Trapped in a GIRLS ONLY Prison in Roblox!

  • l’année dernière
00:00 Today in Roblox we have to escape a girls only prison.
00:03 Can we do it?
00:03 Watch until the end to find out.
00:05 Guys, where are we?
00:07 Who is this?
00:07 My precious prisoner.
00:09 Guys, I think we're stuck in a girls only prison.
00:11 We must escape right now.
00:13 Okay, let's look around for clues.
00:14 What do we have?
00:15 Okay, we have a one million dollar bank on us.
00:17 Okay, and what's this over here?
00:18 Is that Luigi?
00:19 Would you like to buy police baby?
00:21 Okay, I'll buy whatever.
00:23 Oh, I'm the police baby now.
00:25 Okay, anyways.
00:25 And then we have a guard over here
00:27 that's been kissed too many times.
00:29 And then over here we have a skimpy toilet guard.
00:32 Guys, this is not looking good.
00:33 Okay, we also have a birthday cake from mom,
00:35 but it's not even my birthday.
00:36 Let's just eat it, I'm kinda hungry.
00:37 Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.
00:38 Oh, we just got a key.
00:40 Or is it a shovel?
00:40 I cannot even see because I bought the stupid skin.
00:43 I'm guessing we have to use it over here.
00:45 Does that work?
00:46 Okay, I turned back into myself.
00:47 Maybe if I get in now, is it gonna work?
00:49 Oh, it works, let's go.
00:50 I don't even know why I bought that police baby thing.
00:52 I just wasted money.
00:53 Anyways, what do we have over here?
00:54 Okay, there's more things we can buy.
00:56 I don't wanna do any of that.
00:56 Let's just complete this hobby.
00:58 Oh my God, what?
00:59 The platform falls down.
01:00 That is so dangerous.
01:01 That is so dangerous, but we need to escape.
01:03 Oh my God, that one breaks.
01:04 Okay, let's just quickly jump over it.
01:06 Oh my God, it's the flippin' female guard.
01:09 Hello?
01:10 Oh, where did she go?
01:11 She just disappeared.
01:12 All right, whatever, let's just chase after her.
01:13 I wanna get out of her as soon as possible.
01:15 Help, turn around?
01:17 What, why?
01:18 Meet the family.
01:19 Oh my God, that's a very beautiful looking family.
01:22 Let's just click this red button and see what it does.
01:24 Oh, it makes disappear, nice.
01:26 Don't tell me it's gonna disappear.
01:27 Hello, meet the last jump.
01:28 Okay, let's click the red button again.
01:30 I flippin' love red buttons.
01:32 It opens it for us.
01:33 Oh no, it's the guy that's been kissed too many times.
01:35 I'm sorry, my friend, I have to leave you here.
01:37 I must escape this prison.
01:38 Okay, now we have to fly up.
01:40 Nice, let's go.
01:41 We're like an eagle.
01:42 America, who's this?
01:43 Okay, so, oh my God.
01:45 Are they looking for me?
01:46 Look, they think the female guard is obsessed with me.
01:49 Let's keep going.
01:50 Oh, this one fell down.
01:51 Oh my God, what?
01:52 She's chasing after me.
01:53 No, no, no, where do we have to go?
01:54 Where do we have to go?
01:55 Oh, over here, over here.
01:57 Okay, okay, I don't need to jump over here.
01:58 Ha ha, you cannot get me anymore.
02:00 Sucks to suck.
02:02 All right, let's keep moving.
02:03 Now, do we press this button over here?
02:05 What does it do?
02:06 Okay, it seems that we cannot press it anymore.
02:08 I'm guessing the other guy already did.
02:09 Okay, just need to run over here,
02:11 then go up to this platform.
02:12 Let's somehow make this jump to the right
02:14 and boom, bam, just like that, we made it through.
02:16 Oh yeah, all right, what is this?
02:18 Are we supposed to dodge these red lasers?
02:20 I think we are.
02:21 Okay, so let's just kinda run around them real quick.
02:23 Just like that.
02:24 Oh, this is pretty easy.
02:26 Nevermind, they move a bit too quick.
02:28 Okay, oh, what is going on here?
02:30 Hello?
02:30 Hey, it's Uncle Jerry.
02:32 Hey, Jerry, I can't talk to you right now.
02:34 I gotta do my own thing.
02:35 I'm guessing I have to take this chair
02:37 and then place it over here
02:38 and then maybe jump on it
02:39 and then like kind of over here.
02:40 Does that work?
02:41 No, maybe I take a bath with this female guard.
02:43 Hey, let's go.
02:44 No, that doesn't seem to work.
02:45 Oh, over here, didn't even see.
02:47 Let's get another chair.
02:48 Let's jump, place.
02:50 Now we can jump on the chair, open that
02:53 and boom, let's go.
02:54 I'm way too good at this.
02:55 Okay, let's get these planks,
02:57 place one down right over here,
03:01 place, and then get another one, walk over
03:04 and then place another one right over here
03:06 and then jump on top of the box,
03:07 jump on top of this and ba-da-boom-ba-da-bam.
03:09 Oh, I got stuck.
03:10 And just like that, we're into the next room.
03:11 Okay, what's going on over here?
03:13 What's inside these toilets?
03:14 Hello, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
03:16 Yeah, didn't mean to do that, my bad.
03:19 All right, what's in here, hello?
03:20 Sorry Burrito.
03:22 Are we supposed to jump down there?
03:23 I feel like I will die.
03:24 Let's check the next toilet real quick.
03:26 Oh, oh, oh, that is disgusting.
03:29 Oh my God, who would do that?
03:30 Okay, I guess we have no other choice
03:32 but to jump down here.
03:33 Hopefully we don't die.
03:34 We're good.
03:35 Hello, are you okay, ma'am?
03:36 Whatever, I'm just gonna keep moving.
03:38 You guys have a great life.
03:40 You seem like a great couple.
03:41 All right, let's just jump over here,
03:42 click the red button and then this should fold up
03:45 just like that.
03:46 Yo, let's go, I am way too good at this game.
03:48 I do not care about anything.
03:50 Even if everything breaks, it doesn't matter
03:52 because I will still make it
03:53 because my name is Quabagop.
03:55 And just like that, we made it.
03:56 Okay, what does that arrow say?
03:57 It says go up.
03:58 Okay, just need to jump on these then I guess.
04:01 There we go, press the nice red button again.
04:03 All right, where do we go now?
04:04 Over there, okay, that seems easy enough.
04:06 Quick, yo, jump over here.
04:07 Oh my God, that was so close.
04:09 Oh no, no, no, no, oh no, I'm so bad.
04:12 Okay, I'm gonna do it in one motion this time.
04:14 All right, jump, jump, jump, jump, nice.
04:17 All right, now should we go over here or through the door?
04:20 Anyways, let's keep moving on, boys.
04:22 Okay, we have to go down here.
04:24 So let's just quickly do that.
04:25 Oh, look, she's sleeping.
04:27 Don't mind me, I'm just gonna escape this prison.
04:29 Yo, what are you doing in here, bro?
04:31 Here you go, my brother, I'm gonna let you out.
04:32 Peace, peace, peace.
04:33 Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, they started fighting.
04:35 Yo, Cho-Cho, I'm letting out all the prisoners.
04:37 Guys, go, go, go, go, you're free, you're free, help me.
04:40 I need your help, come on, come on, come on.
04:42 Go, go, go, attack her, attack her.
04:43 Thank you, I'll just open this up.
04:44 It doesn't work, I need the key.
04:46 Oh, okay, thank you guys, thank you for defeating her.
04:49 I got the key, yeah, enjoy freedom.
04:51 Here we go, let's open this bad boy.
04:53 What is this, it's a train?
04:55 (gasps)
04:56 Is this it, do we make it, guys?
04:58 I don't think so, but this is a beautiful looking train.
05:01 I think we wanna crash into the wall.
05:02 Oh, we didn't, okay, nice.
05:04 This way, okay, thank you very much.
05:06 All right, oh my, who are you?
05:08 Get out of the way!
05:09 You're not gonna ever stop me with that car.
05:11 It looks slow.
05:12 At least come with a Lamborghini or something.
05:14 Anyways, let's just keep moving.
05:16 What is that, is that snow?
05:18 Is it winter already?
05:19 Okay, no, I guess not.
05:20 I guess we just need to kinda jump here
05:22 and then just run, I guess.
05:23 Oh, okay, wow, really?
05:25 How am I supposed to even make this jump?
05:26 Okay, I get it, I get it, I get it, I understand now.
05:29 Nice, now just keep moving.
05:32 Make sure to jump right at the end,
05:33 otherwise we're not gonna make it.
05:35 Keep running, keep running, keep running,
05:36 and then jump right at the end, nice.
05:39 Keep moving, keep moving.
05:40 Feel like Sonic right now, jump again, let's go.
05:42 Keep moving, keep moving, keep moving and jump, nice.
05:47 All right, what do we have over here?
05:48 It's another vent.
05:49 Where does this one lead to?
05:51 Hello?
05:52 Yeah, just enjoy your burger, you know, don't mind me.
05:55 I'm just chilling.
05:56 Emma wants to fight.
05:57 Grab while emergency, okay, well.
05:59 All right, Emma, I have the gun.
06:01 Now it's time for you to die, eat these burgers.
06:03 Eat 'em all, look, she's getting fatter.
06:05 Oh my God, she's getting closer, no, oh, we got it.
06:07 Oh my God, that was way too close.
06:10 All right, we got the key,
06:11 and now we can escape this room, nice.
06:13 I'm also gonna take another weapon just in case,
06:15 you know, you never know.
06:15 All right, oh, is it time to drive a flipping car?
06:18 Let's go, boom.
06:22 Can the car fly?
06:23 This is insane.
06:24 Oh my God, look.
06:26 The car is like an airplane hybrid.
06:29 This is insane.
06:30 All right, go into the pipe over here.
06:32 This feels like a GTA 5 race.
06:33 Come on, go, you've got it, you've got it.
06:34 No, no, no, don't fall, do not fall down.
06:37 We have to do this right now.
06:39 Can I also shoot my gun?
06:40 Oh, I can boost, oh, oh.
06:42 Can they even notice?
06:43 I can boost this car, look, it can go so fast.
06:47 Oh, that was close, that was a close one, okay.
06:49 Keep jumping, no, no, no, no, no.
06:51 Whoa, whoa, okay, we gotta watch out with the boost.
06:53 The boost is pretty flipping scary.
06:55 All right, there we go, make it into the pipe over here,
06:57 and just like that, we're through, nice.
07:00 Eat healthy like Jake, okay.
07:03 I'm gonna take the rusty car, can I?
07:05 Is that possible?
07:06 No, it doesn't work, okay,
07:07 we have to go without a car now, that sucks.
07:09 But it's trampoline time, let's go.
07:12 I flipping love trampolines, they make me happy.
07:15 No, they don't, dad.
07:16 Anyways, as I was saying, trampolines make me happy.
07:20 Yeah, don't mind me, you know,
07:21 this trampoline thingy was hot,
07:23 so don't roast me in the comments.
07:24 Good times, good times, all right.
07:26 Okay, do we jump down this hole?
07:28 Oh, what is this, is this the control room?
07:30 Yo, free my boy, what are you doing to my boy?
07:34 Free my brother's uncle Jerry?
07:36 What the, oh, what the flip, she's shooting lasers at me.
07:39 I still have my gun, though, can I shoot her?
07:41 It doesn't do any damage, what am I supposed to do here?
07:43 Place the head, whose head?
07:45 Excuse me, do you know how I'm supposed
07:47 to get your head somehow, do you know?
07:49 No, okay, I guess I'm just gonna quickly do the parkour,
07:51 then, you know, don't mind me.
07:52 Oh my gosh, she's shooting flippin' bacon out of her eyes.
07:56 Okay, interesting.
07:57 Now we have to make sure that we don't fall down,
07:59 because otherwise we are definitely gonna die.
08:00 Oh, there's water over here.
08:02 All right, we got the bucket.
08:03 Now what am I supposed to do?
08:03 Am I just supposed to kinda click on her?
08:05 Oh, oh, okay, that was pretty simple.
08:08 All right, let's just place the head down over there.
08:10 I guess that's the downside of being a robot, you know,
08:12 water makes you go boom.
08:13 All right, what is this?
08:16 Dab an entire army.
08:17 Oh my God, I definitely wanna escape this now.
08:20 All right, we gotta out, oh, Matt, drink cola water.
08:23 Okay, whatever, ow!
08:24 For some reason, we're super quick on this platform,
08:26 so I need to kinda watch out.
08:28 Okay, let's just keep running.
08:30 We got this, boys, we will not die again,
08:32 I promise you that.
08:33 I go on the trampoline, nice.
08:34 That was a very high jump, I did not expect that.
08:36 Keep going, keep going, keep going, jump, jump, jump.
08:38 Jump again and jump again.
08:40 I was at experiments, don't go, help.
08:42 What do you mean, who is even writing this?
08:44 All right, this way.
08:46 Oh my, what is that?
08:47 Okay, it's telling us to go this way,
08:50 but I feel like we should go this way.
08:51 Actually, no, no, you know what,
08:52 let's just listen to the game.
08:54 All right, punch, boom, boom.
08:56 All right, we're in.
08:57 Dreams come nightmare.
09:00 Let's just see what we need to do here.
09:02 Can I grab this?
09:03 Okay, so I'm guessing we need to place it down over here
09:06 and then kinda just jump into this vent.
09:08 Okay, that's not enough.
09:09 We need a smaller box to jump on this box
09:11 and then place this down
09:12 and then we can jump on top of this, nice.
09:14 All right, now where do we go?
09:16 Let's just keep going up.
09:17 What is this?
09:18 What did I just pick up?
09:19 Is that a cannonball?
09:19 No, oh, for the cannon we saw earlier.
09:21 All right, cool, cool, cool.
09:22 All right, sounds good.
09:23 Now let's just load this up with that and then shoot it.
09:26 Boom!
09:27 Aw, did your eye hurt?
09:30 Goodbye, thank you very much.
09:32 Don't mind me, just gonna go through the vent.
09:33 All right, let's jump down.
09:35 What?
09:36 Why would they do that?
09:37 That's so scary.
09:38 Vent security, respective orders passed it.
09:41 Okay, now which way do we go?
09:43 Do we go this way or do we go this way?
09:46 I'm guessing this way first.
09:47 It does say turn back, but I think I'm too far in
09:49 so I'm gonna turn back now.
09:51 Let's click that.
09:52 Now we gotta go all the way back
09:54 and then jump over here and then jump over here
09:56 and then just walk right over here,
09:59 click the button and there we go, it's activated.
10:02 Now I'm wondering if I can make this jump.
10:04 Let's just try it out.
10:06 Oh no, I'm gonna have to try that out,
10:08 but luckily it stays activated so we're good.
10:10 Okay, let's go through the doll slide.
10:11 Now why it's locked?
10:12 If it bugs me out again, I swear.
10:15 Oh my God, at least I got rid of the thing.
10:16 So, okay, let's go to the boys one now
10:19 and I think this should work.
10:20 All right, I don't even know what's going on anymore,
10:22 but whatever, okay, so find the button.
10:25 Okay, it seems simple enough.
10:26 I mean, there's two buttons over here.
10:28 Okay, that's not it.
10:29 What about over here?
10:30 Nope, that's not it either.
10:31 Oh, here it is, all super easy.
10:33 All right, there we go, peace out.
10:34 All right, vent main, interesting.
10:36 Now this is kind of hard because we're in fast passing now,
10:39 but whatever, man, I think I'm just gonna kind of
10:41 stick through it and kind of make sure that I still make it.
10:45 Okay, there we go, nice.
10:46 Just keep jumping, go through this rusty vent.
10:49 Click this, nice.
10:50 All right, gym, oh my God, what?
10:52 Did that time be a rip?
10:53 Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
10:54 chill, chill, chill, chill, don't mind me.
10:56 Ha ha, goodbye, goodbye, don't mind me.
10:59 You keep doing your little workout.
11:01 Oh, oh, yeah, dude, who is this?
11:05 Oh, hello, hello.
11:07 Okay, I have no idea what just happened,
11:09 but can I dig over here?
11:10 Oh, okay, got a big spoon.
11:11 All right, let's just keep digging.
11:12 Is this finally it?
11:14 Am I gonna finally have freedom?
11:15 Who is that?
11:16 Hello, don't mind me, no, no, no, I'm sorry.
11:18 No, no, no, no, go away, go away, go away, go away.
11:21 Let me just go up these stairs.
11:22 Thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye.
11:23 Okay, we need the key.
11:24 How am I supposed to get the flipping key?
11:26 In this chest, maybe?
11:27 I can open it, oh, there we go.
11:29 It's open, okay, all right, got the key.
11:31 All right, let's just open this bad boy up
11:32 before someone else comes up here.
11:33 All right, there we go.
11:34 All right, what is this?
11:35 Ooh, it's another flipping obstacle course.
11:37 Okay, no problem, we got this.
11:38 Why is this even inside of a prison?
11:39 I have no idea, who cares?
11:41 Oh my God, it's a bunch of dead prisoners.
11:44 I mean, guys, ooh!
11:45 All right, let's just keep slowly moving.
11:47 I know that thing is annoying,
11:48 but guys, I don't know what else to do.
11:50 I cannot click it off again,
11:51 and I don't wanna restart, we're too far in.
11:53 All right, what is this?
11:54 Oh my God, is it time to go flipping?
11:56 What's happening here?
11:57 We're riding, we're riding.
11:58 Okay, we're good, we're good, we're good.
11:59 Ah, I'm sorry, but guys, I don't know what's going on.
12:02 All right, there we go, we're finally out.
12:03 Is that freedom?
12:04 Are we out?
12:05 Oh no, okay, oh!
12:06 Get away, get away, get away, please, please, please.
12:10 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
12:12 I don't wanna buy the game, pause.
12:13 I don't wanna buy it, I don't wanna buy it.
12:15 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
12:17 Oh, it's a flipping car.
12:19 Well, what did I say?
12:20 Bonds, me one, okay, whatever, let's go.
12:22 Boast, use a boast.
12:23 Get me out of here, come on.
12:24 I have no idea what's going on, bro.
12:26 I don't know why it's first person, guys, I'm so sorry.
12:28 All right, come on, keep going, keep going, keep going.
12:30 Keep moving, oh, there's a guard here.
12:32 Hello, is she crying?
12:33 Hello, I'm sorry that invite.
12:36 What is this, why am I playing this?
12:38 Am I flipping mech?
12:39 Okay, I'm just gonna keep clicking.
12:41 I know this looks super weird, guys, but got it.
12:44 It's all my fault, it is not my fault.
12:46 The game is bugged, the game is flipping bugged.
12:48 No, I'm defeating her, though.
12:50 I'm defeating her, wearing a super cool mech suit,
12:52 but for some reason we cannot see it.
12:54 All right, there we go, just a couple more shots.
12:56 She's down, she's down.
12:58 Can't really see anything, but all right, peace out.
13:01 I'm just gonna go through here,
13:03 even though it looks super buggy.
13:04 And there we go, the helicopter.
13:06 Hasta la vista, baby.
13:08 I didn't have to buy the game pass.
13:09 Ha ha, ha ha.
13:12 Well, I guess I'll take one of these two videos
13:14 to see more, and I'll see you in the next one.