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00:00:00 [congregation applauding]
00:00:02 Father, we thank you for this and other opportunity
00:00:05 to minister to these, your precious sheep.
00:00:09 Thank you, Lord, that revelation and knowledge
00:00:11 will flow freely, uninterrupted and unhindered
00:00:15 by any satanic or demonic force.
00:00:18 And Father, I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords
00:00:23 and think through my mind.
00:00:26 And I pray that you will hear me and all of you.
00:00:31 Help us today, oh God.
00:00:33 We still need a savior.
00:00:36 We praise you for it now.
00:00:41 In Jesus' name we pray and everybody said amen.
00:00:47 You may be seated.
00:00:49 This morning, if you have your Bibles,
00:00:54 go to the book of Saint John chapter 8,
00:00:59 verse 44 through 45.
00:01:02 We've been spending a tremendous amount of time trying to expose
00:01:07 to you the strategy of the enemy,
00:01:10 especially in these last days.
00:01:12 It's not like he's coming up with something new,
00:01:14 but he continues to use the same old approach to try to get us
00:01:19 to accept defeat.
00:01:22 So, one of the things that we're gonna talk about today,
00:01:27 I wanna spend time dealing with how to win
00:01:31 the battle of the mind.
00:01:34 We've exposed the strategy, but there is a major issue that has
00:01:40 gone on for hundreds of years that continues to give the enemy
00:01:48 a foothold into our lives, and even with everything we've
00:01:53 talked about as far as understanding the devil
00:01:57 and how he operates, it's still this area
00:02:00 that we have to deal with.
00:02:03 Now, we've made it clear just for a review that the weapons
00:02:07 of Satan and the weapons that he uses against us,
00:02:11 number one, deception.
00:02:14 He uses deception.
00:02:15 But whenever God tells us the truth, Satan contradicts him,
00:02:20 and, you know, for example, in the garden,
00:02:26 God told Adam and Eve, made it very plain,
00:02:28 that if you eat the fruit of this tree, you will die.
00:02:32 And Satan shows up and says, "You will not die."
00:02:35 Deception is a weapon that he uses still today.
00:02:40 And number two, distraction.
00:02:43 Distraction is a weapon Satan uses.
00:02:46 Distraction is an intrusion of the mind to try
00:02:50 to cause confusion.
00:02:52 So, distraction is a weapon that he uses.
00:02:56 Number three, discouragement.
00:02:59 Satan tries to get you, you know, when he distracts you,
00:03:04 you know, God wants us to be focused on Jesus.
00:03:06 Satan wants us to be focused on everything else.
00:03:08 That's distraction.
00:03:09 But discouragement, look at the number of times that he tries to
00:03:13 get you to operate in discouragement,
00:03:17 how to try to get you to lose hope in God.
00:03:20 And so, discouragement is a weapon that the enemy
00:03:24 tries to use.
00:03:25 And then number four, suggestion.
00:03:28 We've talked about one of the most powerful weapons of the
00:03:30 enemy is just to simply make a suggestion in your mind and in
00:03:35 your thoughts, and through those four weapons, he tries his best
00:03:41 to kill, steal, and destroy.
00:03:44 The mind is the battleground.
00:03:46 You will lose it or you will win it in the arena of your mind.
00:03:52 And you've got to understand that this is the place what
00:03:55 happens inwardly that determines the output in your life.
00:04:00 This is vital.
00:04:02 How you feed it and what you expose it to is very,
00:04:05 very vital.
00:04:07 How do we win this battle of the mind?
00:04:11 Well, number one, the first thing we want to look at is in
00:04:14 John 8, 44 and 45, we've got to realize that Satan is a liar.
00:04:19 There's no question about it.
00:04:24 He ain't never gonna tell you the truth.
00:04:26 If he says it, it's a lie.
00:04:29 This verse of Scripture says, "You are of your father,
00:04:32 the devil, and the lust of your father you will do.
00:04:37 He was a murderer from the beginning and a bold,
00:04:40 not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
00:04:46 So when he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own,
00:04:50 for he is a liar and he is the father of lies.
00:04:57 And because I tell you the truth," he says,
00:05:01 "you believe me not.
00:05:04 I'm telling you the truth, but you don't believe me."
00:05:07 Somehow or another, we have to understand if you don't
00:05:11 understand God's Word, how are you gonna make a distinction
00:05:15 between the truth and a lie?
00:05:17 And we still go through this thing of, you know,
00:05:22 there is religion and there are these forms and fashions and
00:05:25 things that we do to be Christians,
00:05:28 and all of that is a setup, which I'm about to show you.
00:05:34 So the first thing we do is we recognize that Satan is a liar.
00:05:38 But here is with precision the second thing we do to win.
00:05:44 We've got to change our thinking.
00:05:47 We have got to change our thinking.
00:05:55 Proverbs 23 and 7 says, "As a man thinketh in his heart,
00:06:00 so is he."
00:06:08 So we've got to change our thinking.
00:06:11 You may ask yourself, "Well, what's wrong with my thinking?"
00:06:15 It's the thing Satan has been able to just kind of stay on,
00:06:24 and if he can keep any amounts of lies in your thinking about
00:06:30 anything, he wins.
00:06:35 And it's amazing to me how he has used religion to keep people
00:06:41 in bondage 'cause they won't change their thinking about the
00:06:52 law of Moses because that's all you knew.
00:06:58 That's what you were taught.
00:07:01 As far as you remember, little boy,
00:07:03 you were taught performance-based religion.
00:07:09 You were taught that.
00:07:12 And whenever the truth comes out,
00:07:14 the lie about how to live stands strong in you because it's
00:07:20 become a part of your tradition.
00:07:22 And the Bible says that your traditions have made the Word of
00:07:28 God, what?
00:07:34 Of no effect.
00:07:36 So here we are in a generation where we have been exposed to
00:07:42 religion, we've been exposed to the church stuff,
00:07:49 and we've been exposed to performance-based operation.
00:07:55 If you do this and perform well, then God'll do something good
00:07:59 for you.
00:08:00 If you do more of this, then God'll really do something good
00:08:04 for you.
00:08:06 And we won't change that mindset.
00:08:10 Therefore, that mindset is allowing Satan and the flesh to
00:08:16 continue in your life even though what you're holding onto
00:08:22 produces nothing but shame, guilt,
00:08:26 condemnation, and a place for Satan to continue to reap havoc
00:08:33 in your life.
00:08:35 Now, what I'm about to show you is not gonna be something new
00:08:38 for some of you.
00:08:41 I don't know, this may go around the world in five,
00:08:45 ten minutes.
00:08:46 It's pretty bold to say something like this,
00:08:50 but I can't keep something to myself when I know that--I can't
00:08:56 let you do something that I know it's a wrong thing to do.
00:09:02 You ready?
00:09:04 Now, let's start this.
00:09:11 Go to the book of Romans chapter 12 and verse 2 in the NLT.
00:09:17 "Winning the battle of the mind, we got to win the battle
00:09:22 over religion."
00:09:24 I said, "Winning the battle of the mind,
00:09:27 we got to win the battle over religion."
00:09:29 Now, watch what he says here.
00:09:33 "Don't copy the behavior and the customs of this world."
00:09:36 We pretty much know that.
00:09:41 You're saved out of the world, so don't copy the behavior of
00:09:44 the world's way of doing things.
00:09:47 "But let God transform you into a new person."
00:09:52 How?
00:09:53 By changing the way you think.
00:09:55 God wants to--that word "transform" means "change."
00:10:00 God wants to change you.
00:10:01 He wants to transform you into a new person by changing the way
00:10:06 you think.
00:10:08 That's how change takes place.
00:10:10 If you change the way you think, you will change your life.
00:10:13 Change your mindset, you'll change your life.
00:10:17 If you don't change the way you think,
00:10:19 you won't change your life.
00:10:21 I don't care what you do, it's going to always end up in that
00:10:24 same path of the way of thinking you've always thought that way.
00:10:28 It's going to keep going the same way.
00:10:31 You'll keep choosing the same kind of no-good-for-nothing man
00:10:34 that you've always been 'cause you hadn't changed the way you
00:10:37 thought, and you keep asking, "Why do I always end up with
00:10:42 this kind of man?"
00:10:44 'Cause you won't change the way you think about what's a good
00:10:47 man.
00:10:49 Change the way you think.
00:10:55 So, church is not designed--art services are not designed to
00:10:59 invite you here so you can hear something that you already know.
00:11:04 Let's have church so we can all rejoice over what we've already
00:11:09 heard.
00:11:10 Let's not dig deeper.
00:11:11 Let's not study deeper.
00:11:12 Let's just--hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
00:11:15 Let's just stick with our religion.
00:11:17 Or, as a pastor, don't do nothing that nobody else is
00:11:22 doing.
00:11:29 Don't say nothing that nobody else is saying.
00:11:31 You got to stick with the crowd.
00:11:33 I told Taffi when I walked up there, I said, "I can't get this
00:11:37 off my mind.
00:11:38 There are several of you that are in incubation period that
00:11:41 God's getting ready to pull out."
00:11:43 Because being addicted to approval derails God's plan,
00:11:53 and there are a lot of people that God planned to deal with
00:11:56 but would not deal with this, so he always got somebody in an
00:12:02 incubator.
00:12:03 He always got somebody ready.
00:12:05 When Saul didn't do--and that's what I'm talking about.
00:12:08 Saul, his whole life, the plan that God had for Saul was
00:12:13 derailed because Saul was addicted to the people,
00:12:16 and he wouldn't do what God told him to do.
00:12:20 God told him to kill everything, every man, every woman,
00:12:23 every animal, every sheep, kill it all.
00:12:26 And he did what the people-- "No, not--let's not kill it all.
00:12:30 Let's save the best."
00:12:32 And then when Samuel came back and Samuel said, "You know,
00:12:35 what's going on?"
00:12:36 And Saul said, "I have obeyed God."
00:12:38 He said, "Then what meaneth this bleeding of the sheep that I
00:12:40 hear in my--with my ears?"
00:12:41 And he says, "Because you've rejected God, he has rejected
00:12:46 you."
00:12:51 How many people that was supposed to do something that
00:12:55 they couldn't do it because they were addicted to approval and
00:13:00 they were trying to impress the people, and so God could not get
00:13:04 his plan done, so he had to go to the incubator and say,
00:13:09 "You up next," and he called to David.
00:13:11 And David showed up, defeated Goliath, took Goliath's sword,
00:13:18 cut his head off, held his head up, and showed the people how to
00:13:22 get ahead in life.
00:13:24 [congregation applauding]
00:13:26 So you gotta decide whether or not you wanna be a Saul, be
00:13:35 in abundance to people, have the plan of God to not be able to be
00:13:41 carried out in your life, or will you be a David when you're
00:13:45 called on, you will show up and say, "I'm gonna do whatever God
00:13:49--whatever God tell me to do.
00:13:51 I may--I might have to lose friends.
00:13:54 They might not wanna talk to me no more.
00:13:56 My former church might kick me out, but I got to do what God
00:14:00 telling me to do."
00:14:01 And God's looking for people like that who are willing to
00:14:05 sell out and say, "No, I don't desire to be like everybody
00:14:10 else.
00:14:10 I don't mind being by myself for a little bit because with him,
00:14:15 I am never alone."
00:14:18 Do something that not everybody doing.
00:14:22 Make the world change.
00:14:24 [congregation applauding]
00:14:26 But if you don't change your thinking, you can't
00:14:39 change your life.
00:14:41 So you can't keep going back, talking about, "Well, all my
00:14:45 life, that's all I ever knew."
00:14:47 Well, what if it wasn't wrong?
00:14:48 What if it was wrong?
00:14:49 What if it wasn't right?
00:14:51 And all your life, you grew up thinking that that's how it was.
00:14:55 And somewhere along the road, God loves you.
00:14:58 You find out that's not right.
00:15:00 How long will you keep fighting something that God's trying to
00:15:04 reveal to you?
00:15:05 You follow what I'm saying?
00:15:07 Change your thinking.
00:15:07 Now, this is big.
00:15:10 So we gotta change our thinking in order to change anything.
00:15:12 Nothing changes without changing the way you think.
00:15:16 Look at Mark chapter 1 and verse 14 and 15.
00:15:22 Let's look at this in the King James.
00:15:26 In fact, I'm gonna look at it in several things.
00:15:31 I wanna show you where this came from.
00:15:33 Now, now after that John was put in prison, after John was put in
00:15:44 prison, don't forget that, John's ministry was over.
00:15:49 He was put in prison.
00:15:51 Later on was beheaded.
00:15:54 But then Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel of the
00:16:05 kingdom of God, and this gospel is the gospel of grace.
00:16:09 Acts chapter 20, 24, Galatians chapter 1, this is the gospel of
00:16:13 the grace of Jesus Christ.
00:16:15 And here's what he said.
00:16:19 "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.
00:16:25 Repent and believe the gospel."
00:16:32 Oh, my goodness.
00:16:34 And look at what he just said.
00:16:36 He said, "Repent and believe the gospel."
00:16:40 Now, go to the NLT.
00:16:42 I'm gonna show you the religion.
00:16:46 All Satan has to do is just adjust the word a little bit.
00:16:49 Be careful when you go to some of these translations.
00:16:51 Some of 'em are wrong.
00:16:54 So, be careful when you go.
00:16:55 Rightly divide the word.
00:16:57 The NLT says, "Later on, after John was arrested, Jesus went
00:17:03 into Galilee where he preached God's good news.
00:17:07 'The time promised by God has come at last,' he announced.
00:17:11 The kingdom of God is near.
00:17:13 'Repent of your sins.'"
00:17:15 That's not what he said.
00:17:18 He said, "Repent of your sins."
00:17:22 Now, it's okay.
00:17:23 That will ultimately come, but that's not what he said.
00:17:26 But here they just--they injected, "Repent of your sins
00:17:31 and believe the good news."
00:17:34 Now, I don't have too big of a problem, but I see where the
00:17:36 issue came from.
00:17:37 He said, "Repent and believe the gospel."
00:17:41 And when you repent and believe the gospel, then your sins will
00:17:46 be taken care of because the good news of the gospel is that
00:17:49 Jesus has died and shed his blood to take care of all your
00:17:52 sins, but it gave the news here.
00:17:55 It gave the news, "Repent," and we didn't define "repent" right.
00:17:59 We said, "Repent."
00:18:00 We thought it was, "Oh, I'm sorry.
00:18:02 So, God, I'm sorry.
00:18:04 I'm gonna tell God I'm sorry so I can get saved, and now after I
00:18:08 get saved, I'm gonna believe the gospel."
00:18:10 That ain't what he said.
00:18:12 That's not what he said.
00:18:13 He didn't say--first of all, the word "repent" is the issue here.
00:18:17 "Repent" doesn't mean "I'm sorry."
00:18:19 People go around saying, "You need to repent."
00:18:23 What were they saying?
00:18:24 What were they trying to say?
00:18:25 "You need to say I'm sorry.
00:18:26 You need to get that--you need to repent."
00:18:28 No, no.
00:18:29 "Repent" literally means to change the mind.
00:18:33 "Repent" literally means to change your way of thinking.
00:18:38 And so, what he said here is Jesus said, "John's deal is
00:18:44 over, the kingdom is here.
00:18:47 I need you to change your mind about the law and the prophets,
00:18:54 and I need you to believe the gospel."
00:18:59 Now, hold your place here.
00:19:01 Go to the New Kings, James, of this same verse of Scripture.
00:19:05 Is everybody with me now?
00:19:06 I'm getting a little picky here, but you got to see this 'cause
00:19:09 you got to change something.
00:19:10 'Cause we tell people to live by grace, and I'm gonna show you
00:19:13 the difference between grace and the law.
00:19:15 Now, after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee
00:19:21 and he was preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and saying
00:19:26 the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand.
00:19:29 "Repent and believe the gospel."
00:19:32 So, they must have been believing something else before
00:19:35 they believed the gospel 'cause he says, "I need you to change
00:19:39 your mind about faith."
00:19:42 180-degree turn, turn away from what you've been believing.
00:19:46 Oh, my goodness.
00:19:48 Turn away from what you've been believing.
00:19:49 Go to Luke chapter 16, verse 16.
00:19:53 Luke chapter 16, verse 16.
00:19:57 Now, I'm gonna try to give biblical evidence first before I
00:19:59 bring this all together.
00:20:01 Luke 16, 16.
00:20:03 Now, the law, there were 613 laws, which includes the Ten
00:20:09 Commandments, which, you know, Paul kept repeating the Ten
00:20:13 Commandments because he was talking about the morality of
00:20:16 the Ten Commandments that was administered by the Holy Spirit.
00:20:21 But here's what he said, "The law and the prophets--"
00:20:25 Now, the prophets, the law was the first five books of the
00:20:30 Bible.
00:20:31 The rest of the Old Testament consisted of the prophets, all
00:20:37 those books written by the prophets.
00:20:39 He said, "The law and the prophets were until John.
00:20:46 Since that time, the kingdom of God is preached and every man
00:20:54 presses into it."
00:20:56 Now, what did he just say?
00:20:58 The law and the prophets ended with John.
00:21:01 The law and the prophets ended with John.
00:21:08 And that's the stronghold in your head.
00:21:13 That's where you're stuck.
00:21:19 By pure fact that I said it ended with John, your whole
00:21:25 tradition came up and said, "Oh, no, no, no, no, wait a minute.
00:21:28 Uh-uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:21:30 All--everything the prophets said and everything--no, no, no,
00:21:33 no, no, no, no."
00:21:34 And what happens is the Bible says under the law, "If you keep
00:21:40 my commandments, then you'll be blessed."
00:21:43 That's a performance-based covenant.
00:21:46 That says if you perform and do this, then God will do that.
00:21:51 And Jesus says that ended with John.
00:21:55 I have come to preach a new gospel, and it's the gospel
00:22:01 of the Lord.
00:22:01 You're no longer working for God, but now God is working
00:22:05 for you.
00:22:07 Look at it, Mark--look at Matthew 11 and 13.
00:22:15 Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses,
00:22:16 let everything be established.
00:22:19 Matthew 11 and 13.
00:22:22 All the prophets and the law prophesied until John.
00:22:32 But John got arrested and went to prison, and as soon as he got
00:22:41 arrested and went to prison, Jesus stepped in and said,
00:22:47 "Change your mind about the law and the prophets and believe the
00:22:53 gospel of Jesus Christ."
00:22:56 Now, watch this.
00:23:01 Let me give you some things I think will help you before I
00:23:05 move on here.
00:23:07 Let me give you some things about the law that I think will
00:23:16 help you.
00:23:17 Number one, the devil can only succeed in your life if you're
00:23:23 under a performance-based Christianity.
00:23:26 The law was a performance-based agreement.
00:23:35 The law said, "If you do this, then God will do that," and our
00:23:44 churches are riddled with it.
00:23:46 We're trying to do something to get God to do something.
00:23:50 Some of y'all at church, because in your head you heard,
00:23:53 "If you go to church, then maybe God will bless you tomorrow."
00:23:56 And everything we do, "If I take communion,
00:24:02 then maybe I'll--this'll happen.
00:24:06 If I'm good today, then God might be good to me tomorrow."
00:24:11 That's true under the law and the prophets.
00:24:14 Ooh, stick with me, guys.
00:24:20 There's a reason he gave us the law.
00:24:24 Somebody said, "Why?"
00:24:26 To make you guilty, to fill you with shame, to show you that you
00:24:31 keep on sinning no matter how many times you say you're gonna
00:24:38 do it right.
00:24:39 You keep messing up.
00:24:40 You keep messing up.
00:24:41 And then after a while, if you can mess up just enough for it
00:24:45 to start feeling guilty and shameful,
00:24:46 eventually you'll quit.
00:24:48 But what he's trying to say is the law was given to give us
00:24:57 sinners motivation to need a Savior.
00:25:02 And Jesus shows up and says, "I can do stuff that you've been
00:25:08 trying to do, and I'll already do it for you."
00:25:12 Listen to this.
00:25:13 The devil can only succeed in your life if you are under a
00:25:16 performance-based Christianity under the law of Moses,
00:25:20 performance-centered, self-centered under the law.
00:25:26 And that's what church, the majority of church is,
00:25:29 is performance-centered.
00:25:30 How well can I perform in order to get something to happen?
00:25:34 How well can I perform in order to get some anointing?
00:25:38 How well can I perform in order to operate in the supernatural?
00:25:43 How well can I perform?
00:25:45 Can I pray for three hours to see if God'll do something
00:25:48 for me?
00:25:49 Can I pray for three hours?
00:25:50 Ain't nothing really happen, but you'll make it sound like
00:25:52 something happen because you're giving yourself credit because
00:25:55 y'all don't know how I have performed.
00:25:57 Or when you see somebody that's successful,
00:25:59 you wanna know what did you do to be successful?
00:26:02 And you rarely hear, "I just believe Jesus."
00:26:05 Most of the time they will tell you about,
00:26:06 "This is what I did.
00:26:07 This is how I performed," and you thought the success came
00:26:10 through your performance.
00:26:11 Well, what if somebody did the same thing you did,
00:26:13 but they didn't have the success you have?
00:26:16 So, is God a respecter of a person?
00:26:18 You made the confessions 30 times a day.
00:26:20 They made the confessions 30 times a day.
00:26:23 Something happened in their life,
00:26:24 nothing happened in your life.
00:26:25 That ain't God.
00:26:27 Why would God wanna do something well for somebody because of
00:26:30 what they did, and then you do the same thing and not even do
00:26:33 that for you?
00:26:34 That's not God.
00:26:36 But the devil took that and said,
00:26:38 "Something must be wrong with you,
00:26:40 and if you would do this a little bit more,
00:26:44 then maybe God'll do that."
00:26:46 And you walk around with the guilt and the shame,
00:26:48 and you devalue yourself, and you don't feel like you're worth
00:26:51 nothing because God don't like you.
00:26:53 Look here, if I was more like them,
00:26:56 then maybe God'll do me better.
00:26:58 That ain't how this new covenant works.
00:27:00 That's why it says, "I need you to change some things about your
00:27:03 thinking because I got a new thing I wanna do with you,
00:27:08 and I can't do it because you stuck in your religion
00:27:11 of performance."
00:27:13 If I could join the choir and sing just hard enough,
00:27:18 and somebody look at you and say, "Ooh, she's anointed."
00:27:21 Why?
00:27:22 'Cause she hollering and screaming and don't nobody--can't
00:27:24 nobody even tell what she's saying,
00:27:26 and we love that kind of stuff.
00:27:28 We just get up and we just quote Scripture.
00:27:30 Don't even tell you what it's about.
00:27:32 "Oh, Jesus was a rock in a weary land.
00:27:35 He's a shelter in a time of a storm.
00:27:38 David, Daniel, and Zechariah."
00:27:40 And we stand up, "You preaching, sir?
00:27:46 You preaching?"
00:27:47 Yeah, an hour after church, "Hey, what did he preach about?"
00:27:49 "Oh, it was good."
00:27:50 "Well, what are you talking about?"
00:27:52 "Oh, it was good."
00:27:53 But it doesn't benefit you because you don't have enough
00:27:56 to put on the inside of you to change what you're doing.
00:28:01 It definitely didn't change your thinking.
00:28:03 It just excited your emotions.
00:28:05 And you know what I'm talking about.
00:28:10 All of us came from a good Baptist church.
00:28:13 I can see if you hadn't been there,
00:28:19 but most of us have been there.
00:28:23 I remember having this thought one time.
00:28:29 Here I am, just got ordained in the ministry,
00:28:31 trying to live right, trying to make heaven my home.
00:28:37 And it would always be something I say,
00:28:45 "I ain't cussing no more."
00:28:46 And it always be something to just give me a reason
00:28:51 to cuss some more.
00:28:54 To the point where I said, "I doubt it."
00:28:58 I don't even think I'm gonna make it in.
00:29:00 If I make it in, it'll be good luck.
00:29:02 I remember Tappa Daddy sitting on this front row when he was
00:29:07 alive, and you know how we used to go to folks and ask them
00:29:09 if they wanna get saved.
00:29:11 And somebody turned to him and say,
00:29:14 "Hey, Mr. B, you wanna get saved?"
00:29:16 He said, "Nah, just wish me good luck."
00:29:18 We bought this stuff.
00:29:21 And nobody--it's like people are blind to it.
00:29:25 They can't see.
00:29:28 If you're doing anything to try to get God to do something for
00:29:32 you, it is based on the law-based,
00:29:37 performance-based covenant of the law.
00:29:42 Jesus said the Scriptures in the Old Testament and what they
00:29:47 prophesied, they all speak of me,
00:29:49 but I'm trying to stay hooked up with the shadows when the
00:29:52 reality has already come.
00:29:54 Under the Old Testament, the Sabbath was a day.
00:30:00 Under the New Testament, Jesus is the Sabbath.
00:30:03 He's the manifestation of the Sabbath.
00:30:05 But do you know today we have denominations that are born out
00:30:08 of the argument of which day you're supposed to have church,
00:30:12 and that wasn't even the issue?
00:30:14 What's under the law versus what's under grace?
00:30:19 Well, the law is what you do for God.
00:30:28 Grace is what God does for you.
00:30:32 The law is what you do for God.
00:30:38 How many times you heard that?
00:30:40 "I'm doing this for God."
00:30:44 That's grace-based.
00:30:46 But grace is what God does for you.
00:30:50 That's grace-based.
00:30:55 The law is working for God, but grace is God working for you.
00:31:01 When you are focused and thinking more on what you have
00:31:06 done wrong or right, then you are performance-centered focus.
00:31:14 We're Christians.
00:31:15 We spend our time thinking about what we've done wrong and what
00:31:18 we've done right, and sometimes we even try to keep the score up.
00:31:21 "Today I did five things.
00:31:22 I only did two things wrong.
00:31:25 I only did two things wrong.
00:31:27 You know, I robbed a bank and shot somebody,
00:31:28 but I did five things."
00:31:30 If you are performing before God and conscious of your
00:31:40 performance, then you are under the law,
00:31:43 and that's called dead works.
00:31:45 Any work you try to do to get God to respond to your good
00:31:52 works, it's dead works.
00:31:54 People under grace are conscious of what Christ is doing for
00:32:00 them and will do for them.
00:32:04 It is God's doings, not your doings,
00:32:09 and the devil will get you every time you shift to self-effort,
00:32:14 and then he'll condemn you for the effort.
00:32:16 Look at what you did.
00:32:18 Oh, my goodness.
00:32:24 Satan will cause guilt and questionings.
00:32:27 How many times have you read the Bible today?
00:32:32 That's bothering me, and this is what--and then it really
00:32:36 bothers me when I see other Christians try to shame other
00:32:42 people based on what they have and how they have performed,
00:32:47 and because you hadn't performed the way they performed,
00:32:49 then something must be wrong with you,
00:32:51 when something must be right with you because you say,
00:32:54 "Well, I just believe in Jesus, and whatever I do,
00:32:56 I want it to be out of my heart," because good works that
00:33:02 are motivated by love are not accepted by God.
00:33:06 So, here's the deal.
00:33:16 I had to write something down here.
00:33:18 I need to--I asked the question, "What,
00:33:24 then, is the purpose of the law?"
00:33:27 Listen to this.
00:33:31 I've said it a couple of times.
00:33:33 The purpose of the law is to develop the necessity and a
00:33:38 great expectation for the Redeemer.
00:33:43 He added the law to develop the necessity and a great
00:33:50 expectation for a Savior.
00:33:53 How?
00:33:54 By revealing human sinfulness to the degree that it would create
00:34:00 desperation in men that drives them to the Savior.
00:34:04 That's the reason for the law, revealing human sinfulness to
00:34:14 the degree that it would create desperation in men and drive
00:34:18 them to a Savior.
00:34:19 I don't think you understand that.
00:34:20 Sometimes religion can blind your mind to that,
00:34:23 but when you have tried and tried and tried and tried and
00:34:26 tried and tried, and you keep seeing your sinfulness,
00:34:30 "I ain't gonna slander no more.
00:34:33 I ain't gonna cuss no more.
00:34:34 I ain't smoking no more weed.
00:34:36 I ain't sleeping around no more.
00:34:37 I'm gonna be good.
00:34:38 I'm gonna be good.
00:34:39 I'm gonna be good," and you keep seeing your sinfulness because
00:34:42 you're trying to accomplish this with your own effort.
00:34:44 You, "I'm trying, Lord.
00:34:46 I'm trying, Lord.
00:34:47 Help me, Jesus," and you sit up there and you say,
00:34:49 "Today is almost night.
00:34:50 I'm gonna win this fight.
00:34:52 I fooled around too much long.
00:34:54 I played that record when I spent a whole night getting
00:34:57 high and getting drunk, and I got up the next morning,
00:35:00 and I put on Tremaine Hawkins, and I heard,
00:35:02 'Day is almost night.
00:35:04 I'm gonna win this fight.'
00:35:05 I fooled around."
00:35:06 Yes, and I'm saying, "Yes, sir.
00:35:09 Now I've been blessed, but I'll never let you down.
00:35:13 Never let you down."
00:35:15 Watch this.
00:35:16 "This time, Lord, I mean it from my heart.
00:35:20 Made up in my mind.
00:35:23 I'm gonna have a brand new start, and I did for a half a
00:35:27 day," and I'm like, "What is going on?"
00:35:32 And it won't be long before the law will get you where it
00:35:41 really wants to get you.
00:35:42 The law is what's responsible for the flesh.
00:35:46 Some of y'all don't believe that.
00:35:49 Look at Romans chapter 7.
00:35:50 I ain't gonna be trying to lie to y'all.
00:35:52 I'm not gonna be trying.
00:35:53 Look at Romans chapter 7, verse 5, I believe.
00:35:56 "When you operate in the law, you automatically operate in
00:36:01 the flesh, for when we were in the flesh,
00:36:05 the motions of sin which were by the law."
00:36:09 The flesh is a result of the law.
00:36:14 It did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.
00:36:17 When you're operating in the law, when you're operating in a
00:36:22 performance-based Christianity, you're gonna get in the flesh.
00:36:28 I don't care how sanctimonious you come to church,
00:36:32 I already know you in the flesh 'cause you can't,
00:36:36 you cannot be in the--you gonna get in the flesh if you live by
00:36:41 the law.
00:36:44 It's gonna happen, and you can try to fool everybody who
00:36:47 doesn't accept people who know this.
00:36:51 That's why I look at folks when they come under the law looking
00:36:54 so sanctimonious and, "Oh, look at them.
00:36:57 I don't do that."
00:36:58 Your judgmental attitude let me know where you are.
00:37:02 How is it you can judge somebody else and know you got some work
00:37:07 to do yourself except you're pleased with your performance?
00:37:12 Oh, I'm a good Christian.
00:37:15 I've been in church the last three months and I've given an
00:37:19 offerings, hallelujah.
00:37:20 And if you would do like me, maybe you wouldn't have that
00:37:24 problem.
00:37:25 Well, maybe God allowed that problem to happen because he's
00:37:28 trying to raise a leader up.
00:37:30 Problems are not evidence that you're flawless.
00:37:35 Most of the people I read about in the Bible, God used trouble to
00:37:43 set them for the call.
00:37:47 Trouble don't mean you did something wrong.
00:37:51 Was it John chapter 9, boy who was born blind?
00:37:54 And the disciples immediately saw the boy and said, "Who's
00:37:59 sinned, the boy or his parents?"
00:38:01 And Jesus said, "Neither one, but that my glory might be seen."
00:38:07 The trouble in your life might be God setting you up for the
00:38:09 glory to be seen.
00:38:11 But religious-based Christianity wants to tell you you ain't
00:38:17 right 'cause you ain't keeping all the rules.
00:38:27 And I'm telling you, I did a great effort at trying to keep
00:38:31 all the rules.
00:38:32 I wrote all the confessions down.
00:38:34 Till I had five pages of confessions and I'm thinking,
00:38:36 "Man, I ain't gonna never get out of here with all these
00:38:37 confessions," because I thought I had to make all the
00:38:42 confessions.
00:38:43 I thought I had to pray for two hours or I wouldn't be anointed.
00:38:48 And I was scared as a preacher if I don't pray two hours, if I
00:38:54 don't make all these confessions, if I don't fast all
00:38:59 the time, if I really wanna be anointed, if I really wanna be
00:39:01 anointed, I'm gonna fast at least twice a week.
00:39:05 I remember meeting in Minnesota and I had fasted all day long.
00:39:10 I got out there and I started seeing double people.
00:39:12 I was dizzy.
00:39:13 Somebody said, "That was the devil."
00:39:16 No, it wasn't.
00:39:17 I was just hungry.
00:39:19 And the Lord said, "Why you keep doing that?"
00:39:22 I said, "I'm doing that so I can be anointed."
00:39:24 He said, "When I called you, I equipped you.
00:39:27 When I called you, I anointed you, and you are trying to do
00:39:31 what I have already done.
00:39:33 You're treating me like I'm not enough.
00:39:36 You don't believe that I'm enough.
00:39:37 You don't believe I'm enough for your salvation.
00:39:39 You don't believe I'm enough for your healing.
00:39:41 You don't believe I'm enough for your revelation.
00:39:42 You don't believe I'm enough, and now you think you got to
00:39:45 outperform me.
00:39:48 You trying to be like me without me."
00:39:50 And we come to church.
00:39:55 This is the way we come to church.
00:40:00 Look at what she got on.
00:40:02 Look at what she got on.
00:40:04 That ain't none of your business.
00:40:06 That ain't none of your business.
00:40:08 You're saying that as if, like you got a hand up over those
00:40:12 people who are not performing according to the law.
00:40:16 Maybe that's all they got.
00:40:18 Maybe they ain't got no long dresses.
00:40:20 Maybe God just delivered them off the strip joint pole and
00:40:23 brought them to church the next day.
00:40:24 Maybe they didn't have time to go get no dresses, but am I
00:40:27 going to condemn them to hell because they don't dress like I
00:40:31 want to?
00:40:31 They'll be all right.
00:40:32 The Holy Ghost is going to be working.
00:40:34 Under the new covenant, we have the administrator of the Holy
00:40:37 Ghost, and through this covenant of grace, he's going to show us
00:40:40 and perfect us, and he's going to give us the desire to do
00:40:43 stuff that we don't even know why we want to do it because the
00:40:46 Holy Ghost is--the Holy Ghost hasn't been given so we can
00:40:49 shake, rattle, and roll.
00:40:50 He hasn't been given us so we can do cartwheels, and he hasn't
00:40:53 been given us so we can drink.
00:40:54 [speaking in tongues]
00:40:55 That ain't what the Holy Ghost has been giving us.
00:40:56 He gave us the Holy Ghost so the Holy Ghost can lead and guide
00:41:00 our lives and say, "Hey, go here.
00:41:02 Hey, you might not want to do that.
00:41:04 Try doing this instead of this.
00:41:05 You know, I know you messed up last night, but I love you.
00:41:08 Anyway, get on up.
00:41:08 We got some work to do."
00:41:10 Because part of learning how to walk is falling.
00:41:13 Part of falling is--you follow what I'm saying?
00:41:18 Falling is a part of learning how to walk.
00:41:26 Walking is a part of learning how to run.
00:41:29 But religion doesn't give you the opportunity for any of that.
00:41:34 Just got saved.
00:41:43 I mean, when I just got saved, I was still cussing.
00:41:45 I mean, you know, I mean, I was cussing instead of saying,
00:41:49 "Praise the Lord."
00:41:49 I'm like, "Damn."
00:41:50 I'm like, "Damn, that's good."
00:41:55 I said, "Brother, you can't say that.
00:42:00 Brother, you can't say that."
00:42:01 I'm like, "What's wrong?"
00:42:03 If you'd have left me alone, the Holy Ghost was already seeing,
00:42:06 all right, that might not work there.
00:42:08 You are laughing 'cause I'm talking about you.
00:42:16 'Cause there'll be a day for everybody in here.
00:42:21 The greatest day of your life is when you sit down one day and
00:42:41 say, "I don't know how to do this.
00:42:46 I keep missing it.
00:42:49 I keep missing it.
00:42:51 I'm sad.
00:42:53 I'm depressed.
00:42:55 I'm tired of going to church acting.
00:42:57 I've perfected phoniness so much people think that I'm just
00:43:02 flawless and I'm just awful."
00:43:05 And don't nobody know you like God and you know you.
00:43:07 And then what makes it worse is he comes and does something good
00:43:14 and he's trying to get you to do something crazy.
00:43:17 He's trying to show you, "I can do this better than you can,
00:43:20 but I need you to change your mind about what you believed and
00:43:25 believe the gospel."
00:43:34 Look at Romans chapter 10 and verse 4.
00:43:36 "So the law was given to make you guilty."
00:43:42 The law was given to get you to perform and then come back and
00:43:44 say, "It ain't right."
00:43:48 The law was given to push you towards a need for a Savior.
00:43:53 It wasn't given so you can try to keep it.
00:43:59 Nobody has been successful in keeping the law except one man,
00:44:06 Jesus.
00:44:09 Jesus kept the law perfectly.
00:44:12 No man has ever been able to do it.
00:44:15 I had some friends of mine one time, they said, "Well,
00:44:17 I tell you what, we're supposed to be under the law and I'm
00:44:19 gonna go and keep the law."
00:44:20 I didn't fuss with them.
00:44:22 I said, "Go."
00:44:24 Man, them jokers was miserable by the end of the week,
00:44:28 like something's wrong.
00:44:29 You can't keep it, that's right.
00:44:33 He said, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to
00:44:39 everyone that believe in."
00:44:41 Change your mind about living by the performance-based law.
00:44:48 Here's the thing that gets me.
00:44:50 The law was extended only to Jewish people.
00:44:55 Now, here's what's amazing.
00:44:59 How in the world did we get tangled up into something that
00:45:06 wasn't even yours in the first place?
00:45:09 And then we use it to condemn people.
00:45:17 I'm doing a study right now on every wicked war, slavery,
00:45:22 Spanish Inquisition throughout history started with a
00:45:31 misinterpretation of the Scripture.
00:45:33 Hitler, all that, started with a misinterpretation of the
00:45:38 Scripture, and you don't think this is important?
00:45:41 'Cause somebody went in the Old Testament and got something about
00:45:44 the Old Testament and said, "Do this," and then all of a sudden
00:45:49 you're charging the capital.
00:45:52 That came from Scripture.
00:45:55 You don't know that.
00:45:56 That was somebody's preaching.
00:45:58 Taking Old Testament Scripture out of context and using it to
00:46:03 prove what?
00:46:11 Satan--yeah, baby, 1 Corinthians 15 and 56.
00:46:16 Watch this, 1 Corinthians 15 and 56.
00:46:25 The king of death is sin.
00:46:28 The strength of sin is the law.
00:46:33 What strengthens sin?
00:46:39 The law.
00:46:40 So, what do you think happened if you decide to live by the law
00:46:44 and ignore the gospel of grace?
00:46:47 You're just strengthening sin.
00:46:49 I'll tell you, when you leave today from church, there's a
00:46:55 pink elephant on the right side of the dome.
00:46:58 Watch this.
00:46:59 Don't look at it.
00:47:01 Don't you look at that pink elephant?
00:47:04 Now, I just gave you a law type.
00:47:09 Don't look at that pink elephant.
00:47:11 You know how you're gonna walk out.
00:47:13 I might not look, but I'm gonna show a peek.
00:47:20 The strength of sin is the law.
00:47:25 You won't change your mind about it.
00:47:33 Crippled and tapping them, teaching that stuff.
00:47:37 That ain't what I heard.
00:47:39 And then she gets up and talk about that on Jesus, we all
00:47:43 stand on equal grounds.
00:47:45 On this gospel, we stand on equal grounds.
00:47:49 You make people mad, talking, "No, no, no.
00:47:51 I'm gonna submit, and I'm gonna--" And ain't got no
00:47:54 problem with you submitting, but I'm just saying that, you know,
00:47:57 "My husband is the boss of me, and he tell me what to do,
00:48:00 and I'm the slave."
00:48:01 That ain't God.
00:48:02 God says we all stand on equal grounds.
00:48:04 If you would take your foot off your wife's head, y'all might be
00:48:08 doing a little bit better than what you're doing right now if
00:48:10 you understood biblical equality.
00:48:13 But because you ain't heard it like that before, that ain't
00:48:18 what I heard, then you won't change your mind, and you stay
00:48:24 stuck in abundance.
00:48:25 That as you get older, as you get older, you gonna get into
00:48:29 biblical equality anyway, whether he want to or not.
00:48:34 As you get older, watch this, he's gonna iron his shirt.
00:48:36 "You have something wrong with your hand?
00:48:38 Can't you iron your own shirt?
00:48:42 Get me something to eat.
00:48:43 I'm hungry too.
00:48:46 The doorbell ringing.
00:48:47 Go get it.
00:48:48 You got something wrong with your legs?
00:48:49 Is your cripple?"
00:48:51 See, that's the thing, and even as parents, we do this thing
00:48:57 with our kids.
00:48:58 "Oh, our kids are so wonderful, and they're this and all that,"
00:49:00 and you do all that, but when we get in the secrets of your
00:49:05 life, we see it's not like what you've been saying.
00:49:07 And then you put pressure on other people's kids, especially
00:49:12 people in the ministry.
00:49:16 "Oh, how y'all gonna do that?"
00:49:19 And you pass those kids, just like you do, and you the kid of
00:49:21 a cook.
00:49:22 What you talking about?
00:49:24 Don't you put no pressure on my kids.
00:49:27 They're gonna be all right.
00:49:29 They're working on their testimony, baby.
00:49:31 I hope--leave your kids alone.
00:49:33 They're gonna be fine.
00:49:35 Try to make it seem like you're all flawless and everything.
00:49:39 My kids, they never did nothing.
00:49:40 They ain't did nothing that they told you.
00:49:42 You know what you talking about?
00:49:44 "Hi, Mommy, how are you doing?"
00:49:49 And then when Mommy ain't around, "What that bleep-bleep-bleep-bleep-
00:49:56 bleep-bleep-bleep-bleep-bleep-bleep-bleep?"
00:49:58 But see, when I change my mind, I'm no longer gonna feel bad
00:50:10 about what's going on because I'm on a new covenant, a covenant
00:50:13 that I can trust Jesus, that Jesus is enough to save my
00:50:16 children, Jesus is enough to change my mind, Jesus is enough
00:50:20 to heal my body, Jesus is enough to get me to heaven.
00:50:23 Jesus is enough.
00:50:25 Look at Hebrews 7, 18 and 19.
00:50:37 I don't--I'll tell you what, boy, that Brother Dallin lost
00:50:42 his mind.
00:50:43 He giving them people's license to sin.
00:50:45 You've been sinning without a license.
00:50:47 What do you mean I'm giving you license to sin?
00:50:49 No, I'm giving you a way out of it, and the only way out is
00:50:54 through Jesus.
00:50:59 "Well, you--it sound like you saying we can do anything."
00:51:04 You can.
00:51:05 You can do anything you want to.
00:51:06 It ain't gonna do you good.
00:51:09 All you gotta do is let Jesus show you how to live, but he is
00:51:13 a--he is someone who respects your free moral agency.
00:51:16 If you wanna go act a fool, Jesus will step back and let you
00:51:18 act a fool, and then when you get tired of acting a fool and
00:51:21 you get beat up, busted up, arrested several times, you
00:51:24 know, it'll be amazing.
00:51:26 The altar in jail, the altars in jail are full 'cause sin has
00:51:31 consequences.
00:51:38 Jesus knows how to change your desire, and unless that desire
00:51:43 is changed, you don't get no authentic change.
00:51:45 What we've been doing, we've been doing phony changes.
00:51:50 "Hey, brother, how you doing?
00:51:51 Praise the Lord.
00:51:51 This is the day the Lord has made it, and we will rejoice.
00:51:53 Hallelujah."
00:51:54 I ain't talking about that change.
00:51:56 I'm talking about a heart deep change where you see no need to
00:51:59 perform.
00:52:01 I don't need your approval if I know I got God's approval.
00:52:03 But we keep playing church, and, you know, well, I'm not gonna go
00:52:08 to the church where they got thousands--you know, here's one
00:52:15 thing God showed me a while back.
00:52:16 I got this thing.
00:52:19 Crowds are not the validation of something being a God.
00:52:24 'Cause thousands of people will fill up the Mercedes-Benz dome
00:52:33 and say, "Oh, it ain't got to be holy."
00:52:37 Verse 18 says, "For there is verily a disannulling of the
00:52:42 commandment going before for the weakness and the
00:52:51 unprofitableness thereof.
00:52:54 For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better
00:53:00 law is indeed by the which we draw nigh unto God."
00:53:06 We won't change our mind.
00:53:11 Romans 3:31, I have to show this because people love going to
00:53:17 church and say, "Well, I don't know if I agree with that.
00:53:19 Let me see if I can find a Scripture so I can--"
00:53:22 It's too late.
00:53:23 I've already lived this.
00:53:24 I don't care what you find.
00:53:26 I already lived this.
00:53:27 I know I cannot do this without Jesus.
00:53:31 And the things that have gotten better in my life, they got
00:53:33 better because I trusted God and that he didn't beat me up.
00:53:38 When I fell down, he just said, "Get on up, baby.
00:53:41 It'll be all right.
00:53:41 Come on.
00:53:42 Come on.
00:53:43 You just learned how to walk.
00:53:43 Come on."
00:53:44 But some Christian people, as soon as you fall down, "Sit down.
00:53:48 You need to pray some more.
00:53:49 Now, let me help you up."
00:53:52 That's what Jesus did.
00:53:54 That's what Jesus did.
00:53:54 He got on the sail and started sinking in the water 'cause he
00:53:57 started looking at his circumstances, and he began to
00:53:59 doubt, and when he began to sink, Jesus reached out and
00:54:01 said, "Come on.
00:54:02 I'll walk back to the boat on the water with you."
00:54:05 For you to be critical of somebody else or where they're
00:54:12 living, somehow you got to be deceived about the issues in
00:54:16 your own life.
00:54:18 Really, you ain't got no issues, so you got time?
00:54:24 To be talking about how bad somebody else's issue is?
00:54:28 And you got all these issues and secrets, and they're killing you
00:54:33 because you're still trying to do it through your performance
00:54:43 and your self-effort because you don't believe that Jesus is
00:54:48 enough.
00:54:52 I put it all on the line, guys.
00:54:55 I had a talk with my wife.
00:54:56 I said, "I'm going for it."
00:54:58 She said, "She's going for it."
00:55:00 And if the church closed down, at least we'll be able to stand
00:55:03 in front of Jesus saying, "We did what you told us to do."
00:55:07 I could've just kept preaching everything I'd been preaching
00:55:12 for, what, almost 30 years.
00:55:19 Just get up there and preach something you already know.
00:55:22 Get your church up, holler and hoop and get the organ behind
00:55:25 me, get real inspirational and prophetical and talk about how
00:55:30 we're going to have a breakthrough for the 15th year.
00:55:32 I can't do that.
00:55:35 I can't do that.
00:55:40 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:55:51 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:55:56 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:56:06 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:56:16 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:56:21 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:56:34 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:56:39 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:56:59 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:57:04 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:57:19 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:57:24 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:57:39 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:57:44 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:58:00 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:58:05 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:58:21 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:58:26 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:58:42 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:58:47 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:59:03 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:59:08 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:59:24 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:59:29 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:59:45 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
00:59:50 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
01:00:06 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
01:00:11 I love you too much to shut up about this gospel of grace.
01:00:31 I did a teaching one time showing you that the gospel of
01:00:33 Christ is the gospel of grace.
01:00:36 "For I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,
01:00:38 for it is the power."
01:00:40 It's the power of God.
01:00:42 "Unto salvation is to everyone that believeth."
01:00:46 I'm not ashamed of the gospel of grace.
01:00:48 It's the power of God.
01:00:51 It's the power of God.
01:00:53 And notice what he says here.
01:00:55 In 2 Timothy chapter 3 and verse 5, I want you to read this.
01:01:01 5, I believe, in the NLT, he says--go there right quick.
01:01:06 Go to the regular King James.
01:01:15 "Having a form of godliness."
01:01:19 That's what the church has.
01:01:23 Without Jesus, you have a form of godliness.
01:01:26 You dress godly, you talk godly, you walk godly.
01:01:29 "But you deny the power thereof from such turn away."
01:01:34 A form of godliness, religious.
01:01:41 We look churchy, we act churchy, we talk churchy,
01:01:44 a form of godliness.
01:01:46 This is how you defeat the devil.
01:01:54 "Repent, change your mind, and believe the gospel."
01:01:59 So, whatever you was believing under the law,
01:02:02 change your mind and believe the gospel.
01:02:05 Change your mind and believe the gospel.
01:02:08 Change your mind and believe the gospel.
01:02:10 For almost two years, I've taught a series on grace,
01:02:18 and before I continue it on, I've got three more areas
01:02:22 to cover.
01:02:24 I thought this would be a good time to bring this
01:02:26 to your remembrance.
01:02:28 Change your mind, catch yourself when you're trying to earn
01:02:32 something that Jesus has already accomplished.
01:02:36 You are not achievers, you are receivers.
01:02:39 Jesus is our great achiever, and we are receivers of what Jesus
01:02:44 has achieved.
01:02:50 Now, I don't know how this hits you today, but believe me,
01:02:55 this may be the only planet, right--the only planet,
01:03:01 the only--and we found out we got a lot of them too.
01:03:04 This may be one of the churches--there may be some more
01:03:07 that I could even talk like this because it would take much more
01:03:12 detail just to get them to understand the first Scripture
01:03:18 that Jesus shared.
01:03:20 But for you, the devil will not have any more, any more, or
01:03:27 anything else against you because you've changed your mind.
01:03:35 You've changed your mind.
01:03:39 I can't do this by myself.
01:03:43 I need a Savior.
01:03:46 I need a Savior.
01:03:49 If this wasn't true, I'm doomed.
01:03:51 If this isn't the truth, I ain't got no hope.
01:03:56 I'm going to hell.
01:04:04 If this is not true, it's over with for me.
01:04:14 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:04:18 is I want to do for time come if this isn't the truth.
01:04:21 But it is.
01:04:26 Somebody say, "How you know?"
01:04:28 'Cause he has reached deep down on the inside of me, changed my
01:04:33 desires, and given me the desire to do what pleases him.
01:04:38 I've changed my mind.
01:04:42 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:04:44 is I want to do for time come.
01:04:46 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:04:48 is I want to do for time come.
01:04:50 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:04:52 is I want to do for time come.
01:04:54 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:04:56 is I want to do for time come.
01:04:58 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:00 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:02 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:04 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:06 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:08 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:10 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:12 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:14 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:16 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:18 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:20 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:22 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:24 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:26 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:28 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:30 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:32 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:34 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:36 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:38 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:40 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:42 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:44 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:46 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:48 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:50 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:52 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:54 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:05:56 is I want to do for time come.
01:05:58 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:00 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:02 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:04 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:06 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:08 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:10 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:12 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:14 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:16 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:18 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:20 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:22 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:24 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:26 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:28 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:30 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:32 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:34 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:36 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:38 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:40 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:42 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:44 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:46 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:48 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:50 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:52 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:54 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:06:56 is I want to do for time come.
01:06:58 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:00 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:02 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:04 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:06 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:08 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:10 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:12 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:14 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:16 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:18 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:20 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:22 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:24 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:26 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:28 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:30 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:32 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:34 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:36 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:38 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:40 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:42 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:44 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:46 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:48 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:50 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:52 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:54 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:07:56 is I want to do for time come.
01:07:58 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:00 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:02 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:04 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:06 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:08 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:10 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:12 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:14 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:16 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:18 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:20 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:22 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:24 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:26 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:28 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:30 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:32 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:34 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:36 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:38 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:40 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:42 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:44 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:46 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:48 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:50 I'm going to get out of this pulpit and just do whatever it
01:08:52 is I want to do for time come.
01:08:54 I will multiply every seed you sow,
01:09:01 but sow it out of your heart.
01:09:04 Give 'cause that's what you want to do.
01:09:06 If you need an offering envelope, lift your hands up.
01:09:08 And as you sow today, you're sowing under a new covenant that
01:09:15 says give out of a cheerful heart.
01:09:22 Give generously out of a cheerful heart and not the
01:09:28 obligation and the frustration of trying to meet a mandate and
01:09:34 it doesn't come out of your heart to do it.
01:09:36 Give out of a cheerful heart.
01:09:38 And as you sow and plant today, we are so grateful for God being
01:09:46 able to use you and for you worshiping God
01:09:50 with your finances.
01:09:53 We got a lot more to cover, but we're in October.
01:09:56 In October and November, we got to rock and roll.
01:10:00 We got to put so much Word on the inside of you.
01:10:03 2024 is going to be a very interesting year,
01:10:07 but you will be prepared.
01:10:08 You have nothing to fear.
01:10:11 God's got you.
01:10:12 God's got you.
01:10:14 Amen.
01:10:17 All is going to be well.
01:10:19 I'm so excited today.
01:10:20 I almost forgot how to speak English,
01:10:22 and I'm still excited 'cause this is not even the whole of
01:10:28 what this thing is about, but I do see that Satan is doing a job
01:10:37 trying to keep people from changing their mind to believe
01:10:41 the gospel.
01:10:42 Just stuck in religion, and I just thank God that the Holy
01:10:46 Spirit is doing that work today.
01:10:49 And for a lot of you, some of you came unstuck,
01:10:52 some of you refuse to be ever stuck again.
01:10:54 I ain't never going back to that life, not never.
01:10:57 I trust Jesus with everything, amen?
01:10:59 Hold your offerings up.
01:11:03 Father, this is an opportunity for us to give out of a cheerful
01:11:10 heart, this opportunity for us to worship you and to give as
01:11:14 you've instructed us.
01:11:15 Father, we assure you today that we give because we want to,
01:11:20 and we pray that this honors you and that it blesses you,
01:11:24 O God, and I thank you for your promise to bless every seed that
01:11:29 we sow, and we honor you in Jesus' name, we pray.
01:11:34 Everybody say it, amen.
01:11:37 Ushers, go ahead and receive the offering right now.
01:11:44 We'll give you a little invitation,
01:11:46 and you can respond to it, and we'll just see what the Holy
01:11:50 Spirit wants to do right now.
01:11:52 But if you're here today and you have never made Jesus the Lord
01:11:59 of your life, never, ever, ever, you've heard about him,
01:12:03 you grew up with him, but you've never invited him in your life
01:12:06 to be your Lord and personal Savior.
01:12:09 Those of you who are online and those of you who are here in the
01:12:12 world, this is an opportunity for you to get born again.
01:12:16 How many opportunities will you allow to go past you and not
01:12:21 take?
01:12:23 I believe this is the acceptable time.
01:12:25 This is the time for you to settle this thing,
01:12:28 and it will be settled, amen.
01:12:31 Secondly, if your relationship with God dwindled off and you
01:12:35 want to reconnect with him, let's do that today.
01:12:42 And number three, if you've never received the baptism in
01:12:44 the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues,
01:12:48 it's a powerful thing.
01:12:49 Tongues builds you up.
01:12:52 You're built up like an edifice.
01:12:54 And then last but not least, if God's called you to join this
01:12:59 church today, World Changes Church International,
01:13:04 he said to Elijah, "Go to a certain brook,
01:13:06 and there will I sustain thee."
01:13:10 This is that certain brook.
01:13:11 Get here.
01:13:13 Allow God through his Word and his Spirit to sustain thee and
01:13:18 all will be well with you.
01:13:21 So, I've given to you four things,
01:13:22 an opportunity to get born again,
01:13:24 to recommit yourself to God, receive the baptism of the Holy
01:13:27 Spirit, and join the church.
01:13:29 It's gonna take you making the decision to respond to any of
01:13:32 those things, and remember, you're not seeking the
01:13:35 validation for people.
01:13:37 That's over.
01:13:37 You trust God.
01:13:39 There's a time if you'll get your Bibles and personal
01:13:42 belongings and come on down here.
01:13:45 And I really wanna do something this morning.
01:13:47 You don't have to do it if you don't want to,
01:13:48 but, you know, with all of the COVID things,
01:13:50 I just kinda wanted to give you guys a chance to get in.
01:13:53 But what we used to do is we used to do a personal
01:13:56 invitation with the friends right next to you.
01:13:58 They would just simply turn around and say,
01:14:00 "You need any help going down?
01:14:01 I'll walk down there with you.
01:14:03 You wanna respond to one of those things?
01:14:05 I'll respond with you."
01:14:06 You don't have to do that, but if you're led to do that,
01:14:09 by all means, go ahead and do it.
01:14:11 So, if that's you, come on down right now.
01:14:12 We'll receive you and pray for you right now in the
01:14:14 name of Jesus.
01:14:15 Those of you who are online and you desire to become a part of
01:14:19 the eChurch, just go to worldchangers.org and click
01:14:23 "Join" at the top of the page.
01:14:26 Then you can text "JOINWCCI," all one word, to 51555,
01:14:31 and we'll send you all the benefits of eMembership,
01:14:34 and welcome to World Changers eChurch.
01:14:37 Amen?
01:14:38 Praise God.
01:14:39 (Applause)
01:14:41 All righty, come on down.
01:14:44 (Applause)
01:14:48 The devil is losing you, and he'll never get you back.
01:14:51 (Cheers)
01:14:55 He'll never get you back.
01:14:56 (Applause)
01:15:02 Amen.
01:15:03 Amen.
01:15:06 Praise God.
01:15:07 (Applause)
01:15:12 Praise God.
01:15:13 (Applause)
01:15:18 (Music)
01:15:23 (Music)
01:15:25 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
01:15:33 That saved a wretch like me.
01:15:43 I once was lost, but now am found.
01:15:54 I was blind, but now I see.
01:16:06 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
01:16:18 That saved a wretch like me.
01:16:30 I once was lost, but now am found.
01:16:43 I was blind, but now I see.
01:16:55 Praise God.
01:16:58 Praise God.
01:17:02 Praise God.
01:17:05 Praise God.
01:17:08 (Applause)
01:17:09 Praise God.
01:17:12 Praise God. Praise God. Praise God. Praise God. Praise God. Praise God. Praise God.
01:17:36 Praise God. Praise God. Praise God.
01:17:46 Congregation, would you welcome those who've come to this altar today?
01:17:50 [applause]
01:17:58 Father, I pray the power of God be upon these precious people.
01:18:02 You know exactly what you've called them to do, and we trust
01:18:07 that you will begin the work in them.
01:18:11 The work that you start today, you will finish it, and we trust
01:18:16 you for their change.
01:18:18 In Jesus' name, and everybody said, "Amen."
01:18:22 At this time, if you'll turn this way and follow this gentleman to the
01:18:25 prayer room, they're going to take you and minister to you,
01:18:28 give you biblical understanding of how to obtain and how to
01:18:31 maintain what you came to receive.
01:18:33 And we thank God that you will never be the same again, never,
01:18:39 never, never be the same again.
01:18:41 Praise God.
01:18:43 We love you.
01:18:45 Would you stand for the final blessing?
01:18:51 Thank you, guys, for coming to church today.
01:18:53 It's a magnificent time in the presence of the Lord.
01:18:57 Amen?
01:19:01 And now may the Spirit of God administer this grace.
01:19:06 May the Spirit of God minister the morality of the law.
01:19:11 May the Spirit of God open doors that will never be able to be
01:19:17 closed over your lives.
01:19:19 May he protect you.
01:19:21 May the angels of God carry out the command that God has given
01:19:25 to them to watch over you lest you dash your foot
01:19:28 against the stone.
01:19:30 And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to
01:19:36 present you faultless before the almighty God, be glory, majesty,
01:19:41 dominion, and power both now and forever.
01:19:47 And everybody said amen.
01:19:49 God bless you.
01:19:50 Have an amazing day today.
01:19:52 Amen, amen, amen.
01:19:59 Powerful service.
01:20:01 Her usual.
01:20:02 Her usual.
01:20:03 I know you all enjoyed it.
01:20:05 I thoroughly enjoyed it.
01:20:06 I did too.
01:20:07 This is an amazing service, an amazing Sunday.
01:20:09 And thank you all for joining us.
01:20:11 Man, we got so many nuggets, so many notes that we took down.
01:20:13 But this was great.
01:20:15 Yeah, it was.
01:20:16 This was great.
01:20:17 It was.
01:20:18 So what did you get out of service today?
01:20:20 Well, for me it was the beginning, that reminder of the
01:20:22 ways the enemy, as how I put it in my notes, the ways the enemy
01:20:26 will try to throw you off.
01:20:27 The ways he will try to throw you off is through deception,
01:20:30 distraction, discouragement, and suggestion.
01:20:34 So remember that this week when you're going into your week,
01:20:38 when you're doing the things that God has called you to do,
01:20:40 don't allow the enemy to distract you, to cause deception
01:20:44 in your life, to cause distraction, discouragement,
01:20:48 or any type of wrong suggestions.
01:20:50 That's right.
01:20:51 I mean, he is a liar.
01:20:53 I mean, I had some different notes I wanted to share, but
01:20:56 just even based on that, like anything that comes out of the
01:20:58 enemy's mouth is a lie.
01:21:01 That's all he do is lie.
01:21:03 A whole lie.
01:21:04 A whole lie.
01:21:05 So, man, this is an amazing service.
01:21:07 I pray you all got something out of it.
01:21:09 And, again, we do encourage you all, share this with someone
01:21:12 that you love.
01:21:13 Share it with yourself.
01:21:14 Matter of fact, you need this word.
01:21:16 We all need it because we're all in process.
01:21:18 We're all walking this out together.
01:21:20 And this was such an amazing word.
01:21:22 It's not just about Sunday.
01:21:23 No, not at all.
01:21:24 Listen to the word.
01:21:25 Listen to it every day.
01:21:26 Just continue listening to the word online, on our YouTube channel.
01:21:30 Just because, okay, service is over now does not mean that, oh,
01:21:33 you know, I'm going to wait until Wednesday or I'm going to wait
01:21:35 until next Sunday to listen to something else.
01:21:38 Listen to it every day.
01:21:40 Meditate on it day and night.
01:21:42 That's right.
01:21:43 Change your thinking.
01:21:44 It's that simple.
01:21:45 That was the heart of this message.
01:21:47 Change your thinking, right?
01:21:48 You change your thinking, you change your life.
01:21:50 So, this was awesome.
01:21:51 Yeah.
01:21:52 So, we don't want to hold you guys too much longer.
01:21:54 We have just a couple things we want to share.
01:21:56 But one, if you did not get an opportunity to give this morning,
01:21:59 we do want to make sure to extend that opportunity to you.
01:22:02 We have a few different ways that you can do so.
01:22:04 You can simply text the word "World Changes," leave a space,
01:22:07 and then your amount, and text that to 74483.
01:22:10 You can also call in your gifts to 866-477-7683.
01:22:16 You can mail them in to 2500 Burdett Road, College Park, Georgia.
01:22:19 Or, of course, online where you are, worldchanges.org,
01:22:23 creflodollarministries.org.
01:22:25 Man, let that seed go and grow in the name of Jesus.
01:22:27 Go and grow in the name of Jesus.
01:22:29 We get to give, and we're cheerful about it.
01:22:31 And the church said, "Amen."
01:22:33 Amen.
01:22:34 Amen.
01:22:35 So, we have a couple of announcements that we want to share with you.
01:22:38 So, what's coming up in World Changes?
01:22:40 All right, World Changes, this week, everybody say, "This week."
01:22:44 This week.
01:22:45 This week, we have the Ministers and Leaders Conference.
01:22:48 It's time.
01:22:49 It's time.
01:22:50 It's time.
01:22:51 If you have not registered yet, be sure to text "ILEADS" to 51555,
01:22:58 or call 770-210-5800, or visit cdma.creflodollarministries.org.
01:23:06 Remember, this week on October 3rd and 4th,
01:23:10 we want you in the building two days of important messages,
01:23:14 important word, important impartation.
01:23:17 If you believe you are called to serve in ministry, you are a leader,
01:23:21 you are a minister, a part of this ministry, you need to be in the building.
01:23:25 That's right.
01:23:26 So, register right now.
01:23:27 Right now.
01:23:28 If you have not already.
01:23:29 It's coming up really quickly, and I'm excited.
01:23:31 I'm going to be there.
01:23:32 Yes, me too.
01:23:33 She's going to be there.
01:23:34 We're going to be there, and we hope to see you there.
01:23:36 So, outside of that, if you are looking to stay up to date with everything that's going on at World Changes,
01:23:41 be sure to just simply our website.
01:23:43 I mean, visit our website.
01:23:45 Our website at worldchanges.org, so that way you can stay up to date with what's going on here at World Changes.
01:23:52 Ma'am, listen, World Changes, we love you all.
01:23:56 We pray that you have an amazing Sunday, that you get something good to eat,
01:24:00 and you continue to feed your soul, continue to renew your mind,
01:24:03 and remember that if you want to change your life, you've got to start with up here.
01:24:07 Change that mind and change the way you think.
01:24:09 Amen?
01:24:10 Amen.
01:24:11 So, we love you all.
01:24:12 We love you guys so much.
01:24:13 Have an amazing Sunday, and we will see you all next week.
01:24:16 Bye.
01:24:17 No, we're going to see you at Minnesota Leaders, ma'am.
01:24:18 Oh, yeah.
01:24:19 We're going to see you this week.
01:24:20 And Wednesday night Bible study.
01:24:21 That's right.
01:24:22 Amen, and the morning.
01:24:23 Love you all.
01:24:24 Have a great Sunday.
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