[방탄소년단] 전세계팬 쓰러뜨리는 -지민 비하인드 영상- (BTS Jimin makes global fans breathless in a new video)

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[방탄소년단] 전세계팬 쓰러뜨리는 -지민 비하인드 영상- (BTS Jimin makes global fans breathless in a new video)
00:00 BTS Jimin's super-slim charm is revealed in the video. It's making BTS fans around the world excited.
00:20 On September 18, Lotte Welford released a short video that surprised BTS fans around the world through the official SNS.
00:30 The video released by Lotte Welford on this day was a behind-the-scenes video of BTS Jimin's super-slim charm.
00:40 BTS Jimin, wearing a bright green top and white T-shirt, is sending a very attractive smile while looking at the camera.
01:00 BTS Jimin, sitting on a chair, is sending a kiss that makes all fans around the world's hearts beat.
01:20 BTS Jimin, standing up, is showing his attractive face and perfect side profile, capturing the hearts of fans around the world.
01:40 BTS Jimin's eternal boyish charm is making many BTS fans around the world excited.
01:50 This has been KPOP News. Thank you.
01:52 You can see more contents of 90 Seven Series on seezn.com
