WATCH: The Women Of ‘Crowned’ Discuss Brand New Talk Series

  • last year
The debut of ‘Crowned’ premieres October 2 at 12:00AM EST on In The Black Network.
00:00 - Kendra is single and...
00:01 - Ah, girl, don't put that on my life.
00:03 - No!
00:04 - Don't put that on my life.
00:05 - She's not available.
00:06 - Don't put that on my life.
00:07 - I'm available.
00:08 - I'm sorry, guys.
00:08 - She got a man.
00:09 - Don't put that on my life.
00:10 - That's a single.
00:11 - That is not true.
00:12 - Kendra got a man at home.
00:13 - Shit, child.
00:13 - But I am accepted at my K-Singles shows.
00:16 (upbeat music)
00:19 - My name is Opal.
00:21 It's a pleasure to be speaking with y'all.
00:24 So I wanna congratulate you guys on the new show.
00:26 And for my first question is actually for you,
00:29 Miss Vivica, how does it feel to be back
00:32 in the talk show space?
00:33 - Excellent, excellent.
00:35 I couldn't be more grateful to James DuBose,
00:39 who is the creator of In The Black Network,
00:43 that when Cocktails With Queens ended,
00:46 which we were sad about,
00:49 and we do miss our other two sisters,
00:51 but the fact that Selena and I are here
00:54 with two beautiful new ladies
00:56 from different perspectives of life,
00:58 I was thrilled when I got the call from James
01:01 saying, "Girl, we back."
01:03 (all laughing)
01:05 - So this actually is a question for you and Selena.
01:08 How did you guys connect
01:09 with the In The Black Network initiative?
01:11 - Well, like Vivica said, Cocktails With The Queens was,
01:15 well, In The Black is kind of,
01:16 I don't wanna say continuation,
01:19 but it was the next chapter of James DuBose's journey
01:23 as a general manager and CEO of a network.
01:26 And In The Black Network is his baby.
01:29 It is black-owned from the top to the bottom.
01:32 And so our connection is through James.
01:35 James is the face of In The Black Network.
01:38 And so because we have worked with him for so many years
01:40 and we know him so well,
01:42 and it's like a family, you know what I'm saying?
01:44 So that connection is bonded through the many years
01:49 of friendship and business.
01:52 Very, very, like Vivica said, very excited, very happy,
01:55 and very grateful for James DuBose.
01:57 - So Kendra, I wanted to speak to you about this.
02:00 - Uh-oh.
02:01 - How do you, (laughs)
02:04 How do you feel about the representation of black women
02:06 in the talk show space
02:07 and where do you see it going in the future?
02:09 - Oh, I love it.
02:10 You know what?
02:11 I think that when you turn on television,
02:12 I wanna show love to my journalist media sister,
02:15 Sherri Shepherd, Jennifer Hudson, Tamron Hall.
02:19 Like three black women have their own talk shows.
02:22 That's incredible.
02:23 There was a time when you couldn't be that complexion
02:26 and running the daytime TV,
02:28 but you know, black women run the world.
02:30 So I'm not surprised 'cause I've been,
02:31 I know that black women run the world my whole entire life.
02:35 So I just think that it's an awesome space right now
02:37 that black women voices are being heard,
02:40 especially in the daytime space.
02:42 And we got the nighttime space covered.
02:43 - Absolutely.
02:44 We premiere October 2nd.
02:46 - Yes.
02:47 - In the black network, in the black network dot TV.
02:49 - Yes.
02:49 - So at midnight, catch us every Monday, baby.
02:53 - Stay up.
02:54 - All new episodes.
02:55 - I will.
02:56 - And if you miss us at midnight,
02:57 just tune in whenever you want,
02:58 'cause we're gonna be streaming.
02:59 - Yeah, 'cause it's streaming.
02:59 - On all platforms. - You can tune in.
03:00 - Yep.
03:01 - Chanel, here's my next question for you.
03:04 They spoke about "Cocktails with the Queens"
03:06 and there are a lot of other talk shows
03:09 on air in the past and everything.
03:11 How do you feel "Crowned" would differ from other talk shows?
03:15 - I think personal experience.
03:16 I think that is the common thread that I keep hearing
03:19 as we do these interviews is that
03:21 we're giving you a glimpse of our own personal lives,
03:23 something that people don't share today.
03:25 People cover up so much, but we're allowing you guys in.
03:29 You'll get a glimpse of some of our own personal experiences.
03:32 For me in particular, I like to talk about relationships
03:36 and I talk about it from the perspective of my inability
03:39 to sustain healthy relationship and desiring that,
03:43 but wanting to do it in a healthy way.
03:45 So you'll be able to get the different perspectives
03:48 from the different ladies, you know,
03:49 up here on this platform.
03:51 Everybody's in a different space in their lives.
03:54 Kendra is single and...
03:55 - Ah, girl, don't put that on my life.
03:57 - Girl, don't put that on my life.
03:59 - She's unavailable.
04:01 I'm sorry, guys.
04:02 - She got a man.
04:02 - Don't put that on my life.
04:03 - That's a single.
04:04 - Yeah, same.
04:05 - That's true.
04:06 - Kendra got a man at home.
04:07 - She's shy.
04:07 - But I am accepted at my camp.
04:08 - I keep thinking about the single shows.
04:11 So I keep thinking about the single shows.
04:13 - She's unavailable.
04:15 - Kendra G, for the record,
04:17 Kendra G is unavailable.
04:21 Selena's married.
04:22 - I have a baby daddy.
04:23 - She has a baby daddy.
04:24 And Vivica is single and happy, right?
04:28 And I'm single and desiring to want to be in a relationship.
04:30 So I think that's what the Vigos
04:32 will be able to gain from "Crowned."
04:34 - So Selena, in recent years,
04:36 you've become a veteran in the talk show space.
04:39 I wanted to know how your preparation differed
04:43 from preparing for episode of "Crowned,"
04:45 as opposed to preparing for a live performance as a singer.
04:48 If at all.
04:49 - Okay.
04:50 Well, I'm gonna be completely honest with you.
04:53 Preparing for a live performance as a singer is much harder,
04:58 much more intricate.
04:59 It requires much more, not much more,
05:02 a different kind of energy.
05:05 With the talk show space, I find it refreshing.
05:07 And I find it a way for me to release
05:10 because of the stressors that I encounter
05:13 on a day-to-day basis from the music business
05:16 and from my music career.
05:18 So when I'm able to share my emotions
05:21 with other black women who are successful
05:24 and work every single day and have the same stressors,
05:28 it is a release.
05:29 It's like a therapy for me.
05:30 It's therapeutic. - Say that, yeah.
05:31 - Yeah, so I'm really, really blessed
05:34 that I'm able to bounce between the two successfully.
05:37 And I'm actually thrilled
05:40 that I have the opportunity to do that
05:43 because I know a lot of my singing sisters,
05:45 they may not have that opportunity.
05:46 So I'm really blessed to have this opportunity.
05:49 - And can I just piggyback off of that,
05:50 that when Selena and I, yesterday,
05:53 we were here for rehearsals,
05:54 we just kept hugging each other
05:56 'cause we've been really wanting to get in the studio for,
06:00 I mean, 'cause we did "Cocktails with Queens"
06:01 for almost three years.
06:02 So we're so thrilled for everyone
06:04 to see us all here together.
06:06 That's what's definitely gonna be the different dynamic
06:09 of "Crowned" is that we're in person with each other.
06:12 Being in that little box, it was something else.
06:15 But we made it through the pandemic together.
06:17 - We got people through the pandemic too.
06:19 - Yes, we did. - Yeah.
06:20 - Because no one, everything shut down
06:22 and they were able to come somewhere again,
06:25 a safe space to emote, to be whatever, to say whatever.
06:29 So that's what we hope to do this,
06:30 but do for here, but in person.
06:32 - Anyone can answer this question
06:34 or all of you can ask this question,
06:35 but what can viewers expect
06:36 from the inaugural episode of "Crowned"?
06:38 - First of all, we're going to have
06:40 the amazing Layla Hathaway. - Yes.
06:42 - We have musical guests. - We have musical guests as well.
06:45 - That's something also different.
06:45 - Two fabulous fashions, as you can see, G'd Up.
06:49 We gonna be G'd Up every show.
06:51 And enlightenment and encouragement and fun.
06:56 And as Selena said, a safe place
06:58 that if you wanna cry, laugh, we gonna be doing it all.
07:02 - 'Cause baby, I'm gonna be crying down up here.
07:03 I can already. - Girl, your makeup's
07:05 so good, you can't be crying.
07:06 - You know I don't care.
07:07 I'm gonna be crying there.
07:08 It's gonna be like, "I need to feel my way."
07:09 - A damn adieu, a damn adieu.
07:11 - But I just wanna say this last thing
07:13 because everyone's asked us and I've just not been
07:15 remembering to say this.
07:17 We do have musical guests every show.
07:20 And that is something that sets us apart
07:22 from some of the other shows.
07:25 Like in conjunction with our conversation,
07:27 we have musical guests that also may even be able
07:30 to tag in in the conversation.
07:32 So that's very different.
07:33 You haven't seen that yet.
07:34 - Yeah, and don't forget to go to
07:38 for all the details.
07:39 October 2nd is our premiere date.
07:41 Midnight, but you can wake up at nine o'clock
07:43 in the morning and still tune in, child.
07:44 We're gonna go according to your schedule.
07:47 So, October 2nd.
07:51 - Well, ladies, thank you.
07:52 I appreciate y'all.
07:53 I'm looking forward to the show
07:54 and y'all have a great day.
07:55 - You too.
07:56 (upbeat music)
07:58 (upbeat music)
