• il y a 2 ans
What's next for Alan Wake Remastered? How's Alan Wake 2 development going?

To celebrate the anniversary of Alan Wake (2010), we put together a video talking about the past and future Mr Wake, including updates for Alan Wake Remastered and Alan Wake 2.

Featuring Sam Lake (Creative Director at Remedy), Ilkka Villi (Alan Wake) and Matthew Porretta (Alan Wake) as our special guests.

#AlanWake #AlanWake2 #AlanWakeRemastered

In Alan Wake 2, continue the writer’s story and experience Remedy Entertainment’s first foray into survival horror.

Coming to PC on the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S in 2023. Presented by Epic Games Publishing.


00:00 *musique*
00:18 Guys, guys we're rolling.
00:20 *bruits de pas*
00:25 Hey, ah, par contre, comme vous pouvez probablement reconnaître ce superbe morceau de hardware ici,
00:34 je suis heureux de vous annoncer que l'Alan Wake Remastered sort sur Switch Nintendo.
00:43 On vous le dira quand on aura le date de sortie.
00:49 *musique*
00:50 Hey, je suis Sam Lake, le directeur créatif de Remedy.
00:54 *musique*
00:56 Oh, yeah, hey, I'll just put this down.
01:00 I'm Ilkka Villi, I'm half of the actor of Alan Wake.
01:04 Wonderful, thank you guys so much for joining us and for putting the Switch down for a second.
01:10 I know it's hard, but yeah.
01:14 You don't want to get tempted.
01:16 But yeah, Sam, is there anything else that you have failed to let me know, I'm sure.
01:22 Yeah, there is, you know, as we know, sometimes making video games takes a long while.
01:32 Well, it kind of turns out that now and again, making a TV show can take even longer.
01:40 Some of you might remember that we were quite a while ago talking about Alan Wake TV show.
01:48 Well, AMC, the wonderful, wonderful home for absolutely brilliant TV shows, has both the rights for Alan Wake.
02:02 And we have been collaborating on making a TV show happen.
02:08 Nothing more to share at the moment, but we will certainly let you know when there is something to announce.
02:18 So we're here to talk about all things Alan Wake, but we cannot have this discussion by ourselves.
02:26 We have one more person missing. Can you hear us? Hello?
02:32 Hi, guys.
02:34 Hi!
02:36 Hi, Matt.
02:38 Hi, I'm Matthew Perretta. I'm the other half of Alan Wake.
02:40 So we have the full Alan Wake in the house.
02:46 The band back together.
02:48 I'm so happy to be here. Hi, guys. I haven't seen you in a while.
02:50 Yeah, and it's so cool to have you all here like this.
02:54 I mean, Matt, so sorry that you couldn't join us in person.
02:58 It's been a crazy two years and some more, but let's talk about some more about Alan Wake.
03:04 Let's talk some more about the history and let's touch upon Alan Wake too a little bit later.
03:10 So Ilka, yourself and Matt, you've been an integral part of Remedy for how long has it been? 17 years? 15 years at this point?
03:18 17 years. That was the first time I visited Sam at the offices, Remedy offices. It's been a while.
03:26 I'm getting old with Alan Wake, I guess.
03:30 Yeah, Alan Wake is getting gray hair.
03:34 Yeah, yeah. Your voice stays the same, but I'm going old.
03:38 Did you think, all right, no, a different question. Did you guys think you would still be here? It's 2022.
03:46 Alan Wake came out, the first game came out in 2010.
03:50 This very much was part of the plan already before the first game came out.
03:58 We had no idea that it would be this many years later, but very, very happy to tell everybody that Alan Wake 2 is confirmed.
04:16 Alan Wake 2 confirmed. That feels so good to say.
04:20 Matt, same question. Did you think you would still be here?
04:24 I mean, you hope. Vita, I can dream. I have big, big dreams. So yes, you hope.
04:36 But the idea that we're here after this long and it's still going strong, no.
04:46 I guess show visits, you hope for the best, expect the worst, right?
04:50 But this is, you know, the announcement that we're going to do more, I think my feeling was relief and excitement.
05:02 It's a part that is so like, it's like in the fabric of who I am.
05:13 So, you know, someone says, hey, do you want to do that thing? That's the fabric of who you are.
05:19 And that's a quick yes.
05:22 It was a quick yes when we finally got to popping the question.
05:29 We work remotely with Matt. We're rarely in the same room, but somehow I feel really close to Matt, like listening to a lot of your voice.
05:40 And it's something that has really grown, you know, it's yeah, we both kind of are.
05:48 We wait to see what the other person does. It's like Blackjack, the reveal, right?
05:53 You go, oh, OK, got a nine and an eight.
05:57 Like looking back, it's always like starts to be hard to see like who initiated which scene.
06:04 And kind of like it's just many, many layers and iterations on top of it, refining who Alan Wake is and how he comes across.
06:14 You would think that that would be difficult, but it really isn't.
06:18 There's a freedom in that. There's a freedom in you're waiting, you're just it's all about reacting to what's happening.
06:30 And I think it's kind of it's a cool creative process.
06:35 Yeah, I mean, like I have always felt and keep on feeling like that, that feeling very privileged to create this character together with you.
06:52 And, you know, we keep exploring him and adding depth to him as we go.
07:04 For sure. And it's a process that's, well, unlike any other I've had in my career.
07:09 But it's also a character that's unlike any other.
07:14 I mean, we've had so much, you know, many long talks about Alan Wake with Sam and it's just such a multi-layered character with a lot of depth.
07:25 So I really enjoy putting that jacket with the elbow patches on each time.
07:30 So this process now on working, working on the sequel, it feels familiar in many ways, but at the same time, it feels very fresh.
07:45 And like it feels like we are breaking new ground.
07:50 It's a new genre and we are pushing further into the horror aspect of it, but also like exploring the depth of the character.
08:01 In this game, it's like you're really you're seeing who Alan Wake is.
08:06 You're getting an idea of who he is just personally.
08:11 You're seeing more emotion from him.
08:13 And so just that's exciting for me and for Ilkka as well.
08:20 So it's like, oh, wow, Alan Wake, the person.
08:25 That's our kind of like Alan Wake 2, Alan Wake the person.
08:33 Yeah, because I always remember doing Alan Wake 1.
08:37 We always said that Alan is like the catchphrase sort of was terrified, but cool.
08:43 That was the essence of Alan Wake.
08:46 That was there.
08:47 And then as Matt points out, like we had the aspect of him being the narrator as a storyteller.
08:53 He's the narrator, like telling the story and then in the story, terrified, but cool.
09:00 But now I feel that, of course, he was more than that already in the first game.
09:05 But now I feel like you said, there are so many layers, so many layers more.
09:09 And he's like very, yeah, very deep, interesting character.
09:15 And we're getting getting the humanity.
09:19 He's not that that cool anymore.
09:21 That's the feeling I have.
09:23 Yeah, I mean, we are pushing him further than ever before.
09:27 And that's part of a horror story as well.
09:31 Putting the character through a ringer.
09:33 Qu'était-ce pour toi, Ilko, quand Sam a dit, on fait Alan Wake 2 ?
09:38 Je ne l'avais pas vraiment cru au début, parce qu'il avait dit ça il y a quelques temps avant.
09:45 C'est probablement...
09:47 C'est vrai.
09:49 C'est une discussion qui a été en cours pendant tous ces années.
09:54 Chaque trois ans.
09:56 Je veux vraiment le faire.
09:58 Est-ce que tu serais prêt pour plus ?
10:01 Si on avait eu la chance de le faire.
10:03 On essaie de le faire.
10:07 Il semble que nous allons le faire.
10:11 Maintenant, nous allons le faire.
10:13 Les deux premiers fois, j'étais là, "oui, faisons-le !"
10:16 Et maintenant, je suis là, "oui, peu importe."
10:19 Je ne pouvais pas croire.
10:21 Quand il m'a convaincu que c'était en fait le cas, j'étais très heureux.
10:27 Tu le crois maintenant ?
10:29 Un peu, oui.
10:32 On l'a annoncé, Alan Wake 2, c'est confirmé, ça se passe.
10:36 Comment ça s'est passé ?
10:38 C'était merveilleux.
10:41 D'aller sur scène avec Jeff et de montrer le trailer,
10:48 d'annoncer et de parler de ça.
10:52 Et la réponse de nos fans qui ont été si patients,
11:06 depuis tellement longtemps.
11:08 Ilka, tu étais dans le trailer avec la lampe.
11:13 Tu avais l'air incroyable dans tout ça.
11:16 C'était moi, en fait ?
11:18 Ou était-ce Jake Gyllenhaal ?
11:20 Ou était-ce Keanu Reeves ?
11:22 Ou les autres 15 acteurs ?
11:24 Il y avait beaucoup de spéculation.
11:27 Je ne suis pas sûr.
11:30 Je sais que lors du Game Awards,
11:32 quand tu étais sur scène avec Jeff et Sam,
11:34 tu disais qu'on allait montrer plus de Alan Wake 2 en été.
11:40 Oui, j'ai dit ça.
11:44 Bon, des bonnes nouvelles et des décevus.
11:51 Je pense que tout se passe très bien.
11:57 Un grand nombre du jeu est jouable.
12:01 On l'a émulé, mais nous avons parlé
12:06 pendant les dernières semaines et nous avons pris la décision
12:10 de ne pas montrer de gros choses cet été.
12:18 Nous voulons s'assurer de créer le meilleur possible expérience,
12:23 le meilleur premier jeu de survival-horreur pour Remedy.
12:30 Nous ne voulons pas éloigner le team
12:33 de ce focus pour travailler sur une démo.
12:39 Malheureusement, vous devrez attendre
12:44 une démo et un trailer plus long.
12:48 Oui, nous avons déjà attendu 12 ans.
12:51 Qu'est-ce qu'il manque ?
12:54 Merci à tous d'avoir été là.
12:57 Matt, merci d'avoir téléphoné de l'Amérique.
13:00 C'est gentil de vous revoir.
13:02 Vous aussi.
13:04 Nous vous manquons.
13:06 Vous êtes les meilleurs !
13:09 Merci à tous d'avoir été là pour cet anniversaire d'Alan Wake.
13:13 Bon anniversaire.
13:15 J'espère que...
13:17 12 ans !
13:19 Bon anniversaire.
13:21 J'espère que vous nous enverrez plus d'Alan Wake.
13:25 Et s'il vous plaît, restez au courant.
13:28 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
13:30 Abonnez-vous !
