Mandelli (Fofi): "Con somministrazione vaccini farmacisti determinanti nella lotta al Covid"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - "Sono circa 400.000 in Italia i farmacisti vaccinatori e 6 milioni le vaccinazioni anti Covid fatte in farmacia nella passata stagione. La prossimità delle farmacie può diventare un fattore chiave di successo della campagna: capillarità territoriale, orari d’apertura dilatati, contatto unico con i cittadini". Lo ha detto il presidente della Fofi (Federazione ordini farmacisti italiani)


00:00 Dr. Mandelli, why is it important that people get vaccinated against COVID?
00:04 It is important because we are certainly living a different phase than the one a few years ago.
00:10 We are in a phase in which the disease is certainly less severe,
00:16 also because the population has been vaccinated in an important way.
00:21 It is important to get vaccinated because we have to take into account an Italian population
00:25 which is made up of elderly people, of the frail, and therefore all together we have to create
00:32 that phase with the immunity of the population that is necessary for this important part of our population.
00:39 And then, because objectively we are all reading in the newspapers, the variants are continuing.
00:46 So maintaining an important immune response with vaccination
00:52 is certainly a guarantee of that goal of being able to help everyone,
00:58 but also ourselves by vaccinating, so finally get out of this emergency phase
01:04 which has been objectively very difficult for the whole country, but for all of us.
01:09 I believe that in the most difficult moments the pharmacy has represented the proximity.
01:14 It is evident that in those cursed days, having the pharmacies always open was a very important fact.
01:21 We have shown that despite the difficult moment, despite the moment when we were all in the pharmacies,
01:27 we were also worried, like all Italians.
01:30 We have dedicated a lot of time to train professionally to become vaccinating pharmacists.
01:37 About 40,000 pharmacists have now completed the course of the Federation of Health Orders,
01:43 and therefore have become vaccinating pharmacists.
01:47 We have had over 6 million COVID vaccines in the past season,
01:52 and therefore we have certainly shown on the field that we can be decisive
01:57 to be on the side of the citizen even in such an important phase as vaccination.
02:04 The pharmacy is the proximity.
02:06 The pharmacist is a health professional who is widespread in a capillary way,
02:12 he is easily accessible, the pharmacy schedules are highly dilated.
02:17 It is the ideal point for an Italian population that is aging,
02:22 which has a special weight in terms of chronic diseases.
02:27 An elderly person, I think, can go to the pharmacy and find the pharmacist,
02:32 who already knows, whom he already trusts, to find him available at the time he prefers.
02:37 If there is a doubt, the next day he can ask for clarification,
02:41 which in the labs was impossible,
02:44 also because you had to depend on someone to vaccinate you.
02:51 So, the ability to be present on the territory, to have time slots,
02:57 to have a unique relationship with the citizen,
03:01 which is also evidenced by the research that we entrusted to Professor Pagnuccelli at Ipsos
03:06 at the end of this spring,
03:09 shows how the Italian citizen knows how to get a hold of the pharmacist,
03:13 he knows how to find him when he needs it.
03:16 I believe that in such an important moment in your personal choice of life,
03:21 getting vaccinated, having a relationship of trust with a person you know,
03:25 can be useful.
03:26 It can be even more useful at this time,
03:29 because it is easier to go to someone you know and get vaccinated.
