FOX _ Friends 10_2_23 FULL SHOW _ BREAKING NEWS TODAY October 2, 2023
00:00 now so I turned it on and I end up watching it all the way
00:02 there is I am like those millions of women that are
00:06 watching and shooting those ratings through the roof did
00:08 you watch last night I watch some of it, but was like 1130
00:11 and you really got to get up into and really could be been
00:14 to panic but I would say this I mean if you do want to focus
00:18 on the game and maybe you don't.
00:19 >> Zach Wilson to Joe Namath said should quit sports.
00:24 >> And just you know play something else and guy goes so
00:27 suits he was young how does he he's 1118. He does he does look
00:32 really young turn around yeah, and he did and down with 17
00:36 nothing came all the way back. I just thought some of the
00:38 passes he hit were unbelievable with the pressure he was under
00:42 and also the coach so I think that even though Kansas City
00:45 wins on the road right. I think the jets will the jet showed a
00:50 lot less well you got to come back right until that fumble at
00:53 the end and then I took blame they were so yeah absolutely
00:57 but the fact just the fact that you are watching I was talking
01:00 to my daughter Mary down in Washington. She said it was
01:04 about 8.15 she could I cannot believe I'm about to watch
01:08 Sunday Night Football. Her husband Marshall watches
01:11 everything that she sat down and she watched and every time
01:14 oh look there's there's Blake Lively there's Ryan Reynolds
01:19 there's says some other celebrity that's all we need is
01:23 to destroy football with all this.
01:25 >> I look at this the actual call.
01:33 >> It's like she never been. It's just too much.
01:38 >> And Donna Kelsey was with the Jake from State Farm by
01:42 the way when we're watching the game last night every
01:43 commercial it seemed was either for Taylor Swift in her concert
01:47 or it was a commercial with one of the Kelsey boys and but
01:51 let's get to some of the news what's happening in California
01:53 and Einstein when yeah, there's the State Farm guys names Kevin
01:57 miles and he's been in the commercial with with that
02:01 Travis Kelsey so Gavin Newsom out in California. He was very
02:04 close to dying find sign in fact she meant toward him they
02:08 were both from San Francisco and he became she was governor
02:11 and then he became governor as you know he appointed someone
02:14 to fill her seat and her name is Lafonza Butler she was an
02:18 advisor to Kamala Harris back in 2020 when Kamala was running
02:22 for president she's a big Democratic strategist so the
02:24 thing is he said.
02:25 >> I'm not going to put anybody up for this office is a
02:28 temporary replacement. A seat filler if Diane Feinstein is
02:32 unable to continue if they are a candidate. He said it would
02:36 not be fair so Katie Porter. Barbara Lee and Adam Schiff
02:41 are not eligible so he won and tap this staffer with the
02:47 vice president Kamala Harris so she'll hope be a place center,
02:51 but it's not clear if she still wants a job so she is not
02:54 necessarily signing on to him, I promise not to run which was
02:58 the criteria Lawrence well she she also runs in the list.
03:02 They're known for supporting pro-choice candidates, she's
03:07 not really a politician, but she's one that gets them
03:11 elected. She's a strategist. It's going to be interesting to
03:15 see how this work maybe she gets in the job. A's Lee and
03:19 decides that she likes it she likes the other side of
03:21 politics but traditionally and I've seen her work for a while.
03:25 She's been behind the scenes crafting messages for the
03:29 Democrats.
03:30 >> Well apparently according to political this morning there is
03:34 no restriction if she wants to run she absolutely could
03:38 apparently it's not a necessary necessarily a short-term
03:41 appointment. Gavin Newsom did not put any pressure on her to
03:45 run in 2024. He did go last night to X and posted this
03:50 regarding the announcement. I'm proud to announce
03:53 California's new U.S. senator LaFonza Butler as we mourn the
03:56 enormous loss of Dianne Feinstein the very freedoms she
04:00 fought for reproductive freedom equal protection and safety
04:04 from gun violence have never been under greater assault.
04:08 LaFonza has spent her entire career fighting for women and
04:11 girls and has been a fierce advocate for working people.
04:14 She will make history becoming the first black lesbian to
04:17 openly serve in the U.S. Senate from her time as president of
04:21 Emily's list to leading the state's largest labor union.
04:24 She has always stood up for what is right and what has led her
04:27 heart and her values. There is just one problem you know
04:32 given the fact that she's been a political a strategist and
04:35 activists essentially.
04:37 She doesn't live in the district she doesn't live in
04:39 the state right now, but I just looked it up. You just have to
04:42 live in the state at the time the election it's not an
04:45 election is an appointment so apparently she's going to wind
04:49 up registering to vote in California.
04:51 >> Was expected to be sworn into the Senate on Wednesday by
04:56 Kamala Harris her old friend and according to the AP it says
05:00 Butler currently lives in Maryland. According to her
05:03 Emily's list biography and Izzy garden a spokesperson. For new
05:08 some said that Butler owns a home in California and like you
05:11 said Steve she's expected to re registered to vote in
05:14 California before being so she'd be eligible, I'm surprised
05:17 that it happened so fast. Yeah, I mean I actually was Barbara
05:21 Lee. Maybe I'm too old school shouldn't we have a morning
05:25 period shouldn't she be actually. Well, there. It's a
05:29 minute it just seems so so fast just a moment to breathe and
05:33 let the funeral happen. I don't know. Yeah, this is a matter
05:37 it's so they wait for Diane Feinstein forever to come back.
05:41 When you came back she had dementia so they're looking to
05:44 make that seat effective.
05:46 >> Because had there been a government shutdown on Saturday
05:49 night, you know, and it suddenly.
05:51 The Democrats and the Republicans would have had
05:53 exactly the same thing.
05:55 >> I mean I think it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a
05:58 have had exactly the same number of people in the chamber that would have been a disaster.
06:02 So they were able to avoid that. The Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy is expected to
06:06 stay in office despite calls from Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz to oust him.
06:11 Alexandra Hoff is live from Washington. The House of Republicans now turn their attention
06:15 to get rid of Gaetz. What's that about, Alexandra?
06:18 Well, it's a lot of chaos that's following an already chaotic weekend. And because of
06:23 the concession made by Speaker McCarthy in the process of entering the position, all
06:26 it takes is one member of Congress to file a motion to vacate. Congressman Matt Gaetz
06:31 said that he plans to do just that this week. It would force a House vote. And if Gaetz
06:35 has enough backing, he could, in theory, remove McCarthy from his post.
06:42 This isn't personal. This is about spending. This is about the deal Kevin made in January.
06:46 I do resent the fact that Kevin is, like, owned by lobbyists and special interests.
06:52 Well, sources now tell Fox News that a group of Republican lawmakers will move to oust
06:56 Gaetz if he is not cleared of wrongdoing in an ongoing Ethics Committee investigation
07:00 into him. A source saying this about the Florida Congressman, quote, "No one can stand him
07:05 at this point, a smart guy without morals." Speaker McCarthy says he'll make it out of
07:10 Gaetz's effort against him.
07:13 Yes, I'll survive. You know, this is personal with Matt. Matt voted against the most conservative
07:20 ability to protect our border, secure our border. He's more interested in securing TV
07:26 interviews than doing something.
07:29 We are going to hear more from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy coming up in a live interview
07:32 at 8 o'clock. And it's going to be really interesting to hear his take on the effort
07:36 to remove Congressman Gaetz, since it would risk the GOP's already razor-thin majority
07:41 in the House.
07:42 Guys.
07:43 So, I'm confused. Kevin McCarthy says it is personal, and Matt Gaetz said it was not personal.
07:48 But it kind of goes to the whole House ethics investigation, because Matt Gaetz had said
07:53 publicly, or rather, Kevin McCarthy had said publicly that he feels that it is because
07:59 he, the Speaker, did not get involved in that ethics investigation, right?
08:04 Yeah, you're right. And he said that he can't. I mean, this was something started back in
08:08 2021 before he held his position, before Republicans held the majority. But the investigation is
08:13 ongoing. It continues. So if this doesn't turn out that Gaetz is cleared, there is this
08:17 group of Republicans saying, "We're going to have to get rid of you."
08:21 Thanks, Alexandria. Here's the question. Right now, will both sides go over to the Democrats
08:26 and say, "Help me out"? Will Matt Gaetz go over and go to AOC and the squad and say,
08:31 "Listen, you don't like Kevin McCarthy, do you? Because I'm going to make a big speech
08:34 saying that he sold out the Republican caucus, but for a different reason, do you want to
08:38 get rid of him now?"
08:39 Who would step in? He said, "Well, I don't want to insult Steve Scalise, who's dealing
08:42 with blood cancer right now, but I guess that would be his pick."
08:45 Other people say Tom Emmers. The problem is there's very little movement outside Matt
08:49 Gaetz to get rid of Kevin McCarthy because it doesn't seem like Kevin McCarthy is the
08:54 problem. If you want to go to the bottom of this, and I'll ask him this in two hours,
08:57 of why those appropriation bills weren't done to put out there, no matter how good or bad
09:01 they were, if they were out, then Democrats, the Senate would have had to deal with it
09:07 and then see what happened in conference. But for some reason, they could not get it
09:10 done by this date. Therefore, they had to go to a plan B. And by the time they were
09:15 done, there was a plan E, and they finally had to do a deal with Democrats in order to
09:19 keep the government open.
09:20 But that's still a problem. I understand the personal aspect that Matt Gaetz has made this,
09:29 but Kevin McCarthy didn't make a promise to the Freedom Caucus that those 13 appropriation
09:33 bills were going to come out. In fairness, he did not keep that commitment.
09:38 But what about the committee chairman?
09:39 Come out one at a time.
09:40 Yeah, what about the committee chairman? Did they do anything? Is Kevin McCarthy going
09:44 to wipe their noses?
09:45 They just have to figure this out. Republicans don't like the infighting, and we're going
09:49 to have Kevin McCarthy on the show to talk about this. AOC did say over the weekend that
09:54 she would support getting rid of Kevin McCarthy.
09:57 All right. So also over the weekend, the government did not shut down. They voted to extend it
10:03 for another 45 days. But this is the headline in the New York Post this morning. Does this
10:08 look like a door handle? Because Congressman Bowman, during the middle of that vote, he
10:13 was trying to get out and wanted to leave out of the emergency door. You probably saw
10:18 this over the weekend. And he pulled fire alarms. So Republicans are saying he did that
10:23 just to shut down the government or make them avoid a vote or so everyone would leave.
10:28 Right. Because he pulled the fire alarm just as the House Democrats were trying to delay
10:32 the vote. So they're trying to delay the vote. And he pulls that thing. He was a high school
10:38 principal. He knows what the fire. No, he knows what a fire alarm looks like. There's
10:42 one in every school in the world.
10:44 They teach the kids not to pull them.
10:46 Well, you don't. Well, you know what you do if there's a fire? You don't pull it to open
10:51 the door. Does that look like it? Does that look like a thing you pull to open the door?
10:56 Here's a statement they put out Saturday after he got caught because the House Republicans,
11:01 of course, run the House of Representatives and the House released the video, the image
11:06 of him pulling the fire alarm.
11:08 He the congressman said today, as I was rushing to make a vote, I came to a door that is usually
11:15 open for votes, but today would not open. I am embarrassed to admit that I activated
11:20 the fire alarm mistakenly thinking it would open the door. I want to be very clear. This
11:26 was not me in any way trying to delay the vote.
11:29 But he did delay the vote. And that is not what you pull to open a door. Come on, Congressman.
11:34 So answering to your point, what do you teach the children? He used to run a school. He
11:39 ran the Cornerstone Academy for Social Action. And in their code of conduct, they have these
11:45 rules and consequences. So if you pull the fire alarm when it's not supposed to, there's
11:51 two levels. There's level five and level six. Level five . . . .
11:54 This is at the school.
11:55 . . . . you get suspended for ten days. If it's level six, there's long-term suspension,
12:01 and you can get expelled for the entire year from the school. So to your point, he educated
12:08 our kids for a long time. Shouldn't he play by the same rules that he held them to?
12:15 How did you get the handbook from the school? That's very impressive.
12:19 The fire department shows up. I mean, that's a huge fine. The question is, there's going
12:23 to be an investigation by Capitol Police. Are they going to ask for his phone? Did Hakeem
12:26 Jeffries text him and say, "We need a delay"? Pull the fire alarm. Was that his own brainstorm?
12:32 And Nicole Malia Takis wants to pass a measure to get him ousted and fired in particular.
12:37 So the socialist from New York who tends to stand on the steps and scream at everybody
12:41 now finds himself in front and center. Nobody buys his explanation. What an embarrassment
12:46 that is. And then you have AOC. I guess we're not going to play it, but AOC says, for her,
12:51 it makes perfect sense.
12:53 In a moment of panic.
12:54 Yeah, in a moment of panic. Yeah, I couldn't get out the door. Now all of a sudden after
12:58 500 plus votes, he can't figure out how to get in to vote.
13:01 We joke about this, Steve, but I think the larger point is you've got people that are
13:05 locked up for preventing government proceedings going on. Some people that weren't even there
13:12 that are spending 30 years in prison. If your standard is the same, should he play by the
13:19 same rules? Now, look, I'm not saying I'm a fan of all the J6s that went there. They
13:24 broke the law. There should be consequences. But a lot of civil libertarians say, does
13:28 the punishment fit the crime? And if that is their standard, does this member of Congress
13:33 have to play by those same rules?
13:35 Right. A lot of people agree with you, Lawrence. Even Donald Trump was saying the same thing.
13:39 Plus, what does it say about the competence of this member of Congress if he said, I didn't
13:46 know how to open the door essentially without a staff member there? Usually the staff members
13:50 say, OK, let's go this way. Push the elevator button, stuff like that. Without a staff member,
13:54 he can't open a door.
13:56 I mean, it says fire. Right. Says fire. You pull it if there's a fire. And those ropes
14:02 are just crazy. I mean, what is it? Well, excuse me. Thinks it was like, you know, the
14:07 handicap buttons on the side. I mean, is that what he thought? He says he made a mistake.
14:11 There's going to be an investigation. Let's hope they get to the bottom of it. And maybe
14:14 he'll say, you know what? I was trying to say, you know, there were cameras there. Exactly.
14:19 That was his mistake. And if he were a Republican, what would happen to him? There are cameras
14:23 actually. CNN would have taken commercials. That's right. 24 hours. Anyway, let's see
14:27 what happens to the congressman. Meanwhile, the plus a record month at the southern border
14:31 in September. As we learn, more than six million migrants have crossed under Biden's watch.
14:39 And Elon Musk's visit to the border has. We are back with your headlines starting with
14:43 America's crime crisis. A San Francisco store clerk is set on fire by a cereal shoplifter
14:48 after he tried to stop him from stealing for a third time in one day. The suspected thief
14:54 reportedly doused the worker in stolen lighter fluid before setting him on fire. He's now
15:00 suffering from second and third degree burns on his face, neck and chest. Police arrested
15:05 the suspect charging charging him with assault with a deadly weapon, battery, arson and robbery.
15:11 God bless that man right there. New overnight former President Trump unleashing on New York
15:16 Justice Arthur N. Goran posting on Truth Social, quote, He should resign from the bench and
15:21 be sanctioned by the courts for his abuse of power and his intentional and criminal
15:27 interference with the presidential election of twenty twenty four. The former president
15:31 is expected to appear in a New York City court this morning for the first day of arguments
15:36 and his two hundred and fifty million dollar civil fraud trial. He's accused of inflating
15:41 his assets to secure business deals, a charge which he denies. Go to Mark Hamlin making
15:47 his season debut for his first game actions and suffering a cardiac arrest on the field
15:53 last December. Bill's able to capitalize on the extra motion beating the Dolphins forty
15:58 eight to twenty and to Philadelphia. Take a look at this catch from Eagles wide receiver
16:03 Devante Smith going all the way up to get it for the long gain. Eagles beat commanders
16:09 in overtime thirty four to thirty one and to New York. Aaron Rodgers showing up to support
16:14 his team following the season ending Achilles injury. He suffered. He's also gotten surgery
16:20 for that. The Jets put up a valiant effort for Patrick Mahomes sealed the game with this
16:26 late scramble in the Jets. Twenty three to twenty. Much to the enjoyment of Taylor Swift
16:33 and Mama Kelsey. You saw them hugging their all eyes. We're on that box. Taylor Swift
16:40 Carly. One of them were hugging. Mama didn't hug it back. You didn't think so. I thought
16:43 that she liked that Taylor was there. I told him last week. Mama went looking at her and
16:49 she was she was going crazy and Mama Taylor was more out of control than Travis. Kelsey
16:55 was on his podcast and he said that everybody in the box love Taylor Swift and thought that
17:00 she was so sweet. Yeah. I don't think there's any drama there. But that's just me. Just
17:04 watch Mama. That's all I'm going to say. Thanks. Mama might love her, but say, you know what?
17:09 It's been three or four weeks. Take it easy. Take it slowly. Bring it in a little. Yeah.
17:14 Thank you so much. You're very welcome. Today starts the new fiscal year at the southern
17:18 border and we are being reminded how grim the crisis has become. So CBP sources say
17:24 migrants encountered exceeded 260,000 in September, the highest month on record. And
17:30 the latest fiscal year encounters were nearly 2.5 million. Joining us now is president of
17:36 the National Border Patrol Council, Brandon Judd. Brandon, it's good to see you this morning.
17:39 Thanks so much for joining us. You know, you're in Arizona. You guys are seeing it. Obviously,
17:45 in my home state of Texas, we're seeing it. What do you think needs to happen to get this
17:50 under control right now? It's strictly about policy. If we had the proper policy, we could
17:57 stop this immediately. It's like a light switch. If we are able to do our jobs, if we're able
18:02 to deport people, if we're able to hold people into custody rather than rewarding them by
18:06 releasing them into the United States, people will stop coming. So it strictly comes down
18:10 to policy. And by the way, Lawrence, that doesn't cost the taxpayer. That doesn't cost
18:15 taxpayer a penny. It's all free. We could do this without pushing this on to the taxpayer.
18:21 But this administration does not have the political will to do what's necessary to stop
18:25 this this flood of people coming into the United States. Brandon, why do you think that
18:29 is? I mean, millions and millions and millions, I believe it's more than six million, have
18:34 come across during this administration alone. There's several reasons, unfortunately, Ainsley.
18:42 One is that this administration constantly panders to open border activists. All you
18:46 have to do is look at the West Wing, look at the number of people that are in the West
18:50 Wing that come from open border activists positions. Look at the people, the political
18:54 appointees and DHS. They also come from open border activists positions. Then, of course,
18:59 you look at what happened in Washington, D.C. when they passed the law to allow anybody
19:03 to vote as long as you live within the district. It doesn't matter whether you're a legal citizen.
19:09 It doesn't matter where you come from. Everything is about open border activists. And that's
19:13 what this administration panders to. Brandon, you know, I've been seeing some folks push
19:18 back against the Border Patrol agents for cutting the wire. Can you explain to the audience
19:23 that don't know the policy and procedures that you guys go through on the ground? What
19:28 happens and why you guys are being told that you have to cut the wire? Yeah, it comes down
19:34 to to the law, not just policies and procedures, although that does play a part. Once somebody
19:39 crosses the border illegally and is in the United States, they made an illegal act. And
19:44 once that act takes place, we have to take those individuals into custody. So if they're
19:49 standing on the other side of the razor wire, we have to get them across that to be able
19:54 to take them into custody, facilitate the arrest of those individuals and process them
19:58 for the deportation proceedings. So every single time you see that picture, you have
20:02 to remember the Border Patrol agents are only following the law in taking these individuals
20:07 into custody that violated our laws. Well, Brandon, you've been coming on Fox and Friends
20:12 for years and we talk about it. Now I'm watching some other channels and I'm noticing they're
20:17 starting to talk about it. One hundred million people watch that Elon Musk video when he
20:20 was touring down in your home state, Lawrence. So maybe people are starting to get interested
20:24 and learning more about this issue. Maybe we can fix the problem and save all those
20:28 lives. I mean, they're children and women that are that are being abused. Thank you
20:32 so much, Brandon. Thank you, Ainsley. Thank you, Lawrence. We appreciate it. So, Ainsley,
20:38 coming up, fire at the speedway, how an entire fuel can a fuel can caught on fire on NASCAR
20:46 pit road. Fuel caught on fire. OK, but first it is Halloween month. Get your costume, Lawrence.
20:52 But what isn't what's frightening the Democrats? It's this. I'm going to be in Philadelphia
20:59 on October 9th to make a major announcement. If you've been waiting to come to one of my
21:03 public events, this will be the one to come to. I don't know if we read this. OK, RFK
21:10 Junior could run as an independent while he literally does a backflip thanking people
21:15 for their support. Our independent voter panel reacts to the potential third party threat.
21:21 They're next. Line starting with this, a judge is ordering New York. State to pay nearly
21:33 four hundred and fifty thousand dollars to the National Rifle Association. This comes
21:37 more than a year after the Supreme Court ruled that the Empire State's public carry licensing
21:43 law was unconstitutional in June twenty twenty two. The NRA telling Fox News Digital this
21:48 triumph has fortified the Second Amendment in an unprecedented manner. And we continue
21:54 our unrelenting fight to uphold our rights and challenge those who endeavor to infringe
21:59 upon them. A literal fiery moment during yesterday's NASCAR race at Talladega Super Speedway, an
22:08 oil can catching fire in the middle of Pit Road, causing the race to be delayed momentarily.
22:14 Wow. Fortunately, every driver was able to deny the can as it burst into. Flames racing
22:22 continued after the blaze was quickly extinguished, you could see them trying to get it under
22:27 control right there. Those are your headlines, Brian. Over to you. All right. Thanks, Carly.
22:30 All your favor. Meanwhile, this Democratic presidential candidate RFK Junior teasing
22:35 a major announcement and speculation that he will run as an independent. He denies.
22:44 I'm going to be in Philadelphia on October 9th to make a major announcement. I'm not
22:49 going to tell you right now exactly what that announcement will be. I can say, though, that
22:55 if you've been waiting to come to one of my public events, this will be the one to come
22:59 to. Oh, wow. Here we go. Let's ask our panel of independent voters who I distracted during
23:04 that soundbite and find out what they think. Dennis Richmond, Jr. is back again. And Dominic
23:08 Ciccarelli is here. They're both undecided independents. First off. Welcome, guys. RFK
23:13 gets in. You know, he's getting 15, 20 percent on the Democratic ticket, but can't get on
23:18 a primary unless he wants to pay for it, they say. He says he's going to do this independently.
23:24 What do you think about this? I think that the Democrats trying to silence him really
23:28 shows the threat he has with his ideas. I think he does have a name recognition where
23:33 he'll grab votes from both sides. And I think it's a success for him whether he wins or
23:38 loses, because I think he's really going to impact the election. Dennis, the theory is
23:41 when you have an independent, when you have an outsider, it hurts Democrats. Is that the
23:47 case here? I think that when you have an outsider like RFK, it's going to hurt both parties.
23:53 I think that you're going to have folks on both sides equally. I think you're going to
23:56 have folks on both sides who are going to now go for him, some Republicans and some
23:59 Democrats. But when you think of a candidate, you really don't think Republican. And he
24:04 has never been a Republican. And he's trying to get on the Democratic ticket. But I was
24:08 shocked to see that Quinnipiac among Republicans said that 48 percent approve of him. Isn't
24:14 that interesting? I think it is. You know, we have to remember that at the end of the
24:17 day, he is a Kennedy. And just like many other political families in our country, we have
24:21 the Roosevelt's, we have the Clintons. He has a legacy here. And folks are going to
24:26 want to see what that legacy is going to do. Right. But on the right, I mean, it's on the
24:29 left. They have no problem walking away from him. Right. He's definitely going to dilute,
24:33 you know, the votes on the Democratic side and it might make the Republicans stronger.
24:37 And this doesn't talk about no labels. He won't join that ticket. They don't have interest
24:40 in him. So we'll see. And the Green Party, you have Cornel West running. Right. He'll
24:44 probably get two or three percent. So which is interesting because the black vote seems
24:48 to be withering somewhat. The last poll I saw, 63 percent will vote for Biden. That's
24:53 down from in the high 70s when it was all said and done. So check out this poll. Independents
24:58 were asked, who are you going for if the election was today between Trump or Biden? Fifty two
25:02 percent go for Trump. Thirty nine percent Biden. So there's still someone decided it's
25:07 out there to get. But that's almost a flip of what happened in 2020. Your reaction, Dominic.
25:13 I'm not surprised. I think that a lot of people are fed up with some of these Democratic policies.
25:17 Listen, migrant crisis is just out of control. Immigration and all. I think wokeness, you
25:25 know, especially with respect to dumbing down America is really going to affect our citizens,
25:30 you know, on the world stage in the future. And I think we just need comments and policy
25:33 and people waking up. What's interesting is for the Democratic side, they spent the summer
25:37 telling us the economy was great and by nomics works. And they basically admit now in September
25:43 that it's failed. And RFK seems to be playing into that, Dennis. No, absolutely. You know,
25:48 RFK is going to do what he has to do in order to win. He's going to do what he has to do
25:51 in order to get votes. I believe in my heart of hearts that there are going to be people
25:56 who vote for him. But at the end of the day, I don't think he's going to take it home.
26:02 If this led the land of freedom and make our own choices. Think about this. Bernie Sanders
26:06 pulls ahead in 2020. They panic and annoying Joe Biden. RFK says, OK, I like to run for
26:12 president. They said, we're not having any primaries in New Hampshire. If you want a
26:15 primary, go pay for it. Does not bother an American Democrat or Republican.
26:21 There's no question. I mean, they're trying to silence, you know, everyone that comes
26:24 close to him. They you know, him. I think him going independent is the only way he has
26:28 to go to have a voice on the world stage. Tell me what matters to you as an undecided
26:33 independent. Sure. What matters to me as an undecided independent would be two major things,
26:37 especially being here in New York. Crime is at the top of my list and education, because
26:42 to me, especially being a millennial, those are the two biggest issues that I would look
26:47 at right now. And what matters to you real quick? Listen, migrant crisis and, you know,
26:53 this will this and common sense policy is really important to me.
26:56 Independence. They're persuadable. We'll see if RFK will persuade you in a few weeks. Thank
27:00 you. My sense is it will with you. Thanks so much, guys. Meanwhile, coming up, a terrifying
27:04 report says children are dying in ill-prepared emergency rooms across America. Dr. Jeanette
27:10 Nashua joins us next with what parents need to know. Plus, an armed carjacking in broad
27:16 daylight of the police search underway to find this brazen thief. It's happens again.
27:23 It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again.
27:30 It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again.
27:37 It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again.
27:45 It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again.
27:52 It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again.
27:59 It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again.
28:06 It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again.
28:14 It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again. It's happened again.
28:21 (scissors snip)
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29:43 (scissors snip)
29:46 (scissors snip)
29:49 (scissors snip)
29:51 (scissors snip)
29:54 (scissors snip)
29:57 (scissors snip)
29:59 (scissors snip)
30:02 (scissors snip)
30:05 (scissors snip)
30:07 (scissors snip)
30:10 (scissors snip)
30:13 (motor whirring)
30:15 (motor whirring)