Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defends Jamaal Bowman over fire alarm as GOP file motion to expel

  • last year
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez vehemently defended her democratic colleague Jamaal Bowman after it emerged he triggered a fire alarm during a vote on government funding in the House.

Republican Nicole Malliotakis, has drafted a motion to expel Mr Bowman from the chamber, accusing him of trying to delay the vote.

Ms Ocasio-Cortez told CNN’s Jake Tapper that the GOP caucus should “check their own values”, as they file a motion against Bowman while “protecting” Congressman Santos who has been charged with fraud, money laundering and theft of public funds.

Mr Bowman said he was "rushing to vote" and when a door would not open, he "activated the fire alarm, mistakenly thinking it would open the door".


00:06 13 federal charges, he's indicted on everything from wire fraud
00:12 to actual lying of house investigators.
00:16 And they have been buddying up and giggling with him on the House floor.
00:21 And they are protecting someone who has lied to the American people,
00:24 lied to the United States House of Representatives,
00:27 lied to congressional investigators.
00:29 But they're filing a motion to expel a member who,
00:32 in a moment of panic, was trying to escape a vestibule.
00:37 Give me a break.
00:38 And so the idea that there is somehow any kind of equivalence to someone who is
00:43 actively trying to clear up a situation that he himself admits he's embarrassed.
00:48 He released a statement last night, he apologized.
00:51 And they are protecting someone who has not only committed wire fraud,
00:55 not only defrauded veterans, not only lied to congressional investigators.
01:00 But is openly gloating about it,
01:03 is absolutely humiliating to the Republican caucus.
01:07 And I think that they should really check their own values.
01:09 >> There's another Republican who's been indicted also that they've been
01:12 defending, but we don't have the time to go into all of those charges, 91 of them.
01:18 Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, thanks for being here.
