Argentine candidates debated on economy and human rights

  • last year
The candidates for the presidency of Argentina, Sergio Massa of Unión por la Patria, Javier Milei (La Libertad Avanza), Patricia Bullrich (Juntos por el Cambio), Myriam Bregman (Frente de Izquierda) and Juan Schiaretti (Hacemos por Nuestro País) held on Sunday the first mandatory debate ahead of the elections of October 22. teleSUR


00:00 On Sunday night, Argentina held the first debate between the five presidential candidates.
00:04 The economic issue was the main topic, which caused strong clashes and the contempt of
00:08 the ultra-right for the democratic pact shocked the audience.
00:10 The debate, organized by the National Electoral Chamber at the National University of Santiago
00:15 del Estero, had a record audience in four blocks on issues of economy, education, human
00:21 rights and co-existence, in addition to the questions between Sergio Massa from Unión
00:25 por la Patria, Javier Millet from La Libertad Avanza, Patricia Bulrich from Juntos por el
00:30 Cambio, Miriam Bregman from Frente de Izquierda Unida and Juan Chiaretti from Hacemos por
00:35 Nuestro País.
00:36 The meeting took place and reached the highest peaks of confrontation when they discussed
00:41 economic programs.
