• 2 years ago
నార్సింగిలో సోలార్ రూఫ్ సైకిల్ ట్రాక్‌ను ప్రారంభించిన కేటీఆర్ | V6 News

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అట్లైతెనే NTR ఆత్మకు శాంతి
బాబు అరెస్ట్ బాధాకరం

మోత మోగింది

రేపే పాలమూరుకు మోడీ

డీకే ఓకే అంటెనే..

నాపై రాళ్లేస్తే ఇల్లు కట్టుకుంట

నెలలో 31 వేల కోట్లు

గెలుపు బంగారు పళ్లెంల తెస్తా

లీడర్ల మీదికి మర్లవడ్తున్నరు

తశీల్దార్ పెట్టెలో 2 కోట్లు

10 వేల టన్నుల చెత్త

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News content that serves the interests of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh viewers in the most receptive formats. V6 News channel Also Airs programs like Teenmaar News, Chandravva & Padma Satires etc, Theertham, Muchata (Celeb Interviews) Cinema Talkies, City Nazaria(Prog Describes The Most Happening &Visiting Places In Hyderabad),Mana Palle(Describes Villages And Specialities), Also V6 News Channel Is Famous For 'Bonalu Songs', 'Bathukamma Songs' And Other Seasonal And Folk Related Songs."V6Teenmaar News", "Teenmaar News".

#Teenmaar #V6Teenmaar #TeenmaarVaarthalu


00:00 (speaking in foreign language)
00:03 (upbeat music)
00:06 (speaking in foreign language)
00:10 (upbeat music)
00:33 (upbeat music)
00:36 (speaking in foreign language)
00:50 - Everybody talks about encouragement
00:52 of non-motorized transport and that particularly biking.
00:57 And I'm so happy, so thrilled.
00:59 In fact, I asked Arvind so many times.
01:01 (speaking in foreign language)
01:05 I've seen so many of your events on Durgam Charu
01:14 and a number of other places
01:15 because I keep watching social media.
01:17 Unfortunately, I'm addicted to Twitter
01:19 or now it's called X, I think.
01:21 So I kept looking at all of you guys
01:24 and how enthused you are.
01:25 It really filled my heart with joy.
01:27 But a lot of people said, what is the big deal?
01:30 (speaking in foreign language)
01:34 This is just the beginning, guys.
01:40 (speaking in foreign language)
01:43 What you're seeing today is just the beginning.
01:46 (speaking in foreign language)
01:50 So that we can make it a loop
01:54 and then you can go round and round and round.
01:55 That's not an issue.
01:57 But my dream is I want to take this across
02:00 the entire Neopolis, go all the way to Gandipet.
02:03 (speaking in foreign language)
02:05 46 kilometers.
02:06 I want to ensure we become truly
02:09 the active mobility capital,
02:11 the cycling capital of India.
02:13 (speaking in foreign language)
02:17 Plus everything else in between.
02:20 It'll become more than 70.
02:21 And then I want to start planning along with all of you.
02:25 We wanted to thank you for this fantastic milestone
02:28 you have done.
02:29 This is a major milestone
02:30 and this is not just a Hyderabad Cycling Track.
02:33 It is actually second in the world,
02:35 first in India, and this is every Hyderabadi
02:39 is so proud about this.
02:41 Every Hyderabadi, every Indian needs to be proud
02:43 about this particular aspect
02:46 because this is not just normal cycling track.
02:49 It actually generates health in the city.
02:52 It generates happiness in the city.
02:54 It generates a leisure in the city.
02:56 It generates safety for people for riding.
02:59 It generates tourism in the city.
03:01 It is also sustainability as well
03:03 where you're generating two crores every year
03:05 in terms of 16 megawatts of power as well.
03:10 It has been a tireless
03:12 and it has been so many efforts we have put in
03:16 and we have engaged all the people in cycling.
03:19 Now, the Hyderabad has more than 10,000 cyclists,
03:24 more than 10,000 cyclists guys.
03:26 And just to let you know, sir,
03:29 that from Hyderabad Cyclist Group,
03:32 we have successfully completed.
