the war that has occurred in heaven
34:06 and the one that will occur in heaven.
34:08 Think of the wars.
34:11 In other words, God authorized the opening
34:14 and God authorized it, okayed it.
34:16 How many wars did Israel experience?
34:19 Even pre-Israel.
34:25 Genesis 14, there's a battle in the Valley of the Kings.
34:31 Abraham had to go fight.
34:33 And then you and I, we've been called to spiritual warfare.
34:38 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
34:42 but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds.
34:47 For we don't wrestle against, that's a fight.
34:52 We don't wrestle against flesh and blood.
34:55 Jude says contend for the faith.
34:57 There's a time for war and we know there's a time of peace.
35:02 Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
35:03 He left his peace with us.
35:05 We can access his peace by faith.
35:08 God is all about the peace that surpasses all understanding.
35:12 There's a time of war, there's a time of peace.
35:16 There may be a time when you have to go to war with yourself
35:19 in order for there to be peace with yourself.
35:24 Paul was going to war with himself.
35:29 It wasn't just a competition.
35:30 First Corinthians 9, 24 through 27,
35:34 when he says I disciplined my, said I buffeted my body.
35:36 That means to strike violently with blows to the face.
35:41 He said I buffeted my body and I keep my body under.
35:43 He said, ah, don't you get up.
35:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's a battle
35:51 and if we rest on our laurels,
35:53 the body, the flesh, the old man,
35:57 the old nature will rise up and overcome us.
36:00 And why would we allow the flesh to overcome us
36:04 when we are overcomers?
36:05 There's a time of war.
36:09 Oh, watch this, and then there's a time,
36:12 there's a time to be at peace with yourselves
36:15 because I'm telling you right now,
36:17 every, every, everyone say every.
36:21 Every Christian virtue, every virtue of God,
36:25 right, every, every, every fruit of our born again spirit
36:31 must begin with us.
36:34 When it has not begun with us,
36:37 it's why we see the struggle with others.
36:39 Shall we begin with love?
36:41 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul,
36:44 mind and strength and the second is like the first.
36:47 Love your who?
36:48 Love your neighbor as?
36:51 Oh, I gotta love my neighbor as myself.
36:55 Well, Fred, do you love Fred?
36:57 'Cause Fred, if you don't love Fred,
37:00 you're not gonna love your neighbor.
37:01 - Amen.
37:02 - Do you love you?
37:04 Oh, watch this.
37:07 Do you trust you?
37:08 'Cause if you don't trust you,
37:11 that might be why you don't trust others.
37:13 I didn't say it was a guarantee,
37:15 I'm just saying it might be why.
37:16 In some cases, you may not trust others
37:19 'cause they're just not trustworthy.
37:22 Like they've proven that themselves to be that.
37:24 But I mean, if you just walk around and just distrust,
37:27 like you just, you just wake up,
37:29 it's like coffee and distrust.
37:31 Then you might need to look at self.
37:34 Are you at joy?
37:39 Are you at joy with yourself?
37:42 'Cause if you're not,
37:44 that might be why you're not experiencing joy with others.
37:47 All virtue, peace.
37:51 Are you at peace with you?
37:53 'Cause that might,
37:55 it could be the case
37:59 as to why you're not at peace with others.
38:00 There's a time for war.
38:02 There's a time for peace.
38:04 Look at Ecclesiastes 9.
38:06 I only hear the ringing right here.
38:08 Interesting.
38:09 Look at Ecclesiastes 9.
38:13 You know, when we think of the books of wisdom,
38:16 I mean, we run fast to Psalms,
38:19 we run to Proverbs,
38:20 but boy, I tell you,
38:21 Ecclesiastes.
38:29 Ecclesiastes, not sticks.
38:33 I don't know.
38:34 Boy, I tell you,
38:35 we can butcher some books of the Bible, can't we?
38:37 Revelations.
38:40 The book of Revelations.
38:43 So there's a lot of them, huh?
38:45 There's a whole lot of them, huh?
38:47 No, it's the revelation of Jesus Christ.
38:50 Ecclesiastes, look at chapter nine.
38:56 This is so powerful.
38:58 Please pay attention to this.
39:00 Chapter nine.
39:02 And look at verse 11.
39:07 Verse 11.
39:09 Now my notes are not in front of me
39:18 'cause my mind was just not there this morning.
39:20 Is that where I told us to start?
39:21 What did I give you all?
39:22 Thank you.
39:23 Thank you.
39:26 Awesome team in the back.
39:28 Yes, let's begin with verse one.
39:30 We'll read verse two and then we'll go to 11 and 12.
39:34 Hey, watch this.
39:34 Look at Ecclesiastes nine, one and two.
39:38 It says, "For I considered all this in my heart
39:41 "so that I could declare it all,
39:43 "that the righteous and the wise and their works
39:46 "are in the hand of God.
39:47 "People know neither love nor hatred
39:49 "by anything they see before them.
39:52 "All things come alike to all.
39:54 "All things come alike to all.
39:55 "All things come alike to all.
39:59 "One of it happens to the righteous and the wicked."
40:01 Do the righteous have birthdays?
40:05 What about the wicked?
40:08 Them too?
40:08 Do the righteous pay taxes?
40:11 Do the wicked pay taxes?
40:14 (audience laughing)
40:20 (audience laughing)
40:23 Do, watch this.
40:34 Even though the righteous aren't born righteous
40:37 into this world, but are the righteous born?
40:39 Are the wicked, are they born?
40:42 One event happens to the righteous and the wicked,
40:46 to the good, the clean, and the unclean.
40:49 To him who sacrifices and to him who doesn't sacrifice.
40:52 As is the good, so is the sinner.
40:54 He who takes an oath as he who fears an oath.
40:58 Now watch this, look at verse 11 and 12.
41:00 This is powerful.
41:02 Why?
41:03 'Cause we live in this realm of time and season.
41:07 Understanding that there's a time for everything.
41:11 There's a season for everything.
41:18 I returned and I saw under the sun that,
41:22 watch how true this rings.
41:24 The race is not to the swift,
41:29 nor the battle to the strong,
41:31 nor bread to the wise,
41:33 nor riches to men of understanding,
41:35 nor favor of men, or favor to men of skill,
41:39 but time and chance happen to 'em all.
41:43 Do you see that?
41:48 Time and chance happen to 'em all.
41:50 This is another way we can read this.
41:53 I returned and saw under the sun
41:55 that the race is not automatically to the swift,
41:58 nor the battle automatically to the strong,
42:01 nor bread automatically to the wise,
42:06 nor riches of men to only those of understanding,
42:10 nor favor only to those of skill,
42:16 but time and chance.
42:19 Time and chance happen to 'em all.
42:22 I mean, wasn't the hare supposed to beat the tortoise?
42:30 I mean, if I'm a sports agent, if I'm a scout,
42:38 I'm looking at this hare like, we gotta sign him.
42:41 It's the one.
42:44 On paper, I'm running with the hare.
42:47 The tortoise, but who won the race?
42:50 Now, if you know this tale, this fable,
42:56 this parallel truth, you know why the hare lost.
43:00 But my goodness, the hare was the swift, not the tortoise.
43:06 But just because the hare is swift, or rabbit,
43:09 doesn't automatically mean he's winning the race.
43:14 How many Cinderella upsets have we seen in sports?
43:19 I mean, sports across the board,
43:24 even sports you don't care about, Cinderella upsets.
43:28 The team coming in was not supposed to win.
43:32 This team wasn't supposed to go to the finals.
43:35 This team wasn't supposed to win the championship.
43:38 How many times have we seen it happen?
43:40 How many times have we seen a boxing match?
43:44 We put our money on a particular fighter.
43:49 Like, this is gonna be no contest, and that fighter loses.
43:52 Why?
43:53 Well, the battle doesn't just automatically
43:56 go to the strong, right, or the favored, or the favorite,
44:00 or the one who seemingly has the most skill.
44:03 Watch this, time and chance happen to 'em all.
44:10 There's a old wise proverb in the sport of football,
44:15 any given Sunday.
44:19 Oh, how many of you remember those undefeated
44:26 16 and 0 New England Patriots?
44:29 Tom Brady at quarterback.
44:33 They had Randy Moss as a receiver.
44:38 16 and 0 in regular season.
44:42 Hadn't been done before.
44:43 The last time it was done,
44:43 there were only 14 games in a season.
44:45 Believe that was the Miami Dolphins in the '70s.
44:49 16 and 0, and then guess what?
44:52 Then they go to the playoffs, and they win their first game,
44:55 and they win their next game.
44:57 They're now 18 and 0, and it's time
45:00 to play in the Super Bowl.
45:03 And they encountered the Giants of New York.
45:07 (audience laughing)
45:10 Giants weren't supposed to win that.
45:14 Not on paper.
45:16 How you gonna beat the 16, 'cause the battle,
45:20 or the game isn't automatically to the strong.
45:23 Time and chance happen to 'em all.
45:25 Right, you ever ask yourself, what are the odds of?
45:33 (audience laughing)
45:36 You ever, does this happen to you?
45:39 You think in your mind, there are 365 days in a year.
45:43 365 days to work with, and three of y'all
45:46 had to have events on the same day.
45:48 (audience laughing)
45:51 52 weekends in the year, and 80 of y'all
45:55 had to have all your events in the same weekend.
45:57 What are the odds of that?
46:01 (audience laughing)
46:03 You ever ask yourself questions like that?
46:05 You ever ask yourself, are you serious?
46:10 Are you for real?
46:12 You gotta be kidding me.
46:14 'Cause time, watch this.
46:20 Oh, oh, oh, listen, listen.
46:22 We are connected to God, who is a God of destiny
46:27 and divine appointment, but we still operate,
46:30 watch this, in this world of chance,
46:34 which exists under the system of our adversary.
46:36 So watch this, I'm still in an environment
46:40 where there's chance, so for example,
46:42 destiny could be affecting me while chance is affecting you,
46:47 and then we encounter one another.
46:48 We live in this space where there's time and chance,
46:54 and it can happen to all of us.
46:57 Look at verse 12, for man also does not know his time.
47:01 We don't, we don't.
47:04 I'm believing God for a long life.
47:06 Matter of fact, I'm believing God for what's,
47:10 I know is not gonna happen.
47:11 I don't even know why I'm still believing God for it.
47:13 I wanna be taken out of here like Enoch and Elijah.
47:15 Just take me, take me alive.
47:16 I'm believing God for a long life, but I know,
47:25 once again, if the Lord tarries,
47:28 that I'm, I mean, I was headed to the grave
47:32 the moment I was born.
47:34 I didn't come into this world gaining life.
47:38 I came into this world starting the process of losing life.
47:43 This is why you gotta be born again.
47:46 Oh, because you gain eternal life when you're born again.
47:53 Look at this, for man also does not know his time,
47:56 like fish taken in a cruel net.
47:58 Do you think the fish woke up that morning?
48:00 Man, Rufus, I don't know why the fish is named Rufus,
48:10 but that's just what came to me in my spirit.
48:12 Fish named Rufus.
48:13 Rufus, what you got on the schedule for today?
48:18 Ah, Cleophas, pretty packed schedule.
48:23 And they both find themselves in a net,
48:26 and then on your plate.
48:28 You think they prepared for that?
48:29 You think they planned for that?
48:31 Like fish taken in a cruel, or birds caught in a snare.
48:35 Bird didn't wake up to be caught in a snare.
48:37 So the sons of men are snared in an evil time
48:42 when it falls subtly upon them.
48:44 Oh my gosh.
48:45 And this is, see, I couldn't do life without God.
48:49 You wanna know why?
48:50 Because I exist in an evil time.
48:53 What did Paul say about putting on the whole armor of God?
48:57 He said, "Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord
49:01 "and in the power of his might."
49:03 Put on the whole armor of God
49:07 that you may be able to what?
49:09 Stand against the wows of the devil.
49:12 But then he says, "Take up the whole armor of God
49:15 "so that you can withstand in the evil day."
49:19 Listen, every day is an evil day in the sense
49:28 that the days exist under a system run by the adversary.
49:33 Now we don't receive evil days for our lives.
49:36 We only receive the goodness of God.
49:38 So this is the day that the Lord has made.
49:41 And I'll rejoice and be glad in it.
49:43 Today is gonna be a good day in the name of Jesus.
49:47 But apart from Jesus, apart from the Holy Spirit,
49:51 apart from our God, every day is evil and subject to chance.
49:56 So the sons of men are snared in an evil time
50:03 when it falls subtly upon them.
50:05 And we all know we're the righteous, we're the just.
50:08 We know something's coming.
50:11 But it can still catch us off guard
50:13 in the sense that we didn't expect.
50:14 Listen, I guarantee you, I could not prepare for my back.
50:19 And I felt that, just like that.
50:22 Well, I shouldn't have even done that.
50:24 I felt that, that's what it felt like.
50:27 Right side of my back, just like.
50:28 In the shower, I'm like, ugh.
50:31 I couldn't have prepped for that
50:39 'cause I didn't know it was coming on that day.
50:42 And it was my hope it wasn't gonna come again.
50:45 And after this time, like I said, we're going to the doctor.
50:49 We're going to the doctor so we can find out what this is.
50:51 Some of us, we walk by faith blindly.
50:54 I'm believing God for, what you believing God for?
50:59 I don't exactly know.
51:01 It's something good and it's for my good.
51:06 I just don't know, I don't exactly, I don't know what it is.
51:10 What's wrong with your head? I don't know.
51:11 What's wrong with your back? I don't know.
51:12 What's wrong with your leg? I don't know.
51:14 I know it hurts.
51:15 I know I've gone to God about it.
51:16 But what is it specifically?
51:18 Names need to be called out
51:21 so they can submit to the name of Jesus.
51:24 Look at this.
51:30 Who had more wisdom than Solomon?
51:33 Name me one that you know
51:36 that had more wisdom than Solomon.
51:38 Matter of fact, didn't he say,
51:39 "A greater than Solomon is before you."
51:42 Matter of fact, the Bible pretty much tells us
51:46 that wisdom is Jesus, which means if Solomon had wisdom,
51:51 Solomon had Jesus, in the sense that Jesus is wisdom.
51:55 Which means Jesus has to have more wisdom than Solomon
51:57 because he's the embodiment of wisdom.
52:00 Well, guess what Jesus said.
52:01 Look at Matthew chapter five.
52:07 (sighs)
52:09 43.
52:13 Matthew 5, 43.
52:20 Watch this.
52:21 "You have heard that it was said,
52:21 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'"
52:24 That's right, Jesus, 'cause the word said
52:26 it's a time for love and a time for hate.
52:28 No.
52:31 Jesus said, "But I say to you, love your enemies."
52:33 Woo.
52:33 And do I need to remind you again?
52:38 "That your enemy is not your brother in Christ."
52:41 You said vengeance is yours, Lord, get him.
52:47 And don't even realize, "I, your child,
52:53 "know that your word, Lord, your word, Father,
52:56 "says vengeance is yours, so go get your other child."
53:00 That's not your enemy.
53:05 Maybe you're not vibing right now.
53:07 Maybe you're not seeing eye to eye right now.
53:09 "But your fellow brother in the Lord,"
53:11 and when I say brother, that includes sisters.
53:13 That's not your enemy.
53:16 Your enemies are outside of the body of Christ.
53:19 Those are your, "I say to you, love your enemies,
53:22 "bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you,
53:24 "and pray for those who spitefully use you
53:26 "and persecute you."
53:28 This stuff goes a long way.
53:29 This stuff goes a, pull up into the gas station,
53:35 and you didn't see the person,
53:37 but you pulled up to the pump before they did.
53:40 They were there first.
53:41 They rolled down that window.
53:42 They let you have it, creatively cussing.
53:46 You know how you respond to that?
53:50 By their gas.
53:52 Watch what happens.
53:53 Watch what happens to 'em.
53:56 Best friend in two seconds.
53:59 Look at this, verse 45.
54:02 This is what I want us to focus on,
54:04 and then we can quit for today.
54:06 "That you may be sons of your Father in heaven,
54:08 "for he makes his son rise on the evil and on the good."
54:13 You mean the evil and the good
54:14 experience the rising of the sun?
54:16 "And sends rain on the," what?
54:19 The just and the unjust?
54:23 Time and chance happen to everybody.
54:27 Just and the unjust experience rain.
54:32 Evil and the good experience the sun,
54:35 and the moon, and so many other things.
54:38 So watch this.
54:42 We live in this realm of season and time.
54:44 Contained in seasons happen to be time,
54:50 and time happens to run through seasons.
54:52 There are some things, ah, watch this,
54:57 some things you can't control.
55:02 You have to accept what you can't control,
55:04 and focus on with intent what you can control.
55:10 All those times we read,
55:15 there are some things we can control,
55:17 and some things we can contribute to,
55:19 but not all of it.
55:19 Just can't.
55:22 I cannot control
55:26 how you respond to what I say to you.
55:30 - Amen.
55:31 - I can't control your reaction,
55:34 I can't control your response,
55:35 you can't control my reaction,
55:36 you can't control my response,
55:38 but you can control what you do to me,
55:41 and towards me, and what comes out of your mouth.
55:43 You have to focus on what you can control,
55:47 you put the rest in the hands of God.
55:49 Father, we thank you for your word,
55:53 it's life and truth, it will not,
55:54 it cannot return to you void,
55:56 but it will accomplish what it set out to do,
55:57 it will prosper where it's sent,
55:59 and I thank you that the seed of the word
56:01 has indeed gone forth,
56:02 it's been planted into the hearts of all who have heard,
56:09 all who are watching at home,
56:10 or wherever they are.
56:13 Your word be, your word is,
56:20 it will not and cannot return to you void,
56:23 but it will accomplish what it set out to do,
56:26 it'll prosper where it's sent,
56:27 and I thank you that the seed of the word
56:29 has gone forth, it's been planted into the hearts
56:31 of all who are present, and all who are watching,
56:34 and there will be a harvest of that word in their hearts,
56:38 it'll be seen in their lives,
56:39 in the name of the Lord Jesus.
56:42 Thank you, Holy Spirit, for making the end of the world
56:52 a place of peace, a place of joy,
56:54 a place of peace, a place of joy,
56:57 making the invitations I'll mention in just a moment
57:00 available to the people.
57:01 If you don't know the Savior,
57:05 there's only one way to the Father,
57:08 the Savior himself said it,
57:09 I am the way, the truth, and the life,
57:11 no one gets to the Father except through me.
57:14 If you wanna see God, you have to see Jesus first,
57:25 and you can see him today, you can know him today,
57:28 whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
