20230929_krzysiekkrajewski_otwarcie drogi S3 Kamienna-Góra - Lubawka

  • last year
Otwarcie drogi s3 Kamienna Góra - Lubawka


00:00 Members of the Civic Platform, Ministers of the Civic Platform from that time, from 2008-2015,
00:09 if I remember correctly, didn't include this road on the list of roads, on the list of roads,
00:16 meaning with intention of its completion, not to mention that they didn't guarantee financing.
00:22 For us, the most important are the roads that open up development and social opportunities
00:32 for the inhabitants of the Polish-City, Polish-Municipal, Polish-Local.
00:37 And this is the road that S3 is.
00:41 It not only provides, as some people say half-seriously,
00:46 access to the Baltic Sea for the inhabitants of the Czech Republic,
00:52 and from the point of view of economic, tourist, Mrs. Marshal said it,
00:57 it is extremely important, but also economic movement, trade movement.
01:02 Trade is increasing considerably if we have good roads.
01:06 But I will also draw attention to this S3 that thinking about roads is a complex thinking.
01:14 It is not only those big arteries that we move on quickly and safely,
01:18 but also access roads, municipal, city roads.
01:22 I encourage every inhabitant, in every corner of Poland,
01:25 to ask their uncle, mayor or mayor
01:29 what were the means for municipal, city roads
01:33 for, well, for example, 4 years of the Civic Platform,
01:39 2011-2015 or 2007-2011, to compare any of the 4 years of the Civic Platform
01:46 to our 4 years of Law and Justice.
01:51 I strongly encourage this comparison, it will be absolutely crushing.
01:57 This cooperation of these teeth-whirling, teeth-grinding is extremely important,
02:03 because thanks to this new jobs are created.
02:05 The inhabitants of the Kamienna Góra will not have to travel many kilometres from here
02:10 to work somewhere in the bigger city centres.
02:13 Only as we managed to attract investments to Jawor, Polkowice, Głogów, Lubin,
02:20 thanks to better and better communication,
02:22 Kamienna Góra will breathe a full breath.
02:27 Minister, I look at Minister Marzena Machałek, who is from here.
02:32 She is really a magnum opus, a work of life.
02:37 I thank her for working so intensively on this.
02:43 And finally, I would like to thank Minister Andrzej Adamczyk,
02:48 because, ladies and gentlemen, time flies, people forget,
02:53 but let's refresh our memory of how it looked like to build
02:57 expressways, highways in Tusk, in the times of the Civic Platform.
03:03 We remember.
03:05 One big bankruptcy of Polish companies, Polish subcontractors.
03:10 Bankruptcy of Polish companies on a gigantic investment programme.
03:15 Spain, during a similar investment programme,
03:18 managed to make huge, gigantic, global Spanish construction companies grow.
03:24 And in the times of the Civic Platform, a king of the mill, but the other way round.
03:29 What they didn't touch, the scoundrels, they simply destroyed.
03:34 Maintaining the word, credibility.
03:37 Once again, we confirm this recognition sign of the Law and Justice of the United Right.
03:44 The Law and Justice maintains the word.
03:47 And we confirm it here, which is extremely important.
03:51 Here, where we are using the next part of the expressway,
03:56 there are three, which, as the Prime Minister said,
04:00 were not supposed to be built, or were supposed to be built in the unknown future.
04:07 Today, it becomes a fact and a reality that this road will serve the driver.
04:15 A safe road, a road, until recently, in the sphere of dreams.
04:21 I have to confirm that in 2015, in the first month,
04:28 when I was fulfilling the honourable office of the Minister and then MP Marzena Machałek,
04:38 Minister Elżbieta Witek, Minister of the Chancellery, Prime Minister,
04:44 they told me directly, they have a dream to fulfil the hopes of the inhabitants of Lower Silesia,
04:53 especially this region.
04:55 And they assured that they will do everything to make this dream come true.
05:02 I can say once again, it is worth having dreams.
05:06 Because those who do not have them, do not achieve great things,
05:09 seem impossible to achieve.
05:13 Thank you very much for your support.
05:16 The Prime Minister told in detail how it looked for years.
05:21 I thank the present ladies here,
05:24 Mr Marshal, Mr Minister.
05:27 I thank Mr Marshal for his presence in the Czech Republic in the following years,
05:31 at the next meetings with the Minister of Transport,
05:36 the former Minister of Transport, Dan Tiok,
05:38 when signing the intergovernmental agreements,
05:41 and earlier, of course, Kamienna Góra, the museum in Kamienna Góra.
05:47 And we are announcing there that this road will be built.
05:51 At that time, there was a lot of laughter among journalists and such petty remarks.
05:58 "If you have money, you will build it, but if you don't have money, you won't build it and there will be no road."
06:04 And there is.
06:06 Thank you very much for the fact that today, we confirmed once again,
06:10 that we have crossed over 5000 km of the fast traffic in Poland.
06:16 And this is very important.
06:17 If someone has something to remember from today's event,
06:20 please, to bring this information.
06:23 We have provided over 5000 km of the fast traffic in Poland to the drivers.
06:28 Safe roads, which is extremely important.
06:32 And as for our friends in the Czech Republic,
06:35 I was at the border today, I drove the whole built-up road,
06:39 I took pictures, I sent, I can say, to my friend,
06:43 the Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic, Martin Kupce, pictures.
06:46 I showed that our road is ready.
06:50 Of course, unfortunately, in previous years, I will not go into why the investment process was slowed down.
06:59 Today I know that this investment on the Czech side, from the border to the road,
07:04 will be carried out this year,
07:08 and will certainly be implemented, because it is included in the strategic transport goals of the Czech Republic.
07:17 This was confirmed by Minister Martin Kupce, Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic.
07:23 We hope that soon we will go smoothly,
07:26 because next year we are giving the episodes of "Jest Trójki" at the port of Świnoujście,
07:32 and we will go smoothly from the ports to the south of Europe.
