Duck Dynasty Hits the Big Screen

  • last year
Based on the life of Phil and Kay Robertson, THE BLIND is a powerful true story of love, hardship, and redemption. With a talented cast, including Aron von Andrian (DODGER), Amelia Eve (THE HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR), Brielle Robillard (The Lake), Matthew Erick White (Station 19), and directed by Andrew Hyatt (PAUL, APOSTLE OF CHRIST; FULL OF GRACE), THE BLIND shows that no one is beyond the grace of God, and no one is so far gone that they cannot turn their life around.
00:00 If you've ever heard of the reality TV show,
00:02 Duck Dynasty, you know the parents,
00:04 Phil and Kaye Robertson, have a wonderful relationship,
00:07 but it wasn't always that way.
00:09 And a new film based on their effort
00:11 to show true love of hardship and redemption
00:14 is coming to theaters.
00:16 And I talk with Willie and Corey Robertson
00:18 about the new film, The Blind.
00:21 Good morning, Corey and Willie, how are you doing?
00:26 - Doing great. - Hey there, we're doing good.
00:28 Let's talk about this new film, The Blind,
00:31 'cause this is so important to your family for this,
00:34 but also to a lot of people out there
00:37 who are having trouble with their faith, am I right?
00:40 - Yeah, having trouble with their faith,
00:44 having trouble with their marriage,
00:45 having trouble keeping life together.
00:48 Yeah, there's a lot of things here.
00:49 If you watch Duck Dynasty, it's kind of the fruit
00:52 of the labor after the family had gotten
00:54 everything figured out.
00:56 This takes you back to the beginning
00:58 of really Kaye and Phil's relationship.
01:01 We're all kids in it.
01:03 I'm two years old in the movie,
01:05 so this kind of tells you the timeframe,
01:07 50s, 60s, 70s is where the movie takes place.
01:11 And it shows you the real struggle
01:13 that the family almost never got off the ground.
01:16 It was like a decade of just bad decisions and bad living.
01:21 And it's a story of hope and redemption.
01:24 And just to let you know, no one's too far gone
01:26 and you never know what God may have in store for you.
01:29 Phil finds his faith, mom as well.
01:32 And then mom's able to forgive Phil.
01:34 And yeah, it's just a story of their lives
01:36 and how they stuck with it through the really hard times
01:40 and made it and we're thankful they did.
01:42 - Yeah, you said right there, Phil's redemption story
01:46 really shaped the family
01:48 and that's what was need to be seen.
01:50 And how did that shape the family where it is now?
01:54 - Well, I mean, once he got himself lined out,
01:56 he didn't just kind of bounce into some kind of,
01:59 you know, light faith, he went all in, you know?
02:02 And so he was so desperate in telling other people
02:05 about what he had learned through the gospel.
02:08 He and Kay, I've witnessed myself,
02:11 them talking to thousands of people on their couch
02:14 and just, you know, marriages they were in trouble.
02:16 And so they really just poured out
02:18 and that really helped shape our faith as we watched it,
02:22 as I watched it play out in real life.
02:24 And then in the movie, you know,
02:26 that's where you know that can come
02:28 and that's the beginning of where this started
02:30 because it was so impactful for their lives
02:33 and kept our family together.
02:35 And if it wouldn't have just stayed there,
02:36 it would have been worth it, you know, for our family.
02:39 But as it turns out now,
02:40 millions of people all around the globe have been,
02:43 you know, touched with, you know,
02:45 the message of the gospel and faith
02:47 and there was a prayer at the end of the agnostic.
02:48 And so all this came out of, you know,
02:50 really these hard times.
02:51 - Yeah, okay, sitting there watching the movie
02:55 and sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's good.
02:57 So what's one of your favorite scenes in the movie
03:00 that we should take a look at and why?
03:02 - I've got to say, I love the young Uncle Si.
03:07 So a lot of people loved Uncle Si
03:09 and all that weirdness he did,
03:12 which is he's like that real life as well.
03:14 And so here we get to see Uncle Si as a child
03:17 and as a teenager, it's really funny, you know,
03:20 just seeing where it kind of that quirkiness began.
03:22 There's a cool story in there where Terry Bradshaw
03:26 and Phil go bass fishing when they were both in college
03:28 at Louisiana Tech and it's really funny.
03:32 And I know it's true because Terry told me the story
03:34 when I was probably 13 years old.
03:37 I wouldn't stood in line to get his autograph
03:39 and he told me the story about my dad taking him fishing.
03:42 So we were able to put that in the movie as well.
03:43 So there's some fun stuff in there also.
03:45 - I like it.
03:47 Corey, let me talk to you about really quick about the movie
03:49 because again, this is a family that, you know,
03:53 it's a very big family, very important there.
03:55 And what do you want people to take away
03:57 when they do see this movie?
03:59 - Well, I think that, you know,
04:01 it starts off and we say, this is a true story.
04:03 And it's not just like based on a true story.
04:05 It is a true story.
04:06 And that's what's been really special for us
04:08 'cause Phil and Kay are alive
04:09 and they got to like tell the story in their own words
04:12 and we just put it to film.
04:14 And so I think, you know, for them,
04:16 we were able to ask them like,
04:17 what do you want to take away?
04:19 Like, what do you want people to know?
04:21 And it's really is, it's their story,
04:23 but it's really the story of Jesus.
04:25 And it's the story of God coming into a family's life
04:28 and everything changing.
04:30 And, you know, so for them, it was worth it
04:34 to be able to tell their story
04:35 so that other people might experience that as well.
04:38 - Yeah, I'll tell you, I am such, like I said,
04:41 a big fan of the show, "The Family."
04:44 And I think that's why this movie is so important
04:46 to know where the Duck Dynasty came from
04:50 and knowing again about people,
04:52 forgiveness, redemption and faith, which is so important.
04:55 So right now, where can people find
04:57 to get those tickets ahead of time
04:58 and more about the movie?
05:01 - Yeah, you can go to
05:03 and type in your city
05:04 and it'll tell you what theater it's at.
05:06 And you can actually go ahead and pre-order tickets there.
05:08 We're hoping for like a sellout crowd,
05:11 not an empty seat on open and weekend.
05:13 And we're really excited.
05:14 We've been already seeing some of the theaters
05:16 are already sold out.
05:17 You know, this is kind of something we wanted to do
05:19 for people to kind of see our whole story
05:22 and we cannot wait for it to get in theaters.
05:24 - I like it.
05:25 I'm looking forward to seeing it.
05:26 And I do have one question before we leave out here
05:28 really quick and this is to Willie.
05:29 Willie, the beard, you know that, you guys in the beard,
05:33 is that just something that was, of course, from dad
05:37 or is that just something, you know,
05:39 has been down the line?
05:40 - Well, dad said a north wind started this beard thing
05:44 and he said, "I'm not cutting it.
05:47 "I'm just allowing what nature's taking place."
05:50 And, you know, I wish you had a beard.
05:52 That'd be awesome.
05:53 You know, it's just sad seeing guys like you,
05:55 you know, who just can't quite pull through with it.
05:59 So we'll keep growing it
06:00 and you can live vicariously through us.
06:02 (laughing)
06:03 - Well, Willie, Corey, thank you very much for joining us.
06:06 We appreciate it and we're looking forward
06:07 to seeing this movie, "The Blind."
06:09 Again, information's on
06:12 and continue, of course, all what you're doing.
06:15 Thank you.
06:16 - Thank you. - Thanks for having us.
