• The Best of the Rabbids Invasion ! - ...
More episodes here!
• 1h + Compilations Watch the Rabbids...
Welcome to the official channel of Rabbids Invasion !
Subscribe to get new Rabbids episodes every week! Watch them as they bring their crazy antics everywhere, from shopping malls to the North Pole!
You can also find the Rabbids here :
➡ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/rabbids
Spooky Rabbids | RABBIDS INVASION | 1H New compilation | Cartoon for Kids
We don't know where they came from. We don't know how they got here. But we do know this: they're here to play! Rabbids are curious little creatures that have invaded earth, and they're on a mission…to have fun and leave a giant path of destruction wherever they go.
Whether they're stealing bananas from the mall, playing with plungers, or climbing cows, these little Rabbids are fury friends of very few words, and love fighting with each other on all of their crazy adventures. There’s only one thing they all agree on... elevators are super confusing.
• Le Meilleur des Lapins Crétins ! - ...
Bienvenue sur la page officielle des Lapins Crétins Invasion !
Abonnez vous pour votre dose journalière de Lapins Crétins, regardez les devenir de plus en plus crétins et rejoignez l'invasion !
Retrouvez les Lapins Crétins également ici :
➡ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lapinscretin...
➡ TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lapinscretins...
➡ Snapchat : https://bit.ly/LapinsInvasionSnapchat
Les Lapins Crétins VS Les Robots | Les Lapins Crétins Invasion | Nouvelle compilation 20 min
Bwaaah !!! Un vent de folie souffle sur la planète bleue. Les Lapins Crétins envahissent la Terre. Ils sont partout, fouillant les poubelles, tripotant tout ce qui leur tombe sous la patte, imitant les humains et embêtant les animaux. Et tout ça en hurlant à tout bout de champ ! Qui sont ces êtres tellement crétins qu’ils provoquent catastrophes sur catastrophes ? D’où viennent-ils ? Que veulent-ils ? On n’en sait rien ! Mais il est inutile de lutter. La seule solution, c’est de s’habituer, car il va falloir vivre avec eux..."
More episodes here!
• 1h + Compilations Watch the Rabbids...
Welcome to the official channel of Rabbids Invasion !
Subscribe to get new Rabbids episodes every week! Watch them as they bring their crazy antics everywhere, from shopping malls to the North Pole!
You can also find the Rabbids here :
➡ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/rabbids
Spooky Rabbids | RABBIDS INVASION | 1H New compilation | Cartoon for Kids
We don't know where they came from. We don't know how they got here. But we do know this: they're here to play! Rabbids are curious little creatures that have invaded earth, and they're on a mission…to have fun and leave a giant path of destruction wherever they go.
Whether they're stealing bananas from the mall, playing with plungers, or climbing cows, these little Rabbids are fury friends of very few words, and love fighting with each other on all of their crazy adventures. There’s only one thing they all agree on... elevators are super confusing.
• Le Meilleur des Lapins Crétins ! - ...
Bienvenue sur la page officielle des Lapins Crétins Invasion !
Abonnez vous pour votre dose journalière de Lapins Crétins, regardez les devenir de plus en plus crétins et rejoignez l'invasion !
Retrouvez les Lapins Crétins également ici :
➡ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lapinscretin...
➡ TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lapinscretins...
➡ Snapchat : https://bit.ly/LapinsInvasionSnapchat
Les Lapins Crétins VS Les Robots | Les Lapins Crétins Invasion | Nouvelle compilation 20 min
Bwaaah !!! Un vent de folie souffle sur la planète bleue. Les Lapins Crétins envahissent la Terre. Ils sont partout, fouillant les poubelles, tripotant tout ce qui leur tombe sous la patte, imitant les humains et embêtant les animaux. Et tout ça en hurlant à tout bout de champ ! Qui sont ces êtres tellement crétins qu’ils provoquent catastrophes sur catastrophes ? D’où viennent-ils ? Que veulent-ils ? On n’en sait rien ! Mais il est inutile de lutter. La seule solution, c’est de s’habituer, car il va falloir vivre avec eux..."
Court métrageTranscription
00:00 (rock music)
00:02 (rock music)
00:04 (rock music)
00:07 (rock music)
00:09 (rock music)
00:12 (rock music)
00:14 (rock music)
00:16 (rock music)
00:19 (rock music)
00:21 (rock music)
00:24 (rock music)
00:26 (rock music)
00:29 (rock music)
00:31 (rock music)
00:33 - Destination 1403 AD.
00:35 Launching in three, two, one.
00:38 (babbling)
00:46 (upbeat music)
00:51 (babbling)
00:53 (babbling)
00:57 (upbeat music)
01:00 (babbling)
01:02 (babbling)
01:04 (upbeat music)
01:07 (babbling)
01:11 (upbeat music)
01:14 (laughing)
01:24 (babbling)
01:27 (babbling)
01:31 (babbling)
01:33 (upbeat music)
01:35 (babbling)
01:38 (upbeat music)
01:40 (laughing)
01:47 (babbling)
01:49 (upbeat music)
01:51 (babbling)
01:58 (upbeat music)
02:01 (babbling)
02:05 (upbeat music)
02:08 (thud)
02:18 (babbling)
02:22 (upbeat music)
02:24 (laughing)
02:33 (babbling)
02:35 (upbeat music)
02:40 (thud)
02:44 (babbling)
02:46 (screaming)
02:50 (laughing)
02:56 (babbling)
02:58 (upbeat music)
03:02 (babbling)
03:04 (upbeat music)
03:11 (babbling)
03:18 (laughing)
03:23 (thud)
03:26 (babbling)
03:28 (thud)
03:29 (babbling)
03:31 (upbeat music)
03:36 (babbling)
03:42 (laughing)
03:47 (babbling)
03:49 (laughing)
03:56 (upbeat music)
03:59 (babbling)
04:01 (laughing)
04:15 (babbling)
04:20 (screaming)
04:26 (laughing)
04:29 (upbeat music)
04:41 (babbling)
04:50 (upbeat music)
04:52 (babbling)
04:54 (thud)
05:07 (thud)
05:11 (thud)
05:14 (babbling)
05:16 (laughing)
05:21 (upbeat music)
05:23 (babbling)
05:25 (babbling)
05:40 - Destination, 1503 AD.
05:53 (babbling)
05:55 (thud)
06:03 (babbling)
06:06 (laughing)
06:23 (babbling)
06:26 (babbling)
06:43 (babbling)
06:51 (babbling)
06:53 (babbling)
06:55 (babbling)
07:01 (babbling)
07:11 (babbling)
07:20 (babbling)
07:22 (babbling)
07:32 (babbling)
07:41 (babbling)
07:48 (babbling)
07:50 (screaming)
07:54 (screaming)
07:57 (babbling)
08:06 (laughing)
08:10 (thud)
08:17 (babbling)
08:19 (babbling)
08:25 (babbling)
08:32 (upbeat music)
08:40 (babbling)
08:46 (laughing)
08:48 (babbling)
08:50 (babbling)
08:57 (sighing)
09:10 (babbling)
09:12 (snoring)
09:18 (babbling)
09:21 (babbling)
09:28 (babbling)
09:45 (babbling)
09:47 (babbling)
10:00 (babbling)
10:09 (babbling)
10:12 (screaming)
10:16 (screaming)
10:18 (thud)
10:20 (snoring)
10:22 (babbling)
10:31 (screaming)
10:39 - Glad, yeah.
10:42 (babbling)
10:46 (babbling)
10:49 (babbling)
11:00 (babbling)
11:09 (babbling)
11:16 (screaming)
11:18 (babbling)
11:28 (babbling)
11:39 (babbling)
11:41 (babbling)
12:02 (babbling)
12:07 (babbling)
12:09 (babbling)
12:23 (babbling)
12:28 (sighing)
12:36 (suspenseful music)
12:39 (babbling)
12:41 (screaming)
12:51 (babbling)
12:53 - Oh, boy.
13:07 (laughing)
13:19 - Crow papa no get crow oink.
13:21 Crow mama good, get crow slough.
13:25 - Crow mama, crow papa, crow little bro.
13:28 (babbling)
13:40 (babbling)
13:42 - Crow, what's up?
13:58 (babbling)
14:09 - Crow bro, crow little bro.
14:12 - Crow fun with crow bro.
14:18 - Crow fun with crow bro.
14:19 - Crow hunt.
14:20 - Crow my, crow papa go hunt.
14:23 - Crow bro.
14:25 (babbling)
14:38 - Crow bro.
14:39 - Huh, crow bro.
14:41 (babbling)
14:45 - Crow bro, play game.
14:49 (babbling)
14:51 Crow, crow found ya.
14:59 (babbling)
15:03 - Stop, enough, nice to crow bro.
15:08 - Crow no fair.
15:09 - Crow yum yum.
15:13 - Crow yum yum.
15:17 - Crow nice, crow hard, crow good kids.
15:22 - Crow play game.
15:26 (babbling)
15:29 Crow go.
15:36 (babbling)
15:38 - Crow stop, bad girl.
15:45 - Crow not me, crow bro fall.
15:47 - Poor crow.
15:48 (babbling)
15:51 - Crow no fair.
16:03 (babbling)
16:05 - No push, crow bro.
16:15 - Crow leave me alone.
16:33 - Crow no fair.
16:34 - Crow no, crow not.
16:35 Poor crow, crow.
16:38 - Oh, crow no fair.
16:40 - Crow no kids.
16:47 - No like crow bro.
16:56 (snoring)
16:58 - Crow morning.
17:09 Crow morning.
17:10 Crow play with crow bro.
17:14 - Go, go, go kids.
17:18 (babbling)
17:21 (snoring)
17:23 - Crow quiet.
17:30 Crow play.
17:34 Crow, crow, crow.
17:37 (laughing)
17:45 (snoring)
17:47 Crow bro.
17:53 Crowy.
18:00 (babbling)
18:11 (snoring)
18:14 (screaming)
18:17 - Oh, crow bro.
18:34 (babbling)
18:36 (snoring)
18:38 - Crow kids.
18:42 (babbling)
18:52 (thudding)
18:58 (babbling)
19:05 (snoring)
19:07 (thudding)
19:09 (snoring)
19:11 (snoring)
19:13 (snoring)
19:15 (upbeat music)
19:18 - And this is one of the abstract masterpieces
19:42 of our collection.
19:43 - Yes, I can see that.
19:45 This painting is obviously a strong deconstructionist
19:47 attack against consumer society.
19:49 And at the same time, it's so, so sensual.
19:51 - Oh, absolutely.
19:53 You've picked up on its citrusy kind of Alaska essence,
19:55 I should say.
19:56 Bravo.
19:57 This way, please.
19:59 - I think my column will have a lot of great things
20:01 to say about this collection, Mr. Curator.
20:04 (babbling)
20:13 (laughing)
20:15 (babbling)
20:21 (snoring)
20:31 (babbling)
20:35 (snoring)
20:41 (babbling)
20:44 (snoring)
20:46 (babbling)
20:55 (snoring)
20:57 (babbling)
21:01 (snoring)
21:10 (babbling)
21:12 (laughing)
21:16 (babbling)
21:21 (snoring)
21:27 (babbling)
21:33 (soft music)
21:38 (sighing)
21:40 (soft music)
21:43 (gasping)
21:46 (laughing)
21:48 (laughing)
21:50 (laughing)
21:52 (soft music)
21:55 (sighing)
21:57 (screaming)
22:00 (dramatic music)
22:08 (laughing)
22:18 (dramatic music)
22:22 (dramatic music)
22:24 (dramatic music)
22:27 (babbling)
22:29 (dramatic music)
22:32 (babbling)
22:34 (dramatic music)
22:39 (babbling)
22:44 (babbling)
22:53 (babbling)
22:58 (dramatic music)
23:01 (screaming)
23:06 (laughing)
23:08 (dramatic music)
23:11 (laughing)
23:17 (dramatic music)
23:20 (babbling)
23:22 (dramatic music)
23:25 (babbling)
23:27 (laughing)
23:31 (babbling)
23:38 (laughing)
23:42 (babbling)
23:49 (mumbling)
23:54 (snoring)
23:56 (screaming)
24:02 (dramatic music)
24:05 (laughing)
24:08 (screaming)
24:14 (dramatic music)
24:17 (screaming)
24:23 (babbling)
24:26 - Hey, you two!
24:36 What are you doing in here?
24:37 Why I oughta turn you into...
24:40 (babbling)
24:42 Get back here!
24:43 (babbling)
24:45 (dramatic music)
24:53 - What is going on?
24:55 You were drawing on the paintings?
25:10 - No, no, no, no, no, sir, no.
25:13 - Are you completely insane?
25:15 - I didn't do anything, sir.
25:18 It was them.
25:19 Where are they?
25:20 There they are.
25:21 Them!
25:22 They're crazy.
25:23 - Now get this mess cleaned up in a frosh,
25:25 or you'll be guarding the toilets!
25:27 - Yes, sir, of course.
25:28 - Now get this mess cleaned up immediately!
25:32 - Now that is a masterpiece.
25:34 (laughing)
25:42 (dramatic music)
25:51 (laughing)
25:54 (laughing)
25:58 - Shh.
26:01 (laughing)
26:04 - Oh, wow.
26:08 This book about Pinocchio is just amazing.
26:11 A story of a puppet who comes to life.
26:15 Hmm, I could do that.
26:17 I could make myself a son out of a block of wood.
26:20 He could keep me company in my old age.
26:23 Why not?
26:24 (laughing)
26:26 (babbling)
26:28 (babbling)
26:39 (babbling)
26:49 (laughing)
26:51 (babbling)
26:53 - Ah ha, finished!
27:09 Well, you look more like a rabbit than a real kid,
27:16 but that doesn't matter.
27:17 I'll call you Rabbidokio.
27:19 (laughing)
27:22 I wish I could fall asleep.
27:23 I'm an insomniac and I--
27:24 (snoring)
27:27 (laughing)
27:29 (babbling)
27:42 (laughing)
27:44 (snoring)
27:46 (babbling)
27:48 (laughing)
27:51 (babbling)
27:54 (babbling)
27:58 (babbling)
28:10 (laughing)
28:19 (babbling)
28:21 (babbling)
28:34 - Hey.
28:43 (babbling)
28:44 What the?
28:45 Rabbidokio?
28:47 Is that, is that you?
28:49 (laughing)
28:50 My son, my son!
28:51 It's amazing!
28:54 I can't believe it!
28:55 I knew you had come to life, just like in the book!
28:59 (babbling)
29:01 Oh, I love you too, my son.
29:04 (laughing)
29:07 (babbling)
29:09 (babbling)
29:16 (laughing)
29:18 (thudding)
29:21 (gasping)
29:24 - Well, well, sonny, what's going on?
29:26 You look a little grumpy.
29:27 (babbling)
29:30 Wait, where are you going?
29:33 (babbling)
29:35 Oh, I get it!
29:39 You're thirsty!
29:41 Let me see if I've got a bottle of milk for you.
29:44 Oops, oh, here it is.
29:46 Good fresh milk.
29:47 Ah.
29:50 Ah.
29:53 Take it, drink it up, drink it all!
29:58 You've got to finish every drop
30:00 if you want to grow up strong!
30:02 (laughing)
30:04 Oh, you're coughing!
30:07 You've got a cold, Rabbidokio.
30:09 Or you've got to cover up!
30:12 (gasping)
30:14 (buzzing)
30:16 (screaming)
30:19 Let me see, what could I use to make you a scarf?
30:23 (groaning)
30:25 (screaming)
30:42 (laughing)
30:44 This'll be perfect!
30:54 My mom's old sock.
30:55 With a scarf like that, you'll be nice and warm, sonny.
31:00 Pure goat hair.
31:02 (laughing)
31:08 (buzzing)
31:10 (screaming)
31:15 Wonderful, wonderful, you look just like
31:17 the Pinocchio from the book now.
31:20 (groaning)
31:23 Oh, my.
31:24 (coughing)
31:24 You smell a bit funny.
31:26 I'm just gonna open the door for a while, okay?
31:28 Nothing personal.
31:30 (beeping)
31:32 (buzzing)
31:35 (groaning)
31:37 Ah, some fresh air.
31:39 Let me get some air freshener, too.
31:42 (groaning)
31:44 (screaming)
31:49 (beeping)
31:51 (buzzing)
31:53 (screaming)
31:56 (screaming)
32:00 (thudding)
32:02 (laughing)
32:15 - Oh, what are you doing out here, sonny?
32:23 Come inside.
32:24 (screaming)
32:27 (laughing)
32:29 Take your time, son.
32:37 (laughing)
32:55 (laughing)
32:57 (speaking gibberish)
33:11 (speaking gibberish)
33:16 (speaking gibberish)
33:19 (laughing)
33:21 (speaking gibberish)
33:25 (speaking gibberish)
33:28 (speaking gibberish)
33:31 (speaking gibberish)
33:42 (speaking gibberish)
33:47 (speaking gibberish)
33:55 (speaking gibberish)
33:58 (speaking gibberish)
34:01 (speaking gibberish)
34:04 (speaking gibberish)
34:07 (speaking gibberish)
34:10 (speaking gibberish)
34:14 (speaking gibberish)
34:18 (speaking gibberish)
34:24 (laughing)
34:26 (speaking gibberish)
34:30 (dramatic music)
34:35 (upbeat music)
34:39 (screaming)
34:42 (speaking gibberish)
34:45 (laughing)
34:47 (speaking gibberish)
34:58 (screaming)
35:00 (speaking gibberish)
35:14 (speaking gibberish)
35:17 (speaking gibberish)
35:30 (speaking gibberish)
35:36 (laughing)
35:41 (speaking gibberish)
35:45 (speaking gibberish)
35:48 (speaking gibberish)
35:55 (speaking gibberish)
36:10 (screaming)
36:13 (speaking gibberish)
36:22 (screaming)
36:31 (speaking gibberish)
36:36 (speaking gibberish)
36:40 (speaking gibberish)
36:43 (speaking gibberish)
36:46 (speaking gibberish)
36:49 (speaking gibberish)
36:53 (speaking gibberish)
36:56 (laughing)
37:07 (speaking gibberish)
37:21 (dramatic music)
37:24 (speaking gibberish)
37:27 (speaking gibberish)
37:33 (spitting)
37:43 (speaking gibberish)
37:46 (laughing)
37:49 (speaking gibberish)
37:55 (speaking gibberish)
37:58 (laughing)
38:01 (dramatic music)
38:05 (speaking gibberish)
38:23 (explosion)
38:26 (screaming)
38:28 (speaking gibberish)
38:33 (speaking gibberish)
38:36 (laughing)
38:38 (speaking gibberish)
38:42 (birds chirping)
38:45 (dramatic music)
38:50 (speaking gibberish)
38:53 (dramatic music)
38:56 (screaming)
39:06 - Trans-temporal spatial functions active.
39:22 Destination minus three million years.
39:26 (speaking gibberish)
39:31 (dramatic music)
39:38 (speaking gibberish)
39:42 (speaking gibberish)
39:53 (speaking gibberish)
39:57 (dramatic music)
39:59 (speaking gibberish)
40:04 (screaming)
40:08 (speaking gibberish)
40:12 - Technical malfunction.
40:22 Technical malfunction.
40:27 (laughing)
40:29 (dramatic music)
40:32 (speaking gibberish)
40:37 (upbeat music)
40:49 (speaking gibberish)
40:55 (screaming)
40:58 (upbeat music)
41:08 (screaming)
41:11 (speaking gibberish)
41:22 (dramatic music)
41:25 (speaking gibberish)
41:29 (speaking gibberish)
41:32 (screaming)
41:34 (speaking gibberish)
41:48 (dramatic music)
41:50 (speaking gibberish)
41:57 (dramatic music)
42:00 (crashing)
42:11 (speaking gibberish)
42:17 (dramatic music)
42:19 (speaking gibberish)
42:23 (dramatic music)
42:25 (speaking gibberish)
42:28 (screaming)
42:38 (speaking gibberish)
42:43 (dramatic music)
42:50 (speaking gibberish)
42:53 (dramatic music)
43:03 (speaking gibberish)
43:14 (dramatic music)
43:17 (speaking gibberish)
43:20 (crashing)
43:27 (speaking gibberish)
43:32 (screaming)
43:45 (speaking gibberish)
43:49 (screaming)
43:52 (speaking gibberish)
43:55 (dramatic music)
43:58 (speaking gibberish)
44:01 (dramatic music)
44:04 (screaming)
44:07 (dramatic music)
44:09 (speaking gibberish)
44:20 (dramatic music)
44:23 (speaking gibberish)
44:26 (speaking gibberish)
44:29 (speaking gibberish)
44:32 (speaking gibberish)
44:36 (speaking gibberish)
44:39 (speaking gibberish)
44:42 (speaking gibberish)
44:45 (dramatic music)
44:53 (speaking gibberish)
44:57 (speaking gibberish)
45:04 (speaking gibberish)
45:11 (dramatic music)
45:14 (speaking gibberish)
45:17 (screaming)
45:41 (dramatic music)
45:44 (smashing)
45:46 (dramatic music)
45:49 (laughing)
45:54 (speaking gibberish)
45:57 (speaking gibberish)
46:00 (laughing)
46:03 (dramatic music)
46:06 (crashing)
46:10 (crashing)
46:14 (speaking gibberish)
46:18 (snoring)
46:27 (snoring)
46:29 (laughing)
46:36 (snoring)
46:49 (tires screeching)
46:52 (crashing)
47:06 (dramatic music)
47:11 (yawning)
47:17 (crashing)
47:19 (screaming)
47:22 (speaking gibberish)
47:27 (speaking gibberish)
47:45 (laughing)
47:48 (speaking gibberish)
47:51 (speaking gibberish)
47:54 (screaming)
48:03 (speaking gibberish)
48:14 (yawning)
48:16 (speaking gibberish)
48:22 (beeping)
48:29 (screaming)
48:42 (snoring)
48:44 (speaking gibberish)
48:50 (screaming)
48:54 (beeping)
48:59 (speaking gibberish)
49:11 (crashing)
49:13 (crashing)
49:20 (screaming)
49:25 (snoring)
49:28 (speaking gibberish)
49:40 (crashing)
49:42 (crashing)
49:50 (speaking gibberish)
49:54 (screaming)
50:06 (screaming)
50:08 (screaming)
50:12 (screaming)
50:21 (speaking gibberish)
50:25 (crashing)
50:32 (speaking gibberish)
50:35 (screaming)
50:46 (screaming)
50:51 (speaking gibberish)
50:54 (speaking gibberish)
50:57 (speaking gibberish)
51:00 (speaking gibberish)
51:03 (speaking gibberish)
51:16 (speaking gibberish)
51:29 (speaking gibberish)
51:32 (speaking gibberish)
51:35 (speaking gibberish)
51:39 (tires screeching)
51:42 (dramatic music)
51:53 (screaming)
51:55 (screaming)
52:02 (dramatic music)
52:08 (beeping)
52:10 (screaming)
52:13 (dramatic music)
52:15 (crashing)
52:35 (speaking gibberish)
52:39 (laughing)
52:41 (speaking gibberish)
52:51 (laughing)
52:53 (dramatic music)
53:02 (sighing)
53:08 (speaking gibberish)
53:14 (snoring)
53:20 (speaking gibberish)
53:23 (screaming)
53:34 (speaking gibberish)
53:39 (crashing)
53:49 (dramatic music)
53:53 (crashing)
53:55 (speaking gibberish)
54:11 (upbeat music)
54:18 (speaking gibberish)
54:21 (laughing)
54:33 (smashing)
54:36 (speaking gibberish)
54:41 (screaming)
55:00 (laughing)
55:02 (speaking gibberish)
55:07 (laughing)
55:14 (speaking gibberish)
55:24 (laughing)
55:27 (laughing)
55:48 (dramatic music)
55:50 (speaking gibberish)
55:58 (speaking gibberish)
56:14 (dramatic music)
56:17 (screaming)
56:22 (screaming)
56:35 (speaking gibberish)
56:43 (dramatic music)
56:45 (whistling)
56:49 (screaming)
56:52 (screaming)
57:01 (thudding)
57:06 (thudding)
57:11 (speaking gibberish)
57:14 (screaming)
57:21 (laughing)
57:28 (laughing)
57:40 (speaking gibberish)
57:43 (laughing)
58:09 (speaking gibberish)
58:12 (dramatic music)
58:14 (crashing)
58:29 (laughing)
58:41 (speaking gibberish)
58:44 (laughing)
59:10 (speaking gibberish)
59:13 (laughing)
59:24 (speaking gibberish)
59:29 (laughing)
59:32 (laughing)
59:34 (laughing)