जोधपुर. केन्द्रीय जलशक्ति मंत्री गजेन्द्र सिंह शेखावत ने कहा कि प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी पांच अक्टूबर को जोधपुर आएंगे। वे पश्चिम राजस्थान वासियों को हजारों करोड़ रुपए की सौगात देंगे। मोदी के दौरे को लेकर पश्चिम राजस्थान में अपार उत्साह है।
00:00 Thousands of crores of rupees have been donated to the people of Western Rajasthan.
00:05 We will be here on 5th.
00:07 With this auspicious occasion, there is a great deal of enthusiasm in Western Rajasthan.
00:15 Prime Minister Modi ji, after giving women asylum,
00:19 Prime Minister Modi ji, after the great success of G20,
00:25 has come to Jodhpur for the first time.
00:30 Women are also very excited about this.
00:34 Thousands of women have come together to express their gratitude to Modi ji.
00:41 What is the latest news from the people?
00:44 This is the latest news from the Prime Minister.
00:48 The Prime Minister will inaugurate the new terminal building of the airport.
00:55 The Prime Minister will inaugurate the new trauma center of the All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, AIIMS, for the biggest medical center in Western Rajasthan.
01:07 In addition to this, the Prime Minister will also inaugurate the IIT department.
01:13 And in Jodhpur, many rail and road projects are being planned.
01:18 The Prime Minister will inaugurate the development and construction of this.
01:22 In this process, the Prime Minister has already inaugurated the redevelopment of Jodhpur's station.
01:32 His discussion will definitely take place.