Das deutsche Volkseinkommen schrumpft in diesem Jahr um 0,6%

  • last year
Eine neue Prognose geht davon aus, dass die deutsche Wirtschaftsleistung in diesem Jahr insgesamt schrumpfen wird.
00:00 A new forecast assumes that German economic performance will shrink overall this year.
00:06 Industry and consumption are recovering slower than expected.
00:11 Germany is fighting to take over the role of the economic engine in the EU again.
00:17 According to the five leading economic institutes, which are making their joint forecast twice a year,
00:24 the GDP will probably drop by 0.6% in 2023.
00:31 Rising interest rates are calling for their tribute to the economy and high inflation is pushing consumption.
00:38 The previous forecast for spring 2023 was based on a stagnation.
00:44 "The most important reason for the revision is that industry and private consumption are recovering slower than we expected in spring,"
00:53 Oliver HoltemĂĽller, vice president and head of the department of macroeconomics at the Institute for Economic Research Hall, IWH, says.
01:01 Germany has been in a downturn for more than a year,
01:05 which is mainly due to the strong increase in energy prices in 2022.
01:11 The decline of cheap natural gas sources like Russia put the country's energy-intensive industries in a difficult position.
01:20 The inflation has increased by over 8% and consumption has been at a low level.
01:28 At the same time, high interest rates have hit the construction industry very hard.
01:33 The economic atmosphere is bad, which is partly due to the increased political uncertainty.
01:41 Overall, the indicators indicate that production in the third quarter of 2023 was back to normal again.
01:50 Good news on the horizon. Growth will increase again.
01:54 However, price increases have been followed by wage increases, energy prices have fallen,
02:00 and exporters have partially passed on their higher costs, so that the purchasing power can return, according to economists.
02:08 Therefore, they expect the decline to continue until the end of the year.
02:14 In the last quarter of the year, growth is expected to increase again, by a modest 0.2%.
02:20 For 2024, the institutes, four German and one Austrian, predict a GDP growth of 1.3%, 1.5% compared to before.
02:33 For 2025, a GDP growth of 1.5% is predicted.
02:41 The joint economic forecast is one of the most important indicators that the German Ministry of Economy is oriented to.
02:49 It is created by the IFO Institute, the Halle Institute for Economic Research, the Institute for World Economy in Kiel,
02:57 the RWI, Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Austrian Institute for Economic Research.
